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Lapband Complete Failure

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I have had the Lapband almost three years now and weigh the same now as I did before the surgery..................I temporarily lost about 50lbs but have put it all back on............I found it did help me to eat smaller portions at one sitting, but I could still eat the same amount over 2 or 3 sittings. So instead of eating the whole pizza at once I simply ate the whole thing over 4 or 5 hours etc....Plus it did nothing to reduce my craving for sweets, which I am seemingly addicted to....

I am at a loss about what to do. I realize that the Lapband was not meant to be a silver bullet, but rather a tool in the arsenal.........However, it does not change the fact that I am stuck and still have a great desire to lose weight and just don't seem to be able to do it....

What do I do? "Upgrade" to a gastric bypass? Get tests to see if the band slipped? Go to a shrink? Get hypnosis?

Has anybody out there been in the position of complete failure like I am, and then managed to turn it around and lose the weight? If so, please tell me what you did....

Any and all suggestions and advice welcomed....

Thank you....

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The lapband has to be something your READY for and It will NOT take away CRAVINGS. i hope your Dr didnt tell you that ?

It sounds like you were not ready for the band at all.. Maybe im wrong .. But your saying your eating pizza and your going back for more? So not ready .

From what your saying , it sounds as if your not eating the right foods.

Are you seeing a dietician ?

I see my dietician Often and the right amount of Protein and every thing else she has me eating and as much as im eating is keeping me full and the weight is coming off.

Sounds like the band is doing what it should be but your not ?

I would say get the band checked, be honest to your Dr about what your eating .. sounds like your over eating and get back in to see your dietician .. no need for another surgery .. i dont think .

good luck and keep us posted .

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I'm really sorry to hear about your predicament. I think you need to get your band tightened, see a dietitian, and try switching your habits from pizza --> fruits/veggies

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You are the story that every dieter, lapbander or gastric bypass patient is in fear of. The fact that we'll slip back into our old ways and gain the weight back. You can eat around the band, you can eat around the bypass by grazing. It's something that we're all told, hopefully, by our surgeon or bariatric team but it boils down to our own ability to use the tool we paid for to help us eat less. You said this wasn't a magic bullet and you're right. You still have to work at making weightloss a success. We all know we shouldn't eat when we're not hungry but most people who have dieted their entire lives eat when we're not hungry. That's how we got to the size we are! I think you know how to be a success because you know that eating the whole pizza over 4 or 5 hours goes against the principle of the band. Weight loss occurs between your two ears. If your head isn't right, nothing else will work. We have to figure out why food is an issue for us and how to redirect that thought process. It's not easy! The sweets issue for me boils down to getting sugar and refined carbs out of my system. If I have an occassional cookie or sweet treat, it just make me want it more. They've proven that sugar makes you crave sugar. My advise.....go on a low carb program and make an appointment with a therapist. Nothing wrong with getting a little help!

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You are the story that every dieter, lapbander or gastric bypass patient is in fear of.

Exactly!!! THIS is why I'm so nervous...

But hearing other people's stories and success's helps me feel encouraged

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I think you need to see your Dr and honestly tell him/her what you are doing. Maybe they can suggest some nutritional therapy groups or get you into other groups that would help you. Obviously you have discovered through this process that there is more to this than just food. It is emotional, mental and many other factors and issues come into this besides just the food. Dont give up on yourself though and i wouldnt give up on your band. Remember that you are worth it and your health is worth it! Go see your Dr. and get back on the right path !

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I have had the Lapband almost three years now and weigh the same now as I did before the surgery..................I temporarily lost about 50lbs but have put it all back on............I found it did help me to eat smaller portions at one sitting, but I could still eat the same amount over 2 or 3 sittings. So instead of eating the whole pizza at once I simply ate the whole thing over 4 or 5 hours etc....Plus it did nothing to reduce my craving for sweets, which I am seemingly addicted to....

I am at a loss about what to do. I realize that the Lapband was not meant to be a silver bullet, but rather a tool in the arsenal.........However, it does not change the fact that I am stuck and still have a great desire to lose weight and just don't seem to be able to do it....

What do I do? "Upgrade" to a gastric bypass? Get tests to see if the band slipped? Go to a shrink? Get hypnosis?

Has anybody out there been in the position of complete failure like I am, and then managed to turn it around and lose the weight? If so, please tell me what you did....

Any and all suggestions and advice welcomed....

Thank you....

I'm sorry, but you don't give enough info for me to make any type of comment.

During this time, how many fills have you had, and do you know how much is in your band, total, and what size your band is?

Have you ever felt any true restriction, to the point you were afraid to swallow anything? Ever been stuck?

I am not passing judgment, there are people who have legitimate reasons why the band did not work for them.

But, in the majority of the time, there is a background story as to why someone fell off the wagon, as it were, and it is really not the bands fault.

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I'm sorry, but you don't give enough info for me to make any type of comment.

During this time, how many fills have you had, and do you know how much is in your band, total, and what size your band is?

Have you ever felt any true restriction, to the point you were afraid to swallow anything? Ever been stuck?

I am not passing judgment, there are people who have legitimate reasons why the band did not work for them.

But, in the majority of the time, there is a background story as to why someone fell off the wagon, as it were, and it is really not the bands fault.

I went the whole gamut with the fills......I was banded with the "Large" band (I guess there are two sizes) and had the band up near the maximum fill at one point, and yes I felt restriction. However, the problem is that I developed a terrible "night cough" when the band was that tight. It was so bad I almost could not sleep. (I have since read that I am not alone with this night cough issue). So, we had to reduce the fill back down enough to get rid of the night cough.......

In fairness to my Dr. he did suggest a bariatric study awhile ago to make sure there had not been any slippage, and I have not done it yet........Part of the problem is that I initially paid for the band with cash, no insurance, so all these additional tests and procedures are out of pocket......My finances were significantly better 3 years ago than they are today...

I have done significant self development work during my life and have visited with many therapists and psychiatrists over the years so I am pretty aware of the psychological issues and aspects that go with weight loss....

I think a big part of the problem is sweets, because even a small quantity of them packs a lot of calories. Despite knowing how bad they are for what I am trying to achieve I seem to have very little self control.......

I wonder how much others feel that the support of others has mattered? Because in my case my wife would continue to load the house up with sweets despite my pleadings not to. She would say something to the effect of "why should everyone in the house have to suffer just because you cant control your addiction to sweets?"

Is she right? Should I be fully expected to be able to control those desires? Or, have those of you who have been successful found that you too had no self control and the only solution was to make sure those foods were NOWHERE in your house!?

I might add that at one point in my life I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for a few years with a low carb diet........I tried it again while banded and just got to the point I did not have the motivation to eat only Protein the rest of my life............

I have been in a "screw it" mode lately...............Basically feeling like nothing ever did or ever will work and I am just going to have to accept the fact that I will be a "fat person" until the day I die........

If someone knows a good way to break this mindset please share................

Thanks for listening.................

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I went the whole gamut with the fills......I was banded with the "Large" band (I guess there are two sizes) and had the band up near the maximum fill at one point, and yes I felt restriction. However, the problem is that I developed a terrible "night cough" when the band was that tight. It was so bad I almost could not sleep. (I have since read that I am not alone with this night cough issue). So, we had to reduce the fill back down enough to get rid of the night cough.......

In fairness to my Dr. he did suggest a bariatric study awhile ago to make sure there had not been any slippage, and I have not done it yet........Part of the problem is that I initially paid for the band with cash, no insurance, so all these additional tests and procedures are out of pocket......My finances were significantly better 3 years ago than they are today...

I have done significant self development work during my life and have visited with many therapists and psychiatrists over the years so I am pretty aware of the psychological issues and aspects that go with weight loss....

I think a big part of the problem is sweets, because even a small quantity of them packs a lot of calories. Despite knowing how bad they are for what I am trying to achieve I seem to have very little self control.......

I wonder how much others feel that the support of others has mattered? Because in my case my wife would continue to load the house up with sweets despite my pleadings not to. She would say something to the effect of "why should everyone in the house have to suffer just because you cant control your addiction to sweets?"

Is she right? Should I be fully expected to be able to control those desires? Or, have those of you who have been successful found that you too had no self control and the only solution was to make sure those foods were NOWHERE in your house!?

I might add that at one point in my life I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for a few years with a low carb diet........I tried it again while banded and just got to the point I did not have the motivation to eat only Protein the rest of my life............

I have been in a "screw it" mode lately...............Basically feeling like nothing ever did or ever will work and I am just going to have to accept the fact that I will be a "fat person" until the day I die........

If someone knows a good way to break this mindset please share................

Thanks for listening.................

Sounds like your wife isn't very supportive. This isn't something that will change, so you need to learn to manage with things as they are. Maybe one cupboard totally dedicated to junk so that you never have to open it. Otherwise, I don't know what to advise. If she's not on board, it makes it a lot harder, but not impossible.

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I find it hard to find motivation when I am unhappy. Perhaps you can focus on feeling happier, do things you enjoy, see people you like, get a new hobby, go out and have a laugh, get some excitement in your life. Maybe then you'll be more optimistic and motivated?

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Very sorry to hear that your wife is not that supportive. This certainly has to be a factor in your present situation.

I, too, have a huge sweet tooth. I could stop eating fatty foods without a problem, but controlling intake of sweets is one of the hardest things for me to do.

I changed over to sugar free candies. What that does for me is that it satisfies the craving for sweets, but I know that if I overdo it, I'm going to be hurting, in the form of gas pains and other short-term gastric issues from the sugar alcohols.

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Hi i too had my band done 3 years ago & i lost 88lbs, but then a miracle happened, I had a baby, I was told all my life i couldnt have babies,

I too have put about 60lbs back on through my pregnancy & having a slipped disc in my back

I called the hospital today & the lovely nurse has booked me in for an xray to check my band

I have a 14cc band & had 9cc fluids in 3yrs ago, not sure if its all there now?

Today ive changed my eating habit to when i first had the band, & i havnt felt hungry at all & i actually felt restriction again, first time in a very long time

I got into a bad habit of eating the wrong foods & drinking at meal times & too much alcohol...

Ive had to remind myself this is a TOOL, & its only going to work again if i help it, If i dont help it then i can't expect it to help me

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i'm the mom of 3 teen boys. we keep food in the house that i can't eat often, so i kind of understand where your wife is coming from. Not to be insulting, but in the end it is all about motivation, and the willingness to make positive choices. i've had my ups and downs. yesterday i had a fill, today i'm not eating. they have had poptarts and chicken nuggets. not the standard here, but leftovers from a visit from a picky eater, lol. poptarts smell really good...

We can't blame other people for our choices. You say you 've gone the self help road, have you tried OA?

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I will probably get some flack for what i'm about to say.... but sometimes it take a little Tough Love for us to really see what we are or have done to ourselves..

So your topic's name is "Lapband Complete Failure"....... How is the band a failure? It's an object. You are the controller of the band and sounds like in your own words you learned to eat around it. Lots of people learn to eat around the band. Lots of people do, but don't blame the band because ,by your own accords you can't stop eating until all the pizza is gone. And that you can't control eating sweets all day. Well hell how do you expect to lose weight if that is what your doing?

Do you really.... have a great desire to be thin? Are is your great desire is to eat a Cake with ice cream? Which one do you want more? You can't have both.... This is how we ALL got FAT... By wanting one thing and doing the other. Are as my grandma says.... wish in one hand and crap in the other... see which one fills up faster.

Didn't your doctor tell you that the band is a tool and that it would not take the cravings away. Did you not sit down with the nutritionist and have them tell you how you will be expected to change your entire way of eating.... FOREVER... What were you thinking? And now you think Gastric Bypass is your option.... Do you think that having your stomach re-routed is going to stop you from eating a pizza and sweets the same way you do now? Stop blaming your wife for you getting up out of your chair and going make a choice to eat candy or pie ... or what ever it is she has in the house. In stead, get up out of you lazy-boy recliner, put some music own, and walk down the block and back, until that craving goes away... She is right, why should everyone else not have it because you can't keep your hands out of the cookie jar.

You said you have been to doctors, therapists and psychiatrists. What have you learned from them? The band is not working for you because YOU are choosing for it not to work. Did you really pay all that money for nothing? Are will YOU stop making excuses and get off your BUTT and make the changes. No visit to the doctor is going to do any good until YOU want it to work. Stop blaming the band, your wife, your doctor... Hershey's, Pizza Hut, McDonald's .... and everyone else. Take responsibilities for your own actions. And yes support is important, but it can be done with out support from anyone if you support yourself. Ok.... so that's my thoughts...

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I will probably get some flack for what i'm about to say.... but sometimes it take a little Tough Love for us to really see what we are or have done to ourselves..

So your topic's name is "Lapband Complete Failure"....... How is the band a failure? It's an object. You are the controller of the band and sounds like in your own words you learned to eat around it. Lots of people learn to eat around the band. Lots of people do, but don't blame the band because ,by your own accords you can't stop eating until all the pizza is gone. And that you can't control eating sweets all day. Well hell how do you expect to lose weight if that is what your doing?

Do you really.... have a great desire to be thin? Are is your great desire is to eat a Cake with ice cream? Which one do you want more? You can't have both.... This is how we ALL got FAT... By wanting one thing and doing the other. Are as my grandma says.... wish in one hand and crap in the other... see which one fills up faster.

Didn't your doctor tell you that the band is a tool and that it would not take the cravings away. Did you not sit down with the nutritionist and have them tell you how you will be expected to change your entire way of eating.... FOREVER... What were you thinking? And now you think Gastric Bypass is your option.... Do you think that having your stomach re-routed is going to stop you from eating a pizza and sweets the same way you do now? Stop blaming your wife for you getting up out of your chair and going make a choice to eat candy or pie ... or what ever it is she has in the house. In stead, get up out of you lazy-boy recliner, put some music own, and walk down the block and back, until that craving goes away... She is right, why should everyone else not have it because you can't keep your hands out of the cookie jar.

You said you have been to doctors, therapists and psychiatrists. What have you learned from them? The band is not working for you because YOU are choosing for it not to work. Did you really pay all that money for nothing? Are will YOU stop making excuses and get off your BUTT and make the changes. No visit to the doctor is going to do any good until YOU want it to work. Stop blaming the band, your wife, your doctor... Hershey's, Pizza Hut, McDonald's .... and everyone else. Take responsibilities for your own actions. And yes support is important, but it can be done with out support from anyone if you support yourself. Ok.... so that's my thoughts...

Wow what a great post. As a person who will (hopefully-lol fingers crossed) be getting the surgery soon, I really identified with your post. I'm scared because what if I'm a failure? But As you aptly said: This is a TOOL and thanks to posts like yours I (hope to) get into this with the correct mindset

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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