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Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

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Hello everyone. I just wanted to give you an update on me since I haven't commented lately. I have been in intense pain the last two weeks and haven't been able to eat or drink anything. I would wake up extremely naseuous and felt like nothing would stay down. I had additional pain from no bm and was told by the surgeon's office to talk a bunch of enemas' date=' Smooth Move tea, magnesium citrate, mom .... I took them and nothing happened. Two days ago, I started vomitting uncontrollably and had sharp pains. Although I felt I needed to really go to the ER, I didn't b/c we recently had an issue in the family where my nephews mother drowned them (2) and killed (hung) herself. SO I wanted to make sure I was able to make it to the funeral and wake which was this weekend. I went to the wake last night and couldn't take the pain anymore and came to the hospital. While I'm thinking I was just dehydrated and constipated b/c of that it , it turned out to be more. I have several blood clots that have developed and this is what caused me to have all of my symptoms. I have one in my liver, stomach, and leg. I've been really scared b/c they keep sending in doctor after doctor and no one is giving me any answers. They put me on blood thinners and say I might have to have additional surgery. They don't know how long I might be in here either. They tried calling my surgeon and I have been told he refuses to come to the hospital so I'm not sure what that is all about. They immediately had to remove my Mirena iud and are 90% sure that the clots come from surgery since their primarily in the stomach, liver, and intestines. I'm no longer constipated since they gave me the fluids last night but they been took me off them and I haven't eaten all day. I think I took 2 or 3 sips of Water. When I get more news I'll let you guys know. Also please keep my family as well as my health in your prayers. Thanks. SN: Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors as I'm on my phone.[/quote']

Omg Toyaboo I am soooo sorry to read your post! You have been on my mind and I should have followed my mind and reached out to you. I am so sorry you are having all of this going on right now. My prayers are with you and I am also sending my condolences.

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I feel bad. I've been terrible at doing my pureed foods. There's just practically zero Protein and they don't stick with me. By the time I finish that stinking jar of baby food chicken and gravy (with some spices added mind you....ewwww) 30 minutes later, I'm hungry. I feel ridiculous. And I don't want to be hungry all the stinking time. I was hardly ever hungry before I got sleeved. Not that that stopped me apparently. I don't want to STUFF myself. I just want to eat a little something and then be full for a couple of hours. And I get that way when I eat Soup, even the kinds with bits of stuff in it. Which of course, I mash to oblivion in my mouth before I swallow. The baby foods just seem to feel like the Water does, goes through fast. I want something with a bit more sticking power.

I'm not supposed to start soft foods for two more days. But last night I ate 1 egg and a thin slice of cooked sausage. Perfect. FIlled up my "tiny tim" as my daughter calls my new tummy. And I was good for a couple of hours and then had a soup snack before bed. I didn't vomit this time. I didn't feel like stuff was stuck. I did take tiny bites and chew them overly well. Still on the learning curve, I guess.

TOYABOO: thinking about you this rainy North Carolina morning and hoping that you are doing better. And that your docs will get things under control for you soon so you can go home and be well.

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green we were both at kaiser on the same day who was your dr mine was zelada

today was cool i made chili and mashed potatos. its weird some food i can fit it all in and some foods i get full fast. i had 1/2 cup of chili and 1/4 cup mashed potatos i was able to get it all in that really scares me. also my son bought cake and ice cream and yes i had like 1 tbsp of ice cream and a thin sliver of cake didnt get sick scared of that also+

hope all is well with everyone. god bless

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I had Dr Macik. Good to meet another Kaiser girl!! Lol!!

Chili sounds so yummy. I haven't tried anything like that yet but now I want to.

Keep me posted how your doing. Also do you use My Fitness Pal? If so add me Greenfily007

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I have been in a funk for the last few days. I have had no energy. I am starting to think I’m doing something wrong. I have lost 22 lbs. so far and I’m 10 days post op. I will be getting rid of my first clothing item I can’t wear anymore! The sleep shorts I wore last night kept falling off when I walked around.

What are some of you doing to keep your energy level up? I might not have any energy due to I can’t sleep at night. I just can’t seem to get comfortable.

On Saturday night I did have miss hap with me drinking some crystal light. I was very thirsty and without thinking I picked up the bottle and chugged. Next thing I knew it all rushed back up it was coming out my nose and everything. My nose hurt for the rest of the night. It seems I’m more thirsty than hungry.

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Well, 2 weeks ago today I was on the OR table. I am still hugely regretting my decision. I am becoming more and more depressed with each passing day. The tears are a daily thing. I have no energy. I am still very weak and shaky and just don't feel 100% mentally with it. Will this ever change? Oh, and haven't lost a pound since the day of my 1 week post op appt which was last Wednesday. In fact, I have gained 1.5 pounds! How is that possible when I am eating next to nothing and not even getting all my liquid or Protein in? I am so irritated by all of this. I just see no way that I can return to work feeling this way. I would love to do more walking but I am very nervous about going out alone because I am so shaky. Is that why I am not losing? It still seems that with no exercise beyond normal daily routine that I would still lose weight seeing how I am eating NOTHING. Any advice and/or encouragement needed....

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Toyaboo- Thinking of you and your family. I'm sorry I haven't been on sooner. Special prayers for you cxxx

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I had surgery on Wednesday, September 26th and am back to work today (Monday).

I spent two nights in the hospital and very little of that time was in the hospital bed. Most of the time I was either walking or sitting up (sometimes falling asleep in my chair). It was not easy then, but may have paid off because I'm feeling pretty good with the exception of ongoing stiffness and soreness in my neck and soreness and occasional sharp pain at the site of my largest incision. I have taken some painkillers off and on.

I had a B12 shot the week before surgery and I take a chewable Multi-Vitamin each day, as well as a prescription acid-reducer that my doctor is having me take. Sometimes I chew a Tums, too, to get in some extra Calcium.

Yesterday I walked a mile and I try to get up and move around as much as possible. Getting out in the fresh air, even if not walking very fast, has really helped.

I am drinking iced tea, G2, diluted cranberry juice, warm herbal tea, EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control shakes (100 calories, 17g Protein, 2.5 carbs, 11oz.) that you can buy in 4 packs and 1-2 sugar free popsicles a day. My very sweet boyfriend has been making me a special broth to drink which is made by boiling chicken breast meat with fat removed, red onions and carrots. He uses the remaining solid chicken and onions to make his own chicken salad for sandwiches. Today I am going to the store to get sugar free Jello and some canned Soups to try out, as well as some Protein powder. I know I'm getting in enough liquids, but probably not enough Protein. I really don't know how many calories I'm eating each day, but not many, that is for sure. Probably around 400 if that many.

I am trying to learn how to drink and I don't quite have it down yet. Drinking is not something you usually think about and now I'm finding that I swallow air. I'm not sure if my swallows are just that big or what. Today I am trying out a straw to see if that helps me sip more. When I do swallow air, or a bit too much I feel it immediately with a small cramp in my little stomach, which eases when I burp (if I can).

I do not know what full feels like. Can you feel full on liquids? I have had nothing even close to solid, not even Jello yet.

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I have been in a funk for the last few days. I have had no energy. I am starting to think I’m doing something wrong. I have lost 22 lbs. so far and I’m 10 days post op. I will be getting rid of my first clothing item I can’t wear anymore! The sleep shorts I wore last night kept falling off when I walked around.

What are some of you doing to keep your energy level up? I might not have any energy due to I can’t sleep at night. I just can’t seem to get comfortable.

On Saturday night I did have miss hap with me drinking some crystal light. I was very thirsty and without thinking I picked up the bottle and chugged. Next thing I knew it all rushed back up it was coming out my nose and everything. My nose hurt for the rest of the night. It seems I’m more thirsty than hungry.

Yeah, I'm trying to worry more about fluids/water than much else. Are you taking your Vitamins? I take two gummies vites, an Iron, 4 d3's, and 2 B12 sublinguals...everyday. Oh and I take a 5mg melatonin every night. They have this one that is a melt in your mouth one, comes in a purple bottle. I sleep like the nearly dead. LOVE IT!

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Well, 2 weeks ago today I was on the OR table. I am still hugely regretting my decision. I am becoming more and more depressed with each passing day. The tears are a daily thing. I have no energy. I am still very weak and shaky and just don't feel 100% mentally with it. Will this ever change? Oh, and haven't lost a pound since the day of my 1 week post op appt which was last Wednesday. In fact, I have gained 1.5 pounds! How is that possible when I am eating next to nothing and not even getting all my liquid or Protein in? I am so irritated by all of this. I just see no way that I can return to work feeling this way. I would love to do more walking but I am very nervous about going out alone because I am so shaky. Is that why I am not losing? It still seems that with no exercise beyond normal daily routine that I would still lose weight seeing how I am eating NOTHING. Any advice and/or encouragement needed....

Probably because you are NOT getting in your liquid is why you aren't seeing any weight loss. That's what my doc pushed as even more important than the Protein for the first month. If you don't get fluids in, your body will try to retain all it can, and hence, you will hold on to weight. Start getting in that liquid, preferrably nice cold Water, and go from there. Also, probably why you are so tired. Get those fluids in. You will feel better. You can do this.

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toya just look to god for the strength you need. i went through something simular my 2nd cousin stabbed her 3 yr old to death and said the devil was in her she was a baby. god will give you the strength to get through this.

momo i like the nick name

greeen the chili didnt taste good i rushed it but i dont want to waste food. i am on fitclick i tried that one and didnt really like it. are you going to the next support group on the 8th they are really good.

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deltagirl wow you are doing awesome.

well my first two weeks i had so much energy did a lot and guess what i am drained i must of over did it with errands walking and being normal. so for the next 2 weeks i am resting not doing anything i go back to work on the 12th will need energy. well the little ice cream and cake i ate last night had my intestines in pain this morning it was that or the Beans in the chili. i to and regreting this sleeve. most times i feel its not going to work somedays i eat all my food and some days i cant finish my food. i want to be noraml when do that happen?

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deltagirl wow you are doing awesome.

well my first two weeks i had so much energy did a lot and guess what i am drained i must of over did it with errands walking and being normal. so for the next 2 weeks i am resting not doing anything i go back to work on the 12th will need energy. well the little ice cream and cake i ate last night had my intestines in pain this morning it was that or the Beans in the chili. i to and regreting this sleeve. most times i feel its not going to work somedays i eat all my food and some days i cant finish my food. i want to be noraml when do that happen?

I'm feeling the same way, I don't want to regret it either but every other day @ some point I hear my mind saying why did you do this to yourself but somehow each day I get thru it... Yes just rest, I find some days I have energy & others like today I don't have any - just tired... Hang in there...

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I think that the Vitamin B12 shot I had prior to surgery was a huge help.

I had been doing sublingual B12, but that was NOTHING compared to how fantastic I felt after getting the shot. I plan on getting one monthly.

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You know, Ladies, I think we need to come up with a new version of NORMAL. Because we are all saying we want to be normal again. I have to keep reminding myself that even my incision scars aren't completely healed yet, so how is it even remotely possible for my stapled "tiny tim" to be even remotely healed either? And all my "normal" got me before was a tenth of a point under the cutoff for the statement "you have diabetes". And I'm not taking the meds for that anymore. I never was on insulin and now, I never will be. I'm good with that. No, I cannot eat like I used to. Not even really the food my family eats yet. And it's regular healthy food. But I'm not ready for it. AND I'm still figuring out how much "tiny tim" holds, so I can eat enough to not starve and not so much that I puke. AND I have to relearn how to chew my food. Never thought that would be the hard part.

Most of us are just a few weeks out from surgery. We're still healing from major abdominal surgery. I'm 3 weeks out tomorrow. I don't count today. I wasn't awake for most of the day of my surgery anyway. (sleeved on Sept. 10th). I hear myself saying all this, and yet we're taking the family to Hallowscream at Busch Gardens Williamsburg this Saturday. I'm just out of my mind. I can walk, just slowly. And more slowly there.

I think we need to cut ourselves a break. Give ourselves time to heal. Realize that eventually we will be able to "eat" again. Not the amount we did. Hopefully we'll make healthier choices in the long run and we will continue to shrink down to where we feel comfortable in our own skin. It is doable. And if today is the day you need to cry, then go ahead and cry. That's okay too. I honestly think that to some degree all of us will have to go through the stages of grief because we did go and completely change a huge thing in our life. This is a MAJOR change. And all change has its own set of challenges. We can do this Ladies, we can. After all, we did this so we could be healthier, so we could be around for our families longer. At least, that's why I did it. I don't want to go in the ground before my time. I want to do whatever is in my power to be healthy. Buck-up, campers, we'll get through this:D

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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