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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Rate of weight loss

    you'd lost more than I did at that point. Seriously, you have no control over your rate of weight loss. You only have control over whether you stick to your plan or not. If you stick to your plan, the weight WILL come off, either fast or slow. I was a slow loser from the get-go but was very committed to my plan. I lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs. Just stick to the plan...
  2. 3 points
    I use a resident program called Nutribase, which is a slightly lightened version of what they sell to doctors and RDs (lightened mostly in that it can only handle a few "clients" rather than hundreds) as any of the online apps when we started this around fifteen years ago sucked, particularly when trying to handle menus for more than one person. These apps are only as good as the databases they use, typically USDA and the manufacturers, (Nutribase also draws from Canadian gov databases, as well), so one product is unlikely to be any more "accurate" for what you are looking for than another. If you are worried about how net carbs are being calculated, you are way overthinking the problem, as that has virtually no impact on your WLS success. The fiber is important to keep track of to help keep things moving and the overall calories largely govern your loss rate. For the rest of it, learn to eat good quality food and the rest pretty much takes care of itself. With things like carbs ( and fats, when that was the big diet thing) quality is a lot more important than quantity. 60-70 g of high quality complex carbs from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc., is a lot better for you than 20-30 g of junk carbs from artificial sweeteners and frankenfoods. Note - I never worried about carb and fat counts and still had to slow down my loss rate as I got to the six month mark.
  3. 2 points
    5 days post-op revision from VSG to MGB. Back home, feeling great. No more gas pain. Only minor discomfort in the abdominals, rather like after having done a bunch of sit-ups. Definitely don't feel like eating anything. Don't even have the boredom hunger like I had before. Fluids are going down ok though so that's good. Going back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  4. 2 points

    1400 calories for maintenance

    Thank you ProudGranny!! Your weight loss is great as well!! 1300 sounds reasonable. I do have an appointment with my nutritionist next week so we will see what they say as well. I always have the fear of the weight coming back. Thank you for the welcome! Looking forward to everyone's support!
  5. 1 point
    Stress eating is real! I have been going through some relationship issues myself, and I really turned to food. I love chips, and wow...can I eat a lot of them! For me, the key was just being honest with myself. I had to stop and ask myself if I was really hungry, or if I was eating just to eat. It is much harder than I imagined. I have also learned that I need a real lunch, or I will graze all day long. Eating something more substantial for lunch definitely helps me get through the day without snacking. I have gone back to a pretty strict schedule in terms of eating. Breakfast - Protein Shake - Lunch - Afternoon Snack - Dinner. Without a meal built in over lunch, it is more like breakfast - protein shake - graze all day - dinner. Another thing that has helped me, probably more than anything, is getting back to the gym. I am getting 1 hour of cardio in 5 days a week, and 1 hour of weight lifting in 2 days a week. The exercise has helped so much because it has replaced my stress eating, and it has just made me feel more normal again. I feel like I have really started to lose myself if my current personal situation, and this is making me feel like my old self. I think there are major changes coming for me soon, so I really want to focus on staying healthy and positive. Anyhow, good luck with everything! You look great by the way. 😀
  6. 1 point

    Rate of weight loss

    It's normal, I had my surgery on the April 29th. Yesterday I was at 216 and today I am at 214 a total of 30 lbs since surgery and (46 lbs overall). My doctor and dietitian said my rate is above expectation. Don't compare yourself to others. There are times when I am at the same weight for couple of days and then I see a 2 lb drop on the scale.
  7. 1 point

    Pre surgery fears

    Oh no I just read it got pushed back! I am so sorry they did that to me three times and each time I was super devastated. Don’t worry keep your head up! You’ll be going in for surgery before you know it.
  8. 1 point

    Weil-Cornell- Dankin or Afaneh?

    Thank you. I’m thinking the gastric sleeve.
  9. 1 point

    1400 calories for maintenance

    @codingirl79 hi newbie you are brand new here, but i see you have lost 80 lbs - DOS. 11/6/18 - post sleeve, that's terrific sounds, like you are doing everything right!! being healthy and a cutie, what more could you ask for!!☺️ at 10 months out. you have to "weigh" LOL your options - how about meeting in the middle with you calories, see if you can maintain at 1300. Try it for awhile and see what happens. Continue to up/down your calories until you are maintaining - and feeling good Many variables like @summerset good luck welcome to the boards☺️ kathy congrats
  10. 1 point

    Stalled at almost 7 months

    Stalls happen. It sounds like you're not in a stall though, you're eating/drinking sugary things that are high in calories. Go back to counting your calories and tracking everything you eat. Focus on protein.

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