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What was your defining moment?

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You are so funny... the pics of me in the black dress were older pics before my blonde days,????????????????. Gosh, you have lost a lot of weight for only being six months in. Congratulations!!!!! I hope to be as successful as you are. Your Hgb A1c is better than mine. During pre surgery labs, my PCP checked my A1c and it was 6.3 and that's fasting. A fasting 6.6 A1c is a diagnosis for diabetes. That scared the crap out of me and I wanted to run and hide because I have seen what diabetes does to my patients.. it can be a horrible disease if not taken care of . So at that moment I knew there was no turning back from surgery. But Bill you are a rockstar and whenever I see your name I know I have to read the post because I will have a good laugh.

@@Dknal2 Hey, I thought you were a blonde! :P My moment came when I had closed in to less than 20 lbs away from weighing 500 lbs. I had tried all sorts of things, but I was having no real success. Getting into the program got my head reset and focused more than I had been in years.

I was in very good health except for being overweight, or so I thought. Almost everything was good, but I had crept up to the low end of diabetic. BP was normal, cholesterol was 142, triglycerides were 90, but I had crossed that threshold where really bad things were going to start happening with my blood sugar.

Currently I am down to 364, and my H1ac just came back at 5.7, almost a full point down from when I started. BP actually runs a bit low, and I suspect my other numbers are still very good. My original goal was to hit 325, but I am aiming for 300 now. We'll see how that goes. I've only been at this for a little more than six months. :D

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Oh goodness.. I'm sorry to hear about your in laws... I was an Oncology nurse for years so I have a soft spot for cancer patients and know how hard it is on the family. I'm glad you decided to get your health in order because being a diabetic is a serious matter and that's why when my doctor told me I was pretty much in early stages due to I needed a 6.6 A1c to be diagnosed and my A1c was 6.3 I was like okay I made the right decision with this surgery. People may think it's for vanity purposes but I don't care . It was to save my life and my sanity. I am so glad I made this decision and I do not regret it at all.


Defining Moment:

I am a type one diabetic. I went into ketoacidosis. Eight days in intensive care. My internal organs slowly shut down. My heart stopped the Dr. brought me back.

What inspired me to get my crap together. My mother and father in law diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the same time. Both were placed in hospice care with three months to live . They handled knowing they were dying with such grace. They passed away within four days of each other.

I knew If they could go through all of that, The least I could do is get my health back and not waste any more of my life.

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I honestly don't think it was one moment; but I used to be athletic and cute [emoji23]

I injured my ankle and the weight just packed on after that. I didn't want to go out with friends anymore. Had no interest in dating. No energy for activities with my son.

Summer of 2015, at 260 lbs, I could not get on a ride a Six Flags. I was embarrassed, and my son was pissed (not at me, but at the park for not making rides to accommodate fat people).

For the first time, earlier this year, I needed a seatbelt extender on a flight from Chicago to Boston.

I'm single, so I also noticed that men began to look right through me, or avoid eye contact altogether (not that I want attention like that, but in my cuter days I'd at least get eye contact and a smile lol). I just began to realize that I couldn't be myself in the body I was in. I hated looking around a room to realize I'm the fattest one in it.

The constant back and neck pain. I stopped having my period. Constant headaches. Brain fog. Honestly, the list is too long to drill it down to a single moment.

I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I became lonely. And I felt like I was letting son down. I'm still struggling with knowing that I can't eat 4 tacos in one sitting, because... well... duh, tacos are amazing, but I'm excited to begin learning how to love foods that will love me back [emoji7]

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You are so funny... the pics of me in the black dress were older pics before my blonde days,????????????????. Gosh, you have lost a lot of weight for only being six months in. Congratulations!!!!! I hope to be as successful as you are. Your Hgb A1c is better than mine. During pre surgery labs, my PCP checked my A1c and it was 6.3 and that's fasting. A fasting 6.6 A1c is a diagnosis for diabetes. That scared the crap out of me and I wanted to run and hide because I have seen what diabetes does to my patients.. it can be a horrible disease if not taken care of . So at that moment I knew there was no turning back from surgery. But Bill you are a rockstar and whenever I see your name I know I have to read the post because I will have a good laugh.

That's where I was at the beginning, right at 6.6. It was a little bit of a shock, since the last time I had been checked, everything was normal. So I am glad it is going back in the right direction. Thank you for your kind words. You are making me blush. :blush:

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Congrats on your journey! I can relate to a lot of what you said. You and I had the same surgery start weight and very similar goals.

My breaking points were both health related and body shame.

As for my health, I couldn't walk up even one flight of stairs without having to rest and feel sick. My husband is super outdoorsy active and I wanted to join him so bad. Also, a family history of heart disease. My 45 year old brother had a heart attack. My mom cried, saying she feared I was next.

That was enough, by psychologically I was really suffering. I was so ashamed of my photos. I began to recluse and not attend family and other functions because of shame. Began to self loathe. Diets NEVER worked. So in a nutshell, fear of having a heart attack along wth self shame prompted me to getting surgery. And I am soooo grateful I did.

I also can relate to a lot of what @@Laughkc11 said. The sadness, isolation, etc.

Oh! Edited to add: Two years ago I had a literal stroke isolated to inside my right eye. It was 100 percent BP related. In the ER my BP was 200/100. My husband thought he was going to be a widower.

Edited by The New Kel

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Well said. You are still cute so it was their loss to look past you ????

I honestly don't think it was one moment; but I used to be athletic and cute [emoji23]

I injured my ankle and the weight just packed on after that. I didn't want to go out with friends anymore. Had no interest in dating. No energy for activities with my son.

Summer of 2015, at 260 lbs, I could not get on a ride a Six Flags. I was embarrassed, and my son was pissed (not at me, but at the park for not making rides to accommodate fat people).

For the first time, earlier this year, I needed a seatbelt extender on a flight from Chicago to Boston.

I'm single, so I also noticed that men began to look right through me, or avoid eye contact altogether (not that I want attention like that, but in my cuter days I'd at least get eye contact and a smile lol). I just began to realize that I couldn't be myself in the body I was in. I hated looking around a room to realize I'm the fattest one in it.

The constant back and neck pain. I stopped having my period. Constant headaches. Brain fog. Honestly, the list is too long to drill it down to a single moment.

I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I became lonely. And I felt like I was letting son down. I'm still struggling with knowing that I can't eat 4 tacos in one sitting, because... well... duh, tacos are amazing, but I'm excited to begin learning how to love foods that will love me back [emoji7]

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Oh goodness... I'm glad he didn't lose you. There is such a huge stigma in society if you are not 120 lbs and that needs to be erased. Just how you said you excluded yourself from family and friends. That easily turns into depression and depression is a serious mental illness. I'm glad you are onboard. I would love to see your stats.


Congrats on your journey! I can relate to a lot of what you said. You and I had the same surgery start weight and very similar goals.

My breaking points were both health related and body shame.

As for my health, I couldn't walk up even one flight of stairs without having to rest and feel sick. My husband is super outdoorsy active and I wanted to join him so bad. Also, a family history of heart disease. My 45 year old brother had a heart attack. My mom cried, saying she feared I was next.

That was enough, by psychologically I was really suffering. I was so ashamed of my photos. I began to recluse and not attend family and other functions because of shame. Began to self loathe. Diets NEVER worked. So in a nutshell, fear of having a heart attack along wth self shame prompted me to getting surgery. And I am soooo grateful I did.

I also can relate to a lot of what @@Laughkc11 said. The sadness, isolation, etc.

Oh! Edited to add: Two years ago I had a literal stroke isolated to inside my right eye. It was 100 percent BP related. In the ER my BP was 200/100. My husband thought he was going to be a widower.

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Mine was..last year, I lost 30 lbs on a medically monitored diet, exercise plan. It was hard..it took almost a year to get that 30 lbs off. After I stopped taking the pill..I quickly regained that weight back and was worried I would regain even more..then my diabetes seemed harder to control. My once 1 pill a day went to 3. My Dad has had diabetes for 30 years. He is not overweight..eats right AND goes to the gym everyday..but yet he's had kidney failure issues, heart issues and all it is tied to his diabetes. He ask me to please get mine under control now before it was too late. I knew it was time to take control once and for all. I have 20 of those 30 lbs back off and I'm off my diabetes medicines. My biggest yay me moment. I am determined to get the other 10 off before my birthday Jan 17th and then I'll set another goal.

SW 232

CW 211.8

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by Lucky2Lose

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Well , you took the bull by the horns and took control of your life. You are doing awesome. Keep up the good work. Very inspirational post????

Mine was..last year, I lost 30 lbs on a medically monitored diet, exercise plan. It was hard..it took almost a year to get that 30 lbs off. After I stopped taking the pill..I quickly regained that weight back and was worried I would regain even more..then my diabetes seemed harder to control. My once 1 pill a day went to 3. My Dad has had diabetes for 30 years. He is not overweight..eats right AND goes to the gym everyday..but yet he's had kidney failure issues, heart issues and all it is tied to his diabetes. He ask me to please get mine under control now before it was too late. I knew it was time to take control once and for all. I have 20 of those 30 lbs back off and I'm off my diabetes medicines. My biggest yay me moment. I am determined to get the other 10 off before my birthday Jan 17th and then I'll set another goal.

SW 232

CW 211.8

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Different story all together... last September I fell on the way back to the house from gathering eggs and could not get up of the ground. I had to scoot on my butt to the back door and then across the room to the step and bump up three steps then haul myself up using the banister.

Wore a hold throuh both cheeks of my pajama bottoms and grossed up the carpet on the steps with red clay. Did I mention it was raining or that I was covered with raw eggs?

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Ahhh- many moments !

But when i turned 27 and got on the scale and realized I weighted more than I did at 40 weeks pregnant with my 8 month old I knew I needed to change - how was I 20 pounds over my weight when I was admitted to have the baby!?!

I thank God I don't have any health related issues due to being obese - but getting ready to round out 30 I knew they weren't far off.

I too miss being able to run into a store and just grab a large or even extra large and it fit- my husband always wants me to shop for myself and I never do - he doesn't understand that nothing fits !

Also my husband is in the military so constantly being surrounded in a community where fitness and health is such an important aspect I feel like being obese is almost an insult to my spouse and the hard work he does and the fact he's dedicated his life to serving and committed to staying fit.

Lastly - just being too tired to even play with my children - on top of the constant moving around with the military we have no family around so there are no breaks from the kids or weekends with the grandparents - if something would happen to me I can't even fathom who would care for my babies .

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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I started my journey on 12/8 at 273lbs and on 12/25 I am 252 an accomplishment Yeah! I did try some spinach/artichoke dip for xmas let's just say it didn't go well afterwards. Def learning the in and outs as well as what I don't even crave anymore. I go back Jan 6 for almost 1 mo check up, been sore right around the main incision more so. I hope I didn't injure it throwing up! Uuuggg

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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When I went to see the GP because I had an *accident* outside my home and nearly died of shame. I had a prolapsed womb pressing on my bladder and she mentioned I was pre-diabetic. On top of Hashimoto's disease, very high blood pressure, spinal stenosis (in my neck) and pain all over my body, I didn't want to be diabetic.

And here we are today... :D

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I am glad that we all had a moment that made us decide to change our lives, be it an embarrassing moment or a serious health scare. We all decided to take the bull by the horns and take control. Yay for us!

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I don't know that there was a single defining moment for me either, but if there was it is a knee injury. I have always loved to dance: jazzercise, zumba and African Dance. Yoga and Pilates. I like to hike and snowshoe and ski but I can't do any of those things anymore. I would be an out of control canon ball going down a slope, and if I fell, I could never get up. And since, I can't do anything, I am turning into a big pillow of mush. Also, I HATE my CPAP.

I would just like to be able to move around. It kills me that I can't get down and look under the bed, or that I need to look for an elevator for fear of the stairs. Getting up from the ground at a yoga class is embarrassing because I have to get on all fours and pull myself up.

I am so excited at the thought of doing some of these things again. Maybe I can go backpacking with my husband, or even go on a light trek in the Himalayas. I've always wanted to see Ladakh and Nepal!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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