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So the fashion show is off for me. I went to the fitting, pulled a bunch of cloths, some of which I really liked, then the person in charge said that the models had to pay for everything! Then we could take them back later if we wanted to. Sorry Charley.... thats a deal breaker for me... putting a $300-400 hole in my bank account for a couple of weeks is a no-go. I already took a half day offof work, and would have missed a pre paid dance class the night of the event... I did buy one of the skirts I had pulled, a black and gray pencil skirt on sale for 28$. A bit of a relief to walk away from the event... oh well! Even though I said I didnt want to be on camera at the fitting, I ended up getting  asked a question on air. I get some air time around the arts in this town, and really don't want to be defined by weight loss surgery here...(looking hot is OK though!!! ;) ) Finally down a pound.... cut the carbs and upped the Protein, and that worked better for me (of course it would....) Good job all!

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Is anyone considering going to San Diego for the bariatric pal conference in April? I want to visit San Diego but not sure I want to listen to surgery talk all weekend. :)

Kim, I was supposed to model for something once and it was similar..You had to buy the clothes. I thought it was scammy at the time since it was for a plus size store.

My appetite is way down, but I sure want to eat for emotional comfort I guess. My tummy has been bothering me on and off since last week.

Where the heck is everybody? Sarah, Lynda, Kelly, swizz...well most everyone has gone missing.

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And Wanda has really dropped out... hope she is ok.....

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Hi gang!

The whole family has been really sick for weeks - I got sick on December 20th and I am finally starting to feel better today. Have been to the doc twice and they say its pneumonia, a round of antibiotics seemed to do absolutely nothing so I am guessing it was more viral than anything. I think the same virus has wiped out most of West Seattle.


I am back on track as well - I too am up 20ish, which is what it has been for a little while, so looks like I am in good company ;) Got into a bad habit the last couple of weeks and that is TOP RAMEN! Seemed like it was the only thing I wanted to eat when I was feeling like hell - good thing it is gone now.


As soon as my lungs stop feeling like I have been squeezed in a vice I will get back to moving a bit more - I have some new Jillian Michaels tapes I want to try out, I have heard good things about them.


We are off too a good start this year ladies - woohoo!

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Nice to hear from you Kelly! Glad your feeling better.... everyone getting sick here too... I had the flu for about 10 days.... but pullinIg out of it. Thjs student at school with a rotten cold spit in my eye the other day.... really hopeing I have dodged a bullit with that one.... runny nose, but thats about all at this point..... Fasting today.... not perfect, but I think I will come out ok in the end. Need to lose between 7-10 to get back to goal range.

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Kelly, really good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the plague ???? y'all are experiencing. This seems to be a year of very weird viruses all around.


I just weighed this morning and after two fast days and pretty good non-fast days I'm down 4 pounds over the last two weeks. I'll take it! I'm being honest- not nearly as easy this time as last but I'm thinking it's because I allowed myself to eat so much junk and really "graze" all day.


On a good note, though, I am enjoying the taste of REAL food so much. Veggies, a few fruits I allow myself now and again are delightful. ????. I'm especially on a cabbage craving kick right now. Ha!


Although, I had a piece of birthday cake for my Grand's 10th BD last night I had included in calories so came in about 650. High for a fast day for me but so much better than previous weeks! It's all good.


Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I am going on a wknd jaunt with my YAYA girls. There are five of us long time/lifetime friends and we've done MLK wknd for several years now.


Hopefully, it will be decent food wise since most of us are trying to be health conscious. Just a "pj", veg out weekend but I hope to get some walking in.


Love to the gang!

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Hey girls ...I have zero time to read and catch up, but wanted to pop in to say hi. I'm up up up...hate it. I have got to figure something out. I'm still commuting 2+ hours a day for my job 5x a week and my weekends are consumed with sitting and watching my daughter play club volleyball. So I sit in the car for my commute. I sit 8 hours a day at work and I sit in the car for the ride home and I sit every weekend watching my daughter play VB (seriously long tournaments every weekend) all the sitting is catching up to me and I can't stand it. Other than getting up at 4am to hit the treadmill, I just don't see being able to squeeze in time to work out. But I gotta do something, because the inactivity is killing me. Maybe I will try the 4am thing like 2-3 times a week and see what happens.

My goal for 2015 is to MOVE more.

Miss you ladies and wish I had free time to come here and visit.

On a positive note, I do love the job and the pay is awesome, so I can't complain about that. Hope you all are well and just know that I miss each of you!

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Hey all...sorry I have not posted for ages... been reading but not really in the mood to sit and type.


Tough times here in not-so-sunny Wales...

my friends' father, who was seriously ill over Christmas, died nearly two weeks ago and it has it us all hard.  He was a wonderful man - honoured by many and a local legend (in the true sense of the word, not the 'street' sense!).  What has been hard is staying strong for my friends (they are my second family) whilst their hearts and souls are breaking and I can do nothing to help.  Just awful for all.


On top of that my mother is really unwell, she is down to 91lbs and is soooo frail.  She doesn't want to eat and pretty much refuses to do so, even though she has been told by the doc to up her calories.  I have said for many, many years that she has an eating disorder and as I reflect over my childhood years, there are definate signs of that and I stand by my statement.  However, no one is listening to me and as she is at the age of 80, I am not sure that the doc will take me seriously, although I plan to have the conversation with him.  She has also started to repeat herself a lot so I am also worried about the on set of dementia.   My dad has gone into hyper worry and anxiety over her health - this doesn't help as Mam digs her heals in.. The problem is that he loves her too much and doesn't know how to deal with it... he is pretty much old school, at 71, and his nagging isn't good.  He has also been really poorly and is recovering after a knee operation - he will probably need a knee replacement op in the very near future.  Then there is my brother, who is living at home after his marriage broke down, and he basically doesn't give a sh*t.  

I have been to the docs wiht her several times over the last three weeks and there is no improvement in her health... this all started Christmas Day.  She sleeps a lot through the day and out of 24 hours, she is probably stationary or asleep for 19-20 of those hours.  Very worring.


On the food front... I have not moved into the 'excuse' eating and have done four good fasts over the last two weeks... however, on my 'feast' days, there is often grab and go food - some of it bad but most of it good to ok!  On the scale I have lost a pound so not happy but not giving up either. If I only had a few pounds to lose, then I wouldn't complain... but dear me!  I could probably shed 28lbs if my body would behave and let go!!

I have 3 nasty warts on my feet that are now giving me a lot of burning pain, to the extent of a limp some days, so my jogging idea has been dashed until I get them burnt off... which is in two weeks.

I think that some form of exercise will help me get through the stress I am currently feeling (it has really helped in the past)... and hopefully pick me up a little.  I am not giving myself a schedule but when the warts have gone I will go on the treadmill and do zumba in work when I feel my energy levels allow.

I have also been really suffering with constapation - and I am talking two weeks with no movement that ended in the need for laxatives, something I haven't had to do for a very long time.  So I am keeping an eye on the movements!


Also, I am in the middle of a 'proper' period... something I haven't had for nearly two years... I have a bit of spotting, probably 2-3 times a year over the last 4 years... but not a proper period.  Around the Christmas period, just after Christmas Day, I said to my husband that if I didn't  know better I would be seeing my friend visit - all the symptoms of the old days!  The three weeks later, she arrives.  I have to be honest, my body is a total mystery to me.


So basically, I am feeling very stressed and a little low at the moment... trying to work out a timeline in my head for when things may improve... but the uncertainty of my parents' health really causes me problems.

Luckily I have an amazing husband who is really looking after me (even though he has his own issues that he is dealing with at the moment - and making good progress, so kudos to him!) and two wonderful teenagers who also look after me!  From all this stress, I am really trying to find some light in my life.


Hope everyone else is good - and well done to those who are seeing movement on the scales!

Hugs from across the pond - and the border for Cathy... x

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{{{{coops}}}} I have nothing to offer but huge hugs. Hang in there. <3

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Coops! Sounds like my last year.... :(  sorry... this is not easy to go through, but happy to hear you have close family that is there for you. Take care!

My mom stopped eating much for a couple of years before she passed on...lost around 35 pounds and at the end she really hated eating at all. All she wanted were chocolates ... who can blame her! But not very nutritious... and acording to the 5:2 studies, sugar makes rats with dimentia decline twice as fast. (My mom had dimentia too) What can you really do but love them and hold their hands during this time. I just tried to make a connection every day with her... which was really lovely. I brought her art supplies to use, which she did, and brushed her hair.... used lotion on her hands and face. Sorry Coops, I know its a hard part of life.

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Hey girls ...I have zero time to read and catch up, but wanted to pop in to say hi. I'm up up up...hate it. I have got to figure something out. I'm still commuting 2+ hours a day for my job 5x a week and my weekends are consumed with sitting and watching my daughter play club volleyball. So I sit in the car for my commute. I sit 8 hours a day at work and I sit in the car for the ride home and I sit every weekend watching my daughter play VB (seriously long tournaments every weekend) all the sitting is catching up to me and I can't stand it. Other than getting up at 4am to hit the treadmill, I just don't see being able to squeeze in time to work out. But I gotta do something, because the inactivity is killing me. Maybe I will try the 4am thing like 2-3 times a week and see what happens. 


My goal for 2015 is to MOVE more. 


Miss you ladies and wish I had free time to come here and visit. 


On a positive note, I do love the job and the pay is awesome, so I can't complain about that. Hope you all are well and just know that I miss each of you!

Glad you dropped in... and so happy you love your job... 2 hour commute is hard... 

Personal trainer Jeff Daubs says even drivers can get exercise on the road— working the core is a good area to focus on while you’re stuck in traffic or sitting at a light. "Place your hands against the roof or your car, push up with your arms and squeeze your abs at the same time," he says. "Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat as many times as possible. The dual action of pressing up with the arms and shoulders and squeezing the core creates a static hold that serves to strengthen the arms, shoulders, back, and core all at the same time." He suggests lifting one or both legs off the floor to engage your core even more.

Another good exercise for drivers is an arm strengthener, says Daubs. "Open your driver-side window and, assuming there is no passenger in the seat next to you, straighten both arms to the side," he says. "With your left palm up and your right palm down, start to switch your palms from up to down. Your arms are straight out to the side, left palm up right palm down and switch, left palm down right palm up. Do this for sets of 50—it feels easy at first but after 40 or so reps you will start to feel it. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat. Just the action of holding your arms out becomes a challenge and the toning benefits of holding that position and switching the hands is undeniable. This is a favorite move of Tyra Banks as it a proven overall toner and shaper for both the arms and shoulders."



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Coops I have been thinking these past couple of weeks. I saw some Facebook messages about someone passing and I could not work out the relationship bit I knew it was someone close,{{hugs}}.

I know about the problems and worries about the mum, I have the same too. My mum is starting with the memory problem and it is a real worry. She is coming 84 and lives 200 miles away and I don't know what I'm going to do. I have spent the last 4 years looking after Kevin's mum and now it is time yo look after mine. I have family living close but it is me she seems to trust. I know she will need me in the next few months/ years and I will have to be there for her. She is my mum and looked after me so it is pay back but it is hard when I am so far away. It's hard because out of all of us 6 children I'm the one she thought least of but now it is me she seems dependent on. It seem ironic.

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We have just had a wonderful BBC program on about getting the right diet got your type. They interviews many people and whittled it down to 75 people separated into 3 types. 1 was always hungry, 2 was emotional eater and 3 was always thinking about food. It was really interesting. They gave them 3 types of diet and they were all successful. The 5:2 featured and I hope to précis it better soon.

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Will respond more later.... but Cathy presleeve I was ALWAYS hungry. My son says he is same way. I would be interested in that program.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Clueless_girl

      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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