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Here is a feel good video for the day:

A Very Smart BirD

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Hello Chica Bonitas ( pretty Girls)

It only took me 4 tries to log on in here.. I actually did not have any trouble yesterday..

Well sorry I have been MIA for so long. You all were on my mind at somepoint in my Days..

First of all let me say Hugs to you Patty, it certainly has been a very tough year for you but it is all uphill from now.. I will be praying the Lord brings you many positive blessings.. Them kiddos are just the beginning!

My little ones are doing great and Cristian is finally in Kinder and all day to boot. I still have to pay their Aunt the time that they are with her but I have demanded she actually walk them to school and home again, just because Cristan is to young in my book to walk the block to school. Do I hear Over Protective??

I am still at the same job and of course it is year end for us there. We did not make it to Disneyland but if I keep working on it, I think we can get there next year. Thats about it. Today the boys are with their dad and we have been getting along and as of last month he took the boys to his new GF house. Her name is Rosie and she has 3 children. I am pretty ok with it. I am happy I at least got asked out but turned it down. I feel pretty unsure what is expected in this day and age of me. I need to just go with the flow - Huh

Anyway I have actually ventured out on 2 seperate Occasions on a Friday nite. Actually the first was to a concert for Michael Salgado and the other was to see Carlos Mencia. Their dad watched them both times. Well enough of my boring life..

I have been able to read alittle back and am glad to hear that Mandy is on the mend and Kat did not puke. Eileen & Irene congrats on your new Job positions.

Cindy i am so sorry to hear about what happened with your Aunt. That was truly horrible and I feel for you. You all have been quite busy..

Now is Darcy now a house flipper or she just moved and the ex wants to give her grief? I need to go back some more to find out.

Betty sounds like you had a terrific summer. The pool sounds devine..

Welcome Jetti and Hi Chrispy

Now do not want to put my foot in my mouth but is someone not getting married soon? I forget!

Well Chica's gotta go - doing laundry and going to try the dryer I just bought on Craigs list. I had to change out the cord - hopefully it is not going to shock me or burn up..

Love you all and promise to keep checking back

Kat love your aviater - you are just so tiny girl

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Awwww Patty---I am sorry I missed your birthday---hope it was relaxing and happy!!!! I was gone all day---went to Albuquerque with my DD to take Kinsey to the zoo. We went to the zoo, the aquarium, and the botanical gardens....it was a wonderful day, but it is almost too much for this old granny in one day!!!!

Will check in tomorrow!!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Happy B-lated Birthday Patty! I too didn't make it here for it! We had a 50th birthday party to attend and I ate so much that I am still hurting today! I don't know why I was so dumb! They had it at Morton's steak house and it was so good! The deserts were to die for too! Of course the steak just melted in your mouth too!

The vacation is finally over and back to work tomorrow! I am not ready to go back yet, seems like I spent the majority of my time with the poison ivy. We had planned to go riding and swimming a lot and didn't get to ride at all. I did swim a couple of times. I did get a lot of housework done though!

I have to get the rest of the laundry done and some more cleaning today and get my mind set back into going back. I hope I don't oversleep in the morning, I have been sleeping in some as I didn't get much sleep during the night with all the itching.

I'll try to catch up with everyone later, I have read most of it, just can't remember it all right now!

Have a great day, I'll check back later!

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Hi Girlies,

MARY !! MARY !! its so good to see you here again, we've missed you. I'm glad to hear things are going well with you. How are things in bandland?

Betty have a good first day back at work.

Company should be here any minute so I have to run.... have a good week everyone..TTYS

Love !!

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Hi girls!

Mary! So GREAT to see you here again! Sounds like you have it all under control...as much as we can ever have it in control, anyway! You've been away far too long...don't do that again, you hear? HUGS!

Patty, everyone's given great advice already. It stinks when you find out that people you have trusted weren't worthy of the trust. The important part is to realize it is not about YOU. It is about THEM. There's a reason that door closed. Don't mourn that. Look around and see what is OPEN. Find the reason. It's there.

Nothin' new here. Worked at school planting stuff in the gardens, while DH did some staining wood stuff on the new porch off the dining hall. WAY TOO HOT! I spent the rest of yesterday sleeping. It kicked my butt.

Tonight, I'm watching the Cowboy game, back and forth between the Travel Channel, which is a show about the Disney Cruise Line. If you read this soon after I post, check out the Travel Channel. I think there is another Disney show on after this.

Hugs to all,


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Good Morning,

Gosh the site is a little more complex for me. I was looking for a post the other day from Estelle and cannot find it. Anyway I will keep looking. Not much happening my way. Eileen you asked how I was band wise? Still the same no fill by choice now rather than ordered by the doc. I do have restriction still at this point and still try to follow the guidlines. I am hovering at a size 12 through 16 and am happy there. Not my goal but I feel good here. I have had joined curves back in the fall of last year but have not made it back since June. Just to hectic to be there or they need to be open all the time not just certain hours. I am thinking of going to the rec where they provided child care and work out there. Other than that still banded thank God!

I am still on Nexium and still have acid reflux but i can live with it when it is under control.

well gotta Go


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Hi Girlies,

Has been a couple of yicky days here. My best friend Becky (she and her husband are the ones we ride with, she has been the sister God forgot to give me for many, many years), is in the hospital. She thought she might be having heart trouble, went to the Dr. got tests scheduled etc. Then yesterday morning the heart burn worsened and her arm went numb...so off to the hospital with her. She is still in, although now the Dr. seems to think it may esophageal spasms, not her heart, which actually seems to be checking out ok. Thank You God!!!! It also brings me to light, that sometimes these esophagus problems OTHER people have....not just bandsters!!!!

Then yesterday morning, one of Rick's young drivers, crashed his truck, and was killed. Rick has been so tore up, the kid was only 22. He worked with him, and he was also Ricks sister & bil's nephew. On the brother in laws side. So they always made jokes and family comments, in a fun way. He lost control while driving a nitrogen transport, carrying thousands upon thousands of gallons of liquid nitrogen. So Rick was called to the accident site, to release the pressure of the nitrogen, which can be released into the air without harm, but to come in contact with it in liquid form will literally freeze instantly, and freeze burn. So he had to go out there, and was there when they brought the boys Dad out to the site to see him. There is a state law, that once he is removed from the site of the accident, and identified...whether it be by family or whoever...he is not to be seen and viewed, until the mortuary is finished. So his Dad opted to come to the accident site. Considering the coroner got lost---they were out on oilfield roads---and it took them almost 6 hours to move the boys body, he had plenty of time. He saw the Dad, and due to the family connection he knew him, so went to him, and was with him, when they unzipped the body bag, and he said Harry--the Dad---just crumpled, he said he felt so helpless, and emotionally overcome himself, it made just breathing hard. So no matter what we did or said, his mind went back to that last night.

Tomorrow we go to Albq. to get the results of his 30 day event monitor he wore, and hope to eliminate some of his meds. Our plan was to spend the night and go to the State Fair---guess it is all pending now, will wait and see when they need him with the funeral and work, and how my mouth feels.

I feel like a bad botox advertisement right now!

Mary---I am so glad to see you back, we missed you girlie!!

Patty---update us hon, let us know how it is going?

Mandy, Sherry, Chris---when y'all leaving?

Betty---how was getting back to work, did you survive it?

Cindy---where you volunteering today?

Eileenie---don't work too hard!!

Beannie---check in---we need to hear from you!!!

Dianne---how's the legs? And the boobies?

Darcy---finished unpacking yet?

If I missed you I am so sorry---my mouth is controlling my brain and I am thinking in throbbing sequence I think...I am off to find some cold sweet tea.....I have survived on it for 2 days, this should jump start the weight stall!!! NOT the way I wanted to tho!



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Hello Everyone...hope you're all doing well.

Kat - My heart goes out to the boy's family and to you and your hubby. It must of been so hard to have to see :D You're all in my prayers. Chris and I leave Sunday for our trip. I'm not sure of the flight time...she's suppose to tell me :( I must of missed something...what's wrong with your mouth? I'll have to go back and peek again. My brain is fried from working on an audit at work and trying to get it all in before I leave. Tis another reason why I haven't been around. Too tired of computers by the time I get home.

Oops...I forgot to hit the advanced key and now I'm on the 2nd page it looks like and can't see a dang thing to write back to people. My bad and I'm sorry. Again...brain dead here so I CRS (Can't remember poop) disease has set in.

Cindy, Betty, Patty, Eileenie, Mandy, Mary(welcome back!), Chrispy....HOWDY Y'ALL.

well...believe it or not I have to VPN into work and try to do more work. grrrrr I really really want this off my plate before I leave!

Hugs to you all!

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DUHHHH just realized the comments were all below mine hahaha. geesh I'm tired lol. Sorry about that i'll get to the personals this weekend before I leave I hopes...HUGS

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Kat, what a terrible thing for Rick to have to witness. Prayers for the young man's family, for Rick and for all the loved ones who are grieving through this loss.

What happened to your mouth, Kat? I don't know how I missed that...

Sherry, I hope you and Chris have a TOTAL BLAST at WDW!!!!! I am absolutely green with envy, but mostly I'm just happy for ya'll, and hope you love the World as much as my family does! I want to hear alllllllll about it! Please have a Mickey Bar and think of me, will you? Thanks!!!!

I'm getting my DD ready to go on her week long 5th grade trip to a ranch...they have a school trip every year. As they get older, they go further and stay longer. It is more of a primitive camp this time...they will do a Ropes course, and more outdoorsy stuff like orienteering and horseback riding...she leaves bright and early Monday morning.

But....do I have the week off???? NOooooooo...I have meetings and stuff up at her school ANYWAY! I am totally out of my mind, it must be obvious by now! LOL! Honestly, I guess I'm just a nut for being part of mission I believe in, and I truly enjoy it. I've met some really great people while doing this work, too, and that's always cool.

Oh, I went to an orthopedic dr about my shoulder...he was all worried about a bulging disk in my neck, which isn't hurting me at all, but he thinks that could be causing my problem. He calls it a "frozen shoulder" but there is another big dr name for it. Now, I will have an MRI on Monday to see if there is any rotator cuff tear...cross your fingers there isn't, because as you might guess, that's a surgical thing. For now, I have physical therapy exercises (they hurt!) and meds to help increase the range of motion...and we'll see what the MRI turns up.

Hope everyone is doing well...hugs to all!


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Sorry that I haven't been around for almost a week.... my computer got a virus. Just after I posted my long sad story the screen enlarged to the point that I lost the toolbar and couldn't log off. I admit that I'm not 100% computer literate and maybe in my attempt to troubleshoot my problem I must of done something but before I knew it I was getting messages about virus attacks then the pop-ups started. First 17 for Macys store then the girlie photos and then couples doing -- you know what! I freaked and shut the whole machine down. I left it for 4 days. Turned it back on then more graphic junk. I was guilt ridden.... what had I done?? I finally called my Mom and cried my eyes out. Why Me? Not only was my computer infected but I don't know zip about asking for help. Will I be judged for sites and pictures that I didn't visit? I finally called my EX who really is a nice guy.... bad husband, nice guy. In tears I explained what I did and didn't do. He came over and installed "spybot" and it immediately found 167 virus things. We zapped those. We ran it again and it found 14. We zapped those. I have run it 2 more times and each time there is less. My computer is still a bit sluggish and I still get pop ups for some slimy dating service. I won't be turning on the computer with the boys in the house -- not until everything is clean and clear. At the beginning of this I wasn't sleeping and I haven't been overeating....no P/B's, I haven't lost weight but just maintaining. I need you guys to help me thru this time and am really glad that I'm not working. Mom says that I should collect unemployment and just enjoy the kids this holiday season. I agree with her. The thoughtful note about SSI for the kids..... been there, done that. Lewis doesn't qualify unless he is in the hospital and it's too much hassle. I need to be stress free. I'd rather stand in a food line, there I won't be turned down. So, I'm hanging in there girlies.

Today I will be getting fried chicken, making green beans( a la patty) and baking brownies for a picnic at the Aquarium of the Pacific.... they are having what they call "Shark Nights". They stay open late and have a surfer band for members tonite. Cool. Hoping this will set the tone for a pleasant weekend. Hugs, :)

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Good morning!

Glad to see you, Patty. Good thing you found all the 'puter viruses. It is a shame that we all have to be on the defensive all the time, even in our homes on our computers, but there you have it. It is indeed the reality, and it's better to offer up a good defense, then relax. (Although I suppose some would say I tend toward the "offense-ive"...I don't know where they get that....???? LOL!)

I'm trying not to run around too much today, but I've already been sending emails out to the parent assoc. asking for volunteers...sheesh. You know, I wonder if they roll their eyes when they find an email from me? Hmmmm. I try to be nice and funny, so they won't!

What are you gals doing today?

Hugs to all,


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OMG It's finally here YIKES. It's 6:20pm and I've been working on my packing since about 11am hahaha. I just got back from a Walmart run so I could pick up more tank tops, travel size shampoos etc. Man that added up quick! I think Chris and I have packed as if we were staying for a month hahaha. Oh well we don't want to forget anything, I'm just hoping I still fit in the clothes on our way back :D Those Mickey bars are gonna be killa! Chris and I decided we're not worrying about it while we're down there...but, when we get back we're going to do a challenge together. We want to be under 200 by January so that will give me 3 months to lose 10 pounds plus ummm any extra I pick up at Disney...fingers crossed on that being a VERY low number if anything.

Well we'll see if I can get some shut eye tonight...all that keeps playing in my head is that Disney commercial with the little boy who runs to his sisters bed and says "I'm too excited to sleep!" haha

Cindy - You certainly do keep busy. Look at you volunteering and working at the school while your daughter is on her trip. I would of loved for my mom to help out at school like that :)

Kat - I missed what's going on with your mouth too. Did you hurt a tooth or something? How is your hubby doing? Again my sympathy is with you, your dh and the boys family. Gosh I don't know what I'd do if I lost my son ;) It was scarey enough him being in the accident. Speaking of...DS is all set now and can walk around and carry things with no restriction :) We're so thankful for that!

Patty - Sounds like you had one doozy of a computer virus. I hope you're able to get it all settled. I know spyware really does slow a computer down. My DH has to clean mine up for me sometimes. We don't even have to be surfin much for it to happen. Hope you get all the bad junk off soon so you don't have to worry about the boys being around and seeing anything you don't think is appropriate.

Eileen - Cutie Patootie...how is ya? Hey how are you doing with the Water drinking? I was doing pretty good there for a bit but, I slacked off again the last couple of days. Ya think they'll ever come out with an intravenous thing we can just attach ourselves too so we KNOW we made the Water count? lol

Betty - So sorry you haven't had to opportunity to ride while you had so much company. Have you been able to ride at all this summer? DH went for a really long ride last weekend. There was a special run to Ground Zero in NY. Started in Mass with about 300 bikes and picked up more in CT. There were about 500 riders by the time they got to NY and that was only the Mass bunch. Apparently they were coming from all around. He said it was beautiful and NY blocked all main roads for them and the volunteer FireFighters threw a barbeque for them too. Do you do charity rides when you get a chance to ride?

Mary - Glad to see you back and hearing from you.

Darcy - I miss ya my friend. Hope you're finding the room for your things while you unpack :)

Sorry if I missed anyone else...I forgot to hit the advanced key and can't read a dang thing back. Hugs to you all...see you in a week.

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Hi Girlies,

Good to see you all.

Its been a wild week. Tomorrow I will pack for my trip to Maryland (monday - wednesday) I really don't want to go but I have to..no choice. I can't tell my DD b/c she will have such anxiety, so my DH will tell her Monday night when he picks her up from school.

Mary I'm so glad your doing well with the band ;)

Patty, some time off sounds dreamy, I hope it works out well for you.

Sherry, Water ???????? I suck at it, and to think I used to drink so much before banding *shrug* Have a great time at Disney with Crispy.

Kat, I'm so sorry to hear about that boy and your friend Becky.

Cindy, did you get all your emails done today? I went to a birthday party for my niece and just got back a few hours ago. Thats about it for the day....but thats enuf.

Betty where ya been chicklet ? how is the poision ivy?

Well girlies, I'm going to bed. I'm tired.

Have a wonderful evening :D


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