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  1. 2 points


    Hi OP! Lots of us won't know what trimfit is. Or how it would help a post bariatric surgery lifestyle. I think most of us just stick to the plan our surgeons set out. We see greater or lesser losses depending on a number of variables. Please could you provide a link or a clearer description of what it is and what you're hoping to achieve by incorporating it into your plan?
  2. 1 point

    yogurt after surgery

    yep - the others are correct. It's the added sugar that they want you to avoid (or really limit). Most of the sugar in yogurt (unless it's got added sugar in it because of the flavorings) is lactose, which is naturally occurring in milk. I eat yogurt every day and have since my surgery nine years ago. I eat very little meat, so having Greek yogurt for breakfast starts my day off with a good amount of protein.
  3. 1 point

    Water intake at one time

    You can do what you can do but do remember those cut nerves are still healing (about 8 weeks to be fully healed) so messages may nit be getting through as well or quickly. Probably best to tread more carefully for a few more weeks. Personally I still can’t chug. Any more than two mouthfuls & groan. But I drink slowly all day & night rarely feel really thirsty. I keep at a good hydration level all day I think.
  4. 1 point
    Tamika James

    Imposter syndrome?

    So glad to know I'm not alone. *big hugs
  5. 1 point
    had my gastric bypass yesterday and must admit I am struggling quite a bit. have been in a massive amount of pain and am exhausted. Hopping it gets better soon
  6. 1 point

    PCOS & Underactive Thyroid

    That's really good to know! I heard the difference between sleeve and bypass described as a nudge vs a shove, and I knew I needed a shove. I'm glad to hear the hormonal issues are indeed likely to get some help!
  7. 1 point

    2 years post op

    you might have to decrease your calories or increase your exercise to get the scale moving again. Caloric intake can vary widely among people depending on so many factors. There are people on here who have to eat 1200 kcal to maintain, and others who can eat 2000. To lose weight, they'd have to eat fewer than their maintenance level (or bump up their activity). My maintenance level is around 1600, but I can go up to 1800 or so if I'm exercising most days of the week. BTW - the lower your weight, the fewer calories you have to take it to maintain the lower weight. So your calorie limit at 19 stone would be lower than what you'd need to maintain at 21.9 stone.
  8. 1 point

    Dealing With Negative Comments

    I wouldn't be surprised if you losing weight is absolutely terrifying to your ex. As long as you are obese, he can assure himself that you'll never find anyone better than he was, which seems to be important to a lot of people regardless of whether they ended the relationship or you did. It's a pride thing. But when you start losing weight, now you're probably happier with more energy, you might look more attractive, maybe dressing in nicer clothes, too... uh oh! Now he sees you were totally settling for his sorry butt and are likely to find someone way better, and then his ego will be bruised as all your friends and family tell you how lucky you are. My ex, (who is legally not my ex yet, which is very annoying) is the sabotaging type, too. I see him 5 days a week when he picks up the kids for school or drops off from activities. I've had to tell him about the surgery as I'll need his help with the kids, and I am still on a family plan insurance so he'll need to know about deductibles and such, but I fully expect him to start panicking as the weight loss becomes noticeable. I can hardly wait to find out how he'll try to sabotage me.
  9. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hello!! January 30th is my date. I’m nervous. I lost 130 pounds on my own in the last couple of years and have gained at least 50 Of it back, I keep telling myself this is the right thing to do I don’t want all that weight back, I’m glad I’m catching it in time but I am still nervous. I got a surgery date 5 years ago and backed out due to my career and trying to do it on my own. Now here I am again and I refuse to back out.Wish me luck and God Bless.
  10. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Jan 11th for me too!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
