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Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

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I didn't just fall off the wagon, I got run over by it.

Yeah, me, too. I did do yard work this weekend, but since the house is for sale we kinda had to. I've been boxing some stuff up, but not enough to break a sweat. I haven't been to the gym or ridden bikes with the dogs since last week. I feel rotten.

They're celebrating Cinco de mayo in my department at work, but I'm bringing my lunch. I want the scale to keep going down

Debbie, that's awesome! What a great idea to bring your own stuff! Was it hard to get through? or did you have just as much fun as you would have before?

Hey! I just looked at the calendar, and it's my 6 month bandiversary! I'm down over 40 lbs. (over halfway to goal). I've gone from a size 18 to a size 10.

Woo-Hoo!!!! My goal size is a 12/14! I think I'd still have a ways to go then, but I'd "feel" normal. My start was a 24 and now I'm in an 18. Size 10 is like Dream Land!


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After another brisk home last night, I changed into my gardening/comfortable clothes, went outside and raked, pulled weeds, cut branches, turned soil etc for 2 hours. My neck is a wee bit sore today - perhaps I was a tad enthusiastic inone of my activities! Anyway, another glorious day today, so the plan is to walk home from work and do some more of the same! Have I mentioned that I love to play in the dirt???:cool2::laugh:

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Yeah, me, too. I did do yard work this weekend, but since the house is for sale we kinda had to. I've been boxing some stuff up, but not enough to break a sweat. I haven't been to the gym or ridden bikes with the dogs since last week. I feel rotten.

Woo-Hoo!!!! My goal size is a 12/14! I think I'd still have a ways to go then, but I'd "feel" normal. My start was a 24 and now I'm in an 18. Size 10 is like Dream Land!


Girl, you're going to have to make yourself get out there! Once you do it the first time, you'll do it again! I have weeks like that, too, where I just don't give a crap about getting up and doing anything! Luckily, the next week I'll at least do something, then it builds from there.

I know what you mean about "feeling normal". I'm excited that I walk normal and don't waddle. I don't pass out trying to tie my shoes. And, I have so much more energy. Stick with it! You'll be in that 12/14 before you know it!

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Taps, when you're done with your yard, wanna come work on mine?! Oh, wait! You're is going to be a career! :cool2:

Just kidding! I love working in the yard, too, but my husband did landscape work for years and there's nothing left to do in our yard!

If you don't mind my asking, taps, where do you live?

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I don't have a pedometer yet. I need to pick one up. I do a lot of walking at work.

I love mine! It keeps me motivated. Trust me, once you get one, those low number days are going to piss you off! LOL!

Hey! I just looked at the calendar, and it's my 6 month bandiversary! I'm down over 40 lbs. (over halfway to goal). I've gone from a size 18 to a size 10. I can go 45 minutes on the elliptical. I can swim about 75m without stopping.

I have a whole new life ahead of me now that I wouldn't have had without my band. Life is good!



Alright ya'll have motivated me. after reading this thread I feel like everyone is doing something but me. I haven't worked out since Jan. (had surgery) It all changes today. I'll just keep checking in on ya'll to keep me motivated so keep up the posting, Ya help more people then ya think.

Welcome! Just get out there and do what you can, as often as you can!

Got DH back to the pool. He's looking really hot now! Can't tell him that...I couldn't live with him!!


Yeah, me, too. I did do yard work this weekend, but since the house is for sale we kinda had to. I've been boxing some stuff up, but not enough to break a sweat. I haven't been to the gym or ridden bikes with the dogs since last week. I feel rotten.

Good for you for getting out in the yard! If I remember correctly, from another thread, you were trying to help your DD. If you can't get motivated, use her as your motivation! I know you want the best for DD. Sounded like she was starting to enjoy going, so GO!!!!! :wub:)

After another brisk home last night, I changed into my gardening/comfortable clothes, went outside and raked, pulled weeds, cut branches, turned soil etc for 2 hours. My neck is a wee bit sore today - perhaps I was a tad enthusiastic inone of my activities! Anyway, another glorious day today, so the plan is to walk home from work and do some more of the same! Have I mentioned that I love to play in the dirt???:D:thumbup:

BE CAREFUL!!! Great job, Tap and yes, we know you love the dirt and organizing and cooking and baking and... LOL!! You are our own Martha Stewart but in a GREAT way! :thumbup:

f you don't mind my asking, taps, where do you live?

She lives in Antarctica! LOL! Just kidding!

I got out for my walk this AM with just the dog. Everyone was a sleep so we just took off. Went woodcutting today too but that doesn't expend much energy for the most part. DH does most of the work while DD and I play. I do help get the wood to the truck and load it tho.

I'll walk again in the AM. I'm going to have to be getting us out of the house a little earlier for our walks. It's getting warm.

'Night All! Keep up the great work!

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Hey Donna, congratulations on the 40 pound weight loss! Yes, it's hard work, but the results are awesome!

Speaking of awesome, thank you, Gloucester. I did have just as much fun at the Cinco de mayo celebration. Someone made taquitos, and they had rice and salsa. It wasn't really hard because although I like taquitos, I didn't really feel like I missed anything. If, on the other hand, it had been enchiladas ...


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Another great evening in the garden after a brisk walk home! I managed to remove the sod (I use the term loosely, more like the weed patch covering) from a strip of land about 3 feet wide and 20 feet long, then turned the soil (hard packed cement-like rock/gravel and a bit of earth), incorporated buckets of compost that I carried and then planted a few things. WHEW!! I haven't a clue what the calorie burn was, but it was 2 hours of hard manual labor that I LOVE!

I am thinking of purchasing a pedometer, but I want a reliable good one...I had one, but it quickly revealed its poor quality:angry:. Any suggestions for a good one?

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Another great evening in the garden after a brisk walk home! I managed to remove the sod (I use the term loosely, more like the weed patch covering) from a strip of land about 3 feet wide and 20 feet long, then turned the soil (hard packed cement-like rock/gravel and a bit of earth), incorporated buckets of compost that I carried and then planted a few things. WHEW!! I haven't a clue what the calorie burn was, but it was 2 hours of hard manual labor that I LOVE!

I am thinking of purchasing a pedometer, but I want a reliable good one...I had one, but it quickly revealed its poor quality:angry:. Any suggestions for a good one?

Tap, when you're all done, your yard is going to look AMAZING!!!

I have an Omron. I like it. I got it at REI.com. It got good reviews and was recommended to me by a friend. She has a different model than mine but I like mine too. Even if you don't want to buy from REI, they have several different types and there are reviews from users that help a bunch. I bought a basic, more inexpensive one. It helped too b/c it was on sale and we had membership dividends and I got reduced shipping charge, so with everything, it was still less than buying it at Wal Mart! And I didn't have to drive an hour to go get it, it came to my house! LOL! I'm always one for a good deal if I can get it! Oh and Consumer Reports like Omron too.

DD got up EARLY this AM and just as she was falling asleep again, after crawling in with us, the dog barked and woke her up again. DH got up to go to work and that was the end of our sleep. Anyway, it was already warming up so we went out early for my walk. Good thing. It was pretty warm by the time we got back home. I'm really tired. DD didn't sleep well, then we were up so early, for us, the rest of you would be shocked! LOL! The walk was a huge effort to get through today. I think b/c I'm so tired. BUT we did the whole thing, I just slowed it down a little.

Question for you dog owners out there. Dog is 10 and slowing down some. I've been noticing that she's getting really stiff. Having a slow time of getting up after she laying down for awhile. She's been going on my walks with me and I'm afraid I'm hurting her now. She bounces off the walls til we get out of the house. She seems to love the walks as much as I do but I don't want to hurt her either. She doesn't seem to have any problems on our walks. It's the down-time during the day/evenings. And it doesn't seem to matter if we've gone out that day or not. Guess I should take her to the vet. :thumbsup: I'm thinking it's arthritis starting but I was wondering if you think the walks are hurting her? I hate to stop taking her with us. She barks at us when we leave her and gets mad. Makes me sad!


Have a beautiful Monday!!

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Yesterday I was a blob...no other way to express it. A blob. Didn't get to the Y, didn't play in the garden (it was raining), didn't walk to or from work....blob. And, oh it was lovely!!! (Bet you thought I was going to say I missed my exercise or something - nope!)

Raining again today, but I have to do something, so walking to work it is (to start) - DH took the car to work so I don't have a choice. Nothing like arriving at the office soggy!:)

P.S. Heartfire - I don't know where you are, but yesterday was Thursday, not Monday.:unsure:

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P.S. Heartfire - I don't know where you are, but yesterday was Thursday, not Monday.:unsure:

Ok, so I wasn't seeing things when I read that yesterday.

I am trying really hard to work on my lack of motivation. Today I am going to walk the stairs at work. I have to get my butt moving into an upward position before it starts hitting the backs of my knees.:)

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Girl, you're going to have to make yourself get out there! Once you do it the first time, you'll do it again! I have weeks like that, too, where I just don't give a crap about getting up and doing anything! Luckily, the next week I'll at least do something, then it builds from there.

I know what you mean about "feeling normal". I'm excited that I walk normal and don't waddle. I don't pass out trying to tie my shoes. And, I have so much more energy. Stick with it! You'll be in that 12/14 before you know it!

I've always been aware of the fat lady waddle and have always tried to keep my arms even and walk normal, but it never helped. My friend was walking behind me one day a few years ago and said, "Your butt is so cute! It goes up, down, up, down - cheek to cheek." Gee...thanks. That's my big ole bubble cheeks in motion.

Question for you dog owners out there. Dog is 10 and slowing down some. I've been noticing that she's getting really stiff. Having a slow time of getting up after she laying down for awhile. She's been going on my walks with me and I'm afraid I'm hurting her now. She bounces off the walls til we get out of the house. She seems to love the walks as much as I do but I don't want to hurt her either. She doesn't seem to have any problems on our walks. It's the down-time during the day/evenings. And it doesn't seem to matter if we've gone out that day or not. Guess I should take her to the vet. ;) I'm thinking it's arthritis starting but I was wondering if you think the walks are hurting her? I hate to stop taking her with us. She barks at us when we leave her and gets mad. Makes me sad!


Have a beautiful Monday!!

Oh, so sad! I haven't had to deal with older dogs yet. (Had dogs forever, but mom always dealt with the older age stuff.) Now I'm the mom and I know it'll KILL me when my two get to be seniors. Good luck, and let us know what you find out. ;)

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Question for you dog owners out there. Dog is 10 and slowing down some. I've been noticing that she's getting really stiff. Having a slow time of getting up after she laying down for awhile. She's been going on my walks with me and I'm afraid I'm hurting her now. She bounces off the walls til we get out of the house. She seems to love the walks as much as I do but I don't want to hurt her either. She doesn't seem to have any problems on our walks. It's the down-time during the day/evenings. And it doesn't seem to matter if we've gone out that day or not. Guess I should take her to the vet. :frown: I'm thinking it's arthritis starting but I was wondering if you think the walks are hurting her? I hate to stop taking her with us. She barks at us when we leave her and gets mad. Makes me sad!

Take the dog to the vet! That's the best way to NOT hurt her. My little munchkin is only 5 months old, and she weighs 4.7 lbs! She "rides" with me if I go walking, but she can't keep up. But then, she'll only weigh 6-8 lbs when she's full grown.

OMG! I was feeling pretty cocky this weekend and I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD! I watched the level one exercises and thought "this doesn't look too hard"...WRONG!! I was about to pass out even before I finished the warm up! I don't remember jumping jacks being that hard in junior high! I could do a couple of the push ups before I collapsed! I feel like such a wimp!!

I hope all the mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day! And, have a great week!

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Friday was a walking day - walked for 30 min at lunch, then just over an hour after work - and at a very brisk pace! My legs were somewhat wobbly Friday night. Then, the weekend came and exercise was...well, not in my to-do list!

I did spend 3 hours washing the apartment kitchenette. The previous tenant was a nice person, quiet etc, but I don't think she ever washed anything more than a surface wipe in the time she rented the place (sinks and toilet excepted). I wonder how many calories that burned? So my evening exercises for the week are cleaning all walls, ceilings, doors, painting one room, and general prep work. And of course this is supposed to be a great weather week, and instead of being outside playing in the dirt, I will be inside.:frown:

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P.S. Heartfire - I don't know where you are, but yesterday was Thursday, not Monday.:wub:

Oops! Chalk it up to exhaustion! LOL! DD hadn't been sleeping well.

I am trying really hard to work on my lack of motivation. Today I am going to walk the stairs at work. I have to get my butt moving into an upward position before it starts hitting the backs of my knees.:thumbup:

How'd you do over the weekend, Slim?

Oh, so sad! I haven't had to deal with older dogs yet. (Had dogs forever, but mom always dealt with the older age stuff.) Now I'm the mom and I know it'll KILL me when my two get to be seniors. Good luck, and let us know what you find out. :frown:

We've had to put several pets down and it's never easy. Never! It will break you heart. Our last dog going down was a horrible experience and I don't wish it on anyone.

Take the dog to the vet!

She's going in tomorrow AM. I'm pretty sure it's arthritis.

Friday was a walking day - walked for 30 min at lunch, then just over an hour after work - and at a very brisk pace! My legs were somewhat wobbly Friday night. Then, the weekend came and exercise was...well, not in my to-do list!

I did spend 3 hours washing the apartment kitchenette. The previous tenant was a nice person, quiet etc, but I don't think she ever washed anything more than a surface wipe in the time she rented the place (sinks and toilet excepted). I wonder how many calories that burned? So my evening exercises for the week are cleaning all walls, ceilings, doors, painting one room, and general prep work. And of course this is supposed to be a great weather week, and instead of being outside playing in the dirt, I will be inside.:thumbup:

Great job! And don't worry about the weekend. We all need days like that!

DD and I went to my mom's this weekend again. Had a good visit. Ate a bunch of crap. Didn't drink enough Water. Then yesterday on the way home, knowing there was nothing in the house, we stopped and picked up Chinese food. Figured I'd gain from the weekend. Nope, lost a lb from Friday! Irritating b/c I only lost 2/10ths of a lb last week! UGH! Oh well. Maybe I'll get to keep it and lose more. We'll see on Friday!

Oh and I've been needing a new stroller for my walks b/c the Graco I have to muscle the entire time. There was one I was looking at but was going to have to save up for it since it's so expensive. It was on sale last week but still a lot of money. My mom bought it for me for Mother's Day!

We took it for a test run on Sat evening in my mom's neighborhood and it was wonderful! Couldn't wait to get it home to test it on OUR walk!

Took it out this AM and it's amazing! Just going down our gravel driveway is like going down a nice road! There is one road that is paved til the last driveway then goes into a rough dirt road and it did great!

Usually after our walks, my wrists, arms, shoulders and neck hurt, not TODAY!!!

Here's a link to the stroller: BOB Sport Utility Stroller at REI.com

It's WAY expensive! It was on a great sale tho so that helped but I still can't believe my mom did this for me!

Oh! And I needed to buy a new swimsuit b/c last year's is just too big. We were at Kohl's Sat. and I found a cute suit but not having any idea what size in suits I am, started with a 16 b/c that's the size pants I'm in but figured I'd have to go to an 18. Tried this skirted tankini on and it FIT!!!!! WhooHoo!! AND it was on sale for 40% off!! Even better!! I think last year's suit was a 20 or 22. I can't remember. I was so excited!

Well, that's me all caught up! Don't know if we'll get to walk in the AM. Dog's appt is at 10:45 so I'll let you know what comes of it.


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That is great heartfire! I am sure that new stroller will help you a lot. I was very active this weekend. I actually lost 2 pounds since last week. Yay! I walked the hills and stairs around my job today for 30 minutes. By the time I was coming back to my job, my legs felt like Jello and itched like the dickens! I don't know if the itching is because my fat globs moving too much or what. Once I slowed down, the itching stopped. I don't get it. My hunger has seemed insatiable (sp?) lately. I have a fill scheduled for the 21, but I really could use it now. Will power sucks! I had planned to do the pouch test this week, but I forgot to buy the things I would need. DH said that he will do it with me (he's not banded). I thought that was sweet. I guess the true test will be if he actually does it.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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