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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Well I decided to get the fill tomorrow. Last week from Sunday to Thursday my band was good and tight. It was like I had just gotten a good fill. Well I decided to see if I could eat more this weekend because I had a fill appointment for Tuesday and was trying to decide if I should cancel it. I made the appointment 2 weeks ago when I started eating more.

Saturday... I was able to eat more. Breakfast.. 2 oz of chicken and 1 oz cheese. pizza rolls mid day. My boyfriend made them and I wanted to see if I could eat them. I ended up having about 6. Then I made a homemade chicken pot pie for dinner.. yummy. Ate about 1/6 of it. No problem with the crust. Plus candy was in the house so I had some of that. I know it's terrible.

Sunday. Ate more again. Breakfast. Fried egg with cheese on one slice of toast. Lunch- piece of chicken pot pie 1/6 of 8" pie dinner - half a pork chop, 1/4 cup peas and 2 tablespoons of rice. Not to mention about 3 pieces of candy (mini reese) and 1/2 avacado.

I know I shouldn't have pushed it. But I wanted to see if I could eat and really needed the fill. I need to start spring cleaning so I stop grazing or looking for food during the day when I'm bored. I'm not working right now and it seems like I'm always concerned about what I'm going to eat next. Can you say Addiction!!!:angry:

Needless to say I decided to go for the fill tomorrow. I can't wait.



What you eat daily is about what I eat (minus the candy & pizza rolls) and I sure don't think I need a fill.

Breakfast - yogurt w/protein powder 5 granola chunks - lunch one pot wonder (briming cup & should have stopped 3/4 ) ground turky cabbage eggplant onion bell peppers garlic rice pepper jack cheese - dinner will be 4 oz fish 1/2 cup veggies & 1/3 c rice - Snacks will depend if I am still hungry.

I guess it's personal on how much food you eat and types in order to lose weight - for me personally - mostly mentally - I need to be able to eat more than 1/2 cup of food - I eat very healthy and stay within my 1000 - 1200 daily calorie range - I want to be semi - normal - I can not go out order food and eat the whole thing like I use to - just eating 1/3 of what i ate before has been enought for me to lose.

Good luck on your fill...

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Greetings Everyone:

It's been months since I've been on to see how everyone is doing. I can't believe all the success. WOW!!!!

I see so many familiar names that some of you may remember me. But, for those who don't a real quick refresher. I went in to have my lap band surgery on 7/16/07. There were complications and my esophagus and liver were punctured, so the doctor had to repair those and because of where the injury was, I was no longer a candidate for the lap band.

I had to heal for six months, and in the meantime I hadn't lost any weight and my co-morbidities were getting worse. (Diabetes, enlarged liver, Barretts esophagus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol).

Consequently, I went in for an open gastric bypass on February 6, 2008.

The Wednesday morning of the surgery they weighed me and I was 219.8 lbs. I was released late Saturday- 7:00pm- on the 9th and because of all the IV fluids, my release weight was 242.8 lbs. I was in shock.

At my first week check up I was 226 lbs. At my second week check up I was 209 lbs. and I am currently at 202 lbs.

I'm feeling better every day, but because I had had an open gall bladder surgery in the mid 1970's and then the laprascopic lap band attempt, I had a lot of scar tissue and as my doctor stated a longer scar than usual for the open bypass. But, at 54 years old, I don't plan on wearing a bikini when I get down to my ideal weight anyway.

So, in conclusion, I'm happy I did it. And wanted to let those of you who remembered me what I've been up to.

All your success is encouraging and an inspiration. Thanks again for listening and being there when I needed it.



I remember you cuz you had your surgery the day before me - I am happy that you were able to get the bypass and are doing well :angry: You can still come here for support - cuz we all have the same issue with food - it doesn't really matter the surgery that you used -

Good Luck to you..

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I wanted to thank lindaa, Karri and Janet (rubs butt from spanking) for your encouraging words. You're all right. One pound is a reason to Celebrate because it came OFF!

I wonder if I'll ever stop beating myself up. :confused2:

Ruby - I think it's a process that we all have to go through - I didn't beat myself up for the brownie last night - but did call myself STUPID... I don't lay too much guilt on myself and I just don't think it works - I really try to think possitively (sp). Ok you only lost 1/2 lbs this week - that's good - I know you felt like it should have been more cuz you didn't eat all that junk at the office - but you have lost and that's what counts - you get to put that on your ticker and not a gain - conversation to myself those 3 weeks where I just lost .5 lbs each week.

Hey, if Janet can WANT to eat veggies, and Jackie can exercise instead of eat, Ruby, you can stop beating yourelf up! It takes time to break bad habits. Recognizing them and what your triggers are is the first step. Choosing to respond differently is the second one. Implementing new choices is difficult at first, but with time and practice it starts to come automatically. Of course, there will always be times when the old demons pop back to test you, but it you learn how to push them back where they belong--or you give in to them just enough to get them off your back and move on. It sounds so easy doesn't it? Believe me, it is an ongoing process. As soon as I think I've mastered one, another pops up. But we're winning more than we're losing, and so are you!

Linda - I wonder if our age has something to do with not beating our selves up anymore and learning from what we have done - I know now that brownies really aren't as heavenly as I remembered them - they really weren't worth the calories - I will know that hopefully next time.

Sooooooooo......Guess what......I know I wasn't supposed to weigh until Saturday but:tt2:......I did anyways:tt2:.... and I AM IN THE 160's. 169.5 to be exact. :thumbup::thumbup::cursing: I was so excited I almost peed my pants. It is a good thing that I had just gone to the bathroom or I just might have!:angry:

Well I am major busy and I actually started this VERY short post about an hour ago. Prolly won't be on until late tonight because I am playing in the staff vs. student volleyball game for charity. FUN!!!


:biggrin2:CONGRATULATIONS 160'S:biggrin2:

:thumbup:THAT IS JUST WONDERFUL:thumbup:

:thumbup:I AM SO PROUD OF YOU :lol:


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Pris--I am so happy that you posted your update for us, and even happier to know that you were able to have the bypass and are finally loosing! That's great news. Don't be such a stranger--you're still one of us!

Janet--I don't know. I had some browine CRUMBS last week and they were fabulous. Today there was a 1/4 piece of a coffee truffle left on a plate at work--it was marvelous. I have to say that I still love to eat, and it's frustrating as can be that I can't. I still fight this every minute of every day. Thankfully, I am going to start getting refilled tomorrow. The constant hunger along with the desire to eat is doing me in. But, yeah, I don't beat myself up when I do succumb. This is a life long process and the trick is to get over the errors in judgement and get back in the groove. And, like you say, sometimes you just have to give up something else to make up for allowing yourself a treat.

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Ooops, I posted too soon. Karri--what a great way to start off the week. Good for you! Auntie Linda is proud of you too!

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Hello again:

Thanks to all who replied and remembered me. I do still feel like part of this group, though my surgery was different.

First let me say I am NOT hungry eating my 1/4 cup of Protein 2-3 times a day, plus my Snacks of sugar free Ice Pops and Jello.

However, I do need some advice and input. I suffer from clinical depression, and take medication for that. Which is not that easy, since I am supposed to crush my pills and mix them in with my jello, but it is so bitter, I dread doing it so much I have nearly stopped taking my anti-depressant totally. Which leads me to my questions.

1. Did anyone suffer from depression after the lap band, just because?

2. I live with my son and fiance who are both big eaters, and some times

I feel envious that I just can't chow down like they do. Esp. in the

mornings when they are eating bacon, egg and cheese on English

muffins. I'm happy I'm losing weight and the praise they are giving

me is wonderful. When does the psychological aspect of

wanting to eat - seem to subside? Or does it ever really go away?

3. I also wanted to know about everyone's goal weight on your tickers.

I am 5'3" tall and according to my doctor she would like to see me

reach a goal weight of 147 lbs. So, are your goal weights what your

Doctors set for you or are they your own personal goals?

I'm sure I'll have a million more crazy questions before my journey ends, so bear with me. I'm the new kid on the block now.

Hugs and kisses,


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Yes I am very proud of myself too!! It was funny I called by BF before he went to work to share the good news and after celebrating with me for a minute he then tisked me for weighin in early. Then admitted that he too had jumped on the scale this morning. We are both only supposed to weigh in on Saturdays. But he had lost another 2 pounds as well. We both laughed that we cheated on our weighin days but both had good results.

As for beating yourself up, I do think that age does have something to do with it. I am not as good as you girls are about not giving myself a hard time. I got to the high end of my calorie range yesterday so was going to make sure to go way low today. How dumb is that. I was within my range so I should be fine. Guilt....GRRRRR still working on that one.

Janet I too have found though that somethings are just not worth the calories. We went to some friends' house for a party and I was going to allow my self 1 dessert, but when I bit into it, it just didn't taste as good as it looked. So I just didn't eat it. Lindaa I too love food, but my tastes have really changed. A lot of it is mental, but I will take it. Because i don't eat a lot of sweets when I had 1 piece of Valentine's candy it actually made me kind of nauseous because it was soooooo sweet. If someone told me to choose between my pure Protein Bars and reeses Peanut Butter cups, I would probably pick the Protein Bar, because I just like it better now.

Sonya - Good luck with the fill. I get mine in 1 week. I am a little nervous considering how tight I was the last time, but I am going tough it out. I REALLY want to lose these last 19 pounds. See ladies I am motivated again...so much for going into maintenance.:angry:

Well I have to kick these kids out so that I can go to the gym before the volleyball game tonight. Talk about an NSV, when I mentioned in the emails that we were sending out that I needed to go to the gym before we could get together and practice as a team everyone else in the group said they were blowing off the gym tonight because they would get a workout in the game. It just isn't enough for me. Patting myself on the back for that one!

Will check in later tonight or tomorrow!

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Hello again:

Thanks to all who replied and remembered me. I do still feel like part of this group, though my surgery was different.

First let me say I am NOT hungry eating my 1/4 cup of Protein 2-3 times a day, plus my Snacks of sugar free Ice Pops and Jello.

However, I do need some advice and input. I suffer from clinical depression, and take medication for that. Which is not that easy, since I am supposed to crush my pills and mix them in with my jello, but it is so bitter, I dread doing it so much I have nearly stopped taking my anti-depressant totally. Which leads me to my questions.

1. Did anyone suffer from depression after the lap band, just because?

2. I live with my son and fiance who are both big eaters, and some times

I feel envious that I just can't chow down like they do. Esp. in the

mornings when they are eating bacon, egg and cheese on English

muffins. I'm happy I'm losing weight and the praise they are giving

me is wonderful. When does the psychological aspect of

wanting to eat - seem to subside? Or does it ever really go away?

3. I also wanted to know about everyone's goal weight on your tickers.

I am 5'3" tall and according to my doctor she would like to see me

reach a goal weight of 147 lbs. So, are your goal weights what your

Doctors set for you or are they your own personal goals?

I'm sure I'll have a million more crazy questions before my journey ends, so bear with me. I'm the new kid on the block now.

Hugs and kisses,


First...it is nice to meet you. I think you stopped posting right before I started posting!

I have actually been off my depression meds since right before surgery and I refuse to go on them again because of the withdrawl symptoms that I had coming off of them. The main reason for my depression was my weight. But even now and then it would be nice to take some of the anxiety away. I still have bouts of depression. Right now I am in quite the funk because of different changes that have happened in the last week. If you go back a couple of pages you will see that I was a mess last week. I get depressed when I see some people eating and sick to my stomach when I see others. It really just depends on the day. My BF has just started now to worry about what he is eating (for the moment at least), but it was difficult when he was shoving a half of a pizza down his face when I was sitting there with Soup. I do get envious of people eating, especially at restaurants. When I am at home I can ignore a lot by doing something else right after I eat, but when I sit there and watch people gorge themselves at restaurants I get bitchy! But then I just look in my wallet and see my six month and before pics and it gives me hope!

About my goal weight. When I sat down my doc said I can't see you wanting to lose more than 100 pounds. I have a fairly muscular build. Someday I will take a picture of my leg definition! So he help me set the goal. (by the way , I am 5'5 on a day with good posture and big hair!, 5' 4.5 on a regualr day :drool:) Here is the thing though...I am not going to look like I want to at that weight. So I will get there and then do what I can to firm up this flab. I would stop right now if the two rolls went away! I will be very happy when I get there and really change my focus from weightloss to body shaping. Probably what I should have been doing from the beginning, but really I can't change everything. I figure it is easier to change the way my body looks after I have lost the weight. Otherwise for me it would have been too overwhelming!

And the more questions the better. I think it helps each of us reflect and ask ourselves the questions we might not think about. Ask away.

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Thanks for the quick response. I really think most of my depression centers on my weight also. However, the 100 mg. sertraline (zoloft) is so big and bitter to the taste. I do still take my Klonopin though, since my doctor recommended I stay on that.

I know the first day I came home from the hospital and my fiance made himself dinner, I thought I was going to vomit as I watched him eat the whole bowl.

And, as I said, it's not that I'm hungry, It's just that everything smells so good. But, I remember a quote from a while back, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."

Congrats on your phenomenal weight loss!


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Greetings Everyone:

It's been months since I've been on to see how everyone is doing. I can't believe all the success. WOW!!!!

So, in conclusion, I'm happy I did it. And wanted to let those of you who remembered me what I've been up to.

All your success is encouraging and an inspiration. Thanks again for listening and being there when I needed it.


Pris- I remember you. I was thinking of you the other day also. I wondered what decision you had made because the last I remember you were really on the fence about the by-pass. Congratulations for making the decision to go ahead and for all the amazing weight loss already. Come here and keep us posted. We love having you. Congrats again.

Sooooooooo......Guess what......I know I wasn't supposed to weigh until Saturday but:tt2:......I did anyways:tt2:.... and I AM IN THE 160's. 169.5 to be exact. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I was so excited I almost peed my pants. It is a good thing that I had just gone to the bathroom or I just might have!:cursing:

Well I am major busy and I actually started this VERY short post about an hour ago. Prolly won't be on until late tonight because I am playing in the staff vs. student volleyball game for charity. FUN!!!

Kari- WOOOWEE congratulations to you!!!! I am so envious of you. You are so close and you will get to your goal. I am soooooo proud of you.

Hello again:

However, I do need some advice and input. I suffer from clinical depression, and take medication for that. Which is not that easy, since I am supposed to crush my pills and mix them in with my Jello, but it is so bitter, I dread doing it so much I have nearly stopped taking my anti-depressant totally. Which leads me to my questions.

1. Did anyone suffer from depression after the lap band, just because?

yup think I had it really bad there for a while. I was told when I did my psych eval before surgery that he thought I suffered from seasonal depression (clinical) I have to say I agree. This winter here has been worse than any in several years and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE gets under my skin. Just ask my family. LOL They are ready to throw me out at times. It is the start of spring time here now so I am really hoping this snow leaves and we can move on into spring and summer. The last couple of days have been nicer and we have FINALLY seen the sun. I have been on cloud 9!!

2. I live with my son and fiance who are both big eaters, and some times

I feel envious that I just can't chow down like they do. Esp. in the

mornings when they are eating bacon, egg and cheese on English

muffins. I'm happy I'm losing weight and the praise they are giving

me is wonderful. When does the psychological aspect of

wanting to eat - seem to subside? Or does it ever really go away?

3. I also wanted to know about everyone's goal weight on your tickers.

I am 5'3" tall and according to my doctor she would like to see me

reach a goal weight of 147 lbs. So, are your goal weights what your

Doctors set for you or are they your own personal goals?

I am 5'3" and my doctor told me 140. That is on the high end of the BMI so I have set my goal for 135 (not a whole lot of difference).

I'm sure I'll have a million more crazy questions before my journey ends, so bear with me. I'm the new kid on the block now.

Hugs and kisses,


again we are so happy to have you back.

Janet-we had cake from the anniversary party on Saturday too and I ate a small piece last night and then got angry with myself for eating it and went to the kitchen and threw the 3 pieces left out. Can't trust myself :angry:so it is back to none in the house. At least you stayed within your calories even with your cake and stuff. That in itself is a major accomplishment.

Well I went to the gym again today. Yeah for me. Done an hour workout and my son got home from school about 45 minutes ago and said mom lets go to the gym I haven't exercised today so I am on my way back. :w00t: :thumbup:Can you believe it? I tell you this weather is doing wonders for me. Feeling alot better towards hubby even. LOL Belive me he is a happy camper with me today. :drool:

I just ate a 1/2 cup chicken rice (healthier kind that I found) and I am in misery right now. I tried eating this last night also and had the same thing. Feel like I am having a damn heart attach!! Pains all through my chest. Guess I am done with this. It tastes great t he first couple of bites but then the pain hits. :scared2::crying: Told hubby to go ahead and make the other 4 1/2 cup servings for himself for supper because I am done with it.

Better get my DS is telling me "let's go!!!!!!'

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I still take my Effexor. Been taking that or Prozac for geez, 15 years? I've tried going off it a couple of times, but got clinically depressed, so that's not an option for me. I just break them in half and haven't had a problem. Bigger problem is the Omega 3 capsules that I can't break up. So when I was overfilled a couple of weeks ago I stopped taking them all together. One thing to think about is maybe you can get by with a smaller dose. You might talk to your doc about it?

As for goal weight: I set it myself. Right now it's 25 BMI which is techinically still overweight, but close enough to be realistic. Frankly, I think that as one gets older, they look haggared and drawn if they are too thin. I would be delighted to buy a size 12 dress for my son's wedding in August! It would give me more choices than I can imagine!

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1. Did anyone suffer from depression after the lap band, just because?

I don't think I did. I was depressed leading up to it because I was dealing with the stress of the weight, what it was doing to my body and dealing with various doctors and insurance companies. I didn't just pick this user name out of the sky. :cursing: It fit my mood. So I would say I was more stressed than depressed, which is different to what you and others suffer from.

2. I live with my son and fiance who are both big eaters, and some times

I feel envious that I just can't chow down like they do. Esp. in the

mornings when they are eating bacon, egg and cheese on English

muffins. I'm happy I'm losing weight and the praise they are giving

me is wonderful. When does the psychological aspect of

wanting to eat - seem to subside? Or does it ever really go away?

For me I know things have changed a lot. I will still occasionally be envious when I watch them both sink their teeth into a burger or sandwich. But I know what will happen if I were to attempt to put that much food in my mouth in one bite. I'd never be able to eat a whole burger right now even if I starved myself for a week. It's just too much.

I don't know what the side-effects of overeating are for someone who has had the gastric bypass, but I use my knowledge of my own, like feeling like I've swallowed a golf ball and the pain associated with that, as a motivation to NOT eat.

My hubby and son got cinnamon rolls from Cinnabon this weekend and I watched them eat them. At first I was imagining what it would taste like in my mouth - the sugar, cinnamon, frosting - and it seemed appealing to me. But the more they ate, the more I realised "hey, if I were to have more than one bite of that, I'd be in serious trouble." But I watched them the entire time and believe it or not it helped to put me off.

I've done this a few times with my husband. At first we were both uncomfortable, and I think to some extent he still is. Nobody likes to be watched while they're eating. :scared2: But eating vicariously through him helps curb my appetite for whatever they have. I've told him it helps me. He doesn't understand and I don't think I really do either. But you have to go with what works. :thumbup:

3. I also wanted to know about everyone's goal weight on your tickers.

I am 5'3" tall and according to my doctor she would like to see me

reach a goal weight of 147 lbs. So, are your goal weights what your

Doctors set for you or are they your own personal goals?

My doctor didn't set my goal weight. He told me what the healthy range was for someone my height, but he also mentioned that not everyone who is 5'4 has the same frame. I would consider mine in the larger range. The "big boned" theory isn't simply an excuse I fell back on the be fat. I was always bigger built even when I wasn't really overweight.

I need to be 145 to *just* get into the healthy BMI range. I don't think that's realistic and set my own goal to 150. Now while that's only a 5lb difference, when you're 100lbs overweight, losing 99lbs seems so much more attainable than 100. Illogical, I know, but not a lot of things make sense to me anyway. :w00t:

Maybe as I get closer to my goal I might consider changing it. It never even entered my mind 7 months ago that I could be 60lbs lighter, and yet here I am. So I'm just going to carry on and see where things take me. :thumbup:

I'm sure I'll have a million more crazy questions before my journey ends, so bear with me. I'm the new kid on the block now.

I like questions. As Karri said, it helps me reflect and consider things that haven't crossed my mind yet. It often makes me turn things around so that it's all about me :drool: :lol:, but I don't know how to sound it out any other way that might be helpful to someone else. It's usually how I feel or how I think. :crying:

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Hello again:

Thanks to all who replied and remembered me. I do still feel like part of this group, though my surgery was different.

First let me say I am NOT hungry eating my 1/4 cup of Protein 2-3 times a day, plus my Snacks of sugar free Ice Pops and Jello.

However, I do need some advice and input. I suffer from clinical depression, and take medication for that. Which is not that easy, since I am supposed to crush my pills and mix them in with my jello, but it is so bitter, I dread doing it so much I have nearly stopped taking my anti-depressant totally. Which leads me to my questions.

1. Did anyone suffer from depression after the lap band, just because?

2. I live with my son and fiance who are both big eaters, and some times

I feel envious that I just can't chow down like they do. Esp. in the

mornings when they are eating bacon, egg and cheese on English

muffins. I'm happy I'm losing weight and the praise they are giving

me is wonderful. When does the psychological aspect of

wanting to eat - seem to subside? Or does it ever really go away?

3. I also wanted to know about everyone's goal weight on your tickers.

I am 5'3" tall and according to my doctor she would like to see me

reach a goal weight of 147 lbs. So, are your goal weights what your

Doctors set for you or are they your own personal goals?

I'm sure I'll have a million more crazy questions before my journey ends, so bear with me. I'm the new kid on the block now.

Hugs and kisses,



I was on zolfot for a little over a yr - but haven't been on it for about 3 - mine were small tabs and I think you should beable to sallow them - in fact I have some old ones in the medicine cabinet right now - yep i one of those people who don't throw old med's out - and I should cuz there are about 5 in their... Reason for being on them - work - left dh - got grandson full time - need anymore reasons- I had a full load all at once

#1 No I wasn't depressed after the surgery - I know I can still eat - I just cant pig out - but I can still eat

#2 do i miss it (food) - yep there are times I do and watching others eat and smelling food is very hard - so when they are eating their breakfast I would have a little omellett - but I don't think the mental aspect of eating ever goes away - like I told Sonya above who is getting a fill cuz she thinks she is eating too much when she eats about as much as I do per meal - I just make healthier food choices 98% of the time - I was so tight that I could barely drink 8 oz of coffee in the morning - I have to be able to eat more than 1/4 or even 1/2 cup per meal - I am happy with my 1 cup per meal with snack - but that's mental for me plus I don't think you are getting enought nutrients with 1/4 cup of food per meal.

#3 I set my goal weight - On WW back in the late 80's early 90's I got to 170 (from my high of 206 at that time) for about a minute - I looked good and felt good - so I just picked a number - that was 80 lbs (my high this time 250) - well once Karri joined our group - she and I are about the same height and she an I were losing weght about the same and I saw that her goal was 150 - so I thought that since i was keeping up with the kid on my weight loss - why not try 160 - thats a 90 lbs loss when I make it.. Truely to have a healthy bmi I should be 145 - but at my age I don't think I would look very healthy at 145- I am in a size 12 or 10 pant - Xl to L tops - I am feeling pretty darn good - I have 14 lbs to go - who knows what will happen when I get there - I can always change my ticker if I decide that I want to lose another 15 lbs and get to 145 - but for right now - I think 160 will be fine for me - heck - unclothed it won't matter if I weigh 160 or 145 - I am going to still have flab and saggy skin -unless I see a plastic surgeon :drool:

We are here for you - you were/are one of us - you started this jounery with us and you can come here anytime - we just wont' be able to help you with dumping - I know a little about it cuz I have a couple gf who have had bypass.. But your issues with food are no diff than our - share with us as we can learn from you - I feel with everyone sharing their good bad happy sad stories helps us all..


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Thanks Janet and Karri. I normally make pretty good food choices, but this weekend I made a lot of bad ones. Thank goodness I didn't gain any weight this week but I didn't lose any either.

I'm so happy to have my band to help me control my food portions when my old food habits take over. I do a lot better when I just don't have those "evil" foods in the house.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
      · 2 replies
      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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    • Clueless_girl

      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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