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Aloha! I am back! We just got home about 730 this morning, took the all night flight. I actually slept about 3 hours on the plane which is highly unusual for me. DD finally made it there as well, she got in by noon on Friday. She and I had a good time at the beach and pool and DH joined us when he was done with work which was Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The weather was perfect too. Next up, Denver and Florida. DD invited me to come with to her ultrasound on Thurs. to find out if she's having a boy or girl. The other grandma is going too so we are going to lunch together as well then I will see my grandma. Then I got this idea that I'd go see my folks in FL for a long weekend and go directly from Denver. I will only really have one full day there as I will arrive on Friday and leave on Sunday. Long enough. LOL

I skimmed posts saw something about Walmart, I always gotta defend them as they've been so good to my son! LOL Love my Walmart, it still has fabric a huge fabric dept even. Also we have the 'Neighborhood Walmarts' here as well which are the smaller grocery only ones. But the Super one still offers everything.

Born shoes, Love 'em. I get most of mine at DSW as they usually have great prices on them. Love the boots, Apples, I'd have the opposite problem with my fat calves which is why I don't have any boots.

Laura, hang in there, your time w/o DH is at least half over now isn't it? Glad the menopause stuff is helping.

Well I had more but ran out of time. I tried to keep up reading on vacation but have a hard time from my phone and didn't take my laptop.

Welcome home Lori! Glad you had a great time.......can't wait to hear about the baby. That was me griping about OUR Walmarts. We have three here and they have removed their fabric departments. Don't get me wrong, I love Walmart, and it has been a good employer for many of my friends and family. I just wish they didn't delete their fabric departments. I used to go to mom and pop fabric stores before Walmart. I am grateful I still have Hobby Lobby, and of course we have a quilt shop.

Okay, so far I have had a Protein Drink, two coffees, then I caved and ate a salad with 4oz of grilled chicken. I also had a pear. i bought them last week and just can't let them go to waste. The plan today is two more Protein drinks. Dr. Davis is making a healthy pizza tonight. I sure hope he is making enough for us to taste. Oh, I did go to Water aerobics. I just love it. I don't know why I resisted going for so long. Thanks for encouraging me.

Sndy.....Thanks. My DGS is so proud. Now I hope he gets a good price at the Auction.

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Hi Everyone....

Good going, TX...love your attitude and congrats on the 3lb lost....many more to come with the way you are going.

Will catch up with you all later. Dumping semi-trucks and drying corn today.

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Sang in my concert this afternoon. Went well; a few people made some stand-out mistakes. Found out our director can really give the evil eye. Glad I was never on the receiving end. Whole point of this choir is to create one beautiful sound with no mistakes or voices standing out except for solo parts. Most of it was gorgeous. This was our cathedral concert, the same songs we'll do next summer in European cathedrals. I'll try to post some of it.

We should have had you sing for us in Vegas!! Will check FB.

Woohoo!!!!! DGS got first place in his category at the fair. I think he showed an Angus steer. He was the smallest kid showing and he did so good. I was so proud. He didn't get Grand Champion or Reserve, but hey this was his first time and he won't be 9 till next month.

Well, I tried a new Protein drink from Walmart. It is Honey Milk Light. 150 calories, 3.5 fat, 14g carbs, 3 Fiber, and 20g Protein. I tasted it first. They had samples. The chocolate and coffee are good. There is no aftertaste.....you know that Vitamin taste. They are 2.50 each. That's cheaper than Pro Jo. Oh and they are Lactose-free. I am going to Water aerobics in the morning. I did not do any exercise today. I need a day off once a week. Anyway, I am pooped.

Good morning peeps! I am weaning myself off of carbs for a few days. I had gotten out of control. I drank two coffees with ProJo. Now I am going to drink a Honey Milk Protein Drink.< /span>

Your DGS is amazing!! Outstanding results, especially for his young age!

Good work on the food plan and Water aerobics.

I think I will look for that Honey Milk next time we are at Walmart.

My hip is feeling better today. I was well in to water aerobics when I suddenly hollered to everyone.... "HEY! I'm doing it and it's not hurting!!" Some of the exercises hurt, but most of them didn't and I really took it easy so as not to aggravate it again! But I did the whole hour!

Hey everybody...... My little pain vacation seems to be about over... It got me pretty good at the wedding last night.... Did dance a bit with Mimi and Bailey..... Today I've done nothing really.... except go to church and watch the girls for a bit after... Had a nap and woke up groggy and hurting.... I finally got around to a little bit this evening... Started making pew decorations for the wedding and printing off the programs finally.... But the pain is now coming so need to go take my meds and try to settle in to sleep some.... This week is going to be crazy............. I'm sorry to not post to everyone, but I hope you'll forgive me and understand I'll be back in good form in about a week......

I love you all.... I'll be here when I can... goodnight to all.... sweet dreams and hugs....... Julie

Praying the week goes well for you.. accomplish what needs to be done wihtout too much pain!

Woohoo Day 5 in the books. No major problems. Now all I need is smooth sailing till the 27. 10 days
Went to drs to weigh this morning. Down 3 lbs

You're doing GREAT TX!!!

I've been tight last couple days and not sure why. Nothing changed. Hmmmm. PBd last night on FF frozen yogurt! That was a first. Did ok with coffee this am but now trying water with a splash of grenadine and am "gurgling"/band noises/mini burp thingies. (what do you guys call that- it's not a burp per se, but just air escaping). Will need to take it easy today. It's not from the PB b/c it was doing that before the PB. And the PB was more slime/stuck feeling/ then felt like it was going to be a full PB but more like a up to the throat one/burp and then went down. This menopause will mess with your head. No period for MONTHS, weight stall, I have felt preggo all week (sorry tx), - boobs sore,bloated, crampy, hungry cravings. Found an old preg test and just to amuse myself did it. Neg. (Thank God). The hot flashes have all but stopped this last month thanks to the supp. k, that's all for now. I am procrastinated enough. work time. hugs, Laura.............peasout

Early morning phone call!! Yikes!! Scary!

I have never had a hot flash! My sisters would like to kill me when I say that! Menopause was uneventful for me. Well, except for the antidepressants!! LOL

Hope you are all having a GREAT Monday!

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Hi, tell me what were some of your ups and downs? When did you get to you 100lbs weight loss?

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I am having a hard time. I need some encouragement. I have lost my will power but not my conscience. So I know I can do better. I just need some help....

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Phyl......Congrats! on the hour of Water aerobics.....slow and easy wins the race.....well, close!

Also, PRAYERS and HUGS for Earl's surgery tomorrow.....right?

Thanks for the props on my GS. He is on cloud nine, but the parents and Gparents are on cloud ten!

msampson.....I haven't reached my 100lb loss. I was up for about a year.....then discouraged for months when I reached a plateau....then I went on a liquid diet for 3 months and lost another 34lbs. Now I am at a plateau again, but the difference is I am exercising and feeling good about reaching goal. If you stall.....mix it up!

Okay, I am dressed and ready to go to support group tonight and see Dr. Davis make this healthy pizza. I am taking my camera. I hope he will let me take a few pics.

Later peeps!

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Phyll....a full hour of pool exercise??? Woohoo! Lucky girl to go thru menopause without hot flashes. I had three huge symptoms....gained A LOT of weight, mega hot flashes and I could go from zero to b_tch in 2 seconds. So glad most of it is behind me. A hot flash once in awhile. I can put up with that.

Arlene...still on cloud nine over Jakob's win??? I would be. Quite the kid. Good luck with the carb cleansing. Once you get on to it, you'll be so happy with yourself and maybe break that nasty plateau.

Julie....thinking of you and your upcoming wedding. Hoping you are able to get through it and your pain stays at bay. Don't ruin your weekend by doing things you shouldn't while prepping for the wedding. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Laura....detest night calls....our phone rang at 5:20...marketing call. Makes we want to go thru the phone line on them. We were just ready to get up, but still...5:20????

Been a busy day...DH decided to go help with the tiling and I have been unloading semis and drying the corn. I get a semi in the yard every 16 minutes and need to fire up the dryer evey 21.

I have a crew for supper tonight so ran back and forth in order to get it in the oven. Made lobster/shrimp ravioli (homemade pasta) with garlic butter sauce. Smells so good. I set aside some of the seafood and sauce and veggies for myself b/4 putting with the Pasta. Have a pumpkin pie out of the oven and sourdough bread ready to go in. Spoiling my guys tonight.

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Charlene, do share that recipe with us -- that's one food I truly miss -- pizza -- sounds yum and I haven't had any really - a bite here or there, but that's all. I can't eat the crust usually. Congrats to Jakob -- what a great accomplishment -- good for him -- he must be a great kid.

Okay, Aylah was with us yesterday and her mom sent aover a halloween gingerbread house for us to make/decorate. It was a "cheap" one she said and it was one that you have to put the house together - well, the icing was not holding it together -- it was premade so I know I didn't do anything wrong -- just would hold together long enough for us to start decorating the roof and then it would all fall apart as soon as we starting putting stuff on the roof -- so after an hour of wrestling with it I said, "enough, I give up!" and tossed it in the trash. Aylah looked at me with horror in her little eyes and said "I think my heart is breaking!" OMG -- so I said, "okay, get your shoes on, we're going to Walmart" and so $9 later, we got another one. At least this one the house was already put together and all you had to do was decorate it -- much more fun -- and turned out really cute. If I ever can get my pics off my camera I'll post them here. Had a busy weekend -- Kate back in ER so had Aylah -- went shopping with my $$$$ on Sat. to get some winter clothes -- spent most of the day/night Sat. shopping and then yesterday ran to the grocery store, etc. My DH said "I thought you were going to take it easy this weekend." Yeah, it would be nice. Went to the gym Sat. but took yesterday off. My hip is still bugging me and not sure why. Did go to Water aerobics this morning -- I was so stiff and sore -- must be the weather.

Cheri, google 3 ingredient recipes, 4 ingredient recipes - etc. There's some good ones out there. In the summer we usually bbque on Sunday and I have DH grill me marinated chicken breast and a couple of hot dogs or turkey burgers and that supplies me with lunch/dinner for week. I almost always eat the same foods -- boring but it's what i like so why not. It's easy and I don't have to think -- usually at night I have a salad with chicken on it -- I warm up the chicken and cut it in tiny pieces and it hits the spot -- not sure why but it's what I like at the moment. For lunch I usually eat half of my turkey burger (no bun) with my zucchini dish that I make every week. Just throwing out ideas for any/all of you. I'm very boring. Usually once a week or so I'll cook myself a piece of fish, or that's what I almost always order when we go out. That way I get my fish in as well. I don't really snack much -- at work I usually have a handful of my Special K low fat granola if I get hungry or these "Mary's Gone Crackers" crackers which are really delish -- they are very thin (like potato chips) but very healthy - and I'll eat about 6 to 8 of those when I get hungry at work -- a box lasts me a long time. I order them on Amazon -- google them - a coworker introduced them to me. At night I almost always have a snack bag of popcorn and then a little sugar free ice cream or frozen yogurt with sugar free hot fudge or fudgecycle or one of the yummy skinny cow truffle bars. Those are my goodies.

Laura, loved the pics of the pumpkin patch AND all the hot babes with Nelson at the backyard pool. You must keep that pic!! Too adorable. Sorry about the wake up call - would scare me too. Glad everything was okay.

Tx -- doing great -- congrats on the 3 lbs.

Phyl, glad you're hip felt better today -- hope it continues.

Julie, hope you get though the week okay - will be thinking of you.

Apples, lol, just as I finally read my e-mails you changed back to Apples -- I'm a little on the slow side these days, but glad you're back.

Lori, welcome home albeit briefly. I'd be so tired -- but you sound happy - can't wait to find out the results on Thurs. -- it'll make the baby so much more real I think. Do they already have names in mind?

well, I gotta wrap it up and get home -- sorry I can't respond to everyone -- but you know I love you all.


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Wow, Phyl and Charlene are our Water aerobics queens. I love Water aerobics but haven't done them in a while. I guess I got too caught up in working up to running 5K. Now that I have accomplished that I really should got back to water aerobics at least once a week. It really make my hip feel better.

I know I talk alot about my dog Charlie so I am uploading a picture of him. I hope I did this right. Awwwww, isn't he a cutie?

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Good Evening Peeps

Msampson - I never had a down time during my weight loss phase - but again I was religous to my new life style - I lost 105 lbs in 1 yr and the next 14 came off in the next few months..

As I have said before - I think the light blub has to go off in your head - cuz that's where our problems lie for the most part - I really did make this a lifetime lifestyle change..

That's the light bulb moment I am taking about - our eating normal is what got us fat in the 1st place - So what do you want - do you want to be healthy - or do you want to be morbitly obese - I would guess you want to be healthy or you wouldn't have gotten the band - but did you think it was going to do the work for you -

What are you eating - what's your exercise..

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Peeps, I am back from a long discussion about healthy eating. I did not know it was just for our nutrition class so there were only six of us there and Dr. Davis with his wife. His wife made the pizza. It was delish. She grilled zuchinni, yellow squash, eggplant, onion, and bell peppers. Then she chopped them up very small and piled the veggies on a whole wheat crust slathered in roasted garlic hummus. She topped it with goat cheese. I didn't eat the crust, but she had put it on the grill too. Dr. D is a vegetarian now. He said if all you eat is veggies, fruits, and nuts.......and of course exercise you will be a lot healthier. Oh, he showed us a film on how they produce the animals we consume. Kinda gross....a lot of them are diseased and they still approve them for consumption. He also said a lot of the free range chickens are not free range. I understand where he is coming from.....it will take me a while to give up my steak twice a month. Really, after seeing Jakob's steer, JZ, and knowing where it is going after thursday......kinda tough.

Dr Davis said I should do Water aerobics and 10,000 steps a day. What? Just because he is training for an Iron Man doesn't mean I have to.

Sorry, I forgot to get pics of him with the pizza.< /p>

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Cheri - After reading your post, I'm soooo impressed with your self knowledge. Aside from your high intelligence - you key in exactly on your personal issues. Wow - and the ability to express it.

I'm way to afraid to see myself that clearly.

This is meant as a compliment. Please accept it.

I have no answers, just wanted you to know I heard you. Loved having you as one of my room mates.

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Arlene - Wow - GS did great. Congrats.

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Lori - welcome home. What a wonderful time with DH and DD. Memories.

Do you have the Bose noise canceling head phones?? I'm thinking of buying them before Guam trip. Hate that hmmmmmmmmm from the engine sound. My yoga friend loves them.

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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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