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MaineGeneral Bariatric Center

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Hey Kimberly,

It takes me 45 minutes door to door to get to the center, in the spring. I imagine in the summer it will be more like 1 1/4 hrs with summer traffic. I usually avoid Wiscasett and go the back way Rte 27 to Gardiner, then across the Gardiner bridge, through Hallowell, and right up next to the Capitol Bldg. The center is acutally on the street just after, or next to, if you will, the Capitol. Up the hill about 1/2 mile or so. The info meeting is acutally held at the Senator, I believe. But go wherever they tell you to. They are holding their support groups at a different location now, too, so that may be where they are holding everything. I have a friend at work that may be attending the seminar as well, and she wants me to go with her- maybe we'll see eachother there!

My Insurance did not require a 6 month diet, only proof that I had tried at least 6 different diets in the past 6 years. Had that...Also, my BMI (was) higher than yours is now, and, as I've said in the past, I had 3 co morbididities to boot.

They used to have 3 Dr's there- but not since I've gone there. I had 1 nutritional appt the same day as one of my Personal trainer (Nate- he's awesome!) but that's the only time I had more than 1 thing on the same day.

Alot of the time is spent on purpose- you need 4 weeks in between your 3 nutritional appts, and 1-2 weeks in between each of your 2 sessions with Nate, The Psyc consult is usually on a 4-6 week out from the day you call to schedule, and insurance approval or denial can take up to 4 weeks as well, depending on your ins. If you are denied, the office will resubmitt the claim for you. So, alot of the waiting time there is nothing you can do about it. They make it that way to be sure nobody just jumps into it.

Any Q"s- ask away!!


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Sarah, Were you approved the first time they submitted to your insurance co or did the office have to re-submit? I am wondering how they go about this. The 17th can't come too soon for me. I know that is only the info meeting, but I need to get my fanny into that office so i can get weighed. We FINALLY found a Wii Fit and I absolutely love it!! My BMI dropped and now I am right at 35....I Never thought that would bother me. I don't know how you feel about exercise (I really enjoy it) If it is not your favorite thing to do that the Wii fit is for you. I did it for 30 minutes and was soaked from sweat. It also has Yoga (which I love) and lots of other things.

Let me know if you are going on the 17..I will be sure to look for you. Kimberly

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Hi fellow Mainers,

I am Angel, I have introduced myself in the introdctions thread, but I thought I would say hi here too!

I do not have a surgery date scheduled yet but am looking forward to gettin the ball rolling, so to speak. I have to go to the seminar on August 14th. I live almost 115 miles from Augusta so I have a bit of a travel, but my doc suggested that I got to Maine General becaue they do more Lap Bands than Eastern Maine Medical Center.

I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and am sure that I will learn a lot from this site.


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Hi Angel, I am going to the info session in Augusta on the 17th. I too am just starting out, but am anxious to see what they can tell me that I have not already researched. I live in Bath and have a 45 minute travel, but have been told that Augusta has been doing these longer than Portland, so that is why I chose them. I don't have as long to travel as you, but I am hoping I can schedule as many things on the same day as possible ie: Nutritionist, Trainer etc. This web site is just wonderful and I have met some wonderful people. Kimberly

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Kerri- How are things going? I haven't heard from you in a whyle on here. I know you have alot going on, and I just wanted to let you know I'm thinkin about ya!

Hope all is ok-


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Hi Sarah!

I just got in last night from MA. My Nana passed away very early Sunday morning. It was a sad, but truly amazing experience. She was surely a fighter! She held on until my Uncle Dale was able to get there from Utah, and even said her goodbyes to him. All of her children were there with her, as well as 8 of her 13 grandchildren. The services were amazing, as well as the outreach from the community. She was loved by many! It's so hard to let go..

So today I'm back to the grind. According to my scale I have gained back 2lbs.. It upsets me, but honestly, I expected more. I need to get back into the groove of things, and keep on trucking:) I just wanted to say a quick hello, and let you know I'm here:) I hope all is going well for you!

Welcome to the Maine board, Angel!

And hello Kimberly! I hope things are moving along for you guys.. Looks like you both are set up for the next seminar.. Best of luck to you guys, you are about to start a wonderful journey:)


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Kerri- I am so sorry for the passing of your Nana. You gave her the greatest gift of being there in her final hours. Isn't it amazing how people can hold on to wait for someone to say goodby? It must have meant alot to your uncle Dale for that to happen. I'm glad that you could be there for everything. Families tend to rally in times of distress. At any rate, I'm glad you're back home, safe and sound.

Don't worry about the 2 lbs, they will quickly melt away!

Stress can do some funky things to the body---

I'll write more later- getting the kids ready for camp.


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Hey Sarah!

It's been a longggg time since I've been on here.. Sorry! I have had a really rough time trying to get back into the swing of things.. I'm stuck in a funk!

I am fluctuating between 199-200. Confession time: I haven't been eating well, I am not tracking my intake, I could care less about Protein, I haven't exercised, I'm not drinking all the Water I need, and I have been eating wayyyy too many carbs. Not to mention because of all the above, I am dragging butt big time, and have no energy for anything. Ugh.

I just don't get myself?? I have done so well up to this point, and now I am just sabotaging myself. I just don't know where to start.. One good thing is that I do have some restriction from my last fill.. At least I have something to work with!

So yah, nice post huh? Holy freakin' Pity party lol..

I just really needed to get it all out. On Sunday I want to start the Atkins induction phase, and move on from there. That has always helped jump start me and make me feel good. I really need to get myself prepared, and figure out how to keep on track. I really need to turn around the issues I stated above. I know what needs to be done, now I just need to do it!

So enough with me.. How is everything going for you? You must have a fill coming up right? I think my first was 6 weeks out? Are you feeling restricted at all? I see that your down 42lbs?! Amazing! You must feel fabulous:)

How is your summer going? Any more trips planned with your kiddos? We have a few events coming up in August, but nothing too exciting. I am going to Water Country in NH at some point soon, and hopefully a weekend getaway with the hubby to OOB.

Well, I hope everything is going good for you! And I PROMISE I'll be on here more often!

Chat soon


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Hey Kerri! Good to hear from you! I figured you had alot going on lately. Stress can make you get off track! Just take it one day at a time. Doing the Atkins induction phase will really jump start your loss, and help you run from those extra carbs! I have to admit, I have been loosing and gaining the same 3 lbs for about 2 weeks now. I did, admittingly have chinese the other night- I just feel like I can eat anything, because everything is going down! I really can't wait until my fill next friday- it should scare me back to my goal- beacause it will hurt to eat what I am now- and to think I was scared to eat a few weeks ago...

Glad to see your head is reattatched to the body. Don't consider it a pity party- that's what this is for!

Question for you- you said you had your first fill at Me General under floroscope? They never mentioned anything of that nature to me. They just gave me my date for my first fill at my last appt. Do you think Dr's do it differently? Should I call first to be sure I shouldn't go to Me General for the first fill? What do you think?

Great to hear from you again- no big trips planned for the summer-

Later Gator-


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Hi Angel, I am going to the info session in Augusta on the 17th. I too am just starting out, but am anxious to see what they can tell me that I have not already researched. I live in Bath and have a 45 minute travel, but have been told that Augusta has been doing these longer than Portland, so that is why I chose them. I don't have as long to travel as you, but I am hoping I can schedule as many things on the same day as possible ie: Nutritionist, Trainer etc. This web site is just wonderful and I have met some wonderful people. Kimberly

Wow you are lucky I have a 2 hour travel to Augusta, one way!!

I am hoping since I live so far away that they may be able to do something for me. Otherwise I will be doing a lot of traveling! Oh well it will be more than worth it in the end!

Good luck, hopefully we can help each other out through this journey!

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I think it is only Dr.Trieu who uses xray for the first fill.. But it wouldn't hurt to call so you don't have to make a mad dash in the streets of Augusta next Friday:) Hopefully your first fill goes well! How exciting! I couldn't sleep the night before my first fill, it was like Christmas lol

My next fill is August 7. I think I'll only need 1cc or so. I'm going to aim for 1.5, and hopefully get away with it:) I'll only have one more month after that that I won't be charged for fills, so I want to get in all I can. Lets face it, at $30 in gas and a $30 copay, the trip for a 15 minute appointment isn't the cheapest. (But so worth it!)

My port is still sore most of the time, and my last fill was horrible. Dr.Trieu didn't know why it would still be painful, and I'm supposed to call if it persists. I think I'll just wait til I go back in August. Does your port still feel sore? Mine doesn't usually bother that bad, but it's sore to the touch, when I lay down, and sometimes when standing up from sitting it aches.. I dunno. I just hope it goes away!

Anyhoo... I'm going out tonight with a bunch of friends and co-workers. I am stoked, and I'm hoping it'll get me out of this "funk". I really need to get out and have some fun. I am in rare form lately, and I'm not liking it! If this is what depression is, I feel for those who have to deal with it daily:( I've been miserable. People keep telling me I don't seem like "me", and it kind of freaks me out. Hopefully this passes with time!

Sorry again to blab lol

Hope all is well


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Hey Kerri-

No, my port dosn't hurt at all...I wonder if yours isn't seating well in the muscle for some reason? I don't even know it's there. I would tell them sooner than later! Why suffer any longer than you need to? Maybe they can do your fill earlier, too! SO, are you at restriction yet? For some reason I can eat more than I should be able to! I can put away about 1 cup of food at a meal, sometimes more. It seems to stay longer at night for some reason. I hope I haven't hurt the band at all, because when I eat, I'm not full, but 10 minutes later, I am uncomfortalbly stuffed... I dunno.

About not being yourself- I hear you. I find myself losing my temper and being tired alot quicker the past week or so. Very irritable, almost like PMS'ing- but wrong time for that to be. I read here somewhere that estrogen is absorbed by fat cells- maybe losing the fat cells is making our hormones all wacked out. For me, the scale seemed to teeter between 218-223 last week, now it's between 217-219. Maybe i'm in for a plateau again, or maybe I just need to get off the scale every day and weigh once a week to see numbers go down all the time. It turns out that after teetering for 4 days, the lower number then ends up being the larger number, and a new lower number steps in...I have no Idea what I just typed- don't worry, I think I need a drink... Depressed- DBF is in PA with family for the week- my 16's are getting huge on me after I wear them for an hour, but the damn legs wont' fit into a 14 yet- really need to figure out how to loose alot of wt in the legs- I think I'll make another appt with Nate to see what he thinks I should do. I'd post pics, but I'm computer stupid... pant size 22/24 to a tight 14 loose 16 in a month makes me happy, as well as being able to comfortalbly wear a size large top from a 2x-3x at surgery. The twins are begining to resemble "chesticles" (breasts that look saggy like testicles), but with a good over the shouler boulder holder, look pretty perkey!

Man, sorry to go on about nothing- talk to ya later- looks like we have a couple of newbies on here too! The more the merrier!


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Wow Sarah, those measurements are great! I had a "fat day" on Thursday and was hating myself.. I put on an old pair of 22's and a 2x shirt as a reminder. They were huge! I still continued to have a fat day, lol but it was amazing to see the difference! It's too funny that we are almost exactly the same stats with measurements and weight. It's great to have a buddy who knows exactly what I'm talking about!

As for the scale..I know how hard the scale can be.. I really should only weigh once a week, but it'll never happen! I think it really helps me stay accountable too, so maybe it's not too bad?? It is so hard to not see the numbers drop though! Just know that they will go down in time, and you will be beyond these numbers!

Love the "breasticles" comment. I sooo know what you mean! I'm 25 with no children, and have the boobs of a 60 year old with a family of 10. Uh. I have never really considered plastic surgery until now. I think once I get within 20-30lbs of my goal I will go in for a consult. I don't think I'll ever be perfectly happy with my body, but my boobs have always been an issue, and now it's worse than ever. Maybe I would feel more feminine and pretty? My husband hates the idea, but I remind him that it's not for him.. And after all, doesn't he want a happy wifey? lol

So today is day one of Induction.. I am working all afternoon in the middle of no where with 2 clients. I am only bringing a few things to eat, and my low carb bible to look over:) I am going to be accountable, and I will post my mistakes. I think it will be helpful for me? When I eat bad, and feel horrible about it, I tend to stay away from here and try to hide. I think posting my slip ups will really make me realize what an idiot I've been:). Plus maybe you can give me a cyber "talking to" when I've been bad lol

Well, I'm off to get ready for work. I hope you've had a great weekend, it's sure been a beautiful one! We were out for 11 hours yesterday on the bikes, and what a blast!! Phewww I needed that!

Anyhoo, I'm really going to get ready for work now..


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Hi Sarah, I attended the info session on Thursday and because I had researched so much and you were so kind to answer questions I really did not learn anything new. I was pretty thrown back by the people there and the questions they asked. Dr Truie (sp) was wonderful and I asked Laurie if I could use him. My PCP mailed my referral to Mckee but I just loved his sense of humor. He reminded people that questions were fine, but that it is not recommended that people share health issues....I know way too much about people that I just met....yuck! I have Cigna and according to their info Cigna requires a 6 month diet...I already have 1 month under my belt, and if they take my PCP's recommendation than i will not need it...I will just plug away just in case. I so appreciate your time, I promise I will try to find someone that is close to my date. Kimberly

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Kimberly, Congrats on getting the info session out of the way! Unfourtunately, the person I was going to go with had an emergency, and couldn't go, so I wasnt there. You are absolutely right, you do learn way too much about people there! I can't see any reason why you cant have Dr Trieu instead on McKee!

I hope Cigna takes your dr's notes in place of the 6 month dieting. If not, at least you have 6 months out of the way! Way to go!

I'm sorry I haven't been on here much- it's been (pardon the expression) balls to the walls between work and kids... I"ll try to post more often!

Kerri, another bandster on this thread had Dr Trieu. I'll bet she has some sound advice for you! That is the good part about having only dr's there- chances are, you can speak to very few people, and get a good picture of what you are in for.

Did you find that they focused and pushed the gastic bypass at the seminar? I think it's because they get more $ for it... BUT, then they turn around and say that something like 40-60$ of bypassers ragain the wt! I dont' get it! All I can say is that I am very happy with my disicion with the band, and encourage you to do what is best for you!

Good luck, and keep us posted with what is going on!

Maybe you can do the nutrition appt and psyc eval durring the 6 months of dieting, if you need the diet for ins!!

Take care,


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