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I feel better now..Chris gave me every medicine known to man before he went to work..

That guy really wants his turkey dinner :P Cooking has commenced and I'm about to tackle the stuffing!! I'm cooking my azz off! It's all coming out perfect?

Wish we where having company today so I could show them laura actually can cook! Maybe I'll call my mother in law :P

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CGJ, your story about your sister is so sad - what an awful thing for you to deal with.  I am not as close to my bro as you were but to lose him would break my heart.  I find bereavement so difficult.

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Cathy - yes, yes, yes  ... what a great idea!  I would love to go shopping and get you in a goal outfit!  That has really cheered me up... oh and me classy - lol - you ain't seen me drunk...lol!

But don't fret, there will be no strippers, but we just have to dress the bride to be up - she's in her 50s and getting married in Vegas!  I am sure it will be, well... fun!  We are going to Cardiff Bay, a boat trip first with food and drinkies then to the pub!  Bring it on... after such a stressful time I am more than ready for some cider and a dance.


Laura, I too am battling 'man flu' - cough, cold, sneezes and blocked nose.  Such fun!  But I refuse for it to stop me.


Feast day today - doing well this week regarding food choices and intake.  Fast day tomo and I've made some red pepper and tom Soup ready!  I am on dinner duty in work and that comes with a delish school dinner...NOT!  I always have some meat, usually chicken and salad, so at least it is fresh and healthy!  


I am probably gonna jinx myself... but I saw 157 this morning, so defo broke the 159 set point after 7 weeks of stand still - lets hope it sticks!


M2G - Brit speak - that cracks me up more... I really don't consider myself British, even though I am!  I am a 'classy welsh bird'  - repeat until you believe...hehehe x

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Feel like absolute turd today; after the food i said i ate yesterday at the Polish thing, I went on to eat a further 4 servings of almonds, a Protein Shake, the rest of the slice of chocolate cake, and several more gingersnap style cookies.  Every muscle in my body aches, my intestines are writhing, I look terrible.  Today I will probably take in 630 cals - 15 carbs 72 Protein, or 430 cals if I am too tired to eat the sardines.  I haven't seen the scale move in 4 days and am feeling quite grumpycat about it.


Firstly, I am glad someone else uses the term 'turd; - that brought a smile to my face (until I read the rest)!

It is horrible the way food affects our bodies isn't it!  I hope it soon moves out of your system and that you are feeling better... wish I could give you a great, big, massive Cooper Cwtch!!

I meant to say, but forgot - ok, call me air head, good news about those jeans that fit again... how cool is that!  Please tell me it put a smile on your face and a spring in your step!  Would it be rude to ask for a pic? x

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Well, 4th day of non-traditional (MINE) eating for me! LOL. Haven't eaten a huge amount or even 3 meals away but...it ain't pretty. Not out if control, just "freestyle." :).


And now, LV and Coops, my crud is back too. Scratchy throat, nose stuffed up, cough, voice gone. Of course, it's also been very, very cold here in Branson MO and I've been trimming around from store to store Christmas shopping ( and MY Shopping :).


I've been looking at BF ads all day and the best I can tell is BF is now black Wed, Thurs Fri and Sat! Ha!!!!


Hope all the "States" peeps have a good Thanksgiving, whatever and however you Celebrate it and all my non-State peeps- have a great rest of the week!

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Cathy - yes, yes, yes  ... what a great idea!  I would love to go shopping and get you in a goal outfit!  That has really cheered me up... oh and me classy - lol - you ain't seen me drunk...lol!

But don't fret, there will be no strippers, but we just have to dress the bride to be up - she's in her 50s and getting married in Vegas!  I am sure it will be, well... fun!  We are going to Cardiff Bay, a boat trip first with food and drinkies then to the pub!  Bring it on... after such a stressful time I am more than ready for some cider and a dance.


Laura, I too am battling 'man flu' - cough, cold, sneezes and blocked nose.  Such fun!  But I refuse for it to stop me.


Feast day today - doing well this week regarding food choices and intake.  Fast day tomo and I've made some red pepper and tom Soup ready!  I am on dinner duty in work and that comes with a delish school dinner...NOT!  I always have some meat, usually chicken and salad, so at least it is fresh and healthy!  


I am probably gonna jinx myself... but I saw 157 this morning, so defo broke the 159 set point after 7 weeks of stand still - lets hope it sticks!


M2G - Brit speak - that cracks me up more... I really don't consider myself British, even though I am!  I am a 'classy welsh bird'  - repeat until you believe...hehehe x

157!!! did you hear yourself? Thats awesome Coops!


Well, 4th day of non-traditional (MINE) eating for me! LOL. Haven't eaten a huge amount or even 3 meals away but...it ain't pretty. Not out if control, just "freestyle." :).


And now, LV and Coops, my crud is back too. Scratchy throat, nose stuffed up, cough, voice gone. Of course, it's also been very, very cold here in Branson MO and I've been trimming around from store to store Christmas shopping ( and MY Shopping :).


I've been looking at BF ads all day and the best I can tell is BF is now black Wed, Thurs Fri and Sat! Ha!!!!


Hope all the "States" peeps have a good Thanksgiving, whatever and however you Celebrate it and all my non-State peeps- have a great rest of the week!

 Freestyle! That about says it for me too... I ate and ate and ate all day.... or so it seemed.... whatever I wanted, then cooked stuffing, winter squash pies, cherry cobbler.... even bought a little box of goldfish... not THAT little, ate half of them.  LOTS of salty snacky treats. I faced my maker (Myfitnesspal) and when all was said and done, I was below my normal days calories. WHAT?!! My brain may be on crack, but my sleeve is still working. It was not a successful fast day, but it was a pretty successful day before holiday day.


CGJ, a fashion thread would be fun!

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Busy, busy over here! When my daughter and I are together we have so much fun and stay busy!

My thoughts on the group...I like a small group. Maybe keep this group for those of us that have become close and then another 5:2 group could be started for those that are interested. We could all be a part of both groups but this one would be 5:2 plus everything else we talk about and would just stay with us. With the other 5:2 group we would be able to answer questions for new comers. The people that don't participate on this group could be moved to the new 5:2 group if they want to be a part of it still. Not sure if that makes sense...

Globe, thanks for sharing about your MS. Did you just go to the doctor bc the symptoms continued to be bothersome and that's how they found out? Is it a brain scan that revureals the MS?

CGJ, hugs to you. Sorry for the sadness you are feeling with the loss of your sister, especially this time of year.

Laura, the mushroom thing is interesting. I had never heard of anything like that before. Enjoy your day at the beach tomorrow. Take some pictures for us!

Brown, yes my head is cut off. That's actually an old picture of me maybe a year after I had surgery. I put up a headless picture because I don't like my pictures floating around on the internet. I got a little freaked out when the switched happened here and all of the sudden there were all of these other people on "our" site. I'm sure I'll switch it up again soon so you can see my face!

FYE, I can't wait to hear about your ride! Take some pics for us!

Coops, M2G, Swizzly, OD, Chimera...I just wanted to mention you and say hi! lol I hope I didn't forget anyone. It's late and I'm tired.

Fast day for me today. I came in at just over 500. I will enjoy my day tomorrow. Not stressing about the food. My absolute favorite thing on Thanksgiving is my mom's lemon meringue pie that she makes. It is so good! We also are Black Friday shoppers so we head out and shop all night long and get home around 5 or 6 in the morning.

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I've never been out on black friday!

Ill take pics of the ride for sure. Bunch of crazy mofos! Its a blast.

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@ Coops - it's not rude, I just can't upload any pics because I use a highly restricted gov computer, that's why my profile pic here is the same it's been for over a year and a half.

@ SarSar - I thought I had a hernia and went to be seen for that, after some discussion and questioning, the Dr. wanted me to go to neurology so I did. Had a lengthy examination and interview with the Dr there, and he came up with the preliminary dx. Then went to Germany where they did an MRI and an EIR and the neuro there felt confident in the MS dx.

Today I have received some bad news - my Dr here and the neuro in Germany have consulted and the Germany Dr thinks I might have progressive. This destroys me. I feel like I've been handed a death sentence. I just hope it isn't true. She wants me to go back to the States but I have no place to go, no job, I need this money.

Going to eat Thanksgiving dinner with me team tonight, I will have turkey, but can't really have anything else, including the gravy since everything probably has white flour and white sugar and grain in it.

So it is Thanksgiving, and I am supposed to reflect on all that I am thankful for.

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Globe, what kind of job would you be looking for if you wanted to come back to the states. Surely there  is a job for you somewhere besides Afghanastan!! There has to be!


Laura, Allen was from Boulder Creek. We were there and Santa Cruz last summer. We had so much fun. It makes me sad now to think about it. I love his family. :( You live in a very Ritzy town.


I don't know what to do cause I have Allen's brother renting my house and he's not getting the stuff done we agreed on when he moved in. I am going to have to get him out of there. It's going to turn into a mess.


Other than that, I love having him gone and never cooking . Tomorrow I will cook for my dauhgter and her family, but that's the first time in a month I have cooked. I've eaten nothing but Protein Shakes and leftover restaurant meals.


I did delete someone who has never posted. The user name was something like  " I love Jesus"


Anyway, there are several people in this group who never post. I am not going to open it up to anyone new until we get the non posters to quit. I'm going to have to PM them I guess. For some reason this system is not letting Laura do it.

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Globe how can they dx progressive so soon? Don't they have to. Watch for awhile? See if you show signs of progression. Isn't there a difference in primary and secondary? Don't u have to have a second MRI to determine that? I can only imagine the fear and uncertainty your feeling now. If it helps to talk/write about it we are here.

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I have had some pain, specific kinds of pain, I guess this is an indicator I don't know. Yes the Dr in Germany wants me to come and then be medivac'd home but I can't do that. There is a difference between relapsing remitting and secondary progressive. The Rx that I am on now causes depression. great.

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Globe, I am so sorry. I don't know the right words to say. I'm thinking of you...we are all here for you.

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@ Coops - it's not rude, I just can't upload any pics because I use a highly restricted gov computer, that's why my profile pic here is the same it's been for over a year and a half.


@ SarSar - I thought I had a hernia and went to be seen for that, after some discussion and questioning, the Dr. wanted me to go to neurology so I did.  Had a lengthy examination and interview with the Dr there, and he came up with the preliminary dx.  Then went to Germany where they did an MRI and an EIR and the neuro there felt confident in the MS dx.


Today I have received some bad news - my Dr here and the neuro in Germany have consulted and the Germany Dr thinks I might have progressive.  This destroys me.  I feel like I've been handed a death sentence.  I just hope it isn't true.  She wants me to go back to the States but I have no place to go, no job, I need this money.


Going to eat Thanksgiving dinner with me team tonight, I will have turkey, but can't really have anything else, including the gravy since everything probably has white flour and white sugar and grain in it.


So it is Thanksgiving, and I am supposed to reflect on all that I am thankful for.


Man Globe, when it rains it pours! Surely you can get on disability and medicare in the states? Land somewhere you want to be and go for that? Does your employer have any kind of retirement plan, jobs, counciling, or HR in the states you can use? Im feeling for you, so sorry to hear this.

Globe, what kind of job would you be looking for if you wanted to come back to the states. Surely there  is a job for you somewhere besides Afghanastan!! There has to be!


Laura, Allen was from Boulder Creek. We were there and Santa Cruz last summer. We had so much fun. It makes me sad now to think about it. I love his family. :( You live in a very Ritzy town.


I don't know what to do cause I have Allen's brother renting my house and he's not getting the stuff done we agreed on when he moved in. I am going to have to get him out of there. It's going to turn into a mess.


Other than that, I love having him gone and never cooking . Tomorrow I will cook for my dauhgter and her family, but that's the first time in a month I have cooked. I've eaten nothing but Protein Shakes and leftover restaurant meals.


I did delete someone who has never posted. The user name was something like  " I love Jesus"


Anyway, there are several people in this group who never post. I am not going to open it up to anyone new until we get the non posters to quit. I'm going to have to PM them I guess. For some reason this system is not letting Laura do it.

It seems like I miss ex-b-friends families more than them! 



So I stayed the same weight for another day in a row. Hail 5:2 (this week its more like the 6:1) and sleeve! I will take my camera on my "appetite enhancement ride" today, like I need to enhance my appetite! :P

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Happy Thanksgiving to my friends in the states! Happy Thursday to my friends across the pond!

Exciting morning for me, I weighed in today (remember I don't weigh daily like most of you do) and I am down 14 pounds since I started doing 5:2! I will watch my weight over the next few weeks and to make sure it sticks. I am weird with losing weight. I will all of the sudden lose a chunk of weight. Then bounce up and down with a few of those pounds for a bit. Then finally it sticks and I stay there for a while and then it starts all over again. I did this before my sleeve and I did this after my sleeve. It's just the way my body works.

OD, Hugs to you.

Georgia, I completely forgot to mention you in my last post!!!! I'm sorry. Hope you are having fun with your hubs! Did you ever try that restaurant where they throw the rolls at you? I can't remember the name and I was just there a few weeks ago. My mom and I stopped on when we were driving to Texas. It was fun, the rolls were delicious and so was the fried okra! After I ate a little of both of those I was stuffed and couldn't fit much more in.

Thinking of you while you are riding, FYE! You live a fun life!

Lambert's Cafe...I just looked up the name.

Edited by sarsar

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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