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Worried about new pain

So i had my surgery end of March, so soon to be 5 months, and for the past 3 weeks or so, ive been getting a sharp pain in my stomach where the port (i guess thats what its called) is. When i touch it, you can feel it hard. I know they say the more weight you lose the more visible it is and easier to touch. But ive barely lost anything, and its almost sticking out. And its very painful, almost like needle is trying to poke it. I cant lay on my stomach anymore, and it hurts when im in certain angles on my side. Im afraid its moved (if thats even possible). Any ideas what it could be, any similar experiences with anyone?

Young and banded

Young and banded


First stuck incident... need tips

After over 3 months of being banded today i had my first stuck moment, and OH MY GOD i never want to feel that in my life again. That was beyond painful. I didnt panic because i know what it is and knew i was going to have it one day. It doesnt block my breathing which is a plus. But i didnt know what to do. I know youre suppose to take papaya enzyme pills or drink hot water. But i dont have the pills and the water wasnt working. I was being tortured for over 30 minutes. That was very sharp pain it felt like something was going to rip out of me. My mouth started, not foaming but it was very interesting liquids coming out, and i couldnt throw up the food it was so jammed. I couldnt even talk. Its literally stuck, i never knew the feeling until now. It just refused to go up or down. I drank some hot water but that automatically made me feel worse and it didnt go down past my throat and i had to force myself to throw up the water.   Any home remedies i can do other than these? or tips that help you guys? This was too painful. i need to start being careful.

Young and banded

Young and banded


2nd fill

So today i had my second fill (had my surgery Mar 25) i previously had 3cc in me and today 2.5 more was added so im at 5.5cc. I had gained 2 lbs i really hope this fill works this time around. Im having a hard time giving up my favorite foods like something so simple like rice and broccoli. Come on lap-band work with me and let me start losing the weight i need for the confidence i want. Anyone else at 5.5cc or around there? how do you feel? what are you able to eat and when do you get full?

Young and banded

Young and banded



Im so not motivated.. I had my surgery a little over 2 months ago, had my fill about 3 weeks ago and ive completely stopped losing weight. I eat as much as before, i feel like nothing has changed. Im starting to wonder if i had the wrong surgery... i need some major motivation

Young and banded

Young and banded


Got my first fill today !!!

My doctor is great, i didnt feel a thing. He made it so easy. I was so nervous i was sweating like i just walking out of a sauna. I havent been doing my diet the past like 3 weeks but im down 4 lbs again. i need to get back on track. my diet of cereal and sushi came to a end . no more rice no more milk. But i am really mad im back on a liquid diet. I hate soup.

Young and banded

Young and banded



So today marks my one month post op of surgery, and im down 20 something lbs. and im happy with the results but a little worried. When i eat i dont sense the feeling of fullness. I just stop myself when i know i should be full (2-4ounces) cause i know the risks of over eating. But im confused why i never get the feeling of fullness. People talk about how one egg fills them up and stuff but i never get that "oh my god im so full" feeling... anyone else get these? solutions ? tips ? suggestions?

Young and banded

Young and banded


Phase 3 :D

I thought this day would never come when ican slowly start eating food ! i finally got the ok from my doctor today that ican have a scoop of chicken, salmon, turkey and tuna.. But it has to be blended with yogurt and super mushy. But hey as long as im not in the liquid stage im happy. I wasnt too happy with my weight loss number but isee the change in my body. Im down 15lbs in 3 weeks, but my clothes are already loose, my collar bone sticks out, and double chin is almost gone

Young and banded

Young and banded


So sick of liquids

Today is my 14th day after surgery so im finally officially done with my liquid hell of a diet. I cant stand the thought of soup anymore. Now i just eat my sugar free fudgicles, sugarfree puddings and gotta go shopping for my mushies. I can feel myself slowly wanting to cheat because of the liquid diet, but im happy im out.

Young and banded

Young and banded



Well im on Day 8 post op surgery. And even though im really sick of this liquid diet im happy with all the pounds im shedding. But i cant wait till im done with the liquid diet. Its really frustrating for me. Am i the only one that has all this bone pain? My back and shoulders kill me and im sleepy all day. Hopefully im 100% recovered soon and with that all this pain will magically disappear. I would love to meet someone my age that has had the surgery.

Young and banded

Young and banded

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
