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PJTP...Okay, I WAS going back to work...


I do feel (and look) so much better (aside from the adult onset acne:mad:).

What is up with that? I am starting to get breakouts again and I thought I'd left all that behind! And why are there now grey hairs growing out of my chin?!?!?!?! :)

I think I hate menopause already, and I'm just starting...at least that's MY problem...

I know my problem is mental. Even though I know that I have worked hard to lose my 76 pounds, I feel like such a fraud sometimes. I know part of that is because I didn't tell a lot of people about my surgery. In that time, I have had several people from work asking for my "diet". Well, I tell the truth that it isn't a diet. I am just doing my best to eat better 9/10ths of the time. The other 1/10th...:scared2: I also have become the major topic of conversation with my family (thanks to big mouth relatives). I went from only my mom & husband knowing, to everyone asking me did it hurt, am I allowed to eat that, is it expensive... you get the picture. I just need to get my head game back together. It's funny how much of this journey is mental.

There is SO much mental about this process...I KNOW sometimes when I want something it's purely head hunger...my body is NOT hungry! I think we need a year to get our heads around the fact that we are smaller and for our bodies to adjust.

I look in the mirror and am amazed at the smaller Ebony looking back at me...:mad:

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Originally Posted by *slim* viewpost.gif


I do feel (and look) so much better (aside from the adult onset acnemad.gif).

What is up with that? I am starting to get breakouts again and I thought I'd left all that behind! And why are there now grey hairs growing out of my chin?!?!?!?! :scared2:

I think I hate menopause already, and I'm just starting...at least that's MY problem...

Ebony: did your menopause start before or after your surgery?

We have lost a LOT of fat since surgery,and fat is where estrogen is stored. Our hormones are whacko right now. I had a hysterectomy in December because I was having Migraines daily from October until after my surgery. As soon as the surgery was over, no more headaches! I also now suffer from acne but that could also be from the hormone fluctuations. My acne is not bad, but it sucks since I was acne free as a teenager. I will take the acne and loss of my uterus for the 89lbs I have lost so far. Slim, check with your gyn and see if maybe you hormones are out of whack. It may help solve some of the problems if they can regulate it.

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Cryzytchr, you may be on to something...I did not have symptoms before getting banded and losing a bunch of weight. My mom and sister both has 'surgical' menopause - because of fibroid tumors, they both had to have hysterectomies, so I was unsure of when I might enter that phase of life.

It kinda makes sense...I actually asked my PCP to test me because I was having a lot of memory issues, lack of concentration, etc. All the symptoms pointed to menopause.

Originally Posted by *slim* viewpost.gif


I do feel (and look) so much better (aside from the adult onset acnemad.gif).

What is up with that? I am starting to get breakouts again and I thought I'd left all that behind! And why are there now grey hairs growing out of my chin?!?!?!?! :scared2:

I think I hate menopause already, and I'm just starting...at least that's MY problem...

Ebony: did your menopause start before or after your surgery?

We have lost a LOT of fat since surgery,and fat is where estrogen is stored. Our hormones are whacko right now. I had a hysterectomy in December because I was having Migraines daily from October until after my surgery. As soon as the surgery was over, no more headaches! I also now suffer from acne but that could also be from the hormone fluctuations. My acne is not bad, but it sucks since I was acne free as a teenager. I will take the acne and loss of my uterus for the 89lbs I have lost so far. Slim, check with your gyn and see if maybe you hormones are out of whack. It may help solve some of the problems if they can regulate it.

So, Crzytchr, is there a specific test I should request? I'll be seeing my PCP again in a month or so because he thinks I may be very close to getting off the diabetes meds (my A1C is at 7.0, down from 8.6 pre-surgery) and I'm praying I can leave the meds behind and Celebrate 2010 medicine-free!:)

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Ebony: actually, I didn't make the connection until AFTER I had the hysterectomy. I don't know whether or not it was causational or just coincidental, but I had lost 40+ lbs when the headaches started and almost 50 when I had the hysterectomy. But later, I realized there was probably a connection since estrogen and fat are connected and I didn't have the problems until after losing the weight. I don't know what test to ask for, but just ask them if they can test your hormone levels since this all started after losing the weight.

Again, I don't miss my uterus, but the headaches were a killer.:scared2: I am so glad those are over.

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PJTP: I will catch with all of you later.

I had a very, very sad morning. I woke up to find our oldest dog had passed away! Very sad, going home from school at lunch to drop her off for cremation. Trying to figure out how to tell DD since she is off at school and I know that she will be a mess when she finds out - I don't want to ruin her first week!


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PJTP: I will catch with all of you later.

I had a very, very sad morning. I woke up to find our oldest dog had passed away! Very sad, going home from school at lunch to drop her off for cremation. Trying to figure out how to tell DD since she is off at school and I know that she will be a mess when she finds out - I don't want to ruin her first week!


How horrible! I am so sorry. I wish I had some way to tell your DD without it upsetting her as much.

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PJTP: I will catch with all of you later.

I had a very, very sad morning. I woke up to find our oldest dog had passed away! Very sad, going home from school at lunch to drop her off for cremation. Trying to figure out how to tell DD since she is off at school and I know that she will be a mess when she finds out - I don't want to ruin her first week!


I am so sorry. I will send prayers your way.

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PJTP: I will catch with all of you later.

I had a very, very sad morning. I woke up to find our oldest dog had passed away! Very sad, going home from school at lunch to drop her off for cremation. Trying to figure out how to tell DD since she is off at school and I know that she will be a mess when she finds out - I don't want to ruin her first week!


Oh dear...prayers coming your way from me as well...it's so hard when they leave us. I know you'll find the right words to tell your DD...(((((hugs)))))

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Hi all!!

First of all Krtork, so sorry to hear about your dog, we have 2 and they are part of the family. Sending you hugs to help you get thru the talk with your daughter.

To all of you Greys fans....WOW that was a great start to the season, can't wait for Desperate Housewives this weekend!! I even shed a couple tears about George.

I'm glad to see this thread started again, I do PJTP and often! I have been struggling to get past the 40lb mark, I seem to be stuck there. I know what to do but get lazy and don't do it. I need to give myself a big kick in the butt!! I still have 25-30lbs to go so I need to get with it! My surgery was in March and it was my 50th birthday present to myself, well my 50th is in January so I want to be at goal by then. Anyway enough PJTP!!!

Great to see so many checking in!


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""Poking my head in" Hi everyone.

Hey Pooly, my FB game playing buddy, hehehe

Plain my Mafia buddy,

Ebony, hey I just replied to your email, sorry it took so long, things going on here.

Glad to see you started this thread, I enjoyed the other one for a while.

Krotk, so sorry about your doggie, they do become family to us. My little guy had surgery 5 weeks ago and my in-laws think we are nuts for doing it, they said "hes just a dog" well actually No he's my baby. :-)

Fab, I'm a greeys fan and wouldnt you knw it, I fell asleep the last 20 minutes, @#$$^#%^ good thing I have it taped.

Ok everyone have a great day.

Edited by Shalee04

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Oops! I'd started another thread in R&R when I couldn't find a new thread. Never thought to check the Lounge and it didn't pop up on New Posts! WTH!

Anyway, deleted my post from there and am posting my latest story here. Plain, maybe you can delete my other thread?

I'll go back and read later. DD is hungry and I've been putting her off for too long! BBL!!!


So, the middle of the night visitor story:

Off of our living room and bedroom side of the house, we have a 2nd story deck. DDog has full access via the doggie door in the LR slider. She doesn't have access to the yard from that deck tho. It's gated off.

Anyway, periodically in the middle of the night she'll hear something and as we live in the mountains, that can mean ANYTHING! So last night she started up about 3 or so. She'd then calm down and come back in to go to sleep only to get up again and go nuts.

Finally about 3:30 she just wouldn't STOP and I was mad. She also had awakened the kiddo by this time and I was tired and not happy. Turn on the light and she's at one of the corners, looking up and throwing a bloody FIT. I look and it's a HUGE raccoon! Damn thing is just sitting there!

So I head out there to chase it off. When it heard the screen on the BR door it dropped down to the outside corner of the deck/railing. I chase it off and it heads up a tree not 3ft from the deck! Dumb thing! I went and got the flashlight and DD wanted to see so got her too and shined the light on it. They don't like that so it shimmied back down the tree and took off, away from the house.

Well, then of course DD is wide awake and needs Water and needs a kleenex and this, that and the other til she finally falls back to sleep about an HOUR later! UGH!!! We slept in a little but I'm still tired! Dog is dragging her feet today too. She's too old to be up half the night anymore either! LOL!

Have a beautiful day! Off to make DD some lunch. BBL!!!

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PJTP...a question for you, Alex...

I started another PJTP thread - it's called "Posting just to post" and is at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f7/posting-just-post-102859/. Is there a way to move those messages over to here and then notify the people subscribed to that thread to come over here?

I started the new thread and don't want to leave anyone hanging...what's the most efficient way to do that?

Thanks in advance.

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PJTP...a question for you, Alex...

I started another PJTP thread - it's called "Posting just to post" and is at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f7/posting-just-post-102859/. Is there a way to move those messages over to here and then notify the people subscribed to that thread to come over here?

I started the new thread and don't want to leave anyone hanging...what's the most efficient way to do that?

Thanks in advance.

Threads merged

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Wow, that was fast...need to remember to get Ebony to ask for favors for me.:scared2:

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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