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June 2006 Band Crew

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Randi don't get discouraged or jealous. Be happy for everyone that is losing. I know that it is so hard :faint: not to compare your success to others. I'm just as guilty of it. But each person is different and each person will lose at a different pace. Your time will come. Compete only with yourself by setting mini-goals. This isn't a competition. We are here to support one another (and yes we all know easier said than done).

Barbara so sorry to hear about your horrible PB experience. I must say, I am not looking forward to that experience. I had one small PB episode with Pasta :rolleyes: --will not be doing that again soon.

I had my fill last Thursday and I'm finally starting to feel some restriction. I've noticed a decrease in portions from pre-fill. Am I at my "sweet spot", I'd so not yet. But I'm happy where I am at thus far.

Good luck to those having fills this week.

Melissa Lea

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Yeah Randi don't compare yourself to others. It will drive you nuts. I was just thinking about counting calories today to try and see what I am getting in, but then I though forget that, I am eating slower and less than before so why count calories? I have not lost as fast as others, but then I do not have as much as some to lose. You need to think about your life before the band. Would you have lost those 10-15 lbs with out it? Your new little friend will help you out, and believe me it will let you know when you have overdone it.

I have learned that gound meat and ground chicken are good choices. Non ground meat just does not work for me right now. Guess I am letting the grinder help with the chewing. :rolleyes:

I am so proud of all of you/us. We are right on track. :love:

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I'm sorry - I DO feel good for everyone who is doing this - and having good results. I read so many posts, I find myself also feeling so sad for people who have so many big problems, and feel so bad! Really, I am in an emotional bubble right now, and could blow at any minute.

Anyway - tonite was my first night out to dinner, and as I looked at all these huge portions, big burgers, and people eating the chips, and fries and ( I was at Chiles ) while my friend ate her steak fajitas - I also knew I wasn't hungry, and the Soup was fine for me. I'm even over wanting to drink ice Water or ice tea with a meal, don't even need to order it.

I am glad I have the forum to come home to. It allows me to feel good, and bad, and jealous and sad - and I don't have to eat about it.

I'm not stomach hungry most of the time, my head, however, wants stuff every moment.

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The first week after surgery I lost 11 pounds, then 1 pound the following week and for the next 3 weeks I didn't loose a single pound. I had NO restriction. I did feel like I was making better choices, but no change on the scale. One week ago I had my first fill. In the last week I lost 5 pounds.

I know it is easier to say then do, but try and be patient and please remember there are some on this thread that had surgery almost 3 weeks before you! 3 weeks makes a huge difference this early in the game, at 6 months out we will probley all be at about the same place.

I hope your first fill does the trick! When are you scheduled for a fill?

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Ok I thought the first fill would help, BUT NOTHING. I dont feel any different today then the day that I went in for surgery. I am trying not to get discouraged but its so hard. I feel like I have to do it ALL by myself, that the surgery hasnt offered any support. I knew that I would have to work WITH my band, that it would offer itself as a tool in this journey, BUT never did I think that I would go through all of the Pre-op visits and the surgery to get NOTHING. My dr requires you to wait 6 weeks between your first fill and your second. Sorry I sound so depressing, just feeling a little off today. THanks for letting me rant.

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Don't get fooled by that first fill. You might have restriction at any time. Read my post from Sunday. I didn't feel the fill either and then day 3 whammy. Don't be caught off guard. If it really isn't enough then go for the 2nd fill at your 6 weeks. In the meantime, watch foods that you could eat before the fill. You might not be able to eat them afterwards. I was hungry the whole time, after surgery and after the fill.

Since my PB episode I haven't been hungry. Yesterday I barely got enough fluids in me to keep hydrated. Today seems to be a little better. I'm working on my Boost and hopefully will be able to finish it before 9:30. That's my goal.

Hang in there and don't get discouraged.

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Hi everyone --

I had my first NSV this morning. A small one but huge in my eyes. I was able to put a ring on my finger I haven't been able to wear in about a year. I didn't think twice about it when I grabbed it out of my jewerly box and slid it on my finger. It was about 5 minutes later when I realized what ring I had on. Whoppee!!!:clap2:.

My hands have been so swollen this past year, I pretty much quit wearing rings. I hope my NSV is motivational to others. Sometimes you have to forget about the calories your taking in, the number on the scale, and look within yourself for the small victories.

Anyone else have their first NSV?

Melissa Lea:hippie:




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i am assuming that nsv means non-scale victory? if not, that is what it will mean for me. that being said, i hope this one isn't tmi (too much information) but here it goes. i usually have to buy queen plus size pantyhose for sunday morning services. about one week after surgery i noticed that i had on just a pair of queen sized pantyhose and they didn't hurt in between my thighs nor did that make that annoying sound that pantyhose make when they run up against your inner thighs as you walk. i was elated over that. pre surgery, my panties used to be so tight that they cut into my upper thighs but i just refused to go buy a larger size than they already are. about a week out of surgery, and definitely now, i don't experience that anymore. no pair of panties are too tight on me. they are so comfortable. and i have alot of extra space in my bra now and my breasts aren't hanging over the sides competing for underarm space!!!

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Congratulations Melissa.

Kim.............Please give it a little time. I had my first fill last Thursday and I was starting to wonder if it was working too. This morning I fixed my grandson a waffle for Breakfast and decided I would eat a little one. HA! Two bites and I knew it wasn't going to work. Yes, my fill is working.

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also, i am wondering about something. i see throughout the post where folks are able to eat the same amount of food that they ate before surgery and it is absolutely mind blowing to me. i just can't do that. maybe it is because they put 3 ccs of saline in my band at the time of surgery? do you all measure out your food. i am super anal. i carry around this little 1/3 cup measuring thing to make sure i don't have anymore than that. sometimes i can't finish that. and i stay full for like 3 or 4 hours off of that. is that normal? my best friend and i went out to tgif and she ordered this big plate of nachos and i thought to myself, that looks really good. but, i knew i couldn't go there. i ordered a cup of chicken Soup and told the lady that even though i ordered the cup size to only half fill it. she looked at me like i was crazy, but i was adament. my friend knew that i wasn't supposed to drink with my meals and she moved my Water from in front of me because i was taking sips of it. my fiance eats like a big pig. huge plates of food all of the time. sometimes i look at what he has and i think to myself, WOW i used to could eat like that! yesterday, he fixed this big ole dinner plate of food, and i had 2 ozs of egg salad on a saucer and he still finished before me. he thinks i am anal with measuring out my food and chewing my food till it is almost non-existent, but i am scared of pb again, and i want to do all i can to make this thing work for me. i kind of feel like it is my last hope. if this doesn't work for me, i feel as though i am out of options.

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I think the June crew has been wrapped by the July crew! Your days are coming July. We're just a little ahead of you guys. We're paving the way.

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Christa --congrats on your NSV. It's the smallest little things that bring the greatest amount of joy. I know that larger scale victories are yet to come :rolleyes: .

Christa --as for being able to eating pre-band portions, I have not been able to do that. Now don't get me wrong, the week of my fill, I probably could have but I used willpower. Went to bed hungry one night. After my fill I am able to eat more than a few bites and eat until I get that "satisified" feeling. Eating slow has been a challenge for me. Since I'm single, I will work cross-word puzzles between bites or read a book. It forces me to slow down. Work a few clues or read a page or two, then take a bite :hungry: . I've never heard of anyone getting a fill at the time of surgery. But that goes to show you, each surgeon is different.

Barbara --your right! I think we've been TP'd by the July band crew.

Melissa Lea:hippie:





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Keep doing what you are doing. Err on the side of caution. You will work the band correctly. I have heard of a few that get fills at the time of surgery, but it is still rare. You are right to be very cautious as you have had restriction and swelling from surgery from the beginning. Most of us haven't. For those of us that didn't swell much we have been hungry for a long time. I'm not sure yet if my first fill has given me restriction, but since my PB I won't be testing the waters much.

Continue doing whatever works for you.

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