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Good Morning Y'all!

Sorry I was MIA for a while, I was busy doing the Christmas decorating things. Yup, I got my tree up and DH got the outside decorations done. I did some decorating around the house along with the laundry/cleaning stuff.

DH built a fire in the fireplace and it was toasty warm! Although I have to say everything in here smells like a smoker! He used some mesquite wood and when you walk into the house you can really smell it! I told him I would be going to work with my clothes smelling like that!

Cindy - 13 days! Wow girl, you will be retired before you know it!

Mandy - What a neat picture of your daughter, she looked like she had so much fun! Thanks for sharing with us!

Darcy - Go to their showroom full of people and start complaining real loud! That worked for me once, they don't want a bunch of potential buyers hearing bad complaints! Good Luck!

Kathy - Welcome to the NJ thread! Congrats on the quiting smoking! It's a hard thing to do, but so rewarding farther down the road!:clap2: :clap2:

Anne - Loved your story! I had to say it cracked me up!

Sherry - We had a ringer washer too! I use to have to help my DM with the laundry back then. I must say I am glad we have the ones we have today. Can you imagine doing all the emptying of the Water etc.. now with working?

Patty - Glad you got to spend some valuable time with you son on his BD!

Kat - Your big pot of stew sounds wonderful! Thanks for the addresses!:D

Eileen - glad you are feeling better! My foot is still hurting, my finger is all healed up so I guess I will live!:clap2: :clap2:

Pat - Where are YOU?

Beanie - Let's win the lottery! I am sick of working!:clap2: :clap2:

Well, I know i missed a few of you, but I have to run and get dressed. Back to the grind this morning. It's cold here, 25 this morning and I am freezing so I need to get some warm clothes on!


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Morning All

Kat... I'm glad your gd had a good birthday ... ahhhh... I still remember when b-days were a good thing! :( I know one thing...the older I get the faster the darn b-days seem to come...lol.

Cindy... I bet your dd did a great job! I can't imagine singing in front of anything more than my dhower head. :) Isn't it fun counting the days down to retirement???? I did the same when we decided that we could afford for me to stay home. I do miss work... once or twice a year. :D

Chris... We are planning on contacting our local news as soon as we get something filed with the BBB abd Consumer Affairs. Unfortunately... these guys really don't seem to care about bad press. We have already let them know that the van will be a walking billboard and that we will post to every car site possible. THey already have a bad staning with BBB so they really don't care about that either. My gut says we are going to eat it on this one. I'm so glad your fill is working well for you... the first "taste" of retriction is always really exciting!

Patty.... it's good to see you and your evening with Lewis sounds down-right magical.

Mandy... Still only flurries here... I generally don't like the snow after January 1st... and I definitely don't like the cold! Man was it cold when we went to pick our tree!

Eileen... Bow howdy did I ever want give that regional buttheadimus a kick where it counts. His personality made him a completely revolting person. Pretty cold for you in NJ right now????

Dianne... I guess I will hope for that Hummer outcome...lol.

Beannie... I bet your house looks beautiful now! I know what you mean about the smell of the tree. We have a beautiful huge fake tree and I made my hubby take us to get a real one. :) I wasn't in the spirit of things this CHristmas and that jollied me right up.

Betty,Sherry,Anne,Pat,Mary,Ivan,Cassie... How's every little thing? If I forgot anyone... I am sooooooooo sorry... this group has grown bigger N my brain. :)

Oh... we did get the tree up after re-arranging and cleaning everything in the livingroom. Usually I do all of that alone but this year my hubby helped me so it was a lot more fun! Anyhoo... Istill have more stuff to put out but it looks beautiful so far! It's amazing how that little tree ya pick looks a helluva a lot bigger once you get it in your house...lol.

Have a good week everyone!

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Hi Kids,

Sorry I can't play, grumpy old man is here today :D I'll catch up soon.

Luv yah's !!



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Morning everyone!

Notice I did not say good....! My DH has a group going to be at work late tonight, so he will have to stay with them, so he went in late. Well I cooked Breakfast. Would have been fine if I had left it at that, but oh hell no---I ate it too. Now I am overfull, and bordering on slime city. Dummy me!

Been having the same problem with the stew. I ate all day the last couple of days, fairly normally. I ate my usual yogurt & granola for breakfast (shoulda stuck to it today!), and I had eaten Chex mix with the granddaughter, even ate 1/2 a sandwich with her...all no problem, but I cannot eat the stew. The meat is so tender it is falling apart....I do ok, if I stick to picking out the meat, but the potatoes, are getting me I think. I sent the last of it to work with DH so I won't attempt it again! It is pretty wierd, I seldom have trouble eating anything. Might have to do a day or 2 of liquids & mushies, and see if I irritated my stomach with the stew.

Plus I have not been walking each morning like I always did. But with having the granddaughter here, and the temps in the single digits---it's not happening!!!

My DD is in Vegas, she went with several friends, a couple of whom are getting married. She called last night and had just won $290.00 and was thrilled!! She said she was on her way to cash out! Hope she keeps her head with it. She has been dating a new guy--a boy/man (I watched them grow up---will they every quit being boys??)she went to school with. He has full custody of his 5 year old daughter. They are here a lot, and I think it is much more serious than I realized before! They didn't say anything along that line, but watching them interact with one anothers girls...is very telling. They were here for the granddaughters birthday, and my DD had a small gift for his DD she gave her before the party started, told her since she was such help picking out the gifts she found a little one for her too.

Awhile before the party my DD's cell phone rang, and it was her ex. He wanted to know what they were doing for Kinsey's birthday--she told him they were getting ready to have a party for her. He kept saying "I wish I could come and see her" DD told him he could have her the next day even tho it was not his visitation if he wanted to have a party for her himself. He refused, saying he didn't have anyone to invite. They hung up, she and the BF talked, and she ask DH and I, if it was a problem to let him come by, since it was an hour or so before the party. We were eating. We'd ordered in pizza, and had the family in, and were having the party at 7. So she tells him, and in a few minutes he and his roomate (a guy that he was in the service with, they knew him from the time they were stationed in Hawaii). They come in, they kept staying, soon people started showing up. They helped themselves to pizza. The Bf's DD was playing with a balloon, and the ex started bouncing it back and forth with her--well that's all it takes with a 5 yr old, he ended up playing with her for a loooong time--you should have seen the look on his face when she run up to her Dad--you could tell the ex had no idea who the kid was, I mean there were a lot of kids here!! It was so funny! Anyway, he hung out forever. My DD and the Bf, went outside with my best friend (she is a smoker) and the roommate damn near mowed down kids following them out. It was so wierd. She said the roomate kept trying to touch her, nothing serious, just on the arm, or a hand to her back, but way too close, invading her space she said. She said that was the wierdest part of the night for her!!! As a whole they handled it very well---very adult. Maybe they can continue it for the little one's sake. So he calls me this morning (there IS a point to this story---kinda), and wants to know why Amanda won't answer her phone. I tell him she is still in Vegas, he says he knows that but wants to talk to her. I told him sorry, she is on roam, so the only way to reach her is to call the Bf's phone. He was MAD!!! I ask him if it had to do with Kinsey--he said no, he wanted to discuss something else with her, that his attorney told him, that it was really unwise to remarry within a year of divorcing! Finally figured it out---he thinks she is off getting married. I ask if he was off, and wanted to see the DD he said no he was working, and then was going to leave and go on vacation too. He is King of the Liars Club, I tell ya. He tells us on her B-day that he bought her a $1300.00 playground set at Sam's Club for her birthday, but he is waiting to have them deliver it until summer so she isn't tempted to play on it in the cold. Yeah uh-huh---Sam's is gonna not only hold it for that long, but they are gonna deliver it---he must have pull! Sure hope there is not a gene for lying tendencies, I sure do not want my Granddaughter to lie like that!

Ok I am through venting----thanks guys! When I tell DH he stresses over "fixing it" all day at work. When I tell my Mom, she is not good at hiding her feelings, and will be very rude next time, and we are trying not to be that way around their daughter. So poor you---you had to hear it all!

Sure am glad you are all here!!!

((((Big Hugs)))) thanks!!!


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Kat, I like hearing your stories! It never fails to interest me, the crazy things people get themselves into! I love the "bought a big playground toy at Sams" story! NOT! That's hilarious, and who does he think he's kidding? Like you, I hope they can play grown-up for the kids' sake. Also, sorry about the food problems...hope you are feeling better!

Hi, Darcy! I bet I'll miss being at work one or two days, myself. I will miss the kids. I won't miss being part of the system; if I can figure out how to improve the system, I'll probably get involved in something like that sometime.

This week's big activity is the holiday luncheon on Thursday, which I was volunteered to coordinate. It's a big job, but a fun one!

Today is DD's first basketball tournament, and DH and my dad are going to it...wish I could go, but since I missed 2 days last week, I have to pass up this one. I just told her I will be at every game in Jan/Feb. If she stands under the basket with her arms up, she should be able to block a few shots!

Hope everyone's warm and dry, and in the spirit!

Hugs, Cindy

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Kat, so sorry that you are going through this. Ex's can be a pain, specially when there are kids involved. I hope your dd has a great time, but not too great a time if ya know what I mean. Hope she comes back single, and with some extra cash. Reminds me of the friends episode where Ross and Rachel get married and have the sharpie marker drawings all over them, eally funny on TV but not IRL. Call and check in on her, let her know the ex is all screwy, and to ignore him if he calls. Hope the morning improves, for you, try the liquids, maybe even have some egg drop Soup? Potatos get me everytime too....think I would learn right??? nope I still try to eat them everytime. ~Mandy

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Lol Mandy! I thought about the same episode, mostly because her EX reminds me so much of Ross it is pathetic, the same pouty little boy look!!! Everyone mentions it!

She checks in every few hours through the day---I have her baby that she has never been away from before! She assures me she will come back single, but also admitted a few minutes ago, that she does have a "keeper". She said she brought $200.00 back and put in the safe in her room, and took the $90.00 to play with. I guess they already have bought several things to bring back to the girls. This afternoon I have his DD as well as my granddaughter, his Mom who is keeping her, has a dental appointment. She is a sweetie. I bought some sugar cookie decorating kits at the store. So we are going to make some Cookies to have for when their Mommy & Daddy get home tomorrow. Get this my grandaughter is Kinsey, she just turned 2. His DD, is Lindzie, she is 5. Talk about tongue twister---Lindzie and Kinsey! I don't know if you knew this or not Mandy--but I also have an Abbey! And my Amanda was usually Manda, but in 5th grade she decided she was going to be Mandi---with an I...she wanted to dot it with a little heart! Still to this day my DH will call her "Mandi with an I", to which she will reply "OK Ricky with a Y" which is what his Mom calls him!!! Such love!!! Anyway your Mandy and Abi always make me think of MY Mandi and Abbey!!!


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Hi All.

Another glorious COLD day in Texas, here.

I had to scrape the frost off my window to drive in this morning. Thank goodness we only get a couple of months of this. By February, it will be Spring, here. I just keep thinking of how nice that will be....

Cindy - 13 days!! I am green, green, green. But, I have invested in all the lottery drawings thru Dec. 28th! Think good thoughts for me! So, hows the new mattress? I hope DD isn't too traumatized over the whole event.

Darcy - Thanks for the heads up on Hyundai. Don't these guys know that there is NOTHING more irritating than having someone PRETEND there is no problem at all? I will certainly skip the Hyundai dealership when I am car shopping this year. I guess if you can't get your money back, at least you can keep a few others from getting skinned by the same guys. :[ My tree is lit - but not yet decorated. Just lighting it makes it look pretty darned good! It does warm the soul. :]

Mandy - My DH made stew this weekend, too. Something about a warm bowl on a cold day just feels good, doesn't it? :] Regarding acting like a child at Birthday Parties... I find myself acting like a child often - Birthday or not. Why wait for Birthdays to have fun? :] Give me some finger paints any old day!

Dianne - don't you fret about catching up. We'll miss you! :] Oh - and just think... that pantyhose story could have turned out worse... it could have been captured on video for all the world to see! *shudder*

Eileenie - see you Friday! Can't wait. Hugs!

Chris - don't starve yourself, now... You really need to eat at least a 1000 calories a day - unless you are taking some huge supplements - Vitamins, Protein, etc. Don't get all malnourished for beauty! :]

Patty - did you get to all the stuff on your list this weekend? Sounds like you were going to have a grand time. Hope Lewis and all of you enjoyed every minute. Hugs!!! And happy belated birthday Lewis!

Kat - I actually solved the Tree Smell problem by purchasing a small pine wreath. I laid it flat on an end table and put a floating candle bowl in the middle of it. It makes the whole house smell - without dropping needles all over the living room carpet. The best of both worlds! Oh - and I buy my lotto tickes 10 draws at a time. That way - I don't miss the opportunity to win a measly 10 or 20 million. :] Oh - and don't worry about ex-SIL. I don't believe that there is a "lying gene". I think that is 100% environmental. Your grandbaby should turn out just fine - assuming she doesn't spend too much time with daddy!

Betty - I put my tree up this weekend, too. Now, I just have to decorate it! Just lit, it looks pretty good... I have a little bit of a cold - so I was pretty much a couch potato all weekend. I read a lot. Hugs!

Well, lunch is over.

Hugs and Love to All.

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ummm my Christmas tree was put up on Sunday :) ummm there are no decorations on it though :) I'm thinkin...it's looking pretty with the lights twinklin why ruin it with decorations waaaaaahahahaha my bad I know I know and to boot the lights were already on it hee hee. One of these days I'll get it together :D Heck I was way ahead of the game with the decorations on the outside of the house...what happened to my momentum? Bah humbuggy. I like the holiday but, man there is alot of work to this huh? I just think I've been helping my BIL and SIL settle in and helping them with the things that they need that I've neglected what this house needs. oh well....we'll get there :)

Hope everyone is doing well. I see that scale movin thar Cindy WTG! I think I'm doing that binge thing...stress...binges seem to go together. I need to Reiki myself :) Maybe some Country Dancin will have to do :) Working from home tomorrow so that should help somewhat. Chow for now..errrr maybe I shouldn't say that...ummm See ya...hmm can't say that either cause truly I can't see you through this screen...ummm ok ok TYPE TO YA LATER hee hee

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Good Morning Y'all!

Chilly, Chilly, Chilly, but a little warmer this morning! I can't believe how much this cold weather gets to me now, especially when I grew up and lived it cold weather all my life!

Ivan - Wow, I couldn't believe that post! Who in their right mind would do something like that? Heck, the price is higher than some are charging right here in the states too! I guess they will find a few people that will do it, there's always a fool in the pot!

Beanie - We sure think alike sometimes, I keep telling myself that February will be nice and warm again! I still don't have all my Christmas stuff up either. I am bad this year, I keep telling myself to just put up a little and forget the rest, it is so much work. I have to say though that the lights my DH put up has gotten me more into the spirit of things. This Saturday we have a Christmas party at the neighbors and that will help too!

Cindy - I use to go to all the basketball games too, along with hockey, football, wrestling, and baseball. I loved every minute of it too! You'll have to post a picture of her in her t-shirt with the ball. I hoep she wins!:clap2:

Kat - Why are some people just A$$......? Some ex's just can't walk away and forget, they have to make everyone else miserable! She should just ignore him and maybe he'll go away. He probably won't until he meets another fool to marry him. I'll keep my fingers crossed he meets someone!

Sherry - Gosh girl, you are so busy I understand how you don't want to put up decorations. Make a list and include everyone in the work, including the family that you have been helping. I bet you all could have it done in no time flat! That ball rolls both ways!

Darcy - Keep after them girl! You can make a difference in their decision eventually. They just hope you'll give up and forget it.

Chrispy, Mandy, Mary, Patty, Pat, Dianne, (hope I didn't miss anyone) good morning to you too. I wish I had more time, but the clock tells me I have to get my clothes on and get ready to go!

Have a great day y'all!

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Good Morning :)

Sorry can't play today....boy am I gonna have a lot of catching up to do. Boss leaves Thursday and Friday and I'll try to catch up then.


Silver Bells.............. Silver Bells.............. <--- my fav Christmas song...because I can still see my Father singing it, so it gives me a sad, happy feeling.

Whats your fav Christmas song ?


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Good morning!

My favorite Christmas song (this is hard, because it kinda depends on the day!) is "O Holy Night" especially if sung by Josh Groban. I also love "I"ll be Home for Christmas" and that gives me the sad, happy feeling, because I feel like I'll never be home again, since Mom is home to me, and she is in heaven...so someday, right? I just remember that now I am "home" to DD, so we must keep going, and that's what my mom would want me to do.

Sherry, you always notice my little scale moving! It's just a little, but I'm happy for every little pound. My goal for December is just to hold what I've got. It used to be "onederland" but I don't want the stress. I'll get there...seems the less I think about it, the easier it is.

Betty, the lights and cold weather ought to help you get in the mood...but I agree, it is quite a bit of work. I will try to post a picture for you. WE have the tree up but no decorations on it...and I've tried one photo session for our Christmas card, but wasn't really happy with the shots, so I'm going to try again.

See ya later!

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Good Morning,

will stop by soon.. Love you all

Messed up my left shoulder and neck over the weekend...

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Hello Everyone!!!

I found you guys! I have been missing out on the December Chat b/c I wasnt sure where it was! I hope that everyone is doing well! I was banded just over two weeks ago and I am now on the mushies stage and am having a rather difficult time...

I am so happy to be on mushies, it is great to actually be able to "eat." :) Yet...I am just having a hard time with eating the right things and keeping my hunger at bay...

I had my first PB yesterday and it was soo terrible...I dont mean to be a whiner, I am just having a hard time...:cry

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