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So I went to see my doc. Haven't seen him in 4 years because we lived so far away. He was so happy and surprised by my weight loss. He says I have inflamed 2 tendons in my leg. Says there was nothing to prevent it and I need to rest it for 6 weeks! Usually this would make me happy. It is a great excuse to stop excercising but now I actually cried. What 6 weeks. I got goals to reach. He told me that my tendons could break my bone if I don't give it a rest. So I am outta commission. I will have to start my 5k training over after this. I am so dissappointed but I guess it is just a little glitch compared to some other health issues yall have shared. I am gonna have to be more diligent with my eatting plans maybe I can still reach my goal of 60 pounds by july 4th. Sorry to vent. I don't want to give up what I have worked so hard for. Maybe I will call the excercise lady in my surgeons office and see if she can give me some pointers.

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Great...gotta remember you are dealing with a 101yr old woman. Heck, I'm 54 and out of sorts sometimes. I am sure she is sad you are leaving but try not to take her attitude as your problem. Maybe she was just not feeling up to an outing, maybe tired, etc.

Julie...sorry to hear you have the stomach bug. Did you call your doc for meds or do you have some on hand?

Jessica...poor girl...I feel for ya. There's all kinds of ways to get out and move and no inflict further trauma to your injury. Call your friend and see what she suggests for an alternative. Hugs

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OMG.............. I have the stomach flu..........too dizzy to post....... bye..


You need a BREAK,

not another thing to deal with!

Back from Grandma's. Feeling kindda down. It was one of those 'high patience days'. She was so negative about everything and hard to please. I think she is just having a hard time with my leaving and dealing with that. That being said she wanted to just go home early, I'm like we have limited time why not make the most of it? She was just out of it of sorts. But glad to have gotten the time to spend with her.

Let's see, best traits. This is hard for me. I was raised that if you thought anything positive of yourself that it was conceited. I am loyal and a pleaser and determined however that can also be stubborn and work against me! LOL

So sorry you didn't have a more enjoyable time with GM!!

I bet she is dealing with the reality of you moving soon.

Personality trait.... Wow.. it's hard to see that in yourself. I'm sitting here pondering... I'm a good listener, but not always a great conversationalist! I think I am compassionate towards others, and work at trying to be thoughtful.

So I went to see my doc. Haven't seen him in 4 years because we lived so far away. He was so happy and surprised by my weight loss. He says I have inflamed 2 tendons in my leg. Says there was nothing to prevent it and I need to rest it for 6 weeks! Usually this would make me happy. It is a great excuse to stop exercising but now I actually cried. What 6 weeks. I got goals to reach. He told me that my tendons could break my bone if I don't give it a rest. So I am outta commission. I will have to start my 5k training over after this. I am so disappointed but I guess it is just a little glitch compared to some other health issues y'all have shared. I am gonna have to be more diligent with my eating plans maybe I can still reach my goal of 60 pounds by July 4th. Sorry to vent. I don't want to give up what I have worked so hard for. Maybe I will call the exercise lady in my surgeons office and see if she can give me some pointers.

So sorry to hear about this setback! That has got to be super frustrating! Did the doctor say anything about physical therapy. I was so glad when my doc suggested that last week for my back.. and I picked the gym I go to, which also has a PT dept, because I knew they had a therapy pool. They were more than willing to let me do the therapy in the pool. So now I get 2 - 45 minutes sessions a week in the pool. With the type of injury you have, that may or may not be an option. But definitely a good idea to talk to the exercise person in your surgeon's office.

BTW... your new avatar photo is BEAUTIFUL!! Such big changes in your face! You look GREAT!

GODDESS APPLES.... you are a KICK!

I was up very early today.... not typical for me. I had an 8 a.m. PT appt in the pool, so I went over early and did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike before the PT appt. Did 20 minutes on the bike yesterday too, and worked on 4 weight machines, too.


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Oh yeah, Grandma has days like that. It just takes more patience on those days. And I know she is very concerned about my moving away because I do so much. When she has stuff like that on her mind she gets very flustered and well just out of sorts. She can't take in much at a time, and needs time to process things. Plus I think she had not so good a conversation with my mom this morning. She said she got in trouble by my mom. LOL Also, I am having a hard time in dealing with leaving her and my kids as well. It doesn't help that I got very little sleep last night and DH is out of town so I have lots of time to think on things! LOL

Julie, hope you are feeling better.

Jewel, bummer on the tendon. Isn't it amazing how now we see something like that as a set back vs before as a good excuse? Proves you are changing your lifestyle!

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Dang, Julie. Hope the doctor can help you thru this.

Lori - sorry for the rough day with Gd/ma. Bet sadness over your leaving is at the core, as you suspected. You have been so good to her and she will miss you dearly.

Jessica - sports injuries are a part of exercise, sadly. Hope your doctors office can offer some suggestions - perhaps Water aerobics?

Had to work about 3 hours today cleaning up messes from our office manager leaving. Thank heavens I can do it at home in my PJ's. Still don't like it. Spoiled, I know. But at 67 I should be retired.

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Dang, Julie. Hope the doctor can help you thru this.

Lori - sorry for the rough day with Gd/ma. Bet sadness over your leaving is at the core, as you suspected. You have been so good to her and she will miss you dearly.

Jessica - sports injuries are a part of exercise, sadly. Hope your doctors office can offer some suggestions - perhaps Water aerobics?

Had to work about 3 hours today cleaning up messes from our office manager leaving. Thank heavens I can do it at home in my PJ's. Still don't like it. Spoiled, I know. But at 67 I should be retired.

Joyce...are you trying to tell us that your best trait is cleaning up after others??????????? If it is...more power to you!

Phyll...being comapssionate AND a good listener are things I look for in a friend and what it takes to be a good nurse (as I am sure you are/were). As far as being a conversationalist...not necessary...just soak it all in and respond when you feel it's important.

Another day of me junking up the thread....in between planting about 1/2 of my 175 plants. Think I will have to leave the rest for tomorrow. Our resident Master Gardener would be so proud of this amatuerish dirt digger.

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Good morning,

My best quality...That has changed since being banded. I use to feel defeated all the time and was so disappointed in myself. Now I am not afraid to set difficult goals and reach for them..

I just wanted to say Jewel I love your new pic and to see them all side by side really shows the difference of your weight loss. Keep up the great work.

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Share what you feel is your best personality trait. Something you really love about yourself. Share anything...don't feel like you are being arrogant or braggy...just share and be proud of that trait that you admire.

Man you guys are hard to catch up with....

Eva, your trip sounds exciting, ENJOY yourself!

O.k. to task... O.k. I`d say my best personallity is LOYAL, if I am your friend - you are stuck with ME for ever...

Generous, Enthusiastic thats all I can think of at the moment.

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So I went to see my doc. Haven't seen him in 4 years because we lived so far away. He was so happy and surprised by my weight loss. He says I have inflamed 2 tendons in my leg. Says there was nothing to prevent it and I need to rest it for 6 weeks! Usually this would make me happy. It is a great excuse to stop excercising but now I actually cried. What 6 weeks. I got goals to reach. He told me that my tendons could break my bone if I don't give it a rest. So I am outta commission. I will have to start my 5k training over after this. I am so dissappointed but I guess it is just a little glitch compared to some other health issues yall have shared. I am gonna have to be more diligent with my eatting plans maybe I can still reach my goal of 60 pounds by july 4th. Sorry to vent. I don't want to give up what I have worked so hard for. Maybe I will call the excercise lady in my surgeons office and see if she can give me some pointers.

Well I hear that you are disappointed - for sure - who wouldn`t be... You have worked »SO HARD to get where you are, and that you LIKE exercising now... that is HUGE... I am sure with the determination that you have exibited you will be able to get right back on the horse... once you are healed. :thumbup:

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Share what you feel is your best personality trait. Something you really love about yourself. Share anything...don't feel like you are being arrogant or braggy...just share and be proud of that trait that you admire.

Man you guys are hard to catch up with....

Eva, your trip sounds exciting, ENJOY yourself!

O.k. to task... O.k. I`d say my best personallity is LOYAL, if I am your friend - you are stuck with ME for ever...

Generous, Enthusiastic thats all I can think of at the moment.

Peaches...all good traits.

You guys are pretty great participators.:thumbup:

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Another day of me junking up the thread....in between planting about 1/2 of my 175 plants. Think I will have to leave the rest for tomorrow. Our resident Master Gardener would be so proud of this amateurish dirt digger.

We LOVE it when you junk up the thread! Don't you know how much we miss you when you're gone???

Here is a VERY annoying thing that happened to me today. See... I can junk up the thread, too! Now... I had a GREAT workout this morning... recumbent bike, pretty vigorous PT in the therapy pool at my gym. I say "my" gym... but they haven't asked me for any money yet!! Alarm went off yesterday when I scanned my "temporary" card because my 1 week complimentary membership expired..... So.... she extended me for 8 more days!!! I love this place. I'm ready to get out my paycheck, but they never ask me for money. So... anyway, DH wanted to do our "lake walk" this afternoon, and I always use my scooter for that... don't know that I can do the 3 miles, and the steep hill we have to go down, and then a slow steady climb for at least a mile... so... no guilt... I rode. The last leg of the loop... we walk the length of the Safeway shopping center. At the end.. he goes one way and I go another. My route goes behind this office building where there are 2 huge speed bumps. This is a long story, isn't it??? Anyway, if I stick close to the left hand side of the "road".. which isn't really a road, because it's the back part of the shopping center parking lot.... then I don't have to ride my scooter over these two HUGE speed bumps. So I'm cruising along... traffic in both directions and about the width of a normal "road". And I see this car coming straight for me and it's hugging the curb just like I am because she doesn't want to drive over the speed bumps either and she can avoid her right tires going over them if she stays far to her right, my left. At the last minute, she finally moves over so she won't run me down... BUT, as she passes me... she BLARES her horn at me???!!! LIKE... where was I supposed to go!!???? Maybe in the middle of the "road" so I would drive over the speed bumps but she could miss them with half of her tires!!??? What an inconsiderate idiot!! So, nice Christian woman that I am, I gave her the "salute"! She deserved it!

Thank you for listening to my vent!


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We LOVE it when you junk up the thread! Don't you know how much we miss you when you're gone???

Here is a VERY annoying thing that happened to me today. See... I can junk up the thread, too! Now... I had a GREAT workout this morning... recumbent bike, pretty vigorous PT in the therapy pool at my gym. I say "my" gym... but they haven't asked me for any money yet!! Alarm went off yesterday when I scanned my "temporary" card because my 1 week complimentary membership expired..... So.... she extended me for 8 more days!!! I love this place. I'm ready to get out my paycheck, but they never ask me for money. So... anyway, DH wanted to do our "lake walk" this afternoon, and I always use my scooter for that... don't know that I can do the 3 miles, and the steep hill we have to go down, and then a slow steady climb for at least a mile... so... no guilt... I rode. The last leg of the loop... we walk the length of the Safeway shopping center. At the end.. he goes one way and I go another. My route goes behind this office building where there are 2 huge speed bumps. This is a long story, isn't it??? Anyway, if I stick close to the left hand side of the "road".. which isn't really a road, because it's the back part of the shopping center parking lot.... then I don't have to ride my scooter over these two HUGE speed bumps. So I'm cruising along... traffic in both directions and about the width of a normal "road". And I see this car coming straight for me and it's hugging the curb just like I am because she doesn't want to drive over the speed bumps either and she can avoid her right tires going over them if she stays far to her right, my left. At the last minute, she finally moves over so she won't run me down... BUT, as she passes me... she BLARES her horn at me???!!! LIKE... where was I supposed to go!!???? Maybe in the middle of the "road" so I would drive over the speed bumps but she could miss them with half of her tires!!??? What an inconsiderate idiot!! So, nice Christian woman that I am, I gave her the "salute"! She deserved it!

Thank you for listening to my vent!


Phyl, you ROCK ... sometimes you just gotta SALUTE... it was defensable


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Phyll...I have done the "1 Finger Wave" a few times in my years on the road. Last time I did it DH was with me and I guess is was lecture time cuz I certainly got one. "Some day you are going to meet up with the wrong person. They will run you off the road and you'll never come home again". I explained to him that you have to have respect for others on the road and she deserved the respect I gave her. So did your little speed bump avoiding Chickie-Poo.

Oh...and thanks for the kudos on junking up the thread and missing me...awww

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Phyll...your gym membership reminds me of the computer with all the bells and whistles I am using and the 24 inch flat screen I am looking at. Called our favorite little computer guy about a year ago stating we wanted to upgrade. Farm is buying it (always love it when it's not my dollar) so I ordered it up, plus some extras. Well, to this day we have not paid for it.

Little guy came out and spent a bit of time transferring info, setting up, etc. When leaving said he woud send a bill. After not getting an invoice the first month, called his office...said it would get sent. Second month, the same...this went on until March of this year. I gave up. I just ordered this thing up without asking for a price cuz I trusted him to install just what we needed...and, of course, the extras I requested.

Handed the situations over to DH in March. He got his "Goin' To Town" jeans and boots on and went in for a visit and took the checkbook. "We'll get back to you on it". Huh???????

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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