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April 2006 Bandits January Challenge

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I went to the gym today and did 50 mins cardio and 20 mins of leg training, I actually enjoyed it as well, I am so glad I am back into the exercise again!

I can't believe how much some of you have all lost, I am nowhere near that, but then I guess I had less to lose and it will be slower....(?)

I am laughing about all the cold weather discussions, I am overheating her, it is humid in NZ already, I have just rolled up my track pants as I am talking to you, 'cos it is WARM!!!! My problem is that there is no air-conditioning at my gym, isn't it funny!!!!

Off to mow my mum's lawns soon, so that is some more exercise!!!!

XX Amourette, all have a good day!:o

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Boo and Betty, I know your right but it's hard when you see everyone doing so well. I wasn't feeling well enough to do my workout today. Geez... Betty want to share your secret? Now you've joined Julie's club and the weight is melting off you too!! Bluehill congratulations for meeting this months challenge, and to Susan for your latest drop in weight. How is your back Susan? You all inspire me...I went from barely exercising to this, it would never have happened without all of you! Amourette, you'll soon need new uniforms from all your exercise!! Keep up the good work. Julie, how was your weekend away? Dawn...I think your part polar bear :-)

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Well Roberta, my secret is guess what..............I have been sweating up a storm...............and.............I made this big pot of turkey chili last week in my crock pot and I had it for lunch/dinner, lunch/dinner, lunch/dinner for about 4 days - that must have done the job!......and also ate just my three meals a day..........wonder of wonders - it works! Will see how long I can keep this up??? Have found the secret Julie and Dawn and the rest of you guys have - restrict food and work-out like a fiend!

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Betty, woohoo! Down another 1.5 lbs! You're body is finally saying "ok, ok, I guess I'll give in and get smaller...."

Dawn, I'm scheduled to close on my apartment tomorrow! We'll see how it goes. Thanks to you and Boo for my winter running advice. I was supposed to run outside today, but it just didn't happen. At the last minute, I was invited to a health clinic on the west side where Hillary Clinton was giving her first press conference after announcing her candidacy for president. It was really exciting -- more the political process than anything (it's too early in this election for me to have decided whom I'll support). I have a friend who is a doctor at the clinic. Anyway, I'm watching myself (well, the back of my head) on the news tonight. I taped 3 channels! Running first thing in the morning, I promise....You asked about my race -- I'm running a 4 mile race on 2/4 in Central Park. It's the first of 9 races I have to run in 2007, which will qualify me for the NYC marathon in 2008. Now I have no idea if I want to run the marathon or not, but I do want to run the training races, so off I go to Central Park in the freezing winter when I could be inside on my nice warm treadmill....

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I DID IT!!! Challenge met---and days left over, I can actually be an overachiever this month!! Although, I may not exercise for a few days---I fell on the ice today. Such a thin layer, looked like it was just wet, and down I went. New neighbors moving in---I made a wonderful first impression!

We finished my in-laws wood today--and had an absolutely great day prior to my dive on the ice! Rick (DH) was kinda goofing around on the 4 wheeler (ATV) after we finished, and somehow my son and I come up with the plan of an innertube and a rope---so we spent the next 2 hours pulling each other around the pasture. The granddaughter laughed til she gave herself the hiccups! We were very safe, we went slow, we were in a field, so there were no vehicles, it was a blast. I cannot remember when we had such fun as a family--all of us ended up there, from my in-laws, to my grandkids. Fun day. I pulled a sled around with kids, until my legs felt rubbery from trudging through the snow! I know if this had happen last year, I would have been on the side lines with my inlaws, video taping, and watching, I would not have been participating. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have my life back.

Had a major scare yesterday. I didn't originally say anything, because Rick was here, and he was not happy about it---didn't want him glancing at my screen and me yacking about it! Poor guy. We woke up to snow...again. Not that the last was gone, this is just a fresh layer. But we decided to go to town to have Breakfast anyway. So we took the SUV, and we went, it was so pretty, white, quiet....pristine. We got to the little diner without issue. We were sitting there eating, and Rick reached across the booth and grabbed me, and made a motion that he was choking! I freaked out! We jumped out of the booth, and I tried to grab him to Heimlich (sp?) him, and he pulled away, I thought he was going down, and I hollered at a family at the next table to please help me! (One table ignored us--thought we were fighting!) He finally got into a corner and let me grab him, and I squeezed him once and nothing, and I got a better hold, and squeezed him a second time, and for a fraction of a second nothing happen again, and about the time I started to squeeze the 3rd time, it popped loose, and he choked, and coughed, even vomited a little. 2 men from nearby tables were right there, ready to grab him if I let go. But I was so scared to squeeze him, with his chest having just healed up again. It didn't affect it at all. He was embarrassed...it was a small place, and he was the main attraction! Well to everyone except employees, none of them even mentioned it! One of the men followed him into the men's room to check on him and make sure he was ok. Even told him about when it happen to him. Then the man brought paper towels out and cleaned up the little mess Rick made, while he was in there trying to settle his stomach. Such a nice man. We bought his families meal when we left. Rick has been having problems with esophageal spasms, ever since he had the GI bleed, and they left the balloon in his esophagus for all those days. They said if he continued to have problems they would prescribe something to help with motility of the esophagus---I think we are going to have to try that. This was too scary. We went on and had a wonderful day---but the thought is still there, that what if he has one of the spasms while he is alone. He sometimes has a snack bar in the truck on his way to work--too many times he may be alone--so this is something we have to get fixed, if they can.

My scale is just stuck, not moving...period. I have dropped a couple of inches, but no weight! I don't know if it is muscle conversion, with the weight lifting, or maybe Fluid retention due to it. I am not eating badly, or too much...I do not gain, I just sit at the same number! Now DH's weight is up and down and normal---one day he outweighs me, the next he is under me by several pounds! It is just stuck for me! But as long as it is not going up, I am not going to panic!!! I also think the Hair loss, may possibly be slowing down just a bit. One can only hope!!!

Thanks for being there everyone!!!


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Oh Kat, I went from laughing to crying, reading your post. You created such a vivid scene out on the field, sliding around on the ice. What a blast! I want to try that! But then, you also had quite a scare! Thank heavens the Heimlich(?) manuever worked! I would have been terrified. Definitely, get that prescription for the spasms. Poor guy! He's been through enough.

Julie, I saw Hillary speaking at that clinic on TV, so I PROBABLY SAW YOUR HEAD!!! I don't agree with all of her views, but I think she is brilliant and I am so excited that a woman is running for president!

Betty, your turkey chili sounds great! The past two weeks I've been making a chicken chili that has become so popular around here that my neighbors, and kids' friends are gobbling it up, pot after pot! It's that time of year when hearty Soups are so satisfying. Maybe we can share recipes?

Bluehill, thanks for the yoga quote. It is beautiful. When it comes down to it, we stand alone and our determination to succeed comes from within. We do inspire each other, but after every failure, we have to turn inward, face the fear and pain, and fight to change. I don't understand why we sabotage our successes! Every time I reach a mini-goal the elation is followed by a feeling that I am all-powerful, and then I Celebrate by eating anything I want. It has taken me three weeks to make up for the after-Christmas splurge. You have done so well, though! cheese and crackers may have given you a one day stall, but it is just a number on a scale. The big picture is that you have lost 100#!!! And you completed your exercise challenge for the month!! And this journey with the band and new life is still young.

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I'm SO IMPRESSED with how many of you (not me yet) have finished the challenge already this month. Do you realize we still have 10 days in January!! You guys were with it this month. I'm so proud of all of us.

Kat, I just loved your story about being pulled around on the tube. I'm so with you -- that's the kind of thing I wouldn't have thought of participating in last year and now we can! I'm so happy for you. I'm also glad Rick is ok. I choked like that on a plane once (from Atlanta to London and I was in the middle seat of 5). So scary. My weight has been stuck for most of the month as well, so I feel you on that too. We are peas in a pod this month.

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Kat, I can only imagine that your heart almost stopped! Thank God you were there with him. You painted such a beautiful picture of your family outing. I'm so glad Rick is alright. Betty, I made turkey chili earlier in the week too. I guess I need to eat more of it! My weight has stalled too, I'm hoping things will change up by the end of the month. I went to get my blood work done this morning, and then off to Curves. I'm back home now to shower, eat something and then off to get my bone density test, breast ultrasound, and mamagram...ouch!!


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It seems everyone is doing well. Kat... wow hope all is okay. Julie- I (as you know) am Canadian, but still think it is cool that Hillary is going to run. Bluehill congrats on making the challenge, no wonder you are doing so well.

I had another great run this a.m. (yep it was -35 C, but it was so wonderful). I am now running to music - I have put a playlist on my ipod ( 1 long song and 1 short song and then another long and short ... and I run to the long song and walk to the short). Today I did 3.3 K so I was happy- but it took me 35 minutes... ouch I guess I need to work on speed next.

I was up a lb this weekend- tough for me as I am never usually up... but I think it will settle.

Someone called me a runner yesterday and I just about had a heart attack.

Julie those races sound fabulous. I will train for something - but not yet and there is nothing here so it will only be a vacation option!!

I more day to hit 17 sessions this month!!


Banded April 4th, 2006


358/207 (darn that lb)/ 179

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Ladies...I'm just back from the tests I mentioned in my earlier post. I had a rude awakening on my bone density test. I hadn't had one done in many years so there wasn't anything to compare it to. I didn't have a good report. I'm on the verge of Osteoporosis in my spine. I have a 22% bone LOSS! The doctor says this is very common for people who have had rapid weight loss. I now have to see my PC for prescription meds for this. Everyone, ....please look into this and make sure that you are not developing problems.


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Wow, that's pretty shocking news, Roberta. I'm so very very sorry to hear that you now have to deal with this serious new health issue. Please keep us informed and involved in your treatment. And thanks for the heads-up on the possible ramifications for all of us with regard to bone loss.

April 2006 Bandits January Challenge: EIGHTEEN days of exercise completed

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Kat, What a frightening experience with your hubby. You guys have had enough of this stuff. Hope all is well from now on. Don't want to scare you but a very horrible thing happend this past week here in the Portland area.................a man was towing his little 9 year old on a inner tube (during our snow storm) in an open field and the little girl was thrown into a brick wall (that was obscured by the snow) and she was

killed.............horrible, horrible.

Well, I'm down another 1 1/2 lbs again today..........but, just realized why all of a sudden this has happened to me. I started a new blood pressure med last Friday and that surely has contributed to my spectacular weight loss (for me) this past week. I'll take it anyway! Hope it doesn't come back as my body adjusts to the meds. I went off bp med about 4 or 5 months ago, but alas (pissed because this should not be happening with all the exercise and weight loss) my pb is up again - tho not as high as before.......you know they now want you in the 120's or lower. I actually tried to do a marathon gym day today, but since I had not had anything to eat except for a soy latte - it was not a wise idea...........did my NIA class and the 1/2 hour of core and then tried to do another hour of strengh conditioning and almost passed out! Also probably because of the new meds - never do that again without enough food in my bod.

Hmm, Roberta I went for a bone density test a couple of yeas ago and was good - the weight loss issue is something to think about - thanks for the heads up......will have to ask my pcp next time if I need another test?

Did make another pot of that turkey chili........anybody interested it's:

Throw all in a crock pot -

chop up onion, green and red bell peppers, mushrooms.......a bag of frozen small kernal white corn, a couple cans of diced tomatoes with chili seasoning, a couple can of pinto Beans with chili seasoning, a can of black Beans and some ground turkey breast (or sometimes I use turkey sausage - does have more fat though)........cook till done (5 or 6 or more hours)......soggy and just great.

Just realized I made the challenge today! Horay!

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Hi, I am sitting in Japan, after a long day at work today, it is freezing here, so now I understand what you are all dealing with in the States.........there is a nice river next to the hotel so I am going to run along it tomorrow, and walk when I can't run, obviously........

Kat, sorry to hear about your incident, it must have been very scary, I would have freaked, thank goodness you knew what to do. Julie, good luck with the apartment closing, you should show us some photos..........

Betty, the chilli sounds good, it is so hard to get certain foods down our way though, have I told you all about how I lug home cans of pinto and black Beans 'cos they are so hard to get here and cost around $4.99 a can!!! Ridiculous don't you think? I brought home some chipotles last week, so looking forward to using those....!

Ooooh and there is free internet in this hotel (very unusual) so I will be checking in.

Oh and yes I have gone down two uniform sizes and today my trouser and skirt were hanging off me and I will have to change them also, wow, it is soooo exciting!

Lov AmouretteXX:D :D

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Oh and we don't get turkey at all here, only at Xmas and then only frozen whole birds..............when I was in Atlanta I couldn't get over all you can buy, like ground turkey mince and turkey breast roasts........wow!

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Hey everyone!!!

Keeping up with my workouts despite having finished the challenge. scale is still refusing to move. So I am ignoring it for minimally a week...I'll show it who is boss!!!!

Don't have a lot of time, today is my brothers birthday, and we are having dinner here at the house. So I should be busy!!! I also need to get some wood in, by the time DH gets home it is dark, and that is no fun.

My brother turns 44 today. When he was 18 he was in a car accident, that left him with fairly severe mental and physical handicaps. He lives alone, and supplements his SS by working odd jobs, for several people, he is such a perfectionist, he is in quite the demand! He however has the reactionary level of about a 13 year old. Everything is cool, his entire home ( a 2 bedroom mobile home he bought himself), is decorated like a teenagers room. Now those of you with older kids, think back to exactly how argumentative and stubborn 13 year olds can be, and there you have him. He is a loner, partly by choice, and partly because of the mental capacities. He relates to other kids, he tends to irritate and anger adults, same as a teenager does! Mostly by arguing and questioning every word they say!! But he IS afterall 44, so it is inappropriate for him to hang out with kids, and then they grow up, leaving him behind. We live in a small town, and many know what happen. He is active in the church, he keeps the grounds tended at the church, to the point of hand picking up cigarette butts out of the curbs on the street. No one thought he would live through the accident, let alone this long. I do this every year I guess, marvel at what he has gone through!

He was a passenger in a head on crash, and crushed his entire face, every bone turned to mush, and fractured his skull, sending bone fragments into his brain. He also shattered his hip socket, causing the thigh bone to slam into the pelvis, breaking it, and severing the sciatic nerve in his leg. So he has no feeling in the leg. The Dr.'s left him improperly tractioned for too long and the tendons in the back of his leg shrunk, andhis foot dropped, so his leg is in a sitting position all the time, he cannot straighten it. He has a boot built up to allow him to walk in a more normal way. He lost one eye, and all of his teeth on one side. Not to mention the multitudes of stitches, and small bone breaks...he was a mess. The car they were in was an old '69 Cougar, and had a wooden inlay on the chrome steering wheel, and the wood shattered, ripping through his throat, cutting his throat in 2 places, just like someone took a knife to it! And he lost the windpipe between the 2 rips. He was in the hospital for over 5 months, in a coma for 19 days.

No real reason to drag you all down with this, sometimes like today as I gripe about having to cook and clean and get ready for this---I have to remind myself....my life could be SOOOOOO much worse. I can walk, and see, and most of all, I have my facilities that allow me to visit and share, and support, and recieve all the same from you guys. If I could give him one thing back, he would have to limp through the rest of his life with one eye, but he would find life with friends so much fuller. My DH, is such a great guy, he puts up with him, moody, and all, he bought a motorcylce so he could ride with him, he found him a truck and fixed it all up for him to do his yard work out of. And I know my brother appreciates him as much as he does anything, but...I do wish he knew how wonderful having friends, be they in person, or on line can be.

Thanks for being there for me! ((((hugs to all)))


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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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