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July Chat For NJ

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Wow, it's Thursday already :) and the kids and I are going to visit Irvine Regional Park today. They have a tiny zoo, railroad and hiking paths. We're gonna pack a lunch and comune with nature, maybe we'll even try the paddle boats so that I can work out my legs! I finally spoke with my Mom in Hawaii and what a tale! Mom (& my sister) are there to help my 23 year old niece who is moving back to California because her husband was called to Afghanistan and that means she has to move off the base. When they got to the house they were met with a house that was not cleaned for 2 years. My Mom said it was ghastly :):eek: and that ever since Sunday when they arrived at noon they have been scrubbing and tossing out garbage while Kylene my niece complained. I told my mother to be extra careful with her heart(she had bypass 3yrs ago) and rest inbetween cleaning bouts. My sister got upset with Kylene(her daughter) for chatting on the phone and not helping enough. Family.... don't cha just love them!

Chris: I'm so sorry that you lost someone that you loved. I pray that you find some peace and comfort this week.

Dianne:Oh, please be careful. You reminded me that next week I will be going to my first WLS meeting -- alittle anxious.

Darcy: Girlie, out celebrating or just enjoying that cabin? Happy one!

Cindy:I smiled when you said that you said "no" alot. Me too, these days I can say more to "yes" and feel good about it. Have I ever told you that you are a great Mom -- there, I said it.

Sherry:Are you feeling better? You scared me so when you said that you were gonna poke a needle in your port -- ugh. That tells me you were really hurting something fierce. Update please.

Kat: Whew, sterilize that whole house!! :sick and really glad that everybody is home safe and sound. Do pamper yourself a bit.

Eileenie: Where ya be?

Mandy: You too?

Well, the suns up and I need to pack that picnic lunch -- bye!

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Chris - I'm so sorry about Lois and we know she's in a better place now. Pain free and watching over all her girls and grandkids. Special lady and she sure put up on heck of a fight. I'll see you tonight and you know and please let the girls know that if you need anything just let me and John know.

Kat - I'm glad hubby is feeling better and everyone else is too. How is your little one doing now? Is she able to eat more now? I hope things calm down for a bit for ya, you certainly deserve it!

Cindy - My goodness you certainly do keep yourself busy :) I have a feeling I'd be the same way if I were retired. Man I have a long way to go before I get to do that though. (boohoo)

Howdy Diane, Mandy, Patty, Pat, Eileen, Darcy, Bean.....HOpe you're all doing well.

So the good news.....YAHOOO I slept through the night and no reflux! Wow it's been soooo long since I've been able to do that. I just know I have to fight the head hunger thing and fight it good! To boot....TOM is paying me a visit. Cripe I wish that would retire hahaha. Anywho, I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in on Saturday. Maybe I'll catch up on some much needed Z's. I can't tell ya how relieved I feel and how full of hope I am about the reflux not happening again tonight! Then I'll believe it's truly going away. Yippee Disney will be so much better without that problem. I'm still floored at the amount of food the doc said I should eat..it totally goes a different way from the nutrionist. Lets just say I'm sticking with the nutrionists advice because if anyone can eat a thumbs worth (1.5''x3'') of Protein only 3 times a day and take 40 min to do so and be satisfied...TEACH ME HOW! Can you even survive on that? You certainly won't meet your Protein intake for the day. I don't think he understands how that comes across. I'm going to be talking to the nutrionist in a few weeks, as she told me she's calling me to make sure I'm ok. She even went into my appt with me to tell my doc I was eating right and she wouldn't change anything other than perhaps a few more lower fat choices and get more fruits and veggies in. Calorie, protein, carb, fat and sugar were all within limits. So I'll see what she has to say about his comment on food intake UGH.

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I know it has been awhile since I have been on...Had a funeral at work for a Deputy Chief that was my favorite...he passed due to a brain aynurism I am sure I didnt spell it right....sorry....then was trying to find a pre-k for my son...found one but now not happy with it so I am going tomorrow for two others I am goingt o look at...I hope everyone is still losing and feeling good...I havent been able to go back and read everything....maybe some day I will be able to have some more time to do that....I am losing very very slowy...;(....which is my fault for not really watching what i eat....well hope all is well and hope to talk to all soon....take care and keep up the good work....Deb

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Hi gang.

I'm sorry I can't do personals. This real job thing is something. Not much time. Good thing I have a LOT of clean underwear cause I haven't had tme to do laundry this week...

Patty- You'll love the support group they are really great. Just keep going. Sometimes you'll get more out if it than other times. But I am sure you'll get a little of something everytime.

OK the leg. Yes Cindy your visual is correct! Especially when I get someone on the phone that is really excited about the band and has lots of questions! I have a cubical by a window. I have my garbage can turned upside down and today I brought in my pillow! So I have the pillow and my heating pad hidden under my desk. It's perfect and quite comfy to tell you the truth.

I went to the surgeon yesterday and he told me that I do need to have the surgery. However he said because my sexy legs are so horrible...Not exactly his words, but they are....I have to have it done in the OR not his office. I will have to be put under general instead of a bunch of valium. He is concerned of bleeding and also he said he has so much work to do on my that it will take a while. OK so I"m thinking ok OR good drugs, they told me I could go back to work the next day, no prob, NOPE 3-4 days no work. Then Garry says something I never even thought about saying...Will you do both legs at the same time? Good question to think of although I would not have so I"m glad he came. Guess what the Dr said....NO....They are so bad that he can only do 1 leg at a time! So I will have the blood clot leg done first and then come back and do the second leg a 2-3 weeks later.

Now we are waiting on my new insurance to get me in there system before we can set a date.

So another thing for this crazy year! I'm going to ask if I can have a leg lift at the same time. I mean if I have to be out anyway, maybe they can get rid of the slapping sound at the same time!

So thats my saga. Still no word from Marianne! Although she has spoken with Kelly and Garry at least.

Have a good night, and I will catch up soon...night night...

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Good Morning Y'all!

Sorry I have been MIA for a while, I haven't read any of the posts so I don't know anything that has been going on. My computer was down for a few days, then I had 3 different sets of company staying here. One would leave and the next one would come. I just haven't had the time or energy to get on here and check it out. I still have one set here and I'm not sure when they are leaving. I think it might be this weekend though.

I hope you are all fine and dandy. I promise I will go back and read the posts as soon as I can. By the time I get home from work, get the cooking all done and the kitchen cleaned up, visit for a short time, I hit the bed.

I'll be glad to get my life back in order and come back to visit with my friends. I miss you and think about you all the time.

Well, got to run and get my shower taken before the crew gets up.

It's Friday the 13th, I sure hope it's a good one for everyone. We are expecting some nasty storms here today. I don't know if it will ever quit raining here, we only have had a few days without rain. Everything is pretty and green though, but I want some sunshine!


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Hi all, I too have been MIA. I managed to spend some quality time with family yesterday. We spent the morning at the zoo, we got to touch the stingrays, and then they let us hand feed them....way cool. They have their stingers clipped like fingernails, so they are not dangerous at all. It was a neat experience, Abi and I do it each time we are there and always learn something new. After the zoo we came home and cooked on the grill, then Dave and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was good, but they left out way too much of the book. I think the people that haven't read the book are going to be lost in the next film. There was a family behind us last night that had not read the books and were surprised at the movie, it was kinda funny. They left amazed we left saying "what about this, and what about that?????"

That's about all around here, oh, they have my street all torn out again, this will be the second summer it has to be repaved. They messed it up last year and now have to redo it. It's huge mess and the noise is unbearable. ~Mandy

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Mandy, my street is torn up, too! They are re-doing all 4 of our neighborhood's streets, and right now (due to the rain) it just a bunch of mud and ruts! What a mess! It will be great afterward, but right now....yuck!

Chris, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. It is so sad to say good bye to someone, even though we know they are in a better place, we are still here and there is an empty place where our friend used to be. I pray for your peace and comfort and for the family, too. Hugs.

Hi, Betty! Summer is pretty busy, huh? Glad to see you here, whenever you can make it!

Hi, Deb...it HAS been a long time! I'm so glad you still remembered where to find us! We'll take you whenever you have time! Good luck finding a new pre-k...that's sometimes a difficult task!

Hi Mandy! Sounds like you had a good time at the zoo!

Dianne, good luck with your leg surgery...my, you've had the surgery this year!

Sherry, you would be as busy as I am, I'm sure of it, if you were retired. I'm just glad your reflux is doing better!! Let's keep it like that, until you are all healed up!

Eileen, Kat, and everyone else, hope you all have a great weekend!

Tonight we went to my DD's little musical theatre performance...some selections from Cinderella, and some from Les Miserables...she was SO GOOD! (If I do say so myself...but I'm trying to be honest). The guy who owns the music academy said he can't believe she's only 9, and he can't wait to hear her when she's 15. I was a very proud mama, I have to confess to you, friends!

Tomorrow is an "off" day, nothing on the calendar, thank goodness!

See ya then!


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Glad to see Betty & Mandy back where they belong!!! Missed you guys!! Glad you were having a good time though!

I mowed the front lawn tonight, and now cannot quit sneezing! Sometimes it gets my allergies, others nothing at all---go figure!

Between that and Curves and a marathon shopping day---I'm whooped! I found some good buys though---bought me some work out pants, that I am hoping stay up! I spend all my time hiking my pants up as it is now! I also bought me some backless slide on shoes---they are nice and padded, Adidas. My oldest DD used to wear nothing but Adidas! I run around all the time in flip flops or bare foot---and I hate getting ready to go workout or to ride the eliptical because I had to put on socks, and shoes---now I can just slide off the flip flops and slide these on. They were comfortable today---hope they make it easier on my brain to actually go exercise!!!

So now that Betty and Mandy have shown back up, has anyone heard anything from Beannie? I know Darcy has no internet at the cabin, and spends a great deal of time there....so hoping she will check in when she gets a chance---and hope her birthday was happy! Beannie has me a bit worried, she changed jobs---and disappeared! Better round up the monkeys!

Kinsey is feeling much better, but has stomach issues to this day. She eats maybe 3-4 bites of food, and says her belly hurts, and she refuses anymore---even refuses the sweet stuff, so it isn't a spoiled issue from all the attention. She does not care if she can't have a treat. Even treats, only get about 3 bites, and she hurts. She really mopes, and lays around---then about 10-15 minutes after she complains of the pain, she will sometimes burp---other times, nothing we notice, and she sits up, all happy and states her belly is all better. And our happy little girl is back until she eats again. The pediatrician said to give her gut another week or so to fully heal, and if it is still a problem, they will try to do some tests. Poor baby!

I took the girls to see Ratatouille yesterday---we liked it! It held the attention of all of us from ages 2 to 70! My Mom went with us! I was worried about the little one, they had a short before the movie, as Pixar often does, and this one is about some aliens---and she was uninterested completely---she was talking and wiggling, being a 2 yr old. Then the movie come on, and she was totally enthralled! A few minutes into it, she sits up straight in the booster seat and says " Granny, them peoples don't has eyelashes--take mine off!" Crazy kid!!!

Well I am going to have to go battle with Best Buy, my monitor is screwy---it developed a red line right down the screen, top to bottom, about 2/3's of the way over on the right. They said on the phone they would honor the guarantee---I hope it is not a battle!

Ok, I am off to cruise the site a bit before calling it a night!

Take care all--- and have a great weekend!!


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Good Morning,

WOW alot to catch up with here LOL.

Works been hairy to say the least...sosdd. I'm just gonna do some cleaning today, pool time and off to dinner with some friends :D

Kat I'm so glad that precious bambino is feeling better and home. I would suspect her tummy is going to hurt for a few months. Stomach problems like that are tough. How's Rick today?

Sherry what a relief to hear your feeling better. How much fill did you have before they took some out? you see thats exactly what I'm afraid of... getting to tight. How are you feeling?

Dianne girl, I'm sorry you have to have surgery but I can't wait to hear that your legs are feeling better. My Dad had the same problem, he didn't have surgery but I remember his legs hurting so much from the veins. Do me a favor...after this surgery thats it !!!! no more for you missy...You've had enuf! :o

Patty, listen..don't be discouraged over other people and how fast they lose weight. IMHO slow is safe, healthy and good. You are going in the right direction. Shoot, I haven't lost weight in MONTHS !!!! but thats my own fault...to many goodies ya know. I really feel that going slow with the fills and the weight loss is the safest way to go.

Chrispy I'm so sorry to hear about your friend...how devistating :(

Betty, Cindy, Pat, Darcy (Happy Birthday btw), Beanie ;) , Mandy and the rest of you lovely ladies.... Have a WONDERFUL weekend.

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:bandit It's Saturday and the kidlets are on visitation. I have an appointment for a foot massage and a trip to blockbuster for new videos -- just my kind of weekend. Thanks Eileen for the encouraging words, no one understands the life of someone with a lapband better than someone that has one. I knew that this was going to be a radical change and I'm so glad that everyone here understands unconditionally. I was wondering if anyone knows Beanie's home address. What Kat said has me concerned too. It's been too long that we've heard from her with her recent job change and going back to school she vanished. How can we be sure that all is well? Well, gotta eat, don't want to miss that reflexology date!

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Last I remember Beanie had no internet connection at home and the new job was going to be hectic and she wasn't sure about being online there. ~Mandy

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Thanks everyone for your condolences. Today was her birthday, and we literally had a party for her at the cemetary. Tables, chairs, hats, balloons, cake - the whole 9 yards. lol. There were about 30 of us. We got some funny looks, but I think they could see all the flowers so they knew it was a recent burial. It was beautiful though - we even sang her happy birthday.

Other than that, hopefully I'm heading off this week camping with my family. They are already down there, and I'll probably head off in a couple of days. Oh, and I just started dating someone too. :o Just when I said I wanted to take a "break" from dating - two days later this guy shows up and he is so nice. So we went out last night and we're going out again tonight. We'll see. ;)

Anyway, I'm sorry I really haven't been around to do personals. There has been a lot going on with you all - happy and sad. Even if I haven't posted I've been thinking about y'all.

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Chrispy, I seemed to have missed that you lost a dear friend. I am sorry for your loss. I'm sure you are already surrounding yourself with loved ones, and that will make it easier. Have fun camping. Are you excited about Disney? Have you guys made any plans yet? I hope this new guy is your prince charming. ~Mandy

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Hello Everyone! 4 nights and no reflux...oh yea baby doing the happy dance. I am extra tired today though for some reason. I think it may be the 3 hours of having work done on my tattoo. Man my leg is sore and my lower back is really hurting today from being in one position for so long. It's looking awesome though but, I have probably another 2-3 hours of work to be done on it. Crazy huh?

Oops...my mom is here....her friend, my DH and I are going on another Charity motorcycle run today. This one is for Hasbro Children's Hospital. Be back later on tonight for personals.

Hugs and I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!

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Hello Y'all!

I still have company, so not enough time in the days to get on here. I work, then cook, then clena, then it starts all over again. I think they are leaving tomorrow, or maybe tuesday, so things might get back to normal. I sure hope so.

I still haven't read any of the thread, but I will get back to it.

I am going to try to make some bbq chicken today. I haven't had a charcoal grill for so long, and I make really good chicken on one, so I went to the store and just bought a cheap one to cook some on. I have been hungry for some and it just doesn't taste as good on the gas grill or the smoker.

I am washing clothes, cleaning house and trying to make things for dinner.

I'll catch you all later!

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