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Hey Summer08 -- I also meant that your body will be tired and let you know that way that you need more Protein. At least that is what I've experienced! And I really am wanting to avoid the whole hair falling out part!!!:cursing:

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My hair falls out regrdless-HA! But you're right, more Protein, less falling out. Do you get the yawns? I get the yawnels from less protein intake, like now because I barely got 60 in yesterday.

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I was just banded on June 6th. I am 55 and have lived a lifetime of fighting the losing battle of trying to lose and maintain my weight. At 45 I developed Type 2 Diabetes. One more time struggling to get weight off for it to only keep adding on. Finally a year ago, I decided to do research on Lap Band surgery and here I am. One week Post-op and 13 pounds down. I wish at your age I could have done something like this. I so go for it and don't listen to what others have to say about it. I went straight to WLS surgeon and did not discuss it with my endocrinologist or my PCP. I just went for it.

You'll be in my prayers, good luck and take care of yourself now, don't wait until you're 55.

Hi, Like you I was diagnosed with type II diabetes at age 48. Along with that I was diagnosed with colon cancer, then multiple comorbities followed. I wish the LapBand had been available in my 30's. Through all this I have gained many life experiences and am stronger for it. My faith has always helped me and I have always felt God's hand guiding and comforting me. I feel the LapBand is answered prayer.

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Hey everyone! Well, I'm 7wks post banding and am doing great-PTL!!!

I go for my 1st fill Tuesday, the 1st. My Lord has truely blessed me to this point. I have lost 47lbs (since initial consult, 31 since banding). I'm eating 1/2cup per meal, no Snacks in between!!

Going out to eat is a challenge. Not for self-control but for the enjoyment. It doesn't seem to matter if my company knows about my WLS or not because even my own mom will say "Gosh, Brenda, look at your plate and look at mine!" And she said it rather quite loudly at the last restaurant. My other DF's will just ask if I'm eating enough, or had enough then satet they couldn't live by what I had to eat. That really tells me they have no clue what the band is for.

Tonight should be interesting. I'm going out to eat with the moms on my son's travel ball team. Only the coache's wife knows what I had done plus she's an RN herself. I won't be having a cocktail with them, then they'll see me "pick at my food"...so this should be interesting. (I say pick at my food because that's what I feel everyone thinks when they see me eat out) But I don't let that stop me because my Lord wants me to enjoy life! I pray everone else is doing good. It has been quite here lately. God bless all of you!

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What a brilliant thread! I was hunting around trying to find out about band erosion and look wot I found instead! PTL!!

I'm being banded net week and would really grrateful for any support/advice/encouragement. The wait til nxt Friday when I'm having the op is endless, I cant settle to do anything and all I'm doing is eating which is making me feel very ashamed. :blushing:

It would be so good to hear from any of you.Thanks!


Julia x

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Hi Mamareid

How are you? Ive just found your post and am chuffed to bits. I'm a Christian, follow a 12step program at Overeaters Annonymous and am going to get a band fitted nxt week.4th July. Ive got a few unresolved issues and wondered what you thought.

Within OA, I have only told my sponsor wots going on, she's fantastic, but it is a dilemma whether to make it public knowledge within the group about me getting a band.I cant decide whether if dont say anything I'm deceiving everyone or whether it's my own private business and no one else need know. What do you reckon?

How are you getting on with your band? I'd love to hear from you!

Julia x

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Hey everyone! Well, I'm 7wks post banding and am doing great-PTL!!!

I go for my 1st fill Tuesday, the 1st. My Lord has truely blessed me to this point. I have lost 47lbs (since initial consult, 31 since banding). I'm eating 1/2cup per meal, no Snacks in between!!

Going out to eat is a challenge. Not for self-control but for the enjoyment. It doesn't seem to matter if my company knows about my WLS or not because even my own mom will say "Gosh, Brenda, look at your plate and look at mine!" And she said it rather quite loudly at the last restaurant. My other DF's will just ask if I'm eating enough, or had enough then satet they couldn't live by what I had to eat. That really tells me they have no clue what the band is for.

Tonight should be interesting. I'm going out to eat with the moms on my son's travel ball team. Only the coache's wife knows what I had done plus she's an RN herself. I won't be having a cocktail with them, then they'll see me "pick at my food"...so this should be interesting. (I say pick at my food because that's what I feel everyone thinks when they see me eat out) But I don't let that stop me because my Lord wants me to enjoy life! I pray everone else is doing good. It has been quite here lately. God bless all of you!

Congrats on how well you are doing!

You have the right attitude!

Yes, you should be able to go out to eat. Enjoy the fellowship, make good choices, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks!

What a brilliant thread! I was hunting around trying to find out about band erosion and look wot I found instead! PTL!!

I'm being banded net week and would really grrateful for any support/advice/encouragement. The wait til nxt Friday when I'm having the op is endless, I cant settle to do anything and all I'm doing is eating which is making me feel very ashamed. :blushing: It would be so good to hear from any of you.Thanks! Blessings

Julia x

Welcome, Julia!

Do you have to do a pre-op diet?

Try to get your head ready for the post-op phase. Don't worry about things like erosion. Focus on the positive. Study your doc' post-op instructions, foods to eat, etc. so you'll be prepared.

Blessings to you!

Hi Mamareid

How are you? Ive just found your post and am chuffed to bits. I'm a Christian, follow a 12step program at Overeaters Annonymous and am going to get a band fitted nxt week.4th July. Ive got a few unresolved issues and wondered what you thought.

Within OA, I have only told my sponsor wots going on, she's fantastic, but it is a dilemma whether to make it public knowledge within the group about me getting a band.I cant decide whether if dont say anything I'm deceiving everyone or whether it's my own private business and no one else need know. What do you reckon?

How are you getting on with your band? I'd love to hear from you!

Julia x

Disclosure is a highly personal thing. Depends on how you feel about it. I didn't really care who knew, and my DH told anyone that I didn't! :hurray:

I think the element of accountability is good, but you may feel like those who "know" are watching you to see what you're eating. But, you're right, it IS a dilemma!

I haven't been sorry about telling anyone,

and everyone has been really supportive and not at all judgemental. But I know some have had negative experiences because of telling family/friends who disapproved of their decision.

And there are those out there who will imply that weight loss surgery is "cheating"!!

We know better!!

It's hard work!

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Phyl, I am with you about enjoying your time eating out with friends. NeverB4 made me think about those concerns we have about "what others think". As a person who is morbidly obese, I have been painfully aware of other people checking out my plate of food when I'm out with a group ("wow, that's a lot of food"). Many of you who are already banded are concerned about the same thing (wow, she's going to get sick if she doesn't start eating more"). Last night I was at a pot luck dinner function - and found myself checking the plates around me! Lesson learned: I need to let go of all that. A friend across the table from me last night was banded about 3 months ago. She has been going through awful job stresses since before banding. But she has lost 25 pounds, is looking wonderful, has more energy, and is dealing with the stresses of life with optimism and a can-do attitude. Whatever she is doing is working for her. God bless her and all of you who are making such positive changes in your lives. I pray that we will all make the right food choices for ourselves and no longer worry about what our friends and families think. (this from a woman who has told ONE of her children about her band-plan, but not the other two - yet!)

Thank God we are still His work in progress.


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Phyl, I am with you about enjoying your time eating out with friends. NeverB4 made me think about those concerns we have about "what others think". As a person who is morbidly obese, I have been painfully aware of other people checking out my plate of food when I'm out with a group ("wow, that's a lot of food"). Many of you who are already banded are concerned about the same thing (wow, she's going to get sick if she doesn't start eating more"). Last night I was at a pot luck dinner function - and found myself checking the plates around me! Lesson learned: I need to let go of all that. A friend across the table from me last night was banded about 3 months ago. She has been going through awful job stresses since before banding. But she has lost 25 pounds, is looking wonderful, has more energy, and is dealing with the stresses of life with optimism and a can-do attitude. Whatever she is doing is working for her. God bless her and all of you who are making such positive changes in your lives. I pray that we will all make the right food choices for ourselves and no longer worry about what our friends and families think. (this from a woman who has told ONE of her children about her band-plan, but not the other two - yet!) Thank God we are still His work in progress. Joann

I had to chuckle at your comment about worrying about other people watching your plate because lately I catch myself doing that--not worrying, watching what OTHER people put on their plates, and being rather judgmental (silently, of course) at the amounts of food people eat!

My thinking about portions has changed drastically! I have a photo slideshow that I use as a screensaver on my laptop and every now and then this picture pops up, taken several years ago, of me eating this humongous plate of spaghetti, with a basket of garlic bread sitting on the table, a bottle of wine and two wine glasses! It makes me cringe every time I see it to think that I used to eat that much!! I just about NEVER eat bread anymore. I do have a glass of wine, maybe two, almost every afternoon, but the glass I use is the size of a brandy sniffer... probably less than half the size of the wine glasses we used to use.


I belong to TOPS... have for many years.... and Monday I'm giving the lesson... short 10-15 minute thing we do, and my topic??? Portion control!! I'm taking a deck of cards as one of my "props".... the approximate size of an appropriate meat portion.

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I've been looking for a new doctor and for some Christian support. I was banded over two years ago and haven't seen a doctor in over a year. I also haven't lost any weight in over a year. Reading the recent posts about noticing what is on your plate or on other plates makes me feel frustrated. I have no problem eating out. I feel good when I know I left a good amount on my plate because I ate just a 1/2 cup portion. But when I'm alone, the demons come out and I can't seem to stop putting food in my mouth. I feel so weak in my faith...so weak in my flesh. Any suggestions in staying strong during these private times?

Also, if anybody has any suggestions for a Houston doc, I'd appreciate it. My surgeon beat up my self esteem more than helped it. My next doc retired. So I've been ignoring my issues.....and it is time to stop!

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It's never too late to get on or BACK ON the band wagon...PTL!!!

I took my daughter to Savannah this weekend for her 13th b-day. We shared a one layer cake the whole weekend, my worst cheat since being banded. I don't look to lose any #'s this week, possibly even a gain. But she and I had the best time, a safe time, and God blessed our time together. Important thing is I realize what choices I was making and know the effects from it. But not at all discouraged. Still happy and satisfied with my choices. God bless all of you, esp you new ones to this thread!

And txs Phyl for your kind words of encouragement, as always!!

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Hello, I also am a christian I was banded on 5/13/08 I thank the Lord for the quick recovery and strength to keep on the diet. I pray for His help in everything, including wt loss and He always provides what we need. I think for me this included lap band. I am so happy to see this thread so we can encourage and help other belivers. I am trusting for cont wt loss kc hoping

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Hi KC Hoping -- Where were you banded? I've been working with Shawnee Mission MC group and so far I am happy with them. They have been keeping me informed as my paperwork has been completed and they are reviewing. Everyone has been very helpful. I am just hoping for sooner rather than later - just like everybody else!! How has your weight loss been going?


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Blessings to All!

Haven't been on the site in awhile. Just wanted everyone to know that I won't be getting a Lap-Band anytime soon! I was waiting for my insurance approval and lo and behold found out I'm PREGNANT!!!:) Hubby and I were not trying...but this baby is and will be a blessing in our lives!! We already have 1 so now he won't be an only! I knew I wanted another and was kinda hestitant about being pregnant while banded so thank God It turned out this way! After this little blessing comes I will re-start my journey! Blessings to all of you ans you continue on yours!!

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Good morning from KC. just had a beatuiful 2.5 mile walk this morning. It is sunny and nice here in KC. I am learning more to enjoy my walks if I listen to encouraging music and talk with the Lord. I am working hard to get weight off. I know others that are hanging in there. I cont to loose about 1-2 lbs a week and I am really happy with that. Still having difficulty getting the Water in. I will get my second fill on July 16th. I really have not had much feeling of restriction after my first fill but I guess that is okay. I pray you all have a wonderful day, I am trusting the Lord each day. KC hoping

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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