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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Up date on DBIL.. They are bringing him around. he has pnumonia. There are several things that they want to check on. The Dr. said he is improving, but he is far from being out of the woods. He will be in ICU for awhile again. I will come here Monday and up date you again.

Also I will update you about myself.:biggrin: Take care and Be Blessed.

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G4E, Thanks for the update on DBIL!

I'm sorry your internet is off now. :biggrin:

Take care of yourself and I pray all goes well with your biopsy on Monday!

You'll be missed! :unsure:

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G4E - thinking about you for monday!

Had a great 'me' day today. I actually went and saw 2 movies: A perfect Getaway (had to see b/c of my love for kauai) and Julie and Julia - thought of all my foodie friends. Then I went and got a pedicure.

Back to the movies though - I really loved the J&J movie - renewed my respect for what an amazing woman Julia Child really was - but not only her - Her husband was an awesome man. Going to have to cook something with butter this week just in her honor - DARN!

Babysitting my goddaughter right now and watching the Chiefs first preseason game - life could only be better if I was cooking too - if I was at my house I would be.

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Type A, A-, yeah... lol :sad:

It was so weird... guy was a total jerk. Kicked me out of the class for being late. Was like a gestapo warden or something. And my dog was in the dream. Very weird.

PJTP: Getting ready to go to Crosby, Stills & Nash tonight at an outdoor concert! Pasta salads, deviled eggs, cucumber salad, MOJITOS, good friends... it's gonna be nice.

Weird dream - but I am sure you will be fine and not have to worry about your dog going to school!:tt2:

Sounds like a lovely evening! Have FUN!

I do NOT understand the constant need of some posters to hang out at LBT to trash talk the band....or even to promote their WLS of choice---go to that forum...get over yourself already! Move on. I wish we had the ability to simply move them on, but we don't. So the best I can do is ignore them. To make them see the light we see is as impossible as it is to make some see that the way THEY read the bible is not necessarily the way we read the same thing to mean!

Hope our friends choose us over allowing the others to win.....

Kat~ I totally agree. I feel like I have to be on the defense when I post anymore and I hate having to be that way!

I hope our friends will also choose to stay! I love posting here and feeling like I can get the answers I need, a kick in the butt when I need it and know that we have all been through the same thing and we all get it!

LOL, we too have jalapenos coming on in the garden quickly! I ate so many it almost made me sick the other night. We stuff them, and bake them----soooo good, but the whole "in moderation" thing got me!

Tomatoes are multiplying on the counter now as well as on the vine, I swear, when I went to work there was nowhere as many on the counter as there is now! Go figure....and I don't even like them!

I am off to go take care of my grandsons for a couple of hours so my DS can take DIL out for her birthday. That means, DH can kick a soccer ball around with the 3 year old, and I can snuggle up with the 1 week old!!! Tough job, but I think I can handle it!!

It is so hard to garden in Central Oregon! I was going to try a small garden again this year, but the weather was just too weird!!! Needless to say it never was started.

I tried one of those topsy-turvy (sp) planters and I have one stinkin' tomato! WTH!

Your grandkids are lucky to have you as a grandma!

PJTP...the Friday evening edition from Ebony's house!:)

Speaking of good food - the restaurant where my co-workers daughter is a pastry / dessert chef is wonderful...homey little place with friendly waitstaff and just enough space to be comfortable.

Just got back from taking DDog for another walk - just over a mile and a half out and back. Feeling very good! Busy weekend planned - painting the closet, patching the ceiling in part of the master bedroom, and getting ready to patch and prime the rest of the MBR...

Everyone have a wonderful weekend - I'll try to get back on Sat and Sun, but can't guarantee it...just know that I'm out here, that I'm not going anywhere, and I :lol: all y'all!

Sounds like you had a great lunch! Wow! Isn't it nice to go out and have normal portions and left overs for later! I love that part!

Sounds like you are still busy on the house! It is so nice to see you keeping up with your wogging - I think you might even be able to jump up to use the word "jogging"! Keep up the good work!

I am sitting here at my goddaughter's parent's house (they only live 3 houses down from me) getting them wasted on watermelon mojitos - just had to send someone to get more rum and ice!

What a great godparent you are, getting the parents drunk so you can enjoy your goddaughter!:tt2:

Drive by post:

I'm so PISSED right now I could just spit!!!! I can't even hardly type I'm so mad!

Michelle~ So sorry to hear that this happened to you! I can just imagine how pissed you must be! I hope you had that glass of wine!

I know the Shrinking Violets group, we have all met up and done the vacation thing, so we have phone numbers, and texts, and communicate outside the forum. But with the upset in THIS room, with people leaving, and feeling a need for a break, it leaves you feeling like something is missing, and the sad thing is that it isn't someTHING, it is someONES, and with them being gone, you can't even tell them.

I can see you are dealing with a lot of it in both places, and I am really sorry.

I think you nailed it on the head! I know that I am newer to this group - but I felt welcomed and I followed along before I jumped in. It just seemed like a really fun group of people and now I miss those that have left, even if it is just to take a break!

Up date on DBIL.. They are bringing him around. he has pnumonia. There are several things that they want to check on. The Dr. said he is improving, but he is far from being out of the woods. He will be in ICU for awhile again.

G4E~ Sounds like BIL is improving, still in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck on Monday with your tests!

Had a great 'me' day today. I actually went and saw 2 movies: A perfect Getaway (had to see b/c of my love for kauai) and Julie and Julia - thought of all my foodie friends. Then I went and got a pedicure.

Back to the movies though - I really loved the J&J movie - renewed my respect for what an amazing woman Julia Child really was - but not only her - Her husband was an awesome man. Going to have to cook something with butter this week just in her honor - DARN!

Babysitting my goddaughter right now and watching the Chiefs first preseason game - life could only be better if I was cooking too - if I was at my house I would be.

I really want to see J&J, so glad you are giving it a good review. I might take DD and bust out and go see it.

A pedicure, how decadent! Enjoy the game and the kiddo!

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PJTP: Wow, my last post was long! Had a busy day, but it was really enjoyable. I did a bunch of housework today and had the kids help out. It was kind of nice to just be hangin' out with the kids today and in the end we had a clean house!:)

I feel like I had a good eating day - no snacking! That is the one thing that I am really having a hard time getting rid of, it comes back so easily! I am trying to track as I stick the food in my mouth, I think that helps. I am also trying to think ahead so that when school starts I am prepared.

I hope everybody has a great weekend!

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Morning everyone. I just have to say that I really miss Tap and Luluc. I miss having Tap here with me early in the morning. I know we have all said it over and over, but I am really feeling it this morning.

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Morning everyone. I just have to say that I really miss Tap and Luluc. I miss having Tap here with me early in the morning. I know we have all said it over and over, but I am really feeling it this morning.

Good morning, Slim!

Like you, I miss Tap and LuluC - I knew I could pretty much guarantee there would be new posts in PJTP with you and Tap here. Y'all are the true early birds! :lol:

Yesterday didn't quite turn out as planned, but it was okay, 'cause I had a good day. Did my grocery shopping, talked to DH in Arizona a bunch of times, gave DD the gift of a pedicure (she really wanted one), went to Home Depot and bought the paint for the MBR (never got started, so that's on today's agenda), and planned a fundraiser for a dear friend that's running for City Council (again).

DD and I went to the movies to see GI Joe (2nd time for me). She missed it when DH and I went, and it was wicked hot and humid here, so I retreated to air conditioning. Had WAY too much popcorn (slider for me) so I took it easy on food the rest of the day...gotta stay away from that stuff!:)

Up and at 'em this morning - took DDog for a walk already and I'm going to start painting while it's cool. Now that I've planned a fundraiser for my friend for Aug 30th (2 weeks), I'm going to be deep cleaning the house - can't have people over when the house is a mess. I'm hoping the 'curiosity factor' will help get people to the house - no one has really seen it since we bought it. I keep putting off having parties and such because I feel the house isn't "done" yet...nothing like an event to make ya get off your duff and get it done!:tt2:

My DD has agreed to make food for the fundraiser - more of those excellent chicken croquettes she made for DH and I, and the strawberry cold Soup (pureed strawberries and strawberry ice cream - yum), plus pink lemonade. It's going to be fun, and it will help my friend.

Off to get my day started...BBL! :sad:

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Although things didn't go as planned, it sounds like you had a really good day. You had a very busy day. I have decided that I am going to start on my master bedroom soon. I have been looking at ugly yellow walls since I bought the house. We are slowly doing the rooms. Some of the rooms need to be demoed! The second bathroom is a prime example. It seems that they did some "touch up" work to make it presentable for sale. They obviously didn't use materials made for a bathroom with a shower. I am going to have to use KILLZ on every paintable surface in there. I really want it to be retiled, but that would mean that DH and I would have to share a shower for the duration of that project. That has put a halt on it. ***shuddering***

KC-It sounds like you had an awesome time the last few days. I am sure the mojitos were a complete hit. I know spending time with your goddaughter was nice too.

Kat-I know nothing compares to holding a new baby. I love the way babies feel and smell. **ok, backing away from the baby talk, I am NOT having anymore babies!**

G4E-You know we are still praying for your DBIL.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

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Hi Slim - I'm back - well, actually, I haven't left yet...:sad:

Although things didn't go as planned, it sounds like you had a really good day. You had a very busy day. I have decided that I am going to start on my master bedroom soon. I have been looking at ugly yellow walls since I bought the house. We are slowly doing the rooms. Some of the rooms need to be demoed!

That was my situation as well - we actually combined three rooms to become the master "suite". The MBath is formerly a bedroom - still have plumbing hookups to do in there...maybe in the fall. We demo'd a closet that separated the two rooms and part of that became the new master closet, and part is the "lounge". Our bed sits in what used to be my DD's bedroom (smallest section of the suite). The bed takes up pretty much the whole space, but it feels cozy and leaves room for other stuff (dressers, etc) outside of it. There is a fireplace in the "lounge" room and one in the bathroom-to-be. I really need to take some pictures as I clear the rooms and remodel them, so I can remember what I've done and how far we've come.

The second bathroom is a prime example. It seems that they did some "touch up" work to make it presentable for sale. They obviously didn't use materials made for a bathroom with a shower. I am going to have to use KILLZ on every paintable surface in there. I really want it to be retiled, but that would mean that DH and I would have to share a shower for the duration of that project. That has put a halt on it. ***shuddering***

I used Killz as a primer - my house is old (I think everyone knows that) and the walls are "raw plaster". There was never a "finish" coat of plaster put on them. They feel...gritty / crumbly / rough instead of smooth, so wallpapering (my first choice many years ago) won't work. Skim coating plaster on all the walls - that's beyond my level of expertise. Patching is about all I can handle! Taking the walls down means taking off baseboards and trim, dealing with heavy chunks of plaster and lath (thin wood strips - old plaster is applied directly to these) and then putting wallboard up over the exposed studs. Since the old plaster is "sound" - attached firmly and not going anywhere - I see no reason to tear it all down. Does make for interesting patching, though, because modern drywall is not the same thickness as the old plaster.

KC-It sounds like you had an awesome time the last few days. I am sure the mojitos were a complete hit. I know spending time with your goddaughter was nice too.

That does sound like fun...wish I could have a mojito! Diabetes meds don't allow me to indulge, however...stone cold sober is my normal existence...:)

Kat-I know nothing compares to holding a new baby. I love the way babies feel and smell. **ok, backing away from the baby talk, I am NOT having anymore babies!**

Too funny - I love the smell of babies as well. I'm almost gravitationally attracted to babies and toddlers...they are so sweet!

G4E-You know we are still praying for your DBIL.

Definately - he's hanging in there, and that's good for all.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

You too, Slim! Now I really AM going to get up from the PC and start my painting work...BBL :lol:

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Very quiet in here this morning. :)

Ebony, you are one busy girl! Holy cow! I love to paint also. Too bad we don't live close we could remodel together! Nothing like inviting others to your house to get it cleaned up and ready to go! Sounds like you are putting on a lovely evening!

Slim, nothing worse than a poor remodel in the bathroom! Argh, what a mess that can be. I have lovely golden harvest tile in one and blue bird in the other - you guessed it, the house was built in '71! Oh yeah, baby!

I had a fun run this morning. It totally kicked my butt! We did 5 miles along the river and it was amazing! It is a section where I have been to the falls, because you could drive there, but never been on the trails between the falls. We had to climb "stairs" out of the canyon and it really was a hard workout. I feel like I am hobbling around and I aged about 20 years! It does feel good to have finished the run. That is the farthest I have ever gone, so definitely upping the mileage.

Well, I hope you all have a great Sunday!

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Krtork-How/when did you start running? It seems that so many (Luluc, Mac, Ebony,etc) run for exercise. How far along into your weight loss did you start? How did you start? I tried doing the couch to 5k, but I didn't do well.

Next question-to all of you do-it-yourselfers, what is the best way to remove paint from around baseboards and doors? It is obvious that it has all been painted and repainted. I don't want to attempt to paint over it again. I also don't have it in me to replace them (patching and painting are all I have been able to do so far).

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Krtork-How/when did you start running? It seems that so many (Luluc, Mac, Ebony,etc) run for exercise. How far along into your weight loss did you start? How did you start? I tried doing the couch to 5k, but I didn't do well.

Next question-to all of you do-it-yourselfers, what is the best way to remove paint from around baseboards and doors? It is obvious that it has all been painted and repainted. I don't want to attempt to paint over it again. I also don't have it in me to replace them (patching and painting are all I have been able to do so far).

Hi Slim!

Depends on what you want to do to the baseboards afterwards...if you are dealing with LOTS of layers of paint, you can use a chemical stripper - one of the really thick ones. I've used Peel-Away successfully when I had no idea how many layers of paint (or what type). You slather on the paste, put a "release paper" on top of it and leave it for a few hours (or overnight). Then you remove the paper and the caked on old paint comes with it. You neutralize the leftovers by washing it off with vinegar and Water, and let the wood dry. Afterwards, you can paint over it, but if you plan on doing a clear finish (like varnish or shellac) then don't use Peel Away because it darkens the wood. I think there may be another product similar to Peel Away that doesn't darken the wood as much, but I'm not familiar with it.

If you want to stain or varnish, then use a different chemical stripper - be prepared for a mess, though. Some of them are quite thin, some thicker, but they are all "painted" on and left for a period of time (usually just a few minutes). I also know people (myself included ) that have used heat guns, but that can be a risk of singing the wood and if you have lead paint, the fumes can be noxious.

Caution - all of these methods can be hazardous to children and pets, so be careful! If you don't have a LOT of old coats of paint, you could sand them down and then repaint. Sanding creates a LOT of dust, so be prepared for that as well. My trim had been painted so many times that it had "alligatored" and you could see down to bare wood in some of the cracks. I've used chemical and manual stripping techniques to get rid of mine. Oh yeah - manual stripping - there are hand-held scrapers (good for primarily flat surfaces) that enable you to literally hand-scrape the paint off of trim and baseboard. Curved surfaces are a pain, though - you have to try and find a scraper with the exact curve (profile) of your molding so you don't destroy the details. I've only done that in small areas...the house I grew up in had elaborate Victorian-era moldings on one staircase that my Mom and I restored. She was a big fan of Bob Vila and This Old House...it took us FOREVER to get all the paint out of the nooks and crannies, but when we were done, it was gorgeous!

Let me know if you want more details...I'm happy to try and help!:)

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I think the Peel-Away may be my best option. I am not even remotely sure how many layers of paint I am looking at. I won't be staining because I am not sure what is under there and whether it would match the awful doors. The doors are in awful shape. It was quite obvious now that the woman I bought from did not believe in routine maitenance on anything. This is place is basically a money pit. Nothing that I am doing to it is raising the value, but in order to get rid of it, I would have to have major renovations done (unless some as stupid as I am tries to buy it).

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hey all ~

well cause plain has such a touching way of speaking to me - i really didn't plan to leave ; just needed to handle stuff.

had to put my husbands dog (yes his, not mine) down on friday morning, and i likely was a bit over sensitive last wk.

i'd like to thank my FB/PJTP friends for your lovely words & ktork i plan on surfing that sight this evening w/DH to pick out some art work.

i NEED this site cause i'm a fat ass who loves food - i don't have a support system much outside this place because DH and i chose to keep our banding very private.

off for some much needed ritas' .... :)

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hey all ~

well cause plain has such a touching way of speaking to me - i really didn't plan to leave ; just needed to handle stuff.

had to put my husbands dog (yes his, not mine) down on friday morning, and i likely was a bit over sensitive last wk.

i'd like to thank my FB/PJTP friends for your lovely words & ktork i plan on surfing that sight this evening w/DH to pick out some art work.

i NEED this site cause i'm a fat ass who loves food - i don't have a support system much outside this place because DH and i chose to keep our banding very private.

off for some much needed ritas' .... :)

I am so sorry about your DH's dog. I know that had to be tough on both of you.

I am so glad that you aren't leaving. You have been missed. Enjoy your drinks!

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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