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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Okay - enough of my self sabotage, its time to kick it up and get the body I've always wanted. I'm so pumped. My knee still burns and I have not been able to climb a step yet, but I am ready to hit the gym! I will just have to modify my exercises. Its time to adopts the NO MORE EXCUSES rule. I cannot and will not be making any more excuses. I have this wonderful tool inside me (also known as "the band") and it is time to use it and quit eating around it!   I'm starting a 2008 12 week exercise challenge, begins 1/7/08. I'm so excited to get back into the exercise. I can't wait for my fill on 1/18. I need it so bad!   I need to measure tonight and I'm going to start planning my meals better.   Today   Bfast 4 slices of bacon (70 calories for 2 slices - very small & thin) coffee with cream   Lunch 1 cup of lettuce 2 oz of chicken on top 1 oz of cheese a few sunflower seeds balsamic/olive oil dressing   snack LC SF yogurt a handfull of granola   dinner -   Water -   suppliments - quickslim30, flinstones





Sometimes being a woman is just hard! I'm not sure what in the world is going on but 2 weeks ago on the 7th, I got my visit from TOM, which was 10 days early! Now, two weeks later, I get it a gain. This makes two visits in 1 month! I hate that. Heck, no wonder I can't lose weight. I keep having my monthly which bloats me up. No wonder my cravings are so intense. It all makes sense now.   Its frustrating but what can I do about it. I've got horrible cramps today too. No wonder I felt so wide open this past week. I think I might get on the b/c pill just to regulate me, but I sure don't want to gain weight with b/c pills.





Updating my journal - I seem to be in a total fog these days and just not caring. I do care on one hand, the other I don't, because I keep eating chocolate - sugar!   Last night, I went home, I did good all day, I wasn't even hungry, and ended up eating 2 smores. grrrrrr. Then I set down and watched the Biggest Loser - I have got to get control of this sugar addiction of mine.   Okay - tomorrow - I'm starting the Atkins induction plan - this will help me with my cravings. Yes, I am going to do it. I've got to get my zeal and determination back! I'm so close to goal, but yet so far!




Happy 11 month Anniversary to me

Today makes 11 months since my banding. Scales have not went down, and have went up this month. Normally I would be sad, but I'm really not. I've not done good with eating the past month, I need a fill badly, so I'm okay with gaining 3 lbs. 3 lbs in a month is acceptable to me.   Here is my updates on weight: Highest weight - 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178 6 mo post op - 174 7 mo post op - 178 - went on vacation and ate big 8 mo post op - 174 9 mo post op - 170 10 mo post op- 167 11 mo post op - 170 - havent even been trying




Next year is going to be different

No longer am I going to stress over the scales, I will take it one day at a time and learn to accept the things I cannot change.   The year 2008, Its going to be great No longer are we going to mess with our head We are going to change the person inside instead We will be happy and strong We will live healthy and long We will enjoy our new lives and silicone buddy Living any other way will only drive us nutty. So again I scream, the year 2008 Its going to be wonderful and great! I'm tired of living my life around the scales, I'm tired of obsessing with my weight. I will focus on making better choices, exercise and the rest will come. If it doesn't, I've come a long way and I can live with my weight at 167. I can deal with it, and 167 is not too far overweight. So, we'll see what next year brings.




I love my silacone buddy

Okay, so I've been eating and binging the last week. I've avoided the scales because I just couldn't bare seeing them say 175lbs or 180 lbs.   Well this morning, I decided "Tonya, you have to face the music". I was dreading stepping on the scales, but I knew I needed to see the damage I've done so I can get back on track.   Well, I stepped on the scales, held my breath a little, and I was shocked. I knew the scales would say at least 175, but they didn't - they said 172.3! I couldn't believe I hadn't gained more. I love the band, I will NEVER EVER EVER be fat again! I just remember all the times pre-band that I binged, how many lbs I would gain off one binge - alot of times it was 10, 20, 30 lbs in a month - I swear it!   Even though I think I'm eating a lot, I still am not eating NEAR the amount of food I ate pre-band! And, I'm not even at a good restriction level.   Oh, stepping on the scales this morning made me feel so good and in control again. Thank you my dear silacone buddy!





I got my power on late last night! Yay!   Now, as far as eating, I'm taking it one day at a time. I called the hospital and asked them to put me on the waiting list so if there is a cancellation before my appointment, I would like to come in. So hopefully someone will cancel and I can get my fill before 1/18/07!   Okay - I did good yesterday for bfast & lunch, had some roasted chicken and salad for lunch, but dinner - well not that I ate that much, but I just ate the wrong things. My SIL cooked her famous homemade cookies (choco chip), well, need I say more. My will power and self control left. I feel like I have no control right now, I feel like I cannot say no to anything sweet, what in the world is wrong with me?   I think deep down I am using my "no restriction" as an excuse to eat whatever I want, that is bull crap, I need to have some sort of control!   Okay, today is another day so I start again.......today will be better, I know it will be!   PS - avoided the scales, just can't deal with them and decided I will just weigh on my 11 month band anniversary next week (Tuesday, 12/18/07). Whatever it says, well, I'll have to live with it. I can tell my jeans are tighter today, so I am up in weight.





Well lets see where do I begin. I guess I can start off with I NEED A FILL!   We had a huge ice storm, the entire state is in a state of emergency, over 900 thousand homes & business are without power, including mine.   I was off work Monday and Tuesday due to no power, and finally today they are running our office off generators, so I was forced to come in. yuk.   My home is still without power, hoping it will be back on today.   Eating has been so off. I've been staying with my mother in law and eating her cooking - and desserts. I've eaten so much and I have avoided the scales so I'm not sure how much damage I have done. I have no excuses and I think I've used the excuse (I need a fill) too many times. I do need a fill, but I also need some will power and self control, and lately, I've had neither. I cannot wait until January 18th until I can get a fill. I cannot go on like this!   I need to focus and stay on plan, I need to practice some self control and NO MORE EXCUSES!





wt - 171.4   Well, I finally figured out why my weight is bouncing! Woke up this morning and had my visit from TOM, EARLY! He was not due to visit until another 10 days! Weird, I've always been late, not early, especailly not 10 days early! I woke up in a bad mood. I feel bad yelling at my daughter and DH, they were both walking around on egg shells this morning.   I've finally calmed down, but I hate that I acted so bad toward them this morning.   I think I will just sit in my office today and not talk to anyone at work, just not in the mood to deal with people today, not sure why I'm in such a fowl mood, but I suppose it must be PMS. Man, somtimes I hate being a woman!





Wt - 168.9   Did pretty good yesterday, I exercised, I did my cleanse, until last night. I ended binging a little. I ended up eating a salad, which was good, but then later that evening I ate some popcorn with butter poured over it - about 1 1/2 cups of popcorn. I also had some cookie dough. Man I need my restriction back!   I am not beating myself up or anything, but I'm just so discouraged without restriction.   I've got to just keep trying to make better choices. I will be done with my cleanse tomorrow, so I'll stick to it until then.





Wt 168.8   Weight going down again. I'm doing my cleanse, and it is working! I am eating a little, I had a good salad last night and added a boiled egg to it so I could get more protein. yum.   Exercise - NOTTA, I suck! I didn't even try to get up today. However, I did bring my sneakers to work and I am planning on going down to the gyn and get on the bike for 15 to 20 minuites. I've got to start somewhere.   ****UPDATE*****   I went down to the gym at work, I did 15 min on the recumbant bike, I even worked up a little sweat.   I also did 3 sets of 15 on the leg press. My weights were 30, 40, 50lbs   3 sets of 15 on the hamstring seated leg curl - 20lbs each   I will go down again at 3:00 and do the bike again, and maybe add some situps or some type of ab exercise!   I know 15 min on the bike is not much, but I'm trying to just start somewhere, fake it until I make it!




My fill history

Band type 4cc band 10cm Surgery date 1/18/07   Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - Scheduled for 1/18/07 - and man do I need it! So hungry and no restriction. Fighting hard to eat right and make good choices.





Wt - 169.8   Menu - Master Cleanse Diet   Not much to report except I'm really mad at myself for not getting up this morning to exercise. I know getting back to the gym is so hard, it took me a long time to get there before, but once I really commited to it, I was hooked, addicted to it. Now I'm starting all over again.   I set the alarm for 5 am, I went to bed early. I woke up at 5 am, I was awake, but did I get up. NOOOO. I just laid there and finally fell back asleep. So, I'm going to keep working at it and hopefully something will click inside me and I will get my butt out of bed!   I was planning on going last night, but I knew if I did, I would be up late and then it would be hard to get up this morning. So I decided I would not work out last night and just get up this AM. Neither plan worked!





Well, weight is up (172.0). I didn't make good choices over the weekend. I just ate whatever.   Okay, today is a new day, it's Monday, and I'm doing my fast/Cleanse. I will not cheat and I will get thru today!   I'm feeling so bloated today, probably because I ate a lot of junk, salty stuff this weekend. grrrrrr.   I laid my stuff out this morning to get up at EXERCISE. Did I? Heck no, the alarm went off, I turned it off and rolled back over. I'm so made at myself. I will go tonight for sure! I will go tonight, I will go tonight, I will, I will, I will!




My butt looks good

Okay, I have to say, my butt looks so good today! I know, maybe thats weird to say but my butt and thighs are the worst part on my body.   I went to the bathroom and I noticed how good my butt is looking these days. I'm no longer worried about people snickering at how wide it is.   I am wearing my size 11 Jr. low rise hipster, cruel girl jeans today. I have a pink silky blouse on, its tucked in and a very cute belt and tan boots. I feel like I look as good as I feel good. Does that make sense?   Anyhow, I usually feel fat. I still feel like the 250 lbs woman I was last year, but today, I actually feel skinny. Its weird, somedays I feel fat, and somedays I feel skinny.   Today is a day I'm walking around with my head held high and know that I look good! :whoo:





Thank Gawd its Friday!!!!!!!!! I love Friday and today is even Payday, its my year end at work, I made my goal which means I get a 10% of my yearly salary bonus!! Yehaw!!!! I won't get it until February 22nd, but thats okay, I am spending it on our next cruise that leaves June 29th, 2008 to the Virgin Islands. I'm hoping to be at goal by then.   Wt this morning 168.6 - starting to drop the water weight!





By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS   When you're trying to lose weight, the question isn't whether or not you'll hit a plateau, it's when. Plateaus are like bad weather on a long hike: it's inevitable that you'll run into it, but knowing that in advance won't make it one bit less frustrating or annoying when it happens. Cheer up! Since plateaus are as common as rain, we have a pretty good idea what to do about them. At least one of the following techniques should help you break through a plateau and start losing again.   1. Be a Calorie Detective When clients tell me they've stopped losing weight, the first thing I ask is this: how many calories a day are you eating? Calories have a way of creeping up while we're not paying attention. Be brutally honest with yourself: how much are you eating? Using a food diary for a while is a great way to monitor this. And yes, sodas and alcoholic beverages count! A good calorie goal for dieters is your target weight times 10.   2. Change It Up When you're not making gains in an exercise program you change your routine. Same holds true with your eating plan. Low-carbers could go higher carb for a few days, high-carbers might switch to a plan like Atkins or South Beach. Varying calorie intake may have a positive effect: If you're averaging 1,500 calories daily, try dropping to 1,200, going up to 2,000 and then dropping back to 1,500. You get the idea. Your body's gotten comfortable, so it's time to shake things up.   3. Try a Temporary Ban Food sensitivities can cause weight gain and bloat, and the frustrating thing is that most of us don't always know which foods are the culprits. So play the odds. Highest on the list of "usual suspects" are grains (wheat in particular), dairy and sugar. Temporarily ban all three and see what happens.   4. Take Your Workout Up a Notch Forget the "fat burning zone." High intensity intervals -- 30 to 60 seconds -- are the wave of the future. If you're accustomed to level three on your cardio machine, ramp it up to level 6 for a minute then slow down, catch your breath and repeat. Ever see a sprinter with love handles? Training like a sprinter will lower your body fat faster than any technique I know of, plus it'll boost your metabolism and lower your weight.   5. Strength Training If you're not strength training, start now. And if you are, ramp it up a notch. Muscle is your greatest ally in breaking a plateau. Unfortunately many women train with weights too light to produce the metabolic boost they need. Don't be afraid of heavier weights. They should be heavy enough that you can only do between 8 and 12 reps.   6. Up Your Protein Studies show that higher protein diets make it easier to lose fat. Protein boosts the metabolism (in one study as much as 100 percent for 24 hours), and increases satiety, making it more likely that you won't overeat. A higher protein diet could be just what you need to break that plateau.   7. Try a Detox Unsupervised fasting is a really bad idea, but the idea of giving your system a rest makes sense. Try a "smart fast" of nothing but fruits and vegetables for a couple of days. The added fiber is always helpful, and the massive amount of nutrients and phytochemicals is like "spring cleaning" for your metabolism.   8. Take Inventory Other things besides diet and exercise could be stalling your weight loss, such as stress, lack of sleep or medication. Take a look at what else is going on in your life that might need attention. Sometimes when you clean up the problems in one area of your life, problems in other areas just naturally take care of themselves.





I made it 1/2 day thru the fast yesterday - I did good until last night. We had our book study, it was "goody night", and I caved. I ended up eating cookies, meatballs, chips, dip. You name it, I ate it.   Okay, so today is back to the fast!   Wt - 170.7   50 more days to reach my "mini goal" of 155. That means I need to lose 2.2 lbs per week in order to get to that goal by 1/18/07.   Just to type 150's is almost unbelievable to me. I haven't weighed in the 150's in 20+ years. I would be soooo happy to get to 159! I'm ready NEVER to see the 170's again. I'm ready to be done with the 160's, I'm ready to move to the wonderful 150's! I was at 167 last month, but I bounced back up to the 170's for some reason, I think a lot has to do with the amount of water I'm holding because of my hospital stay, I'm hoping my fast will "flush" it out!





Wt this morning 170.3 I'm feeling bloated, tired, sick, etc. I just don't feel the energy I used to have. I think a lot of it probably has to do with my stay in the hospital due to my dehydration. Well, I decided It was time for my cleanse! I have't done it in awhile and I think my body needs it. The cleanse calls for a 10 day fast, I have NEVER done it for 10 days, just can't do it that long. However, when I do it for 3 to 5 days, I feel the difference. I just do it for as long as I can. Sometimes I do it for a few days, go off, then do it for a few more days. It works for me. I had my doctor appt today with my knee surgeon. He said it is just going to take more time for my knee to heal. He said I am healing, it takes a good 6 to 9 months for the body to heal after receiving a donor part, so, he told me to start working my quads, hamstrings and other muscle building exercises every other day. So, I must start back on my exercise program!!!! I need a kick in the rear! I need to start getting up at 5 am again and begin my exercises, its just so darn hard....I know I can do it! I just need to quit making excuses and DO IT! Below is the cleanse: If you’ve never heard of the lemonade diet, basically it is a 10-day fast where you drink nothing but a special “lemonade” drink. It is one of the best known methods for cleaning out your intestinal and colon walls. Although not intended as a weight-loss diet, it is effective at helping you balance your body and “rebooting” the metabolic process - which often results in weight loss. So here goes: Lemonade Diet Recipe For at least 10 days, drink around 10 servings/day of the following: 2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice NOT BOTTLED JUICE!! (approx. ½ lemon),
2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) organic Grade B maple syrup,
1/10 Teaspoon or more cayenne pepper (hot red pepper), and
1 Cup (8 fluid ounces) purified or spring water, NOT fluoridated water. Or you can make in Bulk - This is the equivalent of taking an empty gallon water jug and filling it with: the juice of 5 lemons
1 1/4 cup of organic Grade B maple syrup
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
10 cups of water Shake it all up and you got your days’ serving! Salt-Water Flush Recipe Upon rising drink a mixture of: 2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a…
quart of lukewarm water Herbal Laxative Tea (You can find this at most grocery stores) Each evening drink an herbal laxative tea to help with elimination - preferably right before bed. That’s it! Do that for at least ten days for a complete intestinal cleanse.




My inspiration

Have you ever wore an outfit that just made you feel good? Something that you wear and you know you just look good in it, you feel good in it? Well, I was cleaning my closet out and ran accross a skirt I wore in college. Its just a simple blue jean skirt, very Pencil like skirt, its long, past my knees with a very tiny waist.   Anyhow, I pulled it out and looked at the size, it was a size 12 - well, I'm wearing a size 10/12 now so I decided to try it on. OMG, way too tight, could not even zip it. I decided this skirt is my goal, once I can fit into this skirt, I know I will have made it. I thought back to wearing this skirt and how good I felt, I want that back!   Its amazing how the sizes has changed. This skirt is about 23 years old, its in great shape, looks new. But, my point is 23 years ago, a size 12 is now a size 8. I was looking at how tiny the waist was, how slim it was made compared to my size 12 now - big difference!   So, I took the skirt out, hung it on my bedroom door so I can look at it every morning before I leave. Its a reminder to me to be good, exercise and make good choices. Doing this will help me fit into that skirt!   I have a long way to go before I can fit into it, I couldn't even zip it, barely got it over my thighs, but I know I will get there.   I went down to the gym at work and tried the elliptical machine - lots of pain in my knees, only was able to do it for 5 min. I think this afternoon I will get on the bike and do it for 15 to 20 min. Every bit of exercise will help! I just wish this knee would heal - I hate it!   52 days until my 1 year band Anniversary and I have 16.1 lbs to lose in order to reach my docs goal weight of 155. I really wanted to reach this by my 1 year, not sure if I will, but I'm going to aim for it! So, according to fitday, I have to lose 2.17 lbs per week in order to reach this.





Menu today -   Bfast 2 slices of bacon 1 fried egg coffee with creamer - not SF   Lunch 2 chicken tenders (baked) 1/4 cup of broccoli   Snack - 1 oz of almonds   Dinner 1 baked chicken leg - skin off 1/2 cup of fresh spinach leaves with low cal dressing   Supplements - 1 Quickslim30, 2 flinstones   Wt this morning - 171.1 - grrrrr   .................grams cals%total Total:......... 833 Fat:................51 457 55% Sat:................14 130 16% Poly:.................4 39 5% Mono:..............11 100 12%   Carbs:...............44 163 20% Fiber:...................3 0 0% Protein:..............52 208 25% Alcohol:0 0 0%   Way too much fat today, and way too many carbs for my calories. I need to really watch my liquid caloires! The creamer is adding up. I am slipping into the habit of having a lot of creamer in my coffee - and not the sugar free kind. I had Pumpkin Pie spice this morning!





I called the doc today to schedule another fill, I'm waiting on the hospital to call me back so we can get it scheduled. I'm hoping I can get in sometime in December since I've met all my deductibles, and I would have no out of pocket expense. But, that is wishful thinking I think. But we'll see.   Today's menu:   Bfast coffee/cream had 1/2 sausage roll - shouldn't have eaten this!   Lunch 2 baked chicken tenders brocolli   Late afternoon snack 1/2 small apple with 1 TBLS peanut butter   Dinner crockpot chicken - low cal, low fat! salad - 1/2 cup   Supplements - Quickslim30, flinstone viatimin




Saturday 11/24/07

Today I tried and focussed on making good choices in my eating. I made a pan of baked chicken to eat on today and tomorrow.   I also made a big green salad. yum.   I can tell my hunger is back, but I am NOT going to gain any weight. I'm going to focus on eating right and try and lose or maintain until I get my fill back to some restriction.   I did weigh this morning and the scales showed I was up to 172, however, I am not worried about it because I just got out of the hospital. I know they put bags and bags of fluid in me, so I'm sure I'm retaining water.   Anyhow, I'm thankful that I am back to feeling normal again, no more throwing up. I am still a tad bit nauseous after I eat for some reason, but not too bad.   Menu today   Bfast - just some iced coffee   Lunch - cottage cheese, smashed up chicken tender   Dinner - smashed chicken tender and boiled egg   Supplements - Quickslim 30, flinstone viatimin




The Fill from Hell!

Okay, I got my fill, very tight. By wednesday night, I could not swallow my own saliva. I ended up sleeping sitting up Wednesday night, I thru up all night. Thursday came around and it only got worse, I was violently throwing up this time, I could not swallow my own saliva. I was trying to hold off going to the hospital until at least Friday morning, I really wanted to wait until Monday.   Well, by Thursday evening, I was so sick, I felt so bad, my head was hurting with the worse migrane I had ever had. I went to the ER, I was filling out the paperwork, and realized, I couldn't remember what month it was, I couldn't even remember my middle initial. I was seeing green spots and very dizzy. I knew something was wrong. They get me back to the ER room and tried to get some IV's started and my veins kepts blowing, they said they had to admit me because I was so dehydrated.   They finally were able to get an IV started and I spent the evening in the hospital throwing up all night. They finally gave me something that helped calm my stomach and gave me some demoral for my severe headache. This morning my doctor showed up and took some of my fill out. OMG, instant releif! I could feel the saliva go thru. He wanted to take my entire fill out, but I begged him to leave some in. He was going to bring me downto 2.0 cc's, but he went ahead and left me at 3.0 cc's. I was at 4.0.   He said he wants to give it a good 2 weeks before I get another fill to give my stomach time to heal. I've learned a valuable lesson, DON'T GET TOO TIGHT! Being too tight is miserable and can cause lots of damage. Fortunately, my band was not damaged, however, I am really swollen and have to stay on mushies for a day or two. Now, I have to try and get some restriction back.   I had pretty good restriction before I got this fill, but I figured since I didn't have to take small bites of food, maybe I needed a teeny bit more of a fill. Well, .2cc's pushed it way over the edge, I should have left well enough alone. But stupid me, had to see how much tighter I could stand it.   Anyhow, I am glad I went ahead and went to the hospital, they said there was no way I would have made it until Monday, and maybe not even until Friday, I was already having some bad signs of sever dehydration. I couldn't believe just after 1 day it could do so much damage to my body. My potassium was also dangerously low they said. So my IV's wer filled with potassium as well.   I'm so gald I'm home and feel so much better and now I can enjoy the rest of my weekend.   The good knews, I didn't pig out on Thanksgiving, lol.




Fill #7

Well, I went ahead and went for fill #7 and boy do I feel it. I had restriciton before, but now I really have it. I might even be too tight, but we'll see. I was tempted to go back and have him take just a teeny bit out, but I decided to wait it out until Monday.   I am up to 4.0cc's now in my 4.0 cc band. If I stay where I'm at, I don't think that I will ever need another fill. I'm about 20 lbs from goal, and I think this fill is going to take me there!   I will be on liquids for the rest of the day, and maybe tomorrow. I just want to be able to eat meat, so if by Monday I can't eat meat, I'll be headed back to the docs office.   Well, short day at work today, we should be getting off work at 2 or 3 today - YAY.   Menu today - LIQUIDS ONLY



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
