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Do you admit when you are struggling?


Or eat wrong?


Or over eat?


Or do you just hide it??


I feel like I have been successful at my weight loss, I’ve lost 75 pounds in 10 months and I’m at goal. But, was I an A student the whole time? NO!


I slipped more than once during my journey. I had nights where I munched on peanuts and chocolate chips, didn’t measure them out so I have no idea how much I truly ate. I also had times when I ate more carbohydrates than protein and times when I ate so fast that I was PBing my food back up.


What I did do was be honest with myself. I tried to log everything in my food journal (I had to estimate some things). And I got back on the saddle as soon as possible.


Perfection is not required for success; my doctor told me if I could give 80% I would see results. And I did see results.


So to all of you struggling know that for every success story you read there are behind the scenes struggles, too.


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Hmm, since this was a journey and not a diet i would say anyone who says they never ever ate anything they were not suppose to is less than truthful. I was good but not perfect, today I am good but not perfect. I am disciplined and I do know when to stop and I make healthy choices 90% of the time. This is life and parties, family gathering, and basically **** happens. I do not overeat becasue it makes me feel aweful but I do have a drink, I do have an occassional piece of chocolate and I do love my popcorn and nuts. My difference now is that I count these things in my daily intake of food, the one thing I have consisitantly been honest with is my calorie intake. If I go over one day I go way under the next. If I chose to make a poor choice of a high calorie food, I may joke about it but I do not obess about it. This is my life and I am carving it out one day at a time and I will Bee"Successful!

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