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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by EdmontonGal

  1. I felt this way shortly after surgery. I was losing and doing everything right but I wan unhappy. Turns out that sometimes, the surgery itself can cause a little bit of depression. It is allot of trauma to put your body through. Pinch hubbys ass, make him go on a walk with you and keep on trucking! This too shall pass. I turned to herbal tea (crazy good flavors out these days) when I was really just needing a comfort! GOOD LUCK!

  2. Allot of people do not see the change in themselves! Take measurements. I didnt and regret it. The scale wont always move but if you are doing everything right, you will be getting more muscle and losing fat! Measurements will show you progress when the scale isnt. I still see myself at 262lbs sometimes. Other times, I see the change. Keep at it! YOu are looking great!

  3. Dont let yourself get HANGRY. lol.

    Make sure to eat a little bit even if you aren't hungry. If you get in to the habit of this now, it will be much easier to avoid it when you are back on solids.

    Being starved makes it really hard to eat an appropriate portion!


  4. Hi Young;

    I have never had restriction. I am 5 months out. I traded in my old dishes for smaller ones along with the utensils too. This doesnt make me any fuller BUT I force myself to eat slowly, chew allot and dont punish myself if by the time I am done a teeny bowl of dinner, I am still hungry for more.

    This may sound silly but regardless of what size of serving, your brain says to you "seconds, you will be full after this" and something kicks in when you have to keep going back to fill your plate. I eat allot of things in individual portions now because for me, this has worked! I also get them to pack up half of whatever I happen to eat out (way less often now) before they serve it to me. I only get a crack at half because the rest is behind the counter, waiting to take home.

    Eat at a dinner table and not in front of the tv... and duh... keep moving!

    Motivation comes and goes for all of us! You are not in this alone and you can do it!

  5. I am 5 months out and working really hard at the belly fat. The battle seems useless! :) I keep on trucking though and I really have convinced myself that there is a 6pack under this loose saggy skin and pudge! I do sit ups, planks, squats, leg lifts while sitting in a chair. Sit on the edge of the chair, back straight and knees together. Fold your arms on your lap. Lift both feet off of the ground while sucking in the tummy. Hold feet up for as long as you can.

    This one feels like its doing something anyway! :) Good Luck!

  6. I had my first fill 9 weeks out. My second is scheduled for tomorrow at 15 weeks. I have no restriction AT ALL. I find that I make better choices and concentrate on better portions though. I started this after surgery. i measure everything out, use smaller plates, bowl and utensils and I exercise 4 or 5 days a weeks. I feel like I didn't go through major surgery to get back to my old habits! I often wonder if the band was really for me because so far, it hasn't done anything.... except completely change the mental aspect to all of this!!!! I think its what I needed most!

    If that's all that I ever get from this band, IT IS ENOUGH!

    GOOD LUCK! Hang in there! This too shall pass!


  7. I am 14 weeks out, 1 fill in, 2nd fill next week and I dont feel anything either. I often wonder if I ever will BUT in the meantime I have been controlling my portions to be what they expect me to eat when I get there and I am doing fine. 20lbs in a month is fabulous! You are doing something right!

    It all takes time and the more you set your ways without the band, the better you will succeed! The band will only be a back up! Keep up the hard work!


  8. Hi Chose!

    Dont beat yourself up! We all make less healthy choices sometimes. Last week I was at the bar twice DRINKING and shared a plate of nachos for dinner during one of them! I also missed 3 workouts last week!

    Not weighing in until Tuesday because that is my weigh in day. I am mentally prepared to have NOT lost anything this week and to have most likely gained. You reap what you sow!

    It is important to follow the Dr. directions previous to and immediatley following surgery BUT my psychologist tells me all the time...

    1) DONT BE HARD ON YOURSELF! The negative self-talk just starts an ugly cycle! For me it ws typical to say to myself "why are you even trying? This is the same old shit that got you here". When we are not gentle with ourselves is when we beat ourselves down! STOP IT! You can do this and you will!

    2) Make excellent choices 90% of the time and give yourself permission to make less healthy choices %10 of the time! It sounds silly but when you give yourself permission, you wont beat yourself up! No one is perfect. We all will indulge. Know it is coming and be okay with it!

    None of this is easy, but stay strong and it will all be so worth it in the end!



  9. Hi DeeDee, I so get your "I coudl do this without the band" thought! I am 12 weeks post op and only had my first fill of 2ccs at the end of March. I am scheduled for my second fill on May 2nd. I have not had any restriction at all. It acts more like a shock collar really. I know that I went through all of this with a goal in mind so I still try to control portions as if I was sitting at my sweet spot. This helps but yes, without the band working the restriction, it can be really tough! Hang in there. Keep doing what you are doing!!! I never set a weight goal at all and have to be satisfied with losing, slowly but surely losing these lbs for good!

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