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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Who has VSG surgery on 12/30/2019???

    Hi there! Keep it up! I am also having surgery on 12/30/19. My pre-op diet won't start until next week.
  2. 1 point
    Welcome to the journey = Now just take it slow and enjoy the ride ...... The gas is a pain in the ass but will let up over time, Since you are not using the pain meds send them here I will dispose of them correctly
  3. 1 point

    No eggs on purée?

    I have another month of purée (already been on purée for 1 month). The team is specific about not advancing the diet until you are seen by them and they “can’t fit me in” until 1/16. This is really starting to affect me psychologically. And I just don’t feel very secure in what they are telling me. But, I am truly trying to follow what they say and want.
  4. 1 point
    That’s really incredible! You’re doing great!
  5. 1 point
    Please don't beat yourself up, Clair!! Whoever told you the weight would "fall off" is SO wrong!! Nothing happens overnight. The pounds didn't load on overnight, They're not going to leave overnight. Congratulations on your 2 years sobriety! It's not an easy feat. You did that! You can do this!! 22 pounds in 2 weeks is GREAT!!! Hang around here - we have your back! You can do this, Clair!! You can!!
  6. 1 point
    Im not even 4 weeks out, so my experience is limited compared to some others on here. First, i never thought of myself as a candidate for surgery. I guess i was in denial and always thought that i could just lose the weight if i "wanted to". We'll I've wanted to for the last 8 years, finally my wife convinced me that something had to change, add in the fact that i have a 4 year old and 1 year old. So if a little sacrifice now will keep me around for them longer, then I'm willing to do whatever it takes. My insurance company required 6 months of nutrition visits before paying for my surgery, so i had 6 months to get my act in gear and lose weight on my own, i didn't. Ultimately that was the final affirmation that i needed to know that i would be better off with the surgery. I can tell you in just 4 weeks, I'm sleeping better, feeling better, off all meds and have more energy and i still have another 70 lbs to lose. I can tell you that there were some concerns on my behalf about gas pains, stomach pains and recovery, i had none of that and I credit that to the surgeon and the care that i received. As for the actual surgery, do your research, find a reputable surgeon, make your decision and go for it.
  7. 1 point
    Keep in Mind, the ER Nurse is ONLY going to see those with issues. Those of us that have had absolutely no issues have not been to the ER.
  8. 1 point
    AJ Tylo

    work after surgery

    Going to be a slow go - I would say at most 10 days. Make sure you move and move around a ton right after surgery, It gets better every day! Its the law for medical leave so try and shorten your shifts down a little to 5 hours may be a lot easier, but wait to you see how easy 8 will be when you drop a 100 pounds
  9. 1 point

    Missing you

    I do miss my wine!
  10. 1 point

    What was your diet pre op like?

    No Pre-Op diet here. My group recently changed protocol due to no evidence of any long term success/failure based on pre-op diet. Your sensation of hunger, and fill will be completely different post-op, therein making pre-op plan, little more than a nuisance.

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