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Anyone with PCOS not lose weight after surgery

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6 hours ago, Boldilocks said:

I'm 8.5 months out at this point and am crawling along at a snail's pace.

At my 6 month follow up the NP said I was doing so great, and only had 10 lbs to go - I said that I really had about 20 lbs to go, but you know how they formulate it differently to have as many success stories as possible. 70% of excess weight rather than healthy BMI. But whatever, I told her my personal goal was 128 not 138.

I asked for guidance on how much I should be eating as I was aware of less restriction and more hunger - she told me 600 cals a day until I go back at the 1 year mark. That seemed extreme to me, but I did it for a while. I'm a compulsive tracker - have 8 years worth of tracking on MFP. Daily, I track weight, calories, Protein, Water, carbs, fat, steps, exercise, bowel movements, menstruation, ovulation. The scale didn't move on 600 and I gained a little. And my energy was terrible, my skin awful, and I began having more food cravings.

Honestly - and I am a PCOS weirdo, and none of us are in any way typical at all, and I am not saying anyone else should do this - I only see consistent downward movement on the scale when I up my calories to 1100-1200 and up my carbs to 100g. It is terrifying to me to eat more carbs, but for now I'm going with it. My stats, graphs, and charts show a real correlation that I don't think is coincidence. I am well used to being disciplined - I think as PCOSers we all are - so I will stay on this protocol for a while and if it stops working, it won't be hard for me to go lower again.

I avoided coming on here for a while as I felt like I was a fraud or a cheat or I would be admonished for not doing things the "right" way - but I know my body and I'm honest with myself about what I put into it, so for right now this is what is working for me, and me alone.

I don't think it helps that it is the last 20 lbs I am trying to lose, and everyone always says they just don't want to budge.

(I am also a vegetarian BTW - have been since I was 6 - and I don't have any trouble getting plenty of Protein from food. I haven't had to have Protein Shakes since 6 weeks out. I do a lot of dairy though: FF cottage cheese, FF Greek yoghurt, light babybel cheeses.)

Hey Boldi! I'm always afraid to comment for fear of admonishment as well. Whomp whomp. It sounds like you've figured out what works for you & that's awesome. I've found as well sometimes not every single thing the doctor says is good for us individually. Like mine said no need to weigh food at this point, eat just until I'm full. Like... uh no. I can absolutely do this in a restaurant just fine. But on a day to day basis at home? I still want/need to weigh & measure to keep myself from increasing portions.

-- I want to hug this comment---
I avoided coming on here for a while as I felt like I was a fraud or a cheat or I would be admonished for not doing things the "right" way - but I know my body and I'm honest with myself about what I put into it, so for right now this is what is working for me, and me alone.

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14 hours ago, Boldilocks said:

I'm 8.5 months out at this point and am crawling along at a snail's pace.

At my 6 month follow up the NP said I was doing so great, and only had 10 lbs to go - I said that I really had about 20 lbs to go, but you know how they formulate it differently to have as many success stories as possible. 70% of excess weight rather than healthy BMI. But whatever, I told her my personal goal was 128 not 138.

I asked for guidance on how much I should be eating as I was aware of less restriction and more hunger - she told me 600 cals a day until I go back at the 1 year mark. That seemed extreme to me, but I did it for a while. I'm a compulsive tracker - have 8 years worth of tracking on MFP. Daily, I track weight, calories, Protein, Water, carbs, fat, steps, exercise, bowel movements, menstruation, ovulation. The scale didn't move on 600 and I gained a little. And my energy was terrible, my skin awful, and I began having more food cravings.

Honestly - and I am a PCOS weirdo, and none of us are in any way typical at all, and I am not saying anyone else should do this - I only see consistent downward movement on the scale when I up my calories to 1100-1200 and up my carbs to 100g. It is terrifying to me to eat more carbs, but for now I'm going with it. My stats, graphs, and charts show a real correlation that I don't think is coincidence. I am well used to being disciplined - I think as PCOSers we all are - so I will stay on this protocol for a while and if it stops working, it won't be hard for me to go lower again.

I avoided coming on here for a while as I felt like I was a fraud or a cheat or I would be admonished for not doing things the "right" way - but I know my body and I'm honest with myself about what I put into it, so for right now this is what is working for me, and me alone.

I don't think it helps that it is the last 20 lbs I am trying to lose, and everyone always says they just don't want to budge.

(I am also a vegetarian BTW - have been since I was 6 - and I don't have any trouble getting plenty of Protein from food. I haven't had to have Protein Shakes since 6 weeks out. I do a lot of dairy though: FF cottage cheese, FF Greek yoghurt, light babybel cheeses.)

This is very interesting- many all of you are saying Proteins shouldnt be "too high" and perhaps getting in more calories... This week i have been experimenting going lower... so 400-500 cals and I'll see how that pans out... but might I ask, how often and how much do you workout a day? Because if you do say 1hr of cardio every single day then definitely that would need more calories and even carbs esp if its on top of a job where you move a lot (vs sit all day). After this week i think I might just up my calories to see if anything moves... my body is stubborn as a mule and i just want to figure out what it will take to let the weight go. I hate to do too much dairy but the fact is to get off of the shakes I am going to have to. I am trying to find fish i can stomach...

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I stall A LOT. I have lost a total of 85 lbs in 9 months since surgery. However, I lost a ton in the beginning, like first two months and now I go weeks to months without a loss. I workout 6 times a day at a Boot Camp which supposedly burns 400-700 calories per workout and I eat about 700-800 calories per day. I have seen people starting at the same time, same weight and achieve better results. However, I feel without the surgery I could have never achieved anything. I did a liquid diet with 800 calories for 8 months and the results were blah pre-surgery. My metabolism then was around 1400 calories. I wonder where I stand now. I am scared I'll reach the 1 year mark and still have 60-80lbs to lose. I am 5'1 and currently weight 198 lbs.

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what I know about exercise Is that exercise is not for weight loss, you don’t lose weight with exercise what happens is you build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat. I can’t recall the exact numbers but I think 1 lb of fat only burns 2-3 calories but 1 lb of muscle burns 7-10 calories. so I would think weight resistance, muscle toning and stretching would be most beneficial.

for me it’s frustrating not being able to exercise. I have one of few if only medical conditions (that I know of) that exercise causes damage. I get very sick and it literally ages my muscles instead of being beneficial.

my metabolism prior to surgery didn’t seem to exist. I was eating approximately 800 calories a day, at best I managed a long walk at first once a week or every two weeks but it’s slowly taken it’s toll. I would go on birding walks to take photographs but each time paid a hefty price physically. My weight started to go up and got out of control. This had happened the first time to this extent in my late teens. All doctors could say is it was metabolic disorders but not what I could do. My first battle with my weight doing strict low carb and low calorie helped. But it was impossible to maintain. I reached A decent goal and it would slowly slide upwards.

if I said that already I’m sorry. I find it interesting how some people can eat a lot of calories and even carbs and still lose. I finally hit around 66lb loss from April 29th so around close to six months? My calories range sometimes a little less than 300 Calories if I can’t help it to a little over 400 a good balance is 370. Protein tends to be sometimes a little below 50 grams, to a little above 60 but a good average is 50. I haven’t counted carbs but probably never more than 20-30 net carbs.

the problem is that each person is very different in what works for them. My loss has slowed to a crawl but I’ll take anything I can get. What I hope is that this is the tool that helps me maintain long term. My worry is not reaching goal and maintaining it there while eating normal amount of calories. I think I’d hoped I could eat a little more calories or at least worry about them a little less than I do now. For some reason my body didn’t tolerate eating more veggies in the past. Which makes no sense to me, I dip my toe into slightly more normal foods but still rely on the basics like Protein Powder mixed in TwoGood yogurt, cottage cheese (usually good culture since it comes in individual containers) occasionally poached or soft boiled eggs, sometimes BariatricPal Soups like mixing creamy chicken Pasta with a packet of beef broth) I might be repeating myself (I’m sorry) I tried things like tuna and got sick. I was told I’ve a stricture I’m not sure the status of that. My nutritionist wants me trying soft vegetables and different Proteins.

having a colonoscopy and endoscopy threw me off track but thankfully my recent surgery didn’t. At some points my calories ranged a little higher ie. 480 but I tend to vary the calories and protein daily. I tend to see things move by ounces. Sometimes crawl or stall. May my loss was about 24.4 lbs, June 9.7 lbs, July my weight loss averaged 9 lbs, August 7.9 lbs, September 7.9 lbs, and October 5.1 lbs. Total 64lbs from weight at day of surgery of 203lbs. I was 205lbs at last nutritionist weigh in. 208 lbs at my doctors office. BMI 40. Since I have a smaller frame and short height I wish to reach a goal of under 110lbs the last time I got to about 124lbs for now I’d take that over where I was headed prior to surgery. Of course then there is the extra and saggy skin.

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11 hours ago, tashie123 said:

I stall A LOT. I have lost a total of 85 lbs in 9 months since surgery. However, I lost a ton in the beginning, like first two months and now I go weeks to months without a loss. I workout 6 times a day at a Boot Camp which supposedly burns 400-700 calories per workout and I eat about 700-800 calories per day. I have seen people starting at the same time, same weight and achieve better results. However, I feel without the surgery I could have never achieved anything. I did a liquid diet with 800 calories for 8 months and the results were blah pre-surgery. My metabolism then was around 1400 calories. I wonder where I stand now. I am scared I'll reach the 1 year mark and still have 60-80lbs to lose. I am 5'1 and currently weight 198 lbs.

Just checking but did you mean six times a week or "day" because you wrote day and that seems like a lot? that said CONGRATS on the 85lbs, that's fantastic. I get Its hard but its good to know at least the weight is coming off albeit more slowly than you (we all here) hoped. I just have to think like you do, that without surgery i could work this hard and see zero results... As much as this process gets me down especially when i see weight melting off of others that are also like (" i cant stop losing weight and i dont even exercise yet!"- ugh) I didnt come this far to only come this far so I have no choice but to plow ahead.. but i understand your fear because i live with the same fear. Hang in there...

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8 hours ago, Darktowerdream said:

what I know about exercise Is that exercise is not for weight loss, you don’t lose weight with exercise what happens is you build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat. I can’t recall the exact numbers but I think 1 lb of fat only burns 2-3 calories but 1 lb of muscle burns 7-10 calories. so I would think weight resistance, muscle toning and stretching would be most beneficial.

for me it’s frustrating not being able to exercise. I have one of few if only medical conditions (that I know of) that exercise causes damage. I get very sick and it literally ages my muscles instead of being beneficial.

my metabolism prior to surgery didn’t seem to exist. I was eating approximately 800 calories a day, at best I managed a long walk at first once a week or every two weeks but it’s slowly taken it’s toll. I would go on birding walks to take photographs but each time paid a hefty price physically. My weight started to go up and got out of control. This had happened the first time to this extent in my late teens. All doctors could say is it was metabolic disorders but not what I could do. My first battle with my weight doing strict low carb and low calorie helped. But it was impossible to maintain. I reached A decent goal and it would slowly slide upwards.

if I said that already I’m sorry. I find it interesting how some people can eat a lot of calories and even carbs and still lose. I finally hit around 66lb loss from April 29th so around close to six months? My calories range sometimes a little less than 300 Calories if I can’t help it to a little over 400 a good balance is 370. Protein tends to be sometimes a little below 50 grams, to a little above 60 but a good average is 50. I haven’t counted carbs but probably never more than 20-30 net carbs.

the problem is that each person is very different in what works for them. My loss has slowed to a crawl but I’ll take anything I can get. What I hope is that this is the tool that helps me maintain long term. My worry is not reaching goal and maintaining it there while eating normal amount of calories. I think I’d hoped I could eat a little more calories or at least worry about them a little less than I do now. For some reason my body didn’t tolerate eating more veggies in the past. Which makes no sense to me, I dip my toe into slightly more normal foods but still rely on the basics like Protein Powder mixed in TwoGood yogurt, cottage cheese (usually good culture since it comes in individual containers) occasionally poached or soft boiled eggs, sometimes BariatricPal Soups like mixing creamy chicken Pasta with a packet of beef broth) I might be repeating myself (I’m sorry) I tried things like tuna and got sick. I was told I’ve a stricture I’m not sure the status of that. My nutritionist wants me trying soft vegetables and different Proteins.

having a colonoscopy and endoscopy threw me off track but thankfully my recent surgery didn’t. At some points my calories ranged a little higher ie. 480 but I tend to vary the calories and Protein daily. I tend to see things move by ounces. Sometimes crawl or stall. May my loss was about 24.4 lbs, June 9.7 lbs, July my weight loss averaged 9 lbs, August 7.9 lbs, September 7.9 lbs, and October 5.1 lbs. Total 64lbs from weight at day of surgery of 203lbs. I was 205lbs at last nutritionist weigh in. 208 lbs at my doctors office. BMI 40. Since I have a smaller frame and short height I wish to reach a goal of under 110lbs the last time I got to about 124lbs for now I’d take that over where I was headed prior to surgery. Of course then there is the extra and saggy skin.

you are incredibly strong to go through all of this while also suffering from so many other ailments. I am hoping and praying for you that you get some relief (if thats even possible?) and Im in awe of how much you have achieved thus far.

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On 10/25/2019 at 2:15 AM, Serengirl said:

you are incredibly strong to go through all of this while also suffering from so many other ailments. I am hoping and praying for you that you get some relief (if thats even possible?) and Im in awe of how much you have achieved thus far.

My mother has said this but I don’t feel strong at all. Especially when I have meltdown situations (being on the autism spectrum) and then she thinks I’m acting childish without trying to understand why I might not behave the way she thinks I should. It’s not something I can control. It could be in response to what she sees as a simple question but isn’t if I’m in sensory overload.

I guess when I felt like my weight was getting out of any semblance of control at all on my part that’s why I fought for the surgery even though I will never get true relief from my ailments and my chronic conditions will get worse over time - it’s either try to find a solution that likely includes a hefty price to my chronic illness or give up. Honestly, all I can do is either work on what I can (like my weight, or relieve some of the burden on my body physically) mostly it’s bandaids, temporary things. Like trying to get decent pain management. and trying to deal with my doctor on the difficult things when she doesn’t understand.

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Hey everyone! I’m a fellow cyster. I just met with my surgeon for my final pre op appointment. He pointed out that I may plateau but to KEEP. WITH. THE. PLAN. We lose, stall, then bottom out and apparently that’s common place. My surgery is scheduled for 12/11.

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On 5/13/2019 at 7:08 AM, TeeBeau said:

I have PCOS and was never able to lose anything significant and keep if off pre surgery. I have lost about 32 lbs since surgery on 3/12/19 and about 86 total since last July when I started with the surgeon's 6 month pre op diet. I believe the surgery did something to fix my hormones, metabolism, whatever involved with metabolic syndrome and PCOS. For the first time in 27 years I am below 200 lbs. I too was afraid the PCOS would not allow me to lose after surgery. And while at times it has seemed slow, I've averaged 4 lbs lost per week post surgery, which is really quite good.

I believe if you follow the plan your team gives you, you will be successful. That's how I've approached this and I follow their advice and directions. I sometimes struggle to get enough Water and those weeks I lose less it seems.

. deleted.

Edited by Serengirl

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I thought Metformin (pcos med) makes everybody lose weight?

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2 hours ago, sidvicious said:

I thought Metformin (pcos med) makes everybody lose weight?

I don’t think it’s that simple, but for me personally I couldn’t take Metformin for PCOS since it made me ill, turned out it makes endometriosis worse. I also have Adult onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia and an inability to exercise. I followed extreme low carb, low calories for years but at some point it stopped working and I couldn’t seem to eat low enough calories to lose. I began my bariatric surgery journey when I found out I needed my gallbladder out.

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With PCOS I found that taking extra strength Biotin helped dimish Hair loss. Has anyone else tried taking Biotin and had the same results? Just had my sleeve done this week and have been maxing out my Protein every day for fear of losing hair. The only fallback has been that the hair in other undesired areas have also been coming in strong. Nothing a little laser hair removal can't take care of.

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I am in the official "lost 75 lbs" club. OK, that's not a real club, but one I just made it because I am happy to see it :-). The last couple months, I have been exercising more than ever - I ran a 10K on Thanksgiving morning and did a Turkey Triathlon the night before. However, the scale has really slowed, but still is going down, so I guess that is a win.

During the holidays, my plan is to be as active as possible, but not use the exercise as an excuse to overindulge. I plan to have a few treats here and there, but keep it to a minimum. I have never seen the scale go up since surgery - it has always been a loss, even if very small, so my goal is to continue that trend and keep training for bigger races in the spring.

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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