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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to teacherlady2133 in Knee, Hip & Leg pain!   
    Ok I am 6 months out and talked to my Dr about this. I still hurt and ache. Little things are more painful than others. When I asked the Dr about it I found his answer interesting and things I never considered about the body.
    He said being heavy for so long can create nerves and muscle damage from being over stretched. He said some of that can never be fixed but can be managed.
    He then talked about how the center of gravity has shifted and now my bones and body is getting a natural readjustment. Even bones are shifting back into place.
    Areas of my body need time to realign and heal and that is the pain and aching.
    Exercise will help with strengthening the weaker areas
    Just wanted to share what I found out.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to MzBrightEyez1 in Finally! A LIGHT!   
    I had to basically harass my surgery scheduler since all my pre-op requirements were complete and my file was just sitting on her desk. But, I'm pleased to say: I have a date! December 3rd! The beginning of a new chapter. Now how do I make it until then? I'm so excited and happy and thankful. I needed to tell someone or burst trying to hold it all in. Please fly, time! Yes!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to tamg26k in 3 month-before and during pics!   
    Here's my story!
    I've struggled with my weight my entire life. Blah, blah, blah! This is, I'm sure, the same story for most of us. I've tried all diets and have had a lot of success only to see the weight gradually come back the minute I stopped exercising and "dieting". I haven't stepped on a scale for over 7 years nor did I go to the doctor's office in this time frame. Quite frankly, I didn't want to hear the number, my weight. In the spring I started doing research on weight loss surgery and decided to move forward and attend a seminar. I was so impressed! Even though this was not covered by my insurance and I paid out of pocket, I moved forward with RNY. I didn't really "diet" prior to surgery but I didn't go on a eating binge either. I only had to do a 3 day surgery prep and had my surgery on July 14, 2014. This is my "before" and "during" pics. The last 3 months have truly been life changing. I've learned so much from this site and others. I look at food so much differently now. I don't consider myself as being on a "diet". Instead, I just choose to eat really healthy foods. I've stuck to a really low carb/high Protein diet. Pretty much the same for all of us. I really enjoy reading all of your stories and get something out of all of them. As of today, just about 3 1/2 months post op, I am down about 85 lbs! Here's to the next 3 months!!!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Jonathan Blue in Been a rough few weeks! Don't ignore your body.   
    That is some great advice and an even better story. I wish you well as you recover. Before too long you'll be doing amazing things you never thought you would be able to do. I am so excited for you.
    Quick Healing,
  5. Like
    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to angb1982 in Been a rough few weeks! Don't ignore your body.   
    I had my surgery on Oct 3 and felt great after surgery. Recovery was easy. Just shy of two weeks after I had a sudden shortness of breath and knew that could be a symptom of two things.. Pneumonia or Pulmonary Embolism.
    I went to my Dr right away and he sent me for blood tests and chest X-rays. Not wanting to wait for the results I went to the ER that night. They gave me a shot of blood thinners and scheduled me for a CT scan first thing the next day. I came back for the test and admitted right away as confirmed Pulmonary Embolism (blood clots in lungs). I was lucky to have caught it and been diagnosed so fast as that made the prognosis less serious as they started me on blood thinners to help prevent more clots and work to dissolve the current ones. I spent a couple days in hospital then was discharged on blood thinner injections to rest at home. A couple days later I was having a day of light headedness and dizziness and that evening I fainted. I went right back to hospital and was admitted for monitoring. My levels were off and they ended up giving me two bags of blood. A week later I have been discharged and still on blood thinners and close monitoring with blood tests and by my family Dr.
    Long story short... Trust your body and if you are just out of surgery and not feeling right - get it checked immediately.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to CindyMarie24 in NEW (: GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DONE 10.28.14   
    i'm really new to all of this.im on here looking for support.i had the gastric bypass surgery done .im 24 years old and weigh 359 .
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to DoraP in NEW (: GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DONE 10.28.14   
    I had my surgery one day before, I am 29 and I weigh 330 so I think we
    have a similar journey ahead. Maybe we can be bypass bodies or sg... I am sorry I am not very
    used to this support group thing. I am a total newbie. What do you think?
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Jonathan Blue in NEW (: GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DONE 10.28.14   
    I think you both are in for an amazing journey. The next year will be one of the most rewarding and life changing experiences of your lives. You will be rediscovering your bodies and all of the truly amazing things they are capable of. This forum will be an amazing place for you to seek help and advice from others who have done the exact same thing as you. It will be one of your biggest resources.
    One thing I want to encourage both of you to do in the next year is to set goals; from the mundane to the insane. Think of all the things you have wanted to do, but couldn't because of your weight and make a plan to begin pursuing them. I am so excited for what the next year holds for you both.
    If you have any questions or I can help in any way, feel free to contact me at the links below.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Dhdhshhshd in NEW (: GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DONE 10.28.14   
    I had my roux n y on Mon the 27th. So far so good! Just trying to make sure I get my liquids in!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to curvycurlyfit in What food did you eat that you knew you shouldn't?   
    I have heard that some people chew and spit. So that you get to tast that bad thing that you crave but don't pay the price. I'm still pre-op.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to taylorj7 in What food did you eat that you knew you shouldn't?   
    Hi, First off Welcome and good luck on your Journey. I am over two months post op and just yesterday I had a 1/2 of a glazed doughnut. I was suprised that nothing happened, I know it was wrong but Man did it taste great!! I hope I'm not setting myself up for failure. Let us know how you're making out.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to esskay77 in Bummed out   
    Don't give up! It's actually working. You lost 11 pounds in 18 days!!! How are you upset about that? That's amazing and wonderful. Congratulations! That's almost a pound a day. Before surgery, if you lost 11 pounds in 18 days, how would you have felt? Pretty good, I'd bet! You are doing all the right things--keep it up and you will continue to lose And make sure to keep a food journal. It's the most magical thing--writing down what you eat seems to melt the pounds away. It's weird but true!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Naynay31 in Birthday Dinner Tonight-- sushi- Day 8   
    For me day 3-14 puréed food and 14-30 introduce solid food I was on liquids day 1-3 only
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to mg22fpb in Severe stomach pain   
    Just experienced my first horrible night. I am 10 weeks out. I ate one slice of rare beef, potatoes and a gravy sauce with pineapple and garlic in it. I started having some sharp cramping pains about 10 minutes later. I managed to rest and drive home. Later, I thought I was not going to make it through the night. Severe stabbing pain for 5-6 hours that came and went initially and then by 11pm to 2am became pretty intense. Vomiting was an issue. Can anyone tell me if they have experienced a similar situation? Is this because I ate such rich food? Is this a gallbladder issue? I am feeling pretty fragile today, can't really eat much just living on liquid diet today. I feel like I was beat up.
    Looking for some help explaining this. Thanks!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Jonathan Blue in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    I strongly agree with the above comments to speak with your nutritionist and have a plan laid out. With that disclaimer said, the common consensus is that it will be a liquid diet the first week after surgery which it sounds like you have a pretty solid handle on. The next stage which you are asking about is the pureed food stage. For this, you want all the food you are eating to be the consistency of baby food. I actually know people who have just bought a bunch of cans of real baby food because the servings are the right size and the consistency is correct.
    The first thing I ate on the pureed food diet was mashed potatoes and boy were they amazing. I made sure when making them that I made with fresh real potatoes, not that flaked junk. Then I was especially careful to blend them really well. They were a bit runnier than traditional mashed potatoes, but still tasted amazing. I would not recommend grits at this stage due to the nature of the grain used, but you can experiment with plain oats a little bit. Once again, you want to make sure it is the soupier consistency of baby food to make sure it does not clump in your stomach. A side note for the oats is to be especially careful to eat them slowly. The oats will expand in your stomach and can stretch things out a little bit so slow and steady is the name of the game. I would even go so far as to recommend when you are eating it to consume about half of the serving size they are recommending during the pureed stage.
    Every adapts to new foods and to each stage in their own way. Just take your time and slowly add new things into the diet every couple meals. You will be on this stage for about two weeks. Caution is key here. One thing that was really helpful for me was to cook in bulk. I would make two whole potatoes into pureed potatoes for example. Then I would portion them into a bunch of little plastic containers and store in the fridge. Every time it was time to eat for a couple meals, all I would need to do is pull one out and pop it into the microwave for a minute. This helped me not have to be cooking like crazy or have to alter my cooking style too drastically to keep up with the smaller portions. I would usually have two or three different purees in my fridge at any given time.
    Best of luck to you. This is truly and amazing journey and you are right on the cusp of the incredible experience of rediscovering your body and all of the remarkable things it can do. Take your time and enjoy it. It may annoy you know, but in a year you will look back fondly at how far you have come. I am so excited for you. If there is anything I can do or you have any additional questions let me know. I used to work as a Chef for Walt Disney World, so the cooking part of the journey and trying to figure out how to make the things I enjoyed healthy was so much fun for me. If you need any pureed food recipes just reach out to one of the links below to contact me directly.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to gaudjosl in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    pudding is my fav lol. I am on day 8 as surgery was Oct 16. I have oatmeal and creamy Soups with mushed carrots. I'll do rutabaga tomorrow. Greek yogurt I tried again today. It has been giving me the runs. Trying to balance getting 60 to 80 grams of Protein ( seems impossible) and drinking Water. I love this sleeve!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Wmwallace in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    I had the surgery on the 8th of October and now I am on soft foods like cottage cheese, greek yogurt, broth, and of course Protein shakes and Water.
    I am hoping to add tuna and eggs in the very near future.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to smiley922 in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    I had surgery on the 14th, and at this time I am allowed full liquids, which includes low fat creamy Soups, and yogurt with no fruit added, no pulp etc, with under 10 carbs per serving. same goes for the Protein drinks, under 10 carbs per serving, I have been using Premier Protein. This goes for 2 weeks post surgery, at the beginning of the third week, I can add the pureed foods, grits, 1 egg, refried Beans, with Protein added.
    see if the NUT can email you your plan so you don't damage your pouch.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to LisaCO in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    Mrsaizha I understand how you feel I was confused 1 week out I had received a folder from my surgeons office & paper work from the hospital that had diff stages of food. I called my NUt & she said I could have five foods up to 3 weeks out including a Protein Shake & 64 ounces of Water. Cottage cheese, Beans, egg whites, yogurt & suger free pudding. The beans had to be pureed. This site has been very helpful. Everyone seems to have a different plan. Good luck on your journey. Sticking to your Dr's plan is always best.
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to AmyC65 in My first time at a restaurant!   
    I'm 7.5 weeks post RNY and have been scared to death of restaurants. Yesterday was my mom's birthday so we picked Olive Garden b/c I knew they had the Soup lunch deal. I was so happy to eat 2 bites of salad, 6 pieces of calamari and half a bowl of Soup (I skimmed out the kale and sausage for Protein and Vitamins, left the broth and potatoes). It felt great to feel like a real person again, and I had no stomach upset all day!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to Marathongirl in I did it!   
    I finally made it! I'm under 200 lbs. The scale read 199.6 this morning and I couldn't be happier! Hello Onederland
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to DaronB in Surgery cancelled: Devestated.   
    Jeeeeeeez, sorry you guys! I'm scheduled for 10/31 and I'm just hoping it stays on course! Hope all goes well, you two! Hang in there!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to aelovelady in PostOp Diet... what can I have?   
    Hi! I am on post-op day 8 and I can't speak for your doctor but my practice requires a diet of liquids for the first week. Diluted juice, flavored Water, etc with 4 oz of Protein drink 3 x per day. Yesterday I was able to begin tasting light yogurt, small curd cottage cheese, loose mashed potatoes, loose grits and no sugar added apple sauce. I can't say I don't desire to eat real food, but I know the consequences of opening my pouch up are sometimes fatal, so I am following my surgeons directions to a tee! Good luck to you!
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    mrsaizsha_101 got a reaction from MisforMimi in Eating before surgery?   
    Thanks for that! I needed the extra boost! Right now its sooo hard but I keep telling myself I want the surgery more than the food so I walk away. Tomorrow is the big day. Thanks for the advice!
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    mrsaizsha_101 reacted to MisforMimi in Eating before surgery?   
    Try not to eat after midnight or shall I say at all...LOL...since you're on 48 hour prep, but if you slip closer to the actual surgery it/can will be cancelled.....its not related to anesthesia dosing per se, but more labout choking on food as your body relaxes with anesthesia....

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