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NJ July 2008 Chat

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Kat, so glad you checked in and that you are well! I didn't realize that you are a moderator. I thought I'd remembered something about you being asked and then time elapsed and it didn't happen....maybe I'm remembering incorrectly....anyway, cool - moderator! Fantastic numbers on the scale! You must be really hot now (especially after TT and all!) I thought I remembered you saying something about being tall too. anyway, good to see you posting in here again :thumbup:

Sherry! congrats on a fabulous party! Biggest problem for me is that I wasn't there! Everything sounded fan-tas-tic! how may people, do you think, were there? good luck with all the "after-work" stuff.

Pat, Betty, Chrispy, Donna, Cindy, Trish and Jessica...Hope you're doing well!

G'night all!

Hey all!

I have been away at, er what do you call it, Bandster Hell? Gosh, I have been so hungry and have been giving in. I was doing so well staying at 1200 calories a day. The last week or so I'm at 1600-1750! Yikes! I have my first fill tomorrow. I'm a little nervous and I am very hopeful that a little fill will make a big difference. I have to look up what the post-fill instructions are...I think I have to be on liquids for a day then mushies for a few. Did you all have to do the something similar?

My birthday was earlier this month and I was patiently waiting for my present which is a Wii Fit. It came a few days ago and it really is fun. Initially, my Wii Fit age was 65!!!! After going through some of the training exercises, etc, it is at a respectable 33. Whew!

I had a week with one son away at boy scout camp, but the other decided to stay home. He was very lost without his brother. Unfortunately, with a busy work schedule I couldn't entertain him with things to keep busy in the evening. So, he is glad his brother is home. We are going away overnight on Tuesday to an amusement park in upstate Pennsylvania for a quick, cheapie roadtrip vacation. We'll do something again next month to sneak away for a long weekend or something.

I'll be back tomorrow after my fill! :teeth_smile:

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Good Morning Y'all!

On my way out the door, just stopping in to say hello and wish everyone a good day.

I'll have to check back later, I don't have time this morning.

Welcome Back Kat!

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Good Morning Gals

Trish, good luck on the fill today :lol:.

Betty, I probably missed it, but when is the reduction date?

Sherry, that cocktail sounds...hmmm intoxicatingly good.

Kat, glad you found us, LOL.

Diane, I need some numerals to match my letters.

Sherry, Eileenie, whatcha up to?

Any other myspace gals on here?

Donna, are you still trippin...I mean on vacation?

Later gals, I've been gone from work a week, computers are down, lights and power is out in parts of the office, WTF, plus lots of bills to open I'm sure.

Hugs all around

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Hey ladies, I'm baaaaaaaaaacccccccck! I had a terrific time on vacation. The cape is lovely and quaint in many areas. Sherry, I love the Stop and Shop! I wish we had one here in VA.

I have an appointment this afternoon with the nutritionist (zero butt). I feel like I did well with my eating inspite of the spread that was put out each night. However, I did drink pretty much every day so I'm worried I may have gained. I was conservative with my drinking most days except for the day I had 3 chocolatinis. WOW they were so good. OH well, if I gained, I'll just lose it again. I want to lose weight, not stop living! :lol:

Pat it sounds like you had a good beach week. I got pretty tan, actually, although I'm starting to peel already.

Diane how have you done after that last fill? Can you tell you've had it?

Betty, it sounds like you had quite a scare; I'm glad you're okay.

Trish, let me know how that first fill goes. I have mine in about 9 days.

Have a terrific day.


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Morning girls~~

You know how you feel when you walk out of the house without your watch or your rings, kind of nekkid, and it just feels wrong? I feel that way this morning-----no where to go!!! For weeks I had a plan when I got up each morning.....and today Kinsey and I just don't HAVE to do anything!!! I have lots of housework to catch up on, and I need to pick some tomatoes, I think they are rotting on the vine, but all this is at home!!!

We actually slept in, and hung around in our jammies for awhile---feels like something is not quite right!

I think I can get used to it again though!!

Actually Manda is putting her into pre school the end of August. She can and does carry on adult conversation---with adults...but around kids she is very uncertain of herself. She can count, and knows her colors, and shapes, and is recognizing letters. She can tell you how to spell Kinsey----and attempts to copy it if you write it on a paper. She says her ABC's and knows lots of songs. She is as ready for school as any of the kids I ever kept were----she just has not had the interaction with other kids, she is always with her Mama and Daddy or me! So as much as I love her being here, I love her well being more, and want her to start school next year well adjusted, and not be the one crying to go home.....kids are so mean, they find any weakness to pick on, and I don't want to knowingly give her a weakness!!

So when she goes to school, I am thinking about going to work! I don't want to sit at home all day every day. I am considering taking the substitute teaching refresher course (I did it before), and doing that. That way when Rick is off on his Thurs, Fri. I can refuse any work calls. And I will be off for the summer to do our motorcycle weekends. I won't get rich that is for sure.....BUT I have not made any decisions yet!!

Diane, as for being a moderator, I was never actually ask again, I just started receiving notices of reported posts, and noticed my name was in italics!!! So I ask why, and was told I had been made a moderator!!! I am not extremely computer literate! So I pretty much just try to answer unanswered posts, and occasionally try to diffuse a heated thread.....I have been so busy I have not done much of anything!!!

Donna, everytime I think I tan, I peel!! LOL. Actually my arms, and chest and all are pretty tan---lots of hours on the bike and horse!! But my legs-----way white! I wear lots of capris around home, but to ride, I am always in long pants! Oh well----maybe next year I can get pretty and tan. This year, I had to protect my fresh scars----can you imagine burning them? OUCH!

Well, the dishwasher needs unloaded, and the washing machine needs loaded......the work begins!!!

Talk soon!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh it's good to see so many here again! It's still a scorcher in Tx, I guess that is all part of not being so cold in the winter.

Pat - I still have to go to my PCP and get his approval, and that is not until the 8th. I wanted to bypass him because I figured he would tell me no way, but it backfired on me. So, no date till then at least.

Kat - You have really been a busy camper! Now, take some time for some r&r!

Donna - Welcome back! Glad you had a great time.

Trish - How did the fill go? Hope it helps you!

Diane - How is the job going now? Giver us an update!

Well, time for me to go get dressed and out the door.

Everyone have a great day!

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How's everybody doing?

I'm still trying to get this scale of mine to move in the right direction! The last fill I had was just a little tweek...sometimes I don't tolerate things very well, then other times I can't tell I've had a fill at all! *sigh* I was really looking forward to finding out if the reason that I haven't seen the scale move is because I had gained some muscle,but the day I was there to get my weight and muscle mass readout, they told me the machine was broken and only the weight readings were working. I guess if I had gained some muscle and lost some fat, my clothes would have been a good indicator...but alas, they fit the same :) But ya know what?! I'm STILL thrilled about the weight I HAVE lost :hurray:

The job has been a bit different in the past few days...The boss and his wife are on vacation. That offers moments of calm mixed with trying to cover some of the bases that he would usually handle.

Hope all of you are doing alright! Try to stay cool tomorrow chickies :wink2:

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Good Morning, everyone! I went to the nutritionist Monday afternoon. The usual one (zero butt) has gotten a new job, so they have an interim one there until they find a replacement. I was worried about my weight because of vacation, but I was actually down 2lbs, so I'll take it. The nutritionist did not even look at my chart. She thought I was a gastric bypass patient. When I told her I was a lapbander, she couldn't understand why I was hungry because of the restriction from my fills. I then had to tell her I haven't had my first fill yet, and she seemed surprised. She was no real help. She told me to eat what I could tolerate and try to keep around 900 calories a day, not to exceed 1200. Good thing I'm off right now, because I would have been more aggravated if I had to lose time from work for this.

I have 8 more lbs to go to reach my mini goal of losing 25lbs before I go back to school. I'm hoping next week's fill will help some. I'm not counting on much restriction, but maybe a day or so of liquids will speed me up a couple of more lbs! Have any of you noticed any difference after the first fill?

I looked at my card and have a 14cc band. WOW... I knew I was fat, but I wasn't thinking circus material! Anyway, I wonder if it will take longer to get restriction with such a big band. Any thoughts are appreciated. :)

Have a great day.


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Donna, u's not fat, just your innards are :).

Dr. T said it all depends on the inside, nothing to do with how much you have to lose. I was about the same size as you and I have the 4cc, my mom was around 240 and she has a 4cc, so it just depends. Also, the fill will help, as long as he hits the target, lol, don't know if I told you, but he missed my port on my first fill, which was HIS first fill too, without flouro. I'm so glad he only does t with flouro now.

Will be back later girls, I'm on a mission to clean out some drawers today.


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Hi chicas!!!!

im back from vacation and not happy about it at all. I had a blast and actually lost some weight. I seriously thought I was going to gain but some of my bottoms were fitting loose and when I got home last night everyone said I lost more weight. so when I got on the scale at home and it said 192 I almost pee'd myself!!! I am offically in onderland!!!!!! I usally base my weight of the scale at the gym because the one at home is always off by a few pounds but I will round up to 195 which I am still over the moon about! I guess that is what happens when you dont eat Breakfast at all AND eat dessert with both lunch and dinner!! good thing those cakes were in little bit sizes and I limited myself to 2 or I would have really been in trouble. but I guess the dancing with all the boys worked off some of the calories :-)

I spent the last few hours reading a months worth of posts on the thread and cant remember a damn thing right now...sorry.

I do remember that Kat had a rodeo that sound fun and someone - I think Pat - is going through the process of having a breast reduction. can I have whatever they take from you because if my boobs get any smaller they will be just pennies!!! Im going to have to come down to VA and have some drinks with you ladies one weekend...I dont drink but you ladies sound like a blast and I love to travel so why not?

Happy belated bday trish!!!

Donna - good luck hitting your goal before returning to school...youre doing great!!

hi to sherry, Diane, betty and all the rest of the girlies!!

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Welcome home Jessica! I enjoy being away but am usually glad to be home. I am a creature of habit, and I love my own bed!!!

Yep I am rodeo'd out!!! Was a great success, we had lots of fun, some scary times, a couple of young boys hurt seriously---one broken back needing emergency surgery, and a broken neck! Both are still hospitalized, but recovering well, and look to make full recoveries. I know they ride those broncs and bulls knowing it is possible, but it is still scary! The kid who broke his back got stuck under a raging 1000 lb+ bull, and was stomped on. The other boy made his 8 seconds on the bucking bronc but when he dismounted, the horse threw his weight right at the kid, and flipped him onto his head---where he landed, breaking C1.

Altogether they gave away over a quarter of a million dollars in scholarship money!

It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too.

Now we have a few days off and Connie Mack World Series baseball starts, we have teams from all over the US as well as MX and Puerto Rico among others. We at first were not going to do this, because we planned to go to Sturgis, but the guy who works with Rick, his son is having heart surgery, so he is going to be gone, we have to stay home, so got involved in baseball again!

Speaking of baseball---I actually signed up today to play on Rick's work softball team!!! I used to play a lot, that and volleyball. This was offered so I am doing it. They ask me what size uniform tshirt top----I had mens medium to mens XXX to choose from. I got Large! Can you believe that---and I have lots of room, it will be great when washed and dried!

Pat---it was so good to talk to you!!! She surprised me girls!! She says "Guess who this is?---And no fair peeking at Caller ID"

Well I peeked anyway and it only showed a #!!! It was so good to talk to her!! Conscensus was----kids and their choices in life are a PITA!!!!

Donna---I have heard the larger bands might take longer to reach a sweet spot---BUT I have also been told straight up by my surgeon, they have went to the larger band, because it is easier on the stomach, and results in less erosions and slips. Many of us in here were banded before the large ones were even available. Mine too is a 9.75 ml, with a max fill of 4cc.

Sherry have you tried the lactaid or eliminating some dairy??

Well I am off to shred chicken (will the fun never end??) we are having green chile chicken enchiladas tonight---and they won't make themselves!!

See y'all later!!


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Hi Kat...yeap tried that too...no effect. Some nights it's drowning for me...others it's coughing that wakes me up...and when I'm lucky I get a few days where I can actually sleep through. Chrispy suggests I ask for a flouro to be done just to make sure nothing is wrong....if it's ok then see my PCP AGAIN to see if there is another medicine that will help. i'm finding the one she has me take......might fix the acid but, then I get regurgitation because the food doesn't digest enough. UGH...I'm still smiling though :) Things could be worse so I'm appreciative of how far I've come as it is. Sure I'd love it to be more but, it is what it is right now :rolleyes2: Glad youre back!

Welcome back from your trips ladies...all my traveling, vacationing friends. Anyone planning on visiting Mass? A gal can dream right? hee hee. Anyone want some company next year? Might have to make travel plans since DH is planning on going on a motorcycle thing looks like I'll have to plan another vaca without him. Hmmm maybe Disney again with Chrispy lol

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Just returned from a two day road trip with my sons. As a result, I'm thinking now that there should be no more trips until they are through their teenage years. Tried to do this on a budget. Yesterday, was a visit to a great family amusement park. My sons said they wanted the "all day pass" ($30 each) rather than pay by ticket. To make a long story short, they rode 4 rides which would have cost me 8 bucks if we used tickets, but instead cost me $60 because they insisted they wanted the all day pass. I'm still ticked off!!! Then, on the way home today we did 2 free factory tours...a brewery and Herr's potato chips. (I was determined to go CHEAP today, especially after the amusement park fiasco). Suffice it to say, I was very happy to get home.

I had my first fill on Monday. They would only put in 2 cc's in the 10cc band. Before it was even finished the nutritionist was whispering to me to call in a couple weeks if I'm not restricted enough. She said they are very conservative in their approach. It was done under fluoro with a barium swallow. Went very well. I do notice that I'm satisfied with less food sooner, but it is still well over 1/2 cup. Maybe even 1 cup. That's too much I think.

That's it for now! I'll catch up more later. Glad to see everyone back. Especially you vacationers!

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Poor Trish, kids are truly a PIA, ya gotta luv em, but don't have to always like them.

Welcome home Jess, can't wait to see pictures.

Diane, give me a call girlie.

Heading to WaWa's to get a salad, later gals.

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kat - im sort of a home body too. I missed my bed and shower a few times but now I really miss the clear blue Water, white sand and of course the boys so I would rather go back to the island then be here. Driving for the first time in 3 weeks today felt so weird and I so did not miss sitting in traffic!!

I hope the boys that got hurt have a speedy recovery!

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