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Whats the longest any of you have heard of someone having the band without complication?

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Mis73 unless someone says what YOU want to hear you bash them!! You genuinely think this woman is lying!!? And you asked if she follows up with the doctor and she said yes - she didn't say I follow up with my original surgeon. God you're crazy- you're the only one that sounds psychotic! For gods sake you googled the woman!! Are you saying no one has complications!!!?? Tons of people do! For everyone that does there's so many more that don't. Regardless - this band is not the safest thing! The safest thing is losing weight without it! This thread along with many others convinced me to cancel my surgery. That is my choice. There are many things to consider 20-40-60 year from now and I'm not willing to take those risks! Just because you are so what?!!! Don't read these threads if all you want to read is rainbows and butterflies! That poor woman's story was so nice and so genuine! And I'm glad she told it!

I'm sorry you apparently don't read English very well.

She lied repeatedly then went back and changed her posts (and her profile) to match the lies.

Maybe you take no offense to people spreading lies for the single purpose of scaring newcomers but I do. Maybe you have no problem letting people be grossly mislead- but I have a huge problem with it.

Take a prozac and calm down. Geesh.

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It's not just her! You bash everyone when they say they would never get the band again or that they don't recommend it- I'm far from crazy I'm open to everyone's stories. Reevaluate yourself! This forum is awful because of one sided people like you

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It's not just her! You bash everyone when they say they would never get the band again or that they don't recommend it- I'm far from crazy I'm open to everyone's stories. Reevaluate yourself! This forum is awful because of one sided people like you

Actually, when someone has a problem I'm very sympathetic towards it. But, there is a big difference between someone sharing their experience and someone coming on here "warning" everyone how the band will ruin their lives. If someone has a legit issue- my heart and support go out to them. If someone comes on these forums for the purpose of trolling and spreading scare tactics? You better believe I'll stand up to them.

No need reevaluate myself but thanks for caring! :D

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Reasonable people would think, "Hey, maybe there would be something to learn from people who have been banded for a DECADE." Insecure ones think, "I'm not listening because they might tell me something I don't want to hear." Doesn't make the truth less truthful, though. So, the insecure people strike out, call people "trolls," (which is ridiculous. It's the internet) and then realize down the road that the people trying to post to HELP were actually trying to post TO HELP. The funny thing is, I WAS one of the insecure people back when I was first banded, too. I remember striking out, too. I was so afraid that I hadn't made the correct decision. And that clouded my perspective on everything. There is no reason to attack people who have had complications and choose to post about them. There is simply NO reason to take it personally. Just like I don't take any offense to people posting about their success and happiness. I'm genuinely happy for the people who are happy. I can't understand why the unhappiness of those of us who had bad band experiences should affect some people on such a deep level, unless it's due to their own insecurity.

I don't see people posting "Scare tactics." If their truth scares you, it's because you know there is something to be scared about. Maybe you didn't research enough and are just now finding out about common complications. But if you're NOT having problems, just stay positive and enjoy your success. IF you develop complications, isn't it better to KNOW that others have had them, as well, and what they did to help themselves? I'd think so. No need to be SCARED. Just be aware, that's all.

I truly had a horrible time while banded. My family suffered alongside me, and it's not something that's easily forgotten. It can change a person for life. I've always thought it would be really nice if people could empathize a little, sincerely. I'm not perfect. I can be a total tool when I get angry. I know this. But for the most part, I really want to help others avoid what I went through.

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Reasonable people would think, "Hey, maybe there would be something to learn from people who have been banded for a DECADE." Insecure ones think, "I'm not listening because they might tell me something I don't want to hear." Doesn't make the truth less truthful, though. So, the insecure people strike out, call people "trolls," (which is ridiculous. It's the internet) and then realize down the road that the people trying to post to HELP were actually trying to post TO HELP. The funny thing is, I WAS one of the insecure people back when I was first banded, too. I remember striking out, too. I was so afraid that I hadn't made the correct decision. And that clouded my perspective on everything. There is no reason to attack people who have had complications and choose to post about them. There is simply NO reason to take it personally. Just like I don't take any offense to people posting about their success and happiness. I'm genuinely happy for the people who are happy. I can't understand why the unhappiness of those of us who had bad band experiences should affect some people on such a deep level, unless it's due to their own insecurity.

I don't see people posting "Scare tactics." If their truth scares you, it's because you know there is something to be scared about. Maybe you didn't research enough and are just now finding out about common complications. But if you're NOT having problems, just stay positive and enjoy your success. IF you develop complications, isn't it better to KNOW that others have had them, as well, and what they did to help themselves? I'd think so. No need to be SCARED. Just be aware, that's all.

I truly had a horrible time while banded. My family suffered alongside me, and it's not something that's easily forgotten. It can change a person for life. I've always thought it would be really nice if people could empathize a little, sincerely. I'm not perfect. I can be a total tool when I get angry. I know this. But for the most part, I really want to help others avoid what I went through.

I love hearing what you have to say!

Bless you!

I can relate more than you can imagine!

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Reasonable people would think' date=' "Hey, maybe there would be something to learn from people who have been banded for a DECADE." Insecure ones think, "I'm not listening because they might tell me something I don't want to hear." Doesn't make the truth less truthful, though. So, the insecure people strike out, call people "trolls," (which is ridiculous. It's the internet) and then realize down the road that the people trying to post to HELP were actually trying to post TO HELP. The funny thing is, I WAS one of the insecure people back when I was first banded, too. I remember striking out, too. I was so afraid that I hadn't made the correct decision. And that clouded my perspective on everything. There is no reason to attack people who have had complications and choose to post about them. There is simply NO reason to take it personally. Just like I don't take any offense to people posting about their success and happiness. I'm genuinely happy for the people who are happy. I can't understand why the unhappiness of those of us who had bad band experiences should affect some people on such a deep level, unless it's due to their own insecurity.

I don't see people posting "Scare tactics." If their truth scares you, it's because you know there is something to be scared about. Maybe you didn't research enough and are just now finding out about common complications. But if you're NOT having problems, just stay positive and enjoy your success. IF you develop complications, isn't it better to KNOW that others have had them, as well, and what they did to help themselves? I'd think so. No need to be SCARED. Just be aware, that's all.

I truly had a horrible time while banded. My family suffered alongside me, and it's not something that's easily forgotten. It can change a person for life. I've always thought it would be really nice if people could empathize a little, sincerely. I'm not perfect. I can be a total tool when I get angry. I know this. But for the most part, I really want to help others avoid what I went through.[/quote']

Very well said. The bashing and accusing others of lying is unnecessary. I'm capable of reading posts and making my own decision. It doesn't hurt anyone to offer an encouraging word even if you are skeptical about a claim. Surgery is scary and this forum shouldn't be your only resource. Everything I've read here is similar to what my dr and his staff have told me as well as the support group I've attended. I have a month to make my decision. Thank you all for sharing your experience.

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"The band is not designed for longer than ten years"

"Do not buy what other say about "having to make lifelong changes..." etc. The band does not work long term no matter what changes you make"


"The band is not a lifetime device. It's not even a long term device"

"It's not a long term device unless you plan on only living for a decade"

"Just be ready when the time comes when you vomit in your sleep and wake up choking; the band stops working and all of a sudden you can eat like a horse; it slips or erodes; or worse, it causes long-term damage. "

"But today I found out the band is swollen shut" (shut? you'd be dead from dehydration)"

These are only some of the blatant (pathetic) attempts to spread fear, not truth. There is no truth to be found in a single one of these statements. What's worse, all these lies came from people who only pop onto the forums to bash the band and nothing else. This isn't "sharing opinions" this pure BS lies.

No one is insecure here except maybe the band bashers. God forbid someone else is happy and successful where they failed.

There is a huge difference between someone saying "I had a complication and this is what it was" and someone saying "don't get the band because it's evil and you'll die". As I've stated countless times- share your opinion and your experience but stop the fear mongering lies.

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It's not a long term device unless you plan on only living for a decade. Not many human bodies will withstand the band's presence for that long' date=' unfortunately. I am only trying to help the original poster in her research.

She is asking for opinions. She hasn't been banded yet. If people who have already gotten bands are happy with them, more power to them. But I believe it's important for people who haven't yet chosen the band to know the less "happy" side because the seminars don't give out all that information. Ultimately she'll choose for herself what is best for her, but I wish someone had told me BEFORE surgery that the advertising is just that- advertising-trying to sell a product. It's important to know the truth.

I realize no one likes to imagine that they'll have band issues and it makes people defensive. I'm used to being told that "just because it happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to me." :( And I always hope they're right.[/quote']

Then you should say " my opinion is that it is not long term" . I'm on the fence with this one but I thought you were speaking fact until I read this post. ( IMHO)

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YIKES.....WRONG ROOM :blink:

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YIKES.....WRONG ROOM :blink:

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You know' date=' you guys are right. I'm going to have another band done. I mean, the first two damaged me completely, but the third time's a charm! Let's see how much more my diaphragm and esophagus can handle! I'm sure it will work THIS time. My family will be SO happy that you all changed my mind about the band. I'm sure they'll completely forget that I nearly died from band complications. They'll just be happy that I'm getting my third band so I can be "healthy."

I'm so glad I'm a member here (even though I don't want to be. What kind of site doesn't have a deactivation option?) It's so "nice" to interact with people who have no respect for the opinions of others.

Yes, I had a band. TWO of them, actually. I believe I mentioned that I had been banded earlier in this thread. Reading is a big part of researching. It's a shame so few people know how to do it.

Okay, have fun. I have to go make an appointment for the band. I really think it will work this time. I do. I can't wait to almost die again! Very exciting.[/quote']

It's called put the keyboard down and walk away from the computer! Then you will never ever be annoyed again!

Your body didn't do well with the band. I am so sorry for you. That you are obsessing on a site you don't want to be on is even sadder.

I wish you a long healthy life!

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What a bunch of passive aggressive people. You're not "sorry for me." And I highly doubt you "wish me a long, healthy life." What a crock. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Anytime a person posts something it is THEIR opinion. It kind of "goes without saying." Or at least, you'd think so. I am not used to hanging out where I have to explain every single thing to people. I guess I will have to dumb things down.

Don't blame me that the band isn't long term. Blame Allergan. They're the ones who make it. And they're the ones who state that it's NOT a lifetime device.

And Insecure Mis is attributing quotes to me that I never said. For someone who's so concerned with The Truth, she's not very good at it.

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What a bunch of passive aggressive people. You're not "sorry for me." And I highly doubt you "wish me a long, healthy life." What a crock. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Anytime a person posts something it is THEIR opinion. It kind of "goes without saying." Or at least, you'd think so. I am not used to hanging out where I have to explain every single thing to people. I guess I will have to dumb things down.

Don't blame me that the band isn't long term. Blame Allergan. They're the ones who make it. And they're the ones who state that it's NOT a lifetime device.

And Insecure Mis is attributing quotes to me that I never said. For someone who's so concerned with The Truth, she's not very good at it.

Did I specifically say they were all from you? No. That's because they're not. Some were from your miserable cohorts too.

I know how you do love your victim role but contrary to popular belief- it's not all about you.

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Ivy I didn't read Mis's post as attributing any of the quotes to you, I think you may have misread that. They were quotes from various other posts on this page, and she's right, those statements are no less extreme then saying 'I had success and so will EVERYONE'. I have always been respectful of you and anyone else who has had complications (I have had my own) but take a step back here. The only times you see someone like Mis get angry is when people post unreasonably. And it's UNREASONABLE to tell everyone that they are doomed if they get the band. And make huge claims about how long they've had the band, or how it's ruined their lives, but change their stories several times along the way.

Yes this IS the internet, and that's where the trolls are. Trolling is incredibly common - I'm a moderator on another forum and we see them regularly - same IP address but different names, stories, etc. Or inconsistent stories. Or just outright lies. And usually it's in threads where there are 'fights' so to speak, and one of the mottos we have adopted is our other forum is 'Don't feed the trolls'. In fact it's a rule, and it works really well. The more people fight over them, the more they enjoy it.

If this person is real, then my heart truly goes out to her, and to be honest I'm interested in hearing the details of her complications, but I'm NOT interested in her or anyone else standing like a loon in the town square telling me the sky is falling. Give me your facts, give me your experiences, don't give me hysteria.

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Did I specifically say they were all from you? No. That's because they're not. Some were from your miserable cohorts too.

I know how you do love your victim role but contrary to popular belief- it's not all about you.

Did I specifically say they were all from you? No. That's because they're not. Some were from your miserable cohorts too.

I know how you do love your victim role but contrary to popular belief- it's not all about you.

Well, ain'tchu just a kick in the nuts? It's like talking to a kindergartner who forgot to take her medication.

Okay, I gotta go be a victim now. :lol: Enjoy being insecure and "protecting" the forum from the Truth.

*In my opinion. (I'll add that to all posts from now on so no one thinks I'm posting someone else's opinion.)

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