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LAP-BAND Patients
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    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Why can't we all just get along?   
    In society today people have become, well crazy. We ALL have crazy moment when we just seem to forget and make snap comments or judgement without thinking things through.
    What took place in CT is truly a tragedy that I don't think I will ever be able to comprehend. I had the same feelings when reading about and see reports about Columbine, Okalahoma City, 9-11, Virginia Tech - why do people hurt innocents. These are all horrible horrible things, but what about the small things.
    On a daily basis we (me and you) have the ability to hurt or help someone. In my job I can get easily frustrated with parents, kids, staff, and have to remind myself to be real. I should not take my frustration with one person out on someone else- they don't deserve it. This is also the situation with this site.
    This site was created with the hope of giving support to other who have been banded. There are some on this site who have done an amazing job with their band and really have it down, then there are some who are struggling or haven't done as well, but the one thing we have in common is the band. When I respond, write blogs, ect I try to only present what has happened to me on my journey.
    Each person on this site have influences that other do not- different doctor, emotional states, family situations, illnessess, ect there for the journey will not be the same for everyone. I tend to only get frustrated with those that try to tell people to go against doctors orders. If you choose a doctor and trust him/her then you should LISTEN to their medical advice!!!! If you doctor says you need vitamins, maybe there is something in your labs or history to cause the doctor to say that so take them no matter what anyone else says. If you doctor says eat xyz then do it. If you feel like you are getting unsound advice from the doctor seek out a second opinion from ANOTHER DOCTOR!!!! A bariactric specialist is the only one you should take MEDICAL advice from!!
    On this site we need to be here to tell our story, how we are doing, how we are making it on journey and what we have experienced. No, we do not need to sugar coat and validate bad behavior (eating food 2 days post op- I doubt this is allowed by any Doctor). What we should be doing is being a helpful encourager to stick to the program. We all are told to eat healthier (stop eating junk food every day and greasy fried foods), to move more (I didn't say be a gym rat, just move more), and to eat smaller portions ( I think most doctors recommend a cup). If you do not like a response some one has to a comment you posted either ignore it or RESPECTFULY state why you do not agree.
    The key is being respectful of each other, we can agree to disagree. I may not like what a person has to say, but that doesn't give me the right to bash them. If I expect respect, then I must give it.
    What a better world we would live in if people could just respect!!
  2. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, new jeans, again   
    A few weeks ago I had a coupon from BJ's for jeans so i bought a size 16. They went on but did not zip. Well today they are on the body! I can not believe it. I am happy today. In a short time the hub and I are joining the gym, About time!!!!!!!!!!
    Now to put on the Ugg boots to go out in the nasty weather we are having all week.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    'eye candy' aka Arlene
  3. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Difficulties through the Journey...   
    I think we all either have or will run into bumps in the lapband journey and we will all handle them in our own way.
    I was banded June 22- the first week of Dec. I hit 199- Onederland- after starting at 244. The month of Nov. I only lost 2 lbs. and I fear Dec will be the same. My doctor says that isn't really a plateau and to not stress about it, easy for his 130 lbs runners body to say.
    Granted, I haven't worked out must this last month. I have been busy with work (new system), getting ready for Christmas, Christmas parties and get togethers, and general household duties. I know there should be no excuses. However, when I get up at 5 am and and I don't stop going until 8:30 pm, that is all my body can give. As soon as my butt hits the chair I am asleep. Yesterday, it all caught up to me. Saturday night after our dinner party my head started hurting. I went to bed about 10 with it killing me. Woke of at midnight thinking I was going to have to go to the ER. I got some advil and took some. Woke up at 2 still killing me, but no worse. Again same thing at 5 and 6. I ended up not getting out of bed till noon. After that I felt groggy and like I'd been hit by a freight train. My hubs pointed out that maybe I needed the rest after running at such a rate for the last month and a half.
    Today I am better, but frustrated. My weight is stalled in the 199-200 zone. I do weight daily, which I know many say don't do, but I track my trends. Since Dec. 2 my weight has been bouncing between 199.2 and 200.8. I have started back counting calories in the last week and my calorie counts daily stay between 1150 and 1300, most days closer to the 1200 mark. My fit bit says I am buring some where around 2000 calories a day so I should be losing around 1 lb a week at the least. But, I'm not. I am staying still.
    I went to the doctor last week and it appears my thyroid is slightly off. I am going back this week to discuss meds. WTH- my thyroid wasn't off before surgery how the heck is it off now. No more than my thyroid is off my doctor says that shouldn't be causing a weight issue.
    All this has gotten me down and frustrated and made all my fears resurface. Have I lost all I will loose? Am I destined to always be the fat chick? Can I do this? Am I failing my band? What am I doing wrong? Am I going to gain all my weight back?
    I am freaking out right now. I want this so bad, but when I am doing what I suppose to (eating less moving more) and not losing I get so discouraged.
  4. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to debbiepolk for a blog entry, Liquid diet is like coming off of drugs:))   
    Wow has anyone else been on the liquid diet before surgery and wanted everything in the world to eat and know that you cannot have it.??? It is just like coming off of drugs. I am trying to find everything in the world to keep me busy so I will not eat then I will be sorry. I definite cannot cheat because my lb surgery is tomorrow. Which me luck:))
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    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Awareness   
    Happy Sunday
    Since I bought a Fitbit the other day, I have been recording everything I eat onto the computer. I am now so much more aware of everything I put in my mouth. It was one of the best investments I have made since my surgery. Some people need a crutch and I have found mine, the Fitbit.
    For all of you celebrating Santa, it will make a great gift.
    Just came home from food shopping. Awful weather in Boston, rain maybe snow later during the Pat's game tonight. Then we are rain/snow the rest of the week. UGH!
    Enjoy your evening everyone.
  6. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♥LovetheNewMe♥ for a blog entry, Success or Failure "Who's to blame?"   
    Wow are we a judgmental bunch! I read these blogs daily and daily I become more and more frustrated with the lack of sensitivity we show for one another. And I am sure someone will slam me today for this blog but honestly I really do not give a flip. We all come to this site for help, think about it ladies and gentleman none of us could do this on our own. Not one of us could lose weight and keep it off. Each of us has our own personal set of reasons as to why we are obese, read the paper, listen to the news, As a society we are getting more obese daily, our eating life styles have to change if we want to succeed with any WLS and face it this is HARD. Some of us have been very successful and some of us are still struggling. Some people may never be successful because they can't get the physiological side of this process hard wired. What do I mean by that statement, eating correctly is half the battle! I am fortunate, I have lost all my weight, well don't pat me on the back too fast. I still struggle daily just like I did at 252 pounds, I wake up every morning knowing that I have to work every minute of the day on eating right. The rest of the world is not on my plan, the rest of the world could care less that I can't eat certain foods or certain foods make me throw up. My point folks is this, we have to help each other. Some of us get this really easy and quick and some of us are really hard headed and may never get this. But honestly is it not worth trying to coach one another and having a little patience, compassion and human dignity. After all remember we were all once the fat person in the mirror and the whole world has been judging us for a long time, thinking we just sit around and eat bon bon's and stuff our faces. As we become thin, please don't let us become the people who have judged us for so long.
    In my line of work I am required to take sensitivity training, maybe we could all benefit from a little training! Sad we have to teach adults to be nice, no wonder our world is surrounded by so much evil and violence.
    So my topic who is to blame, only us and if we choose to fail we have no one to blame but our selves, just look in the mirror!
    Lapband is not for everyone, WLS is not for everyone, Surgery does not work for everyone and you and your surgeon can determine what is best for YOU!
  7. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Lunch anyone?   
    If my day is really busy I will eat lunch at my desk and continue to work. This was the case today.
    My lunch was meat & cheese rolled up and baby carrots, had this many times. So I’m eating and working….about half way into lunch I get the soft stop feeling. Okay, I stop. I then get the heavy chest feeling, something is trying to go down. This feeling stayed with me most of the afternoon.
    At 4pm I made myself a cup of hot tea, black tea with cream & splenda (It’s the English in me). I’m sipping my tea and I get the soft stop feeling….hummm, never got that with liquids before. I wait a few minutes and take another sip, get the soft stop feeling again. This time it’s followed up with saliva building in my mouth.
    Yep, I pb’d that tea right up along with carrots (sorry if TMI). Well, I guess I got stuck at lunch and finally got it out 4 hours later…..
    My Yellow Rose (my band) started talking to me after that & this is what she said, “See what happens when you don’t chew your food enough. See what happens when you don’t pay attention to what you are eating. See what happens when you eat too fast.”
    Wow, wasn’t expecting that. But, hay it happens. Sorry Yellow Rose, guess I won’t be eating that Mahi Mahi I planned for dinner. ..
    “Nope, I want liquids. I’ll teach you not to chew your food!”
    So, I am having a protein shake for dinner.
  8. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to FLORIDAYS for a blog entry, No unfill.....   
    I had an appointment this morning for an unfill prior to my Tuesday's tt and breast lift surgery... I had called my lapband surgeon's office and was told I needed to come in for an unfill. SO I left work... shlepped over to his office, waited for 15 minutes and did the normal weigh in...vitals etc... I had lost 15 lbs since October (my last fill appt). I knew this but always nice to see on his charts.
    Anyway the Dr comes in and of course is happy with my progrees and we chat about my upcoming TT and he said...so why are you here? I tell him and he said...we do not need to do an unfill for surgery.... I am so sorry my nurse gave you the wrong info. I was like...um ok... but it was nice to see you... and he said to the nurse...no charge for today, gave me a hug and told me to stop in to show him the results but that unless I need him he doesnt need to see me for 4 months. I felt like we were breaking up....LOL
  9. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, No more sand in my sandbox!   
    Cause I kicked it all out!
    I went to my PCP today for a follow up on my high blood pressure. When I was banded I was on 3 different medicines to control it. About 3 months ago my PCP took me off the last one and said we will monitor your pressure and see how you do.
    I was so proud of myself, for the last three months I have posted how I went from 3 meds to no meds…
    Well, today my doctor put me back on one of the meds at half the dosage. I was so disappointed in myself. I felt like I had failed, that NSV pulled right out from under me. I wanted to cry. I pouted all the way home.
    I know this is something that is not in my control. Everyone in my family has high blood pressure (the skinny ones too) and I know this could be genetic. But, dang it feels like I went backwards.
    To make myself feel better I went shopping for new pajamas. Mine where too big and the pants would fall off me as I slept (hubby didn’t mine this). Anyway, I got me some cute new PJs. See!
    Now time to put all my sand back in my sandbox. Thanks for listening.
  10. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Struggling   
    Do you admit when you are struggling?
    Or eat wrong?
    Or over eat?
    Or do you just hide it??
    I feel like I have been successful at my weight loss, I’ve lost 75 pounds in 10 months and I’m at goal. But, was I an A student the whole time? NO!
    I slipped more than once during my journey. I had nights where I munched on peanuts and chocolate chips, didn’t measure them out so I have no idea how much I truly ate. I also had times when I ate more carbohydrates than protein and times when I ate so fast that I was PBing my food back up.
    What I did do was be honest with myself. I tried to log everything in my food journal (I had to estimate some things). And I got back on the saddle as soon as possible.
    Perfection is not required for success; my doctor told me if I could give 80% I would see results. And I did see results.
    So to all of you struggling know that for every success story you read there are behind the scenes struggles, too.
  11. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, restaurant names customers   
    Hello Lap Banders,
    ​I have said before I am computer challenged, or I would re post an article. On Yahoo just now I read that a waiter in CA named a table of 3 women on their check, Fat Girls. How awful is that?? Do they call me and my over weight husband the 2 fatties.
    Have a great Hanukkah to all who celebrate.
  12. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♥LovetheNewMe♥ for a blog entry, Keeping a positive attitude.   
    i often get asked how do you stay so focused and positive. The answer easy, I look in the mirror every morning and I love what I see, I stand on the scales and I love what I see, I get to go shopping and wear pretty much anything I want! So I ask Why would I not stay focused and positive when this process has worked so well for me? Has it been easy NO!!! but what is worth achieving with out hard work and dedication? I will tell you something that has helped me and that is my positive outlook and commitment to this process. I have learned from both my positive experiences and my negative experiences. I have learned that I am far from perfect and can learn from everyone, even the ones who are struggling. I am just Polly Anna enough to believe that anything worth achieving is worth working hard for and I also believe that most people are good. Now I have been burnt a couple of times in my life but this does not prevent me from still believing in people.
    So I share with you this morning some positive affirmations for a healthy happy weight loss journey.
    I write them on my mirror, I post them in my office and on my refrigerator and share them with my friends.
    This is my trick for staying focused and realizing my dream of a thinner, healthier me.
    A list of positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

    I achieve my weight loss goals
    Losing weight comes naturally to me
    I choose nourishing, healthy foods
    I think before eating
    I drink lots of water
    Losing weight is fun
    Healthy foods taste better
    I am motivated by both successes and failures
    I accept and love my body as it is, and work to make it better
    I love challenges and embrace them
    I lose weight systematically and I keep it off permanently
    I am losing weight
    I exercise because it makes me feel good
    I respect my body and treat it with respect
    I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight
    I am encouraged by every success
    I am motivated by every shortfall
    Losing weight and I are one
    I dissolve all blocks to reaching a healthy weight
    I forgive myself
    I learn from my mistakes
    I fill all physical appetites in physically healthy ways
    I am aware of my eating habits and how they affect my weight
    I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily
    I build lean muscle and I lose fat
    I enjoy the process of reaching a healthy weight
    I see myself at my healthy weight and I achieve it
    I have non-stop daily determination to reach my healthy weight
    I like long walks
    It is easy for me to stay on my plan to obtain my healthy weight
    I picture myself at my perfect weight
    I have a positive attitude about what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat
    My body burns fat like a furnace
    Developing healthy eating habits becomes easier each day
    I stay on a healthy eating plan and maintain my healthy weight easily
    Each day, I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier


    Happy Sunday all and wishing you continued success to achieving your goals!

  13. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Ten months ago   
    I was banded on February 7, 2012, ten months ago. So what has changed?
    Ten Months Ago Today
    Weight 250lbs Weight 175lbs
    BMI 37 BMI 25
    Pant size 22 Pant size 10
    3 different meds for high blood pressure Don’t take any meds for high blood pressure
    Diagnosed pre-diabetic All blood work is NORMAL
    Hated myself, depressed Very happy with myself!
    Isolated myself, no friends Love all my new friends (especially the Banded Bs)
    Couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath Walk up 8 floors of stairs to my office every morning
    When I started this journey I knew I would have to change a lot of things (food I ate, volume I ate, exercise, etc…), I knew it would be a long hard journey and I hoped I would have the strength to be successful.
    Now here I am ten months later, at goal and starting the next chapter of my journey (maintaining).
    I make it sound easy, but I have to say IT’S NOT! I struggled many times. I got frustrated and wished I didn’t have to follow the rules. I had weight gains and plateaus.
    BUT, I didn’t give up. I kept plugging along and it worked. Here I am happier than I have been in 30 years.
    Now, I am focused on maintaining my weight and hopefully saving enough money for a tummy tuck next year. Lol
    To all the newly banded or about to be banded, success is a wonderful thing. It takes hard work, dedication and wantpower (CG I love your term).
    I love my band!!!!
  14. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to FLORIDAYS for a blog entry, FIgured it was about time to learn to blog...   
    I have been posting in the forums for several years and never even noticed the blog feature... but recently I am seeing that everyone is blogging.. so thought I would try it out.
    This week my patience has been tried on the forums so maybe I need to be more selective in replying to certain posts and use a blog to vent... something to think about....
    Have to go to my office Christmas party in 30 minutes.... I will stand around with my pretty glass of water with lemon and watch everyone stuff their faces on rich fatty appetizers... And tomorrow I will still be in my new found size 8s and they will be thinking of how to shed the bloat from their over induldging. Life is good!
  15. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Just Do It..... MOVE   
    I have touched on this before but I want to talk about it more.
    I got a fitbit a few weeks ago and realized how lazy I was.
    Since then I have tried to increase my steps and general movement daily to burn more calories and here is what I have done:
    @ work
    I walk to other offices when I need to talk to someone rather than calling.
    I take the long way to the bathroom and break room to get my snacks or lunch.
    Instead of rolling my chair I get up and walk to get things in my office.
    I fidget- shake my legs, stand when on the phone
    @ a store
    I park further away (ok unless it's raining- I don't like being wet)
    Walk as fast as I can between sections I need to go to or take the long way around the store.
    @ home
    Again take the long way to the potty or kitchen
    We have our master on the first floor, but I go upstairs everyday to check it (I have pets)
    I work out when I have time (busy time of year- have gifts to wrap)
    When I sit down to watch a fav show (like NCIS) I pick up my hand weights and use them while I watch or during commercials.
    Dance around the kitchen while cooking (the hubs just loves this- I find him watching from the door laughing)
    Dance in the shower while washing my hair
    Pace when on the phone
    I park my car in the garage and walk back to the mail box rather than stopping at the mail box.
    Play with my dog (tug of war kills my arms - she is STRONG)
    All these things add up to more calories burned and they put me in a better mood. I mean who won't laugh at themselves when they are dancing in the kitchen to Christmas carols or dancing in the shower. I feel better and am happier on the days I do these things.
    We all can increase our movement in some way even if we can't workout. As you do more movement the easier it gets to move and the more you can do and it turns into a wonderful cycle.
    So do it - MOVE!
  16. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, new jeans   
    I had a coupon for jeans from BJ"s and decided to buy a size 16. I wear an 18. I tried on the 16 and they button but don't zipper yet. WOW, in July I wore a women's size 20. Great feeling.
    Have a great evening everyone and a nice TGIF.
  17. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, How To Preserve A Husband   
    Be careful in your selection do not choose too young and take only such as have been reared in a good moral atmosphere. Some wives insist on keeping husbands in a pickle, while others put them in hot water. This only makes them sour, hard, and sometimes bitter. Even poor varieties may be made sweet and good by garnishing them with patience, well-sweetened with smiles and flavored with kisses to taste. Keep warm in a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with peaches and cream. When thus preserved, they will keep for years.
    This is from Carla Emery’s book The Encyclopedia of Country Living.
  18. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Is It Worth It?   
    Yesterday my husband & I were at an extended family gathering and a few of the relatives commented on my weight loss (they had not seen me since my surgery).
    I was sitting at a table with one of the cousins and she was asking me about it. I told her I had the Lap Band surgery and she said her daughter was thinking about doing that. Her daughter was also at the table and said either that or the sleeve. We started talking about WLS and I expressed that it didn’t matter which WLS a person does, they have to change their eating habits in order to be successful. They have to eat a lot of protein and veggies, no junk food, etc. She said oh I don’t know if weight loss is worth all that……. WHAT??????
    Is losing almost 75 pounds in 9 months’ worth it? YES
    Is going down 6 pant sizes worth it? YES
    Is being off all prescription medicines for high blood pressure worth it? YES
    Is not being pre-diabetic worth it? YES
    Is being able to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor of my office building every morning worth it? YES
    Is being able to push the lawn mower around my house worth it? YES
    Is hearing friends & family say how wonderful I look worth it? YES
  19. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, She Is Always Bragging About It?   
    At work today I overheard two coworkers talking. They were talking about ME and my weight loss. Now these two ladies are quite overweight themselves. Just saying so you get the picture…
    “I can’t believe her” “She is always bragging about it to everyone who walks by”
    I casually walk over to them.
    “Ladies I couldn't help but hear you talking about my weight loss. I have lost a lot of weight over the last 9 months and people notice that. Often people will ask me what’s your secrete? or How did you do it? When they ask I tell them my story, and if telling my story is bragging then guilty as charged!”
    I then turned and walked away with my head held high and a big huge smile on my face.
    Now I happened to be wearing my new fuchsia pink skinny pants and my grey high heal boots that hubby said made me look sexy! (Fashion note)
    I though should I be pissed? Nah, I’m happy!!!
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
    If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
  20. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, What Size Is That?   
    I try to measure my food all the time. Not a problem when I'm at home, I use my food scale.
    But what to do when eating out like at family and friends?
    I was given this chart by my nutritionist, I find it very handy and wanted to share it with anyone interested
  21. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♥LovetheNewMe♥ for a blog entry, Fad Diets And Lap Band: "this Is Not A Diet"   
    Well I just thought I would blog a little tonight. We have all made it through Thanksgiving but we still have Christmas and New Years to survive and oh let's not forget all the wonderful goodies that will be floating around the office and at families and friends houses all holiday season... So that is what brings me to my topic today: Fad diets and Lap Band, "This is not a Diet"
    First I have a couple of questions:
    1. How many of you have stopped losing and felt frustrated with the band?
    2. How many of you have been so frustrated that you were tempted to fall right back into the dieting yo-yo behaviors of the past?
    3. How many of you have been tempted to just leave your band a little tight so you would lose weight faster?
    4. How many of you have been tempted to go back to phase one of eating, you know shakes,liquidsiguids, etc?
    5. How many of you have been so desperate to see that scale move that you would just about try anything?
    Well if this is YOU, than STOP!
    Living with Lapband is not about fad diets and continuing some of the same behaviors that got us to this point in the first place. This is a life style change and none of us got obese over night, so why do we expect to become thin over night. Simple: It is just human nature and we live in an instant gratification superficial society. I posted a book in a blog several months ago and I am reposting tonight for those of you who want to continue to use your lap band as the tool it was intended. This was a book written by a lap band surgeon after studying patients who were committed to losing 90-100% of their excess body weight.
    I was one of those people who was stalled, no matter what I did the scale sat there and taunted me with the same numbers day after day. I was one of those who looked over and over my diary sheets trying to find out what I was doing wrong. So why didn't the scale move? To lose weight you have to eat 3500 calories less than your body needs to drop "1" pound. Now does everyone really understand what that means, I didn't. Well that's not true, I had read that before and I did know it but I didn't really get "it". Basically you have to eat less and do more but there is a perfect balance of how many calories you need to take in so your body does not think you are starving. Everyone needs to know what their BMR is and understand what that means. This is the amount of calories your body needs just to maintain a normal day of sleeping, eating, working and playing. Everyone;s is different and based on how active you are. I have a sedentary life style, I work in an office and I am basically inactive 10-12 hours a day, moderately active about 2 hours a day and maybe very active about 1 hour a day (if I go to the gym)
    I really began to understand this once I started wearing my Fit Bit and it took me weeks even wearing this before I really understood why my scales were not moving. I was eating band friendly foods, eating within my allotted calories and portions but the scale would move small increments or not at all. When I started to really analyze my intake and activity I finally started to realize i was losing what was expected due to my intake and my activity. Well I knew i was not going to eat less so I made a decision to be more active. I increased my protein intake, did cardio 5 days a week and strength training 3 days a week. Basically I became recommitted to my band and to living healthy. I had the eating part down but the activity part I still struggled with, I was inconsistant with my exercise and the level and intensity of the exercise.
    This is not an easy journey by far but it is achievable with dedication, accountability and true grit!
    No one told us this would be easy!
    No one told us this would happen over night!
    And they did tell us we would have to follow the rules and learn to make the band work for us. Key words, "Make the Band Work for Us!"
    So for all you Newbies out there please realize that success with Lap Band can be a reality, it does take hard work and it is worth every new lesson you learn along the way. When reading the forums learn from both the postive and the negative, there is something that can be learned from everyones successes and failures.
    So as promised, attached is the book by Dr. Simpson, "The Last 30 Pounds" .
    Wishing everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season, and remember this is not a "DIEt"
    The Last 30 Pounds.pdf
  22. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to CHEZNOEL for a blog entry, Who Is Cheznoel   
    OK... so most of you know me as a member of the Banded b*****s. I have been called RUDE, SNARKY, UNHELPFUL. WONDERFUL, A LIFESAVER, all in the same day. Such is life. Maybe, it would help if some of you knew more about me. I am currently 63 years old, banded at 62 on October 31, 2011. I am 8 pounds from my personal goal, but have achieved my GP, WL Surgeon, NP and Nutritionists goal of 175. I moved my own goal down to remind me that this is a life style not a short term diet. I will always keep working. I am 5'9" tall and no wear size 8 jeans, down from 20/22's My highest weight was 263,
    On the personal side, I am a wife (29 years with hubby # 2, # 1 and I parted ways.) I am a mother of two girls one 40 and the other 37. I am a grandmother to two gorgeous ladies, Morgan soon to be 13 and Grace 9 1/2. They belong to the older daughter. I have 2 great son-in-laws as well. I am the Godmother of two other young girls, Grace and Eva. I have been retired for almost 10 years. My hobbies are quilting, golf and traveling. My husband and I have been to all 7 continents and over 50 countries. We actually lived in Brussels, Belgium for 2 years, and still miss our favorite Neuhaus Chocolate. Good thing we are not there now, or I might have even more problems maintaining weight loss! LOL
    I have been an active member of LBT and really like helping newbies. My less than polite side come out when people ask what I consider stupid questions.... Like "gee do my scars look infected to you" or I went out drinking and threw op for 36 hours do you think I damaged my band." If you want positive help from me stay away from asking medical questions. We all have surgeons, nutritionists and other medical professionals for that. If you hurt take a pain pill or call your doctor.
    I love my LAP BAND and all the members of my private social group the Banded b*****s, so don'; pick on them either. We are all here to learn and help. I learn new things every day, and I hope a help a few other along the way. That's it for my first ever blog. I planning to go in for a fill next week, let you know how that goes. It will be my third.
    CHEZNOEL, AKA Princess Grammy.
  23. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Towanda, The Avenger!   
    I love the movie Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) with Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, it’s a must see so rent it if you've never seen it. This is one of my favorite scenes…… Just wanted to share it with everyone.
    I never get mad, Mrs. Threadgoode. Never!
    The way I was raised it was bad manners.
    Well, I got mad and it felt terrific.
    I felt like I could beat the sh*t outta all those punks!
    Excuse my language. Just beat 'em to a pulp!
    Beat 'em till they begged for mercy.
    Towanda, the avenger!
    After I wipe out all the punks of this world,
    I'll take on the wife beaters, like Frank Bennett,
    and machine gun their genitals.
    Towanda will go on the rampage.
    I'll put tiny bombs in Penthouse and Playboy...
    so they'll explode when you open 'em.
    I'll ban all fashion models who weigh less than 130 pounds.
    I'll give half the military budget to people over 65...
    and declare wrinkles sexually desirable.
    Towanda, righter of wrongs, queen beyond compare!
    How many of them hormones you takin', honey

  24. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, What Is Maintenance?   
    So my doctor wants me to change my mindset, think maintenance instead of weight loss…
    What does that mean?
    I am finally comfortable with my portion sizes and my band. I don’t get stuck or pb, I can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, I can eat any foods, I eat 1200 calories a day and I don’t feel hungry between meals.
    For me, it means nothing changes. I lost my weight with my band more on the loose side than the tight side and therefore my body will settle and I’ll stop loosing (that’s what my doctor says). Probably around the weight of 170-175 lbs.
    That’s the physical part, but what about the mental part? How does the head handle maintenance?? What if I can’t keep the weight off? What if I fail and gain weight back? I can’t fail; I've worked too hard to get here. But, what if??? Man, the head is my biggest obstacle.
    I have to get a hold of my thoughts. I know I can do this. Per my doctor, nothing has changed. I still have the same fill; I still eat my cup of food, 3-4 ozs protein, ½ cup veggies. I still drink my water. I still exercise. I am at goal and it’s just another number on the scale.
    I'm just at the next chapter in my banded lifestyle.
  25. Like
    ☠carolinagirl☠ reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, We Are Family!   
    The last few weeks I have seen several threaded where members have gotten heated with topics and each other…
    It made me realize that we are a family, a big huge family. We fight just like brothers & sisters, we have those annoying aunts and uncles (you know the ones) but most important is we love each other and support each other to the hill.
    We all have one goal and that is to be thin. We are very passionate about our goal; we fight and defend it to all ends. And I for one love that!!!!
    I love reading the tough love, slap on the hand, you know better posts. I also love reading the cheering you on, you can do it; I believe in you, you got this posts. I also love being able to post these types of posts to my brothers and sisters.
    I thank each and every one of you for your words…every word! I would not be where I am at today if it wasn’t for those words and the support I have received from everyone here.
    P.S. If the Sister Sledge song is stuck in your head…..my job is done. lol

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