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Ok, I'm 4 weeks and 1 day out of the sleeve surgery. The first 3 weeks went well with 20 lbs lost. At 3 weeks, I became stuck at the SAME WEIGHT and from there have GAINED 3 more lbs... What in the FREAK?!? I eat virtually nothing. For example, today I had a babybel cheese round, 2 Ritz crackers, about 12 Oz of chicken broth (spread over 3 hours), and 1/3 of a shredded chicken taco with sprinkled cheese. And that was a LOT compared to what I've been eating. How in the name of baby Moses have I GAINED weight?!?

I REGRET this surgery and have from day one! What the crap have I done to myself?!?

Any experienced sleepers, please offer some guidance... I live in an area with NO support group, and my doctor sucks at support!

I'm mad. Disappointed. Regretful. And I feel like this is just another "fat girl failure" to add to my many! Is 20 lbs all I'm going to lose after cutting out 80-85% of my stomach??


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And I shouldn't do this on my phone... Sleevers NOT sleepers!

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Do a search for 3 week stall. This is perfectly normal.

Also if I may add, you may want to work on increasing your Protein intake. Meeting your Protein and Fluid goals is the one the best things to help make the weight loss happen. Just be patient and stay the course. The weight loss will happen, I promise.

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Thank you. The encouragement means a LOT as I'm at a low, LOW point.

I'm having real trouble getting Protein in. And I'm just hitting the Fluid goal, barely.

Thank you, again!

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Just keep trying to do better each day. I'd also step away from the scale for a bit. Especially if it's making you crazy.

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What you are experiencing is completely normal. Plus, your hormones are going to be whacky for a while which will influence your mood which doesn't help.

Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. Most everyone experiences their first loss at about three weeks post-op.

Just follow your program. Make sure you are getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed, and exercise.

If the numbers on the scale are going to drive you crazy, then consider weighing infrequently.

Embrace the Stall!


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Same thing happened to me. Don't even worry about it. It's normal.

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Breathe and find the post called "Embrace the stall." EVERYONE stalls somewhere around three weeks or so. I stalled at 4 1/2 weeks. Hide the scale, take your measurements instead, focus on your eating. You aren't eating enough Protein and that is vital. There's no way that you can gain 3 lbs of fat with what you posted. What you gained is Water weight as your body freaks out from the sudden loss. It's all part of the process.

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Breathe and find the post called "Embrace the stall." EVERYONE stalls somewhere around three weeks or so. I stalled at 4 1/2 weeks. Hide the scale, take your measurements instead, focus on your eating. You aren't eating enough Protein and that is vital. There's no way that you can gain 3 lbs of fat with what you posted. What you gained is Water weight as your body freaks out from the sudden loss. It's all part of the process.

Here it is:

Embrace the Stall!


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Welcome to the club! I live in an area where there is no support groups either and the forums are so helpful. What you are feeling is soooooo normal. I am feeling that way right now as I type. Emotions are all over the place. Most importantly, get into the habit of Eating your Protein first....the beef out of your taco. If you have any room left, eat the veg or cheese. The taco shell and ritz crackers should be last or avoided all together (processed carbs). Good luck and hang in there!

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Totally agree with the others about the fact that you're in a stall, and read that post that Inner Surfer Girl wrote.

But have to point out that your eating crackers or taco shells (soft or hard) at just a month out is also a danger, and makes me wonder what else you're eating that is very bad. You should not be eating simple carbs - bread, crackers, Pasta - at this point. And ritz crackers are carb bombs with absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever - even if you only ate two of them, they are bad for you and should be eaten very occasionally and months and months from now. Eating crap food this early in the game just means you don't have the right tools and mindset to help you work the sleeve (and I blame your doc for that if they didn't give you a good guideline of what you should be eating at each point in your journey!).

Strangely, if you eat too little, that can also cause your body to hang onto every last pound due to starvation mode. It will eventually start back with weight loss, but it will be loss of muscle, not fat! So try to up your calories by eating more Protein and healthy foods, and get some good ideas for healthy meal options down and you should be okay.

This board is great for support, so definitely vent, ask questions and do lots of research! :)

High Protein yogurt (there are many low carb versions; I like Kroger's carbmaster brand), canned tuna fish or chicken with a little light mayo and a green onion chopped up, baked fish like swai fillets seasoned with any variety of spices, Fairlife or Mootopia milk (lower carb, high protein milk)... there are so many things you could be eating that are going to be high protein and low carb.

Save the crackers for many months from now (and try to find low carb or at least the whole wheat versions then), and concentrate on protein and healthy veggies. There are tons of great recipes here if you and also out in the googlesphere - search for sleeve diet recipes or similar. I'm sure you'll find some ideas that will taste good and be way better for you. :)

It's early days yet. Don't panic - you're not a failure. Just focus on the liquids, the right foods and exercising, and you'll do great. :D

Edited by FrankiesGirl

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Type "3 week stall" in this site's search box (or "Google" it).

You are far from unique, it is very common. Don't beat yourself up over it.

Keep yourself well hydrated and make sure you eat enough Protein.

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@@AggieSleever - just wanted to add make sure the broth is low sodium. try to get as much sodium out of your diet too. If it is near that TOM, that could also cause you to gain like usual.

What you are experiencing is VERY normal. Hide the scale, eat your Protein, hydrate and try to get some kind of physical activity going if you haven't.

Patience young Sleever :D

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I stall at least once a month for a week or so. I am typing I am feeling the same way. Nov 18 I dropped to 189, then I gained a few pounds and just now got back to 189. I will lose for a week or so then stall for a week or two. It frustrates me to no end!!!! Please don't feel like your the only one!!! There are times when your mind needs to slow down and process what is happening. I am right here with you!!! If you would like to talk further please message me:)

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What you are experiencing is completely normal. Plus, your hormones are going to be whacky for a while which will influence your mood which doesn't help.

Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. Most everyone experiences their first loss at about three weeks post-op.

Just follow your program. Make sure you are getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed, and exercise.

If the numbers on the scale are going to drive you crazy, then consider weighing infrequently.

Embrace the Stall!


Well, I'm beginning to see, from the responses and what I've been reading, that this is normal. Oh boy are you correct in that the hormones are WACKY! I'm not a hugely emotional person, and I pride myself in being able to keep it together, but I had a full-on ugly crying meltdown for no good reason the other day. I freaked my husband out, but it kind of felt good (in a strange way) to cry.

Thank you for the encouragement!

Same thing happened to me. Don't even worry about it. It's normal.

Not that I'm happy it happened to you as well, but it is so comforting to know it happened to someone else as well! Thank you for letting me know!

Breathe and find the post called "Embrace the stall." EVERYONE stalls somewhere around three weeks or so. I stalled at 4 1/2 weeks. Hide the scale, take your measurements instead, focus on your eating. You aren't eating enough Protein and that is vital. There's no way that you can gain 3 lbs of fat with what you posted. What you gained is Water weight as your body freaks out from the sudden loss. It's all part of the process.

Yes, I need to remember to breathe! I'm bad about getting all worked up and down on myself. I'm trying to get the protein but it's been slow-going. I keep thinking there's no way I could gain 3 lbs of fat eating next to nothing. Thank you for your boost!

Welcome to the club! I live in an area where there is no support groups either and the forums are so helpful. What you are feeling is soooooo normal. I am feeling that way right now as I type. Emotions are all over the place. Most importantly, get into the habit of Eating your protein first....the beef out of your taco. If you have any room left, eat the veg or cheese. The taco shell and ritz crackers should be last or avoided all together (processed carbs). Good luck and hang in there!

Do you rely on this site for support? I didn't think I would need a "support group" at first, but I'm really wishing there was one around me now. I have been trying to eat protein first. It's definitely a different school of thought for me. The Ritz crackers came out of shaky desperation at work. I was hungry, shaking (from low blood sugar I guess), and I stupidly overslept and couldn't prepare any lunch to bring with me. Thank you for the good luck wishes. Good luck to you!

Totally agree with the others about the fact that you're in a stall, and read that post that Inner Surfer Girl wrote.

But have to point out that your eating crackers or taco shells (soft or hard) at just a month out is also a danger, and makes me wonder what else you're eating that is very bad. You should not be eating simple carbs - bread, crackers, Pasta - at this point. And ritz crackers are carb bombs with absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever - even if you only ate two of them, they are bad for you and should be eaten very occasionally and months and months from now. Eating crap food this early in the game just means you don't have the right tools and mindset to help you work the sleeve (and I blame your doc for that if they didn't give you a good guideline of what you should be eating at each point in your journey!).

Strangely, if you eat too little, that can also cause your body to hang onto every last pound due to starvation mode. It will eventually start back with weight loss, but it will be loss of muscle, not fat! So try to up your calories by eating more protein and healthy foods, and get some good ideas for healthy meal options down and you should be okay.

This board is great for support, so definitely vent, ask questions and do lots of research! :)

High protein yogurt (there are many low carb versions; I like Kroger's carbmaster brand), canned tuna fish or chicken with a little light mayo and a green onion chopped up, baked fish like swai fillets seasoned with any variety of spices, Fairlife or Mootopia milk (lower carb, high protein milk)... there are so many things you could be eating that are going to be high protein and low carb.

Save the crackers for many months from now (and try to find low carb or at least the whole wheat versions then), and concentrate on protein and healthy veggies. There are tons of great recipes here if you and also out in the googlesphere - search for sleeve diet recipes or similar. I'm sure you'll find some ideas that will taste good and be way better for you. :)

It's early days yet. Don't panic - you're not a failure. Just focus on the liquids, the right foods and exercising, and you'll do great. :D

Crackers are on my "list" (given to me by the crappy doctor) of soft/mushy foods that I can eat. They say whole wheat crackers (which, the Ritz were wheat, but that doesn't make them any better) on their list. While I try not to bad mouth the doctor, I will say, they suck at support and they suck at getting patients ready.

I've made a board on Pinterest and have started collecting high protein, low carb recipes to try. I'm just not very good at cooking.

Thank you for the help! I consider myself a "self-sufficient" person, but I am really benefiting from you and others' wisdom here!

@@AggieSleever - just wanted to add make sure the broth is low sodium. try to get as much sodium out of your diet too. If it is near that TOM, that could also cause you to gain like usual.

What you are experiencing is VERY normal. Hide the scale, eat your protein, hydrate and try to get some kind of physical activity going if you haven't.

Patience young Sleever :D

I 110% need to get the physical activity going. I have a strange fear of failing at anything physical, so I've not let myself go there. It's weird, really, as I was an athlete in college, but once I gained my weight I became sacred to do anything physical because I would look silly or stupid. Thank you for that little reminder that I need to get moving!!

I stall at least once a month for a week or so. I am typing I am feeling the same way. Nov 18 I dropped to 189, then I gained a few pounds and just now got back to 189. I will lose for a week or so then stall for a week or two. It frustrates me to no end!!!! Please don't feel like your the only one!!! There are times when your mind needs to slow down and process what is happening. I am right here with you!!! If you would like to talk further please message me:)

Oh lordy, I'm going to be a wreck if this happens every month. I was excited that I had lost weight, but to see those 3 lbs come back on, I was crushed. It's like I took 3 steps back. I just hope this isn't all I'm going to lose!!!

Thank you ALL for your encouragement!

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