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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by ajoneen

  1. I was taking some warm weather clothes down from the attic today. They are in plastic boxes and a bit heavy. I was bracing one on my belly, (like I have always done, nice soft landing zone), when it slid down over my port. OUCH!! Man I thought I scrapped that little bugger off my muscle. I have a bruise now and the port area is tender like when I first got it. Geeze I hope I didn't rip/pull a stitch.

    Update on eating/drinking- Im doing great on calories/protein. I could do better on getting my water in. The scale is still going down though.:)

  2. Yep you need to work this out B4 you get banded. You're not seeing the forest because of the trees. There is a big picture here, your health and well being. The band is but a part of it, as is the surgery and the diet and the exercise and the head hunger..... You get it.

    I haven't had kids so I can't compare. It was surgery. You will feel under the weather. The incisions well hurt a bit. You will have gas pains. It might suck for you. It didn't suck as bad as I thought it would. you will need a good support group.

    I hope you find some folks to talk with about your fears.

    Good luck.

  3. Not menu suggestions but a few suggestions none the less.

    Maybe find a new Dr. who will support you. Go to support groups. Even if you don't get something that night you might meet someone you can add to your support system. A band buddy. Perhaps a few therapy sessions to get to the root of your eating, or nutrition sessions to get guidelines for better eating.

    Exercise is half the battle and you have that down.

    Good luck.

  4. Today my husband surprised me with a trip to Bermuda. He said that he is so proud of what Im doing that he wants to reward me for all my hard work.:wink2:

    I think it is wonderful because it is four months away and I will be needing a boost by then, and new clothes. What he doesn't know is that all my summer stuff isn't going to fit and I will be needing to shop for stuff to wear. Woo Hoo. Win Win.:biggrin:

    (edited 4/8)

    After thinking about the trip some more,(not that I want to be negative but) it's kind of sneaky, it sounds more like a motivator then a reward. I mean now I really HAVE to stick with this and meet or exceed my goals. He knows I want to look good on those pink sand beaches.:crying:

  5. Im on my own for dinner tonight and I have quite a few leftovers to choose from. In the past I would have heated them all and had a smörgåsbord. I've been good about packing away the leftovers in meal size portions so If I need to grab something I don't have to think. This is working REALLY well for me. I've been breaking down the grocery's too when I get home. Crackers, carrots, beef jerkey in little ziploc bags pre-measured. I've been buying tuna in the single serve cans- a bit more expensive but worth it.

    So as I wrote over on the March thread.

    "This is the first week that I feel great, really super. No doubts. Controlling my hunger with my food choices. I have a ton of energy. And best of all "Spring really becomes you. Your cheeks are rosy, and you're looking radiant" from a coworker.

    What a difference a few lbs make.

    When I make goal I'm going to be a whole new person!!!":thumbup::biggrin::thumbup:(I hope I like me)


    comments always welcome:wink2:

  6. You know, we do the best with what you have. You were the way you were for longer then you have been banded. It's going to take a while for all your new habits to sink in. Just keep reinforcing them when you can and forgive yourself when you can't. You probably would forgive others for their faults, cut yourself some slack.

    Tomorrow is a new day!

  7. I went to my favorite Japanese place tonight. Out of habit I ordered what I always ordered. Its a chefs special, always something different but served in a bento box. I love how all the food is separated into its own place , no sauce touching something its not supposed to. Today it was: three pieces of sushi, 4 wedges of orange, four little pieces of sweet potato, chicken teriyaki (about 1/4 cup), two pieces of shrimp tempura & two pieces of carrot tempura, with a bowl of rice and miso broth. I knew I was not going to be able to eat it all. I had about half of the soup, the fish from the sushi(i guess that made it sashimi) two wedges of orange(an 1/8) the shrimp and the sweet potatoes. I figured it out at home for the calories and am very happy to say it was 300 cals, 22gm protein and 8.3gm fat. Not bad if I say so. I chewed very well and ate slowly. I had them pack the chicken and some green beans from DH's dinner for lunch tomorrow.

    I'm so happy I don't have a problem with Japanese food!! Im staying away from the rice, which I really don't miss.

    I've only lose 14 lbs since surgery but over 40 since starting the journey. I'm happy with that.

    Ok Im off to add my 2 cents to the boards.:biggrin:

    PS is having the soup with dinner the same as drinking liquids?:confused2: Crap I didn't think about that.

  8. Are you on the verge of giving up on your dream?

    Are you just about to let all your hopes and dreams slip through your fingers?

    Has the thought crossed your mind?

    Are you despairing because things are not working out the way you expected?

    Are you wondering how you will ever accomplish your goal or even whether you really have what it takes to achieve them?

    If you are already feeling the familiar feeling of despair that accompanies the fear that your dreams and hopes might go down the drain: DO NOT GIVE UP! Get up and fight for your dream. Fight for what you believe in.

    Here are 8 tips to help you hang on and not give up:

    1. Take charge of your life.

    When you give up, quit, lose hope or abandon your dream or goal, you give both yourself and other external circumstances permission to sabotage your efforts.

    Don't give in to self-defeating, self-sabotaging and dream choking thoughts. No matter how bumpy the ride is, don't abandon your dream. Get on the drivers seat of your life, wear your seat belt and drive to your destination.

    It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it. ~ Douglas MacArthur~

    2. Reconnect with your vision.

    Before you decide to throw it all away, ask yourself why you had the initial desire to achieve that goal/dream. What compelled and stirred your heart toward that vision? Why was it so important to you? As you reflect on your answers, allow the passion for your vision to give you the strength to carry on.

    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~ Kahlil Gibran~

    3. Focus on your big picture.

    When things go wrong, don't betray the plan. Don't let short-term obstacles snuff the life out of your long-term goal. Work on overcoming whatever is momentarily standing in the way of your dream. Bear in mind that achieving the goal is the big picture and not the obstacle in your path to your big picture. Stick to the plan for your life. The race is only over when you reach the finish line. Honor you desire to achieve your goal. Run the race of your life and until you get to the end.

    The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. ~Stephen Covey ~

    4. Believe in yourself.

    Having your hopes dashed can damage your self-confidence. No matter how bad the situation seems, believe in yourself and in your ability to succeed. The fact that you thought about your idea, worked on it and turned it into reality counts for something and is evidence enough that you can do it!

    With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.

    ~Thomas Foxwell Buxton ~

    5. Persevere

    The journey to success is usually filled with many obstacles. Dealing with obstacles aren't only time consuming but can also drain your energy, motivation and drive as you struggle to overcome them.

    Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich

    6. Be resilient.

    Resilience is an ability to bounce back and stand on your feet after a hard knock out punch. Simple thoughts such as "I will survive" and "I will try again" are enough to get your hopes high again and to set you rolling and in motion again.

    When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

    ~Author Unknown~

    7. Change your perspective.

    Perhaps you just need to see things from a different perspective in order to understand how you can do it better. You may have to rethink your strategy, revise a few things or be creative.

    The saying goes that "It is hard to see the picture when you are in the frame" Perhaps it would help if you got out of the frame and really looked at the Big Picture!

    Problems are not stop signs; they are guidelines. ~Robert Schuller~

    8. Hang on!

    There is no better way of saying this. This quote sums it all up: Hang on! Don't give up! There is surely something in that dream or goal that's worth holding on to. Find it and hang on to it.

    When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

    Whatever it is that you aspire to achieve: Never, ever give up! ~Franklin D. Roosevelt~

    by Caroline Jalango

  9. Hi all. Work has been a bear, so I haven't been posting.

    I saw my Dr on the 21st and he cleared me for solid food. I asked about the mushy phase and his reply " you're a smart person, chew until mush then swallow. Unless you want to puree your food" Ive been enjoying food again. Ive found that I really cant eat more then a cup of food. Im keeping the protein up (60gm) carbs low & cals low(under 800) and taking 20-30 minutes to eat.

    I still have to pulling sensation under my port, but Dr said that is muscle healing.

    Im getting most of my water in. Ive found if I drink 20 oz on the drive to and from work that really helps.


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