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december 15th banders come on down;-)

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hey laurel , glad to hear that your doing good. i to am not back to my old self yet but im working on it. hey allie how are you today?

well i went to my appointment this morning and it was cool. only problem was my blood pressure went down again it also happen 1 wk before surgery. today it was 92/60 dont know why i happen again. seems like if i lose over 7lbs i does that. any who i have to go back on the 6th for them to check it again and go over the blood work that i have to do. then after that i go back 2-24-09 to see how im doing and if i need a fill. so here it is i lost 11lbs so that takes me down to 378. i think im gonna add a 2nd tickler that shows how much i have lost since surgery. also they moved me to pureed phase and dr said i have to do better than i did on liquids as i was only drinking under 31oz a day. so i agreed and i will try. allie that is a good idea about the sheet. maybe i will do one also. i can do the gym in another wk as i still have some bruising and swelling on my one incision. i cant wait.

well i hope everyone has a nice holiday. keep up with the posting too.

one question "how many calories do you plan on eating per day when everyone gets to regular food" please think about this for a minute this the question for the wk. also allie we have a weightloss chellange for the new years if you would like to join and get in on the fun.:thumbup:

Welcome aboard Allie. China I am doing much better. Still not as strong as I would like to be. I go to the doctors at 2:30pm today. I am hoping to be able to go to muchies. I am enjoying the weight loss of the liquid Protein but not in love with the taste. I do have 1 I like but the rest I tolerate. I did go the the gym yesterday and walked a mile on the treadmill. Today I did a 2 mile workout tape I had at home. I was told to walk so I can't see how I would do any harm. I really love doing Water arobics and am hoping to be able to get back to that next week. I will post my official post-op weight loss later. Hope everyone has a Great holiday. Laurel
Thanks for the welcome.

China, good luck today at the doctor, I'll be sending good vibes your way. As for your question about what I'll look like next year, I'm actually thinking about what I'll look like in just 3 months. The weight is coming off way faster than I thought and I know it's going to start slowing down soon but at one week and one day out of surgery and my BMI is now under 35, I would no longer be considered a candidate for lap band, that is crazy!

I can't wait till Jan 15, I made a sheet with all my measurements, my weight and then I took a picture of myself (front view and side view) and I'm going to update it once a month. I never thought I would be looking forward to taking my measurements.

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hey laurel , glad to hear that your doing good. i to am not back to my old self yet but im working on it. hey allie how are you today?

well i went to my appointment this morning and it was cool. only problem was my blood pressure went down again it also happen 1 wk before surgery. today it was 92/60 dont know why i happen again. seems like if i lose over 7lbs i does that. any who i have to go back on the 6th for them to check it again and go over the blood work that i have to do. then after that i go back 2-24-09 to see how im doing and if i need a fill. so here it is i lost 11lbs so that takes me down to 378. i think im gonna add a 2nd tickler that shows how much i have lost since surgery. also they moved me to pureed phase and dr said i have to do better than i did on liquids as i was only drinking under 31oz a day. so i agreed and i will try. allie that is a good idea about the sheet. maybe i will do one also. i can do the gym in another wk as i still have some bruising and swelling on my one incision. i cant wait.

well i hope everyone has a nice holiday. keep up with the posting too.

one question "how many calories do you plan on eating per day when everyone gets to regular food" please think about this for a minute this the question for the wk. also allie we have a weightloss chellange for the new years if you would like to join and get in on the fun.:thumbup:

Wow! 11 lbs, way to go! Keep up the good work, that is awesome.

I'm putting myself back on liquids because I scared myself yesterday when I ate some chicken. It's been over 24 hours and I'm still full, that worries me. It's funny, the doctor says I can eat food but I don't think I'm ready for it, I never thought that would happen.

As for the question, I think I'd like to be eating around 1000-1200 calories just because that is what they say you need to run all your organs and stuff without any activity. It looks like that is going to be quite a challenge since I feel like I can hardly eat anything right now, 1000 calories seems like an unattainable goal, we'll see.

Where do I join in on the weightloss challenge?

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allie its on here just stroll down the threads under dec.08 the title is the new years challenge. also i know what you mean about the eating part. i tried a scrambled egg this evening i eat an ounce and walked away funny thing was i wasn't full or hungry but, was satified with that. my dude said that's a first. so i guess the band does work. but, the dr told me that i was alittle tight. im cool right now being on the liquid part i really like yogurt and c-cheese and pudding i can live off that. :thumbup: also luarel what happen at the dr.s today dont keep us in the dark share the lose. just playing with ya. maybe one of us should do a weight talley so we all can keep track of what everyone in our group has lost. maybe who ever is good with making sheets, we not gone say any names allie. just kiding but, maybe we should what does everyone thing.

Wow! 11 lbs, way to go! Keep up the good work, that is awesome.

I'm putting myself back on liquids because I scared myself yesterday when I ate some chicken. It's been over 24 hours and I'm still full, that worries me. It's funny, the doctor says I can eat food but I don't think I'm ready for it, I never thought that would happen.

As for the question, I think I'd like to be eating around 1000-1200 calories just because that is what they say you need to run all your organs and stuff without any activity. It looks like that is going to be quite a challenge since I feel like I can hardly eat anything right now, 1000 calories seems like an unattainable goal, we'll see.

Where do I join in on the weightloss challenge?

Edited by china
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Sorry I didn't get online last night. I did too much yesterday and was totally zapped. I did errands on my way to the doctors along with walking around a big Walmart with some backtracking in the store. I was down 7 pounds since my final weigh-in for pre-surgery. My grand total is 25 lbs since I started this whole process. I am going to take it easy today. Just need to run go pick up a Birthday cake and card for my daughter. I am going to back some low-fat pumpkin bars to bring to my sister-in-laws tomorrow. Tonight I am going to my Mom's to Celebrate my daughter's b-day and then christmas with my kids and family. I was disappointed with my weight loss but I have to learn to be patient. I just want it all gone now. lol. I can move on to the muchie stage. I plain on taking it on slow as I know my stomache is not used to that much food right now and would like to try to keep it that way. Tonight will be a very emotional one as I have one son who isn't talking to me will be at my Moms. I can thank my ex for that one. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas or holiday. Laurel

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I am so happy for everyone and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. By the way my name is Rose. Yesterday was the first day I started on mushys.....had oatmeal and it was no problem at all. Is everyone exercising yet? I am very excited about what it will be like in a year. Good luck to all of us.

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Good luck tonight Laural. Try and just enjoy yourself and hopefully your son will come around. I am alos alittle down about only losing 7 lbs so far since the surgery. But like the doctor said it probably took us months to gain 7 lbs. I will have to patient and embrase the 7 lbs I have lost. I am planning to eat about 1200 cal per day it won't be easy but I am going to try. Good luck to everyone.

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Thank you for your support Rose. I have 4 children altogether and only the 1 isn't talking to me. I know in my head it isn't me. But my heart does ache. I know I have to be patient and he will come back. I guess that goes for the weight too. PATIENCE. I have tried some excercising but it tends to wipe me out by 4pm. We have all started a new journey in life. I spend way to much time and effort to not give this one 100%. I do have a total of 25 lbs down from the start, so I should be very proud of that. Hope we all have a good day. Laurel

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Everyone should be proud of their weight loss. Every person is different and if you start comparing your weight loss with others then you might get discouraged. We are all on the right track but we have different bodies and different amounts of weight to lose, remember slow and steady wins the race.

7 pounds in a week is a huge amount of weight, don't underscore your achievement. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for the encouragement Allie that is very sweet of you and it is very much appreciated. I am going to embrace my loss and be happy. Your words are very true. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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great job everyone. i want everyone to always share how they are feeling, as that is important on this ride. that is what we are here for always remember there will be good days and there will be bad ones. that's how we learn trust me. i know im younger that most of you but, i seem to have alot of wisdom alot of people say i have the spirit of a old women. i just smile as i know i have grown up around older people.

well said allie i to agree with you on that. laurel and rose please dont be discourage by the weightloss that is some thing you should be proud of. its not easy i know. think of it as 7lbs you didn't gain nor will it be comeing back. you are 7lbs closer to your goal. thats some thing that needs to be shouted i did it. it will get better. doesn't really matter how much you loose as long as you finish the race. we are running a marathon not a track meet lets remember that. im so proud of this group we have been through some thing and through it all we still stand tall.

laurel give it time, time heals all things. right now ladies we all need to focus on our goals and not let anyone or thing stand in our way. i know you feel hurt becuse its your son but, you still love him and deep down inside he still loves you. hold that close to your heart. as love can with stand the test of time. pray about it and then put it in gods hands he will take care of it may not be when you want him to but, he will.:sad:

sending everyone nothing but, love and happy thoughts. workd for tom. is healthy food decisions. and rose i know you cant wait to get to mushy. i dont like pureed. cant wait till next wk to be on soft food. happy holidays everyone.:thumbup::tt2::Banane21::youcandothis:

Sorry I didn't get online last night. I did too much yesterday and was totally zapped. I did errands on my way to the doctors along with walking around a big Walmart with some backtracking in the store. I was down 7 pounds since my final weigh-in for pre-surgery. My grand total is 25 lbs since I started this whole process. I am going to take it easy today. Just need to run go pick up a Birthday cake and card for my daughter. I am going to back some low-fat pumpkin bars to bring to my sister-in-laws tomorrow. Tonight I am going to my Mom's to Celebrate my daughter's b-day and then christmas with my kids and family. I was disappointed with my weight loss but I have to learn to be patient. I just want it all gone now. lol. I can move on to the muchie stage. I plain on taking it on slow as I know my stomache is not used to that much food right now and would like to try to keep it that way. Tonight will be a very emotional one as I have one son who isn't talking to me will be at my Moms. I can thank my ex for that one. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas or holiday. Laurel
I am so happy for everyone and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. By the way my name is Rose. Yesterday was the first day I started on mushys.....had oatmeal and it was no problem at all. Is everyone exercising yet? I am very excited about what it will be like in a year. Good luck to all of us.
Thank you for the encouragement Allie that is very sweet of you and it is very much appreciated. I am going to embrace my loss and be happy. Your words are very true. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Everyone should be proud of their weight loss. Every person is different and if you start comparing your weight loss with others then you might get discouraged. We are all on the right track but we have different bodies and different amounts of weight to lose, remember slow and steady wins the race.

7 pounds in a week is a huge amount of weight, don't underscore your achievement. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your support Rose. I have 4 children altogether and only the 1 isn't talking to me. I know in my head it isn't me. But my heart does ache. I know I have to be patient and he will come back. I guess that goes for the weight too. PATIENCE. I have tried some excercising but it tends to wipe me out by 4pm. We have all started a new journey in life. I spend way to much time and effort to not give this one 100%. I do have a total of 25 lbs down from the start, so I should be very proud of that. Hope we all have a good day. Laurel

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China you do have alot of very good advice and thank you for your words. I am feeling alot better today about everything and know that we are all going to do great on this adventure. I did really well on my mushy foods today. I got in about 1000 calories. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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great job rose, i think it will try and do any where in between 1200-1500 but, never over 1700 when i go back to he gym. that is what i was eating around to lose the 43lbs. so that will be my range once i start back eating real food.< /span>

China you do have alot of very good advice and thank you for your words. I am feeling alot better today about everything and know that we are all going to do great on this adventure. I did really well on my mushy foods today. I got in about 1000 calories. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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Goodmorning and Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope everyone has a great day. I am finding that the more I eat the more weight comes off so I am going to try and eat 1200 cal today. Is everyone on mushies now? Keep up the good work.

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Merry Christmas to all. Last night did go a little better than expected. I did find out the ex is trying to be best buddy's with my son. My ex isn't happy that I am doing well without him. I do have to be patient. I know I am not getting enough calories in. So that is my goal to increase calories in a healthy way. I do plan to start doing Water arobics next week too. I am not letting my slow weight discourage me totally. Thanks to all for all you support. I do have to remember my age slows down the process too. My head tells me I am still young. I did this whole thing for me. I plan on making this whole effort a success. I know I am in total control of it all. Hope Santa was good to all of us. Laurel

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I am glad that everything went well for you Laural. Be patient everything will work out in time for you with your son. I did notice that since I have increased my calorie intake to about 1200 cal my weight is coming off alittle faster. What food stage are you in and what are you eating. Have a very merry christmas.

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