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JULY SLEEVERS- How are you doing?

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Well what a journey so far. I started at 276 and am at 192. I do see the weight loss slowing down a bit. The holidays were a challenge. The worse thing is my hair falling out in handfuls. I am taking Biotin but not sure if that’s helping. Working out 3 days a week. So I’m happy with my results. Never want to go back.

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On 11/2/2017 at 3:07 PM, woodside said:

So, I'm down to a size 14 (used to wear 1x and 2x). Almost 50 pounds lost (48.4). I LOVE my new size. I'm so proud of ALL of us July sleevers! I am eating regular foods for the most part but avoiding bread, rice, Pasta, popcorn, etc. Low carb, high Protein, lower fat and sugar foods. I have become addicted to sugar free 15 calorie popsicles - I can eat a couple of them in the evening and it even counts toward my liquids for the day! Thanks to everyone for you support.

Question - how many times do you all eat per day? It seems like I get hungry (not really hungry, just feel like my stomach is empty, if that makes any sense) about every 3-4 hours.

I get that same feeling of emptiness in my stomach. I eat every 3to4 hours too. Sounds like your doing great. Congrats

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I'm doing amazing! Honestly my surgery and recovery went great and I have already lost over 65 lbs. Down to size 10 for jeans and medium tops!!! I started working out with a trainer twice a week after I was cleared at my 6 week appointment and then do extra cardio days. I have developed a love for weight lifting and exercise. I completed my first 5k last month and am hoping to do a sprint triathlon this spring/summer. I'm also thrilled that as my weight is back to a safe range I'm back riding horses (English riding) 1-2x a week and have even started jumping smaller jumps again.

I think the holidays were the biggest challenge I had. I gave myself a little grace and let myself eat a few carb-heavy foods (a couple bites of Pasta, a sliver a cheesecake, etc) but did better than expected and still lost weight. Also having to work hard to not make bad choices on my call days at the hospital (I'm a physician) when I get stressed but so far it's going great and my colleagues have been very supportive.

What’s your next goal? A sprint triathlon if I can get more comfortable with my new bike, I want to jump a 2'6 fence out of a canter by this summer (I hadn't ridden since early HS so getting back into it). I listed my goal weight here as 150 but I really just want to see how strong and toned I can get without being totally bulky as I'm already so close to 150 and I have a feeling I can surpass it.

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I can’t believe how much better I’m feeling these days. Improved sleep, resolution of sleep apnea, diminished joint pain, increased energy, and improved self-esteem. I’ve been really strict about following my surgeon’s plan, with the exception of Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve when I allowed myself a small portion of dessert. I did lose a lot of hair. It started around month three and is just starting to slow down in the last couple weeks. I am down 90 pounds and I’m hoping to lose another 20 more, give or take. I’m glad we’re catching up on the group! I hope you’ve all had success!

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So I'm down 58 pounds and have been hovering around 180-182 for about the past month. Time to step up the exercise? It has been super cold here (I live in the northern part of Illinois) and hard to get out and move around much. Tossing around the idea of a treadmill for the home. I am down to a comfortable size 12-14 and have been able to wear size Medium in other things. I sleep better, have a TON more energy, feel more beautiful, strong and healthy than ever. Still haven't eaten any Pasta or bread or rice yet. I did eat some sweets at my son's wedding, but I had planned that and I haven't done it since. I am so glad I had this surgery. I do feel like it was the best decision I have made in a LONG time. Thank you...all of you July sleevers...for your support. I appreciate you all more than you know!

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Down 52lbs. I feel the best I have felt in many years. I have had no Hair loss. I am just now getting over a 6 week stall. Lost 4lbs since just before Christmas and now. I was worried I had stopped losing. I was doing intensive exercise from beginning of October to end of November. Now I just waking about 5miles 4 times a week. Drinking lots of Water. Hoping to lose another 30 lbs. I just feel so good overall. This surgery has been a blessing in my life.

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I started my journey at 303 pounds. I was not doing good health wise. I was diagnosed with diabetes last year as well. My A1C was at 10. Since doing the surgery I’m down 103 pounds!!! I feel the best I’ve felt in over 20 years!!! My recent blood work has done a complete 180. Last A1C has me at 5 and all my other levels are perfect. Haven’t taken any diabetic meds since the surgery. So glad I decided to do this for myself and my family!!!

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5 hours ago, PrayingForWeightLoss said:

Down 52lbs. I feel the best I have felt in many years. I have had no hair loss. I am just now getting over a 6 week stall. Lost 4lbs since just before Christmas and now. I was worried I had stopped losing. I was doing intensive exercise from beginning of October to end of November. Now I just waking about 5miles 4 times a week. Drinking lots of Water. Hoping to lose another 30 lbs. I just feel so good overall. This surgery has been a blessing in my life.

Congrats to you! I think I might be in the midst of a long stall. I am concerned that I've stopped losing weight too. Your post gives me hope!

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You all sound like you're doing amazing. I've lost 51lbs since surgery but you guys, I must say that I have been the worst. I eat whatever I want and don't exercise. My addiction to soda has not stopped either. I've been dealing with some stressful personal things in my life and I eat fast food and drink soda to make me feel better. I keep thinking that if I lost 51lbs and I haven't changed my habits, imagine how much I could have lost or still could lose if I eat better and worked out just a little. I don't drink enough Water and I don't eat enough Protein. I told myself starting today I'd be better so I had a Protein Bar with 30g of protein and a Protein Shake with 30g of protein and it's about lunch time for me. I'm gonna be better this year. I will reach goal in a few months, I know it!

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I love it. Thank you for being human and honest with people. I myself have been a little on the no no side when it comes to bread and sugar. I did great up until the Ol' Holidays. I have lost 70 pounds since July 10th. So in a couple of days it will be 6 months. Ever since winter hit i don't get out and do my walking so i think 70 pounds is fantastic considering i don't follow the diet like i should. If i applied myself i could do so much better. I just wanted to say that we are human and mess up but everyday gives us a new day to do better than we did yesterday. I feel great and i am going to try to get my Water in and Protein first. We never give up on ourselves. Love the one who can't follow the diet. Love the one that can't do one more glass of water. No need to bring negative feelings into it to make you struggle with gilt. We are beautiful and strong and diverse. love and Light to all and may you succeed in everything you do.

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Congrats to you! I think I might be in the midst of a long stall. I am concerned that I've stopped losing weight too. Your post gives me hope!

Woodside, I was worried about that too. The scale did not move for 6 solid weeks no matter how much harder I worked out. Even though I have heard about these stalls, I just thought 6 weeks is too long, maybe that's it. My dietitian told me not to worry but I worried anyway. Happy to see the scale finally moving again.

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You all sound like you're doing amazing. I've lost 51lbs since surgery but you guys, I must say that I have been the worst. I eat whatever I want and don't exercise. My addiction to soda has not stopped either. I've been dealing with some stressful personal things in my life and I eat fast food and drink soda to make me feel better. I keep thinking that if I lost 51lbs and I haven't changed my habits, imagine how much I could have lost or still could lose if I eat better and worked out just a little. I don't drink enough Water and I don't eat enough Protein. I told myself starting today I'd be better so I had a protein bar with 30g of protein and a Protein Shake with 30g of protein and it's about lunch time for me. I'm gonna be better this year. I will reach goal in a few months, I know it!

There you go! You are still determined to reach goal weight and you will. Stress throws us off but keep pressing with your renewed hope. I sincerely hope things work out for you. We have already come so far by having the surgery. Keep your head up high!

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21 hours ago, sleevedshereen said:

You all sound like you're doing amazing. I've lost 51lbs since surgery but you guys, I must say that I have been the worst. I eat whatever I want and don't exercise. My addiction to soda has not stopped either. I've been dealing with some stressful personal things in my life and I eat fast food and drink soda to make me feel better. I keep thinking that if I lost 51lbs and I haven't changed my habits, imagine how much I could have lost or still could lose if I eat better and worked out just a little. I don't drink enough Water and I don't eat enough Protein. I told myself starting today I'd be better so I had a Protein Bar with 30g of Protein and a Protein Shake with 30g of protein and it's about lunch time for me. I'm gonna be better this year. I will reach goal in a few months, I know it!

The past month and a half I've fallen back on bad habits, too. I've made a lot of excuses that are valid (work is stressful, home is stressful, the holidays) but not valid enough to stop caring about myself. I'm so sorry that you're also dealing with this but as selfish as it sounds I'm also a little relieved to know that I'm not alone in this battle. I stopped browsing the forums because people were dropping 10-15lbs a month and I've dropped 14lbs since October 20th. It triggered an emotional response in me to say that I'm a failure because I'm not keeping up with the crowd and I went into "f*** it all" mode with my self-care and eating. I was simply in a plateau and sabotaged myself. After the sabotage stress started my hair started falling out by the handfuls and I've easily lost half its volume. It sent me spiraling into a depression through November and December that is still lingering. I'm seeking help from my surgeon-approved therapist.

The positives: I haven't gained any weight and I'm easily making my Water goals. I haven't drank any soda or sugary drinks and I love unsweetened tea. My clothes aren't any tighter and some days feel looser (likely water weight).

The negatives: I've stopped exercising, eating well, taking my Vitamins, getting enough protein, and de-stressing. I haven't been meal prepping or tracking my calories. I can eat an entire Wendy's nugget and fries kids meal with a little restriction. We had a winter storm last weekend and I went out and bought groceries to last a few days for my partner and myself - he's a garbage gut with a fast metabolism and loves everything I shouldn't have. I loaded up the cart with crap and snacked on it all weekend.

I felt horrible the next day and decided to log everything I'd consumed the day before. My wake-up call was logging 2,000 calories of pure junk. This wasn't a normal day but I could see how it could turn into one if I kept down the path I was going. I cleaned off the treadmill. burned a couple hundred calories, and decided I was going to turn this around. Yesterday I was full and satisfied on 900 calories of pure, real food and protein.

Now that we're physically healed from the surgery this has become 100% a battle of the mind. I know I've screwed up but I can get back on track. We all can.

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For me, the trick to staying focused and on track is being anally regimented. Lol. I eat the same thing for Breakfast everyday, 7 large egg whites. lunch is 8 ounces of zucchini boats. dinner is 5-6 ounces of Protein and 2-3 ounces of veggies. A Gallon of Water every day. 3-4 Protein Shakes in between meals. And, I’m gonna start getting in some exercise, HOPEFULLY... At some point. Lol

Edited by johock

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Ok ... July 3 was my surgery date. So this month made my 6 month. I’m down 62 lbs plus the one pound I keep dropping and picking back up for a week now. I’ve had long stalls and all in between. I haven’t had a soda or any juice of any sort . I just drink 24 ounces of Lipton cranberry pomegranate green tea which is 3 tea bags everyday! It burns 17% of your calories per day. The rest is Water and a 8 ounces cup of coffee Decaf with sugar free Creamer maybe 4 times a week. I walk /jog everyday 2 / 3 miles on treadmill and 2 miles on stationary bike. I stopped looking at how much everyone else was losing fast and wasn’t even exercising like me. And my only hang up is the snack size Funyun and before the surgery I never ate them I eat one bag everyday almost. I’ve also learned that I couldn’t drink 2 Protein Shakes a day. I never lose much on 2 of them but my dietician told me to replace 1 with lean ham and string cheese. Or cucumbers with tomatoes and I find that best and when I need a nibble I eat almonds or sunflower seeds. I take all my Vitamins everyday and I have even added some! And I measure myself once a week that’s where I see my results and I chop it up to everyone is different and we all carry our weight different. And I’m so loving on me and all my flaws! I’m not where I was and most definitely happy about my journey!

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Clueless_girl

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