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Blog Entries posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita
    My mind is just every where today. I refuse to focus on anything, I won't even take the time to read and post what I want in others journals. I have been unfocused for about a week.
    It is weigh in day, I need it. I don't know how I have done but I will try to eat as little as possible today.
    Great work out at TTC again. He had us outside but it wasn't bad. We worked the legs and arms. It is amazing what slow steady motion can do and just holding your arms out....wow that hurt. He even had us jog, I was surprised.
    5min cardio
  2. Teresita
    I decided to take Friday for myself. I went to the park early and did my 3 miles.
    Saturday I walked my first official 5K for Diabetes Association w/Pooky,Karen, LSasha, Pat and Jackie. It was a great since of accomplishment.:clap2:
    Sunday I went to the park early and walked with Karen. It always great to get a walk in and over with.
    9 miles for the weekend.....I am so excited about where all these miles are taking my body. THE WEATHER WAS ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS ALL THIS WEEKEND!!! WOW THE SKY AND CLOUDS WERE AWESOME!!!
    I can see my body changing. I finally see some more diffrence in my face. My thighs, wow there is actually less of them. LOL (I can't see using the word smaller when talking about my thighs). I think I can keep this walking up because I do see results. I really enjoy seeing the numbers of the scale come down. I am going to ask my sister in law for a scale for my birthday. I still won't be able to weigh on it but it will be a goal. The scale I saw goes up to 350. If I am about 390 now that is 40 pounds.....I could make that a Christmas goal realisticly speaking but I would love to do by fall. You never know.
    Weigh in is tomorrow and I am excited. At my unofficaly weigh in last week I gained about a pounds so I know I will have a nice lost this week.
  3. Teresita
    I went to the gym when I got off from work and I went this morning. I feel good. dananananana like I knew that I would dananannana I feel fine.....
    I'm excited about losing this weight. I went home and washed the truck, fixed dinner which was easy ..leaftovers. My daughter pulled out and prepared some teryaki noodles which were delish. I found cornbread so I made muffins and put sheredded cheese in them. I also put a sweet potatoe in the microwave and then put pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, butter and brown sugar. yummo Oh yeah the leftover baked chicken and on rib w/barbeqsauce.
  4. Teresita
    I am nervous because tonight is weigh in and after losing 10 pounds last week I think it will be difficult to come up with another loss this week. I remember last Tuesday I didn't have time to eat but trail mix all day. Today I have cream soup, oatmeal and a sausage. Help me! I think I will jog in place perdiodically today.
    14 pounds wow WOW:D
  5. Teresita
    Steps before 1731
    after 2891 (10 min)
    I will do it again before lunch and at lunch
    lunch 5028
    4 cups of water so far
    6 cups as of 1:13 working on my next bottle
    6340 steps
    I know I will get to 10,000 before the night is over because I have an errand to run and I will be sure I get them. I feel better already
    OK just finished my last bottle. 8 cups in me and everything else this evening is extra.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
    6609 8 cups in me WOOHOOO
    See you tomorrow to start all over again.
  6. Teresita
    We had a great circuit training workout last night. I loved it, I can see me and my daughter doing that one. OK this is what we did.
    Hands against the wall as if you are going to do a wall pushup instead lift your knee to your chest and 1 2 3 4 ....10 swictch other kneee and 1 2 3 4....10
    Feet together and step right foot out and back together and the left foot out and back togther and out and in out and in out and in right and left righ and left 20
    Fist in front of you to punch so twist to the left and puch right arm, twist to the right and punch left and go left punch and right punch left punch and righ punch 20
    March in place, and march and march and march and march.
    All of this can be done while sitting also. Oh yeah the stretches felt good also...whewwwww good work out. I can see myself doing these at home, dare I say everyday:cry
    You know I am going to do this at work today. So hourly, 2 minute training today.
  7. Teresita
    I only had time to do a few minutes on the treadmill this morning. I ran in place in the bathroom and I will get on the treadmill again later.
    Weigh in tonight, I'm anxious. I tell everyone else don't stress about the numbers but I want to see big numbers go down also.:faint:
  8. Teresita
    I love being outside in the sun.
    I went back for more yesterday and did 3.2 miles. Oh boy if the weather would just stay this nice.
  9. Teresita
    Today is a new day, Thank God.
    Lots of water today
    B- 1 bowl cereal
    S- trail mix, 1 oz cheese
    L- hm made pulled pk, rice, cheese hopefully real slow
    D- salad(lettuce, egg, pickle), ice cream
  10. Teresita
    Wigh In day I'm ready. I saw a scale on sale somewhere that goes up to 380. I'm thinking about getting it. Waiting until Tuesday weigh ins are so nerve racking sometimes.
  11. Teresita
    I was thinking about not going to weigh in tonight but I was just trying to punk out because I have had some stupid eating habits lately. Ice cream is on sale and it is killing me. It is good that I have really good restriciton in the morning and the afternoon. Once I get home I can eat a tad bit more. :heh: :kiss OK too much. Yesterday I had a flash back. I had soup around 11:30 and went to a doctors appt at 4. I did not eat anything in between but was hungry. I went to Wendys and got a jr deluxe cheeseburger and nuggets. I ate the whole thing :hungry: :omg: It took about 35 minutes but I ate that burger except for the last 2 bites. I was driving down my steet which is kind of long and as I was biting down on the burger I realized this is where I would purge while driving so many years ago. I felt like I was doing the same thing but only I would have had 2 sandwiches, fries, a big soda and a dessert. Thank God for my band. I will go weigh in tonight.
    No I still have not gotten back to exercise yet. I am thinking about it more and more. I will get there. I have started dancing to a song here and there at work and at home. For me that is a start. LOL I will walk this Sunday.
  12. Teresita
    I feel like ick because I have been eating since thanksgiving. My DD came home and some stress came back also. I have been eating Stuffing, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and ham all weekend. It got on my nerves. I finally made a salad last night and ate just a little bit because I was already full from eating the other crap. That was just stress eating the salad. I am tired of eating.
    Today I am drinking nothing but water. I figure since I don't want to eat I will fast so I can go get some blood work done around 11.
    I have fallen off and can't seem to get back on the exercise wagon. I have got to do something. I don't even want to weigh in tomorrow. Help Me! Saturday and Sunday I tried calling a few people to talk about the food but I couldn't reach anyone. Oh boy. With allall the food except the Turkey is gone I can get back to focusing on better eating habits.
    Boy if I could say everything I want to say. :tired
    Pick me up 459-373 at my lowest but 377 last week.:paranoid Oh goodness I don't want to get on the scale tomorrow.
  13. Teresita
    Ok it is time to get back to keeping my walk schedule
    12/23 6.4 miles
    12/31 3.2miles
    1/2 6.4 miles
    1/3 3.2 miles
    1/4 gym
    1/5 gym 2x
    1/6 3.2 gym
    1/7 3.2
    1/8 gym am /walk at hm and stairs
    1/9 gym am, 5 min treadmil, afternoon gym
    1/10 gym am, 5 min treadmill, afternoon gym
    1/11 gym am and afternoon
    1/12 gym am
    1/13 gym am
    1/14 3.2
    1/15 6.4 miles (3 more later) Over 42 miles so far
    1/17 gym am
    1/18 gym am
    1/19 gym am (10min walk) gym pm
    1/20 gym
    1/21 gym stairs
    1/23 gym am
    1/24 gym am gym pm
    1/25 gym am 5min gym pm
    1/26 gym am gym pm
    1/27 gym am 1 mile at park
    1/29 gym lunch and pm
    1/30 gym am and lunch
    1/31 gym am
  14. Teresita
    I am so thrilled with myself that I walked 6.4 miles Saturday. The day was just perfect weather for walking. Not cold and not to warm, just right. That was 2 times around the infamous HP. I am so happy that I did it. I have been afraid to do it thinking that I couldn't. I am so pleased and it really helps to know that I can do it without dropping dead or stopping. I hold myself back mentally so much. I want to push through all these personal holds. I have to. I have goals. I have to lose weight to live the life that I want.
    I will be 40 in 7 months. That is suppose to be the best birthday. I want to be happy and have a great birthday.
    379 (80 pounds gone, 20 pounds away from 100)
    359 -350 -340-330-320-310-300
  15. Teresita
    Seeing how this journaling works
    1 3 miles
    2 3 miles
    3 toe break
    4 toe break
    5 3miles
    6 3 miles
    7 3 miles
    8 no walk
    9 3 miles
    10 3 miles
    11 floor exercise
    12 3 miles
    13 3 miles
    14 5 miles
    15Monday 3 miles
    16 3 miles
    17 finally a break went shopping :phanvan
    18 didn't walk, why:confused:
    19 3 miles
    20 3.1 miles 5K ha ha ha:clap2:
    21 3 miles
    22 Monday I better (but I didn't)
    23 weigh in tonight no walk
    24 walked 3 (thank God)
    25 no walk (ran errands for dance)
    26 no walk (do hair for dance)
    27 Sat walked 3 miles around the Tidal Basin and up the Jefferson Memorial steps w/Crystalstar and Connie
    28 Sun walked almost 3 miles at Haines Point w/Pookie
    29 Mon walk 3.4 miles at Watkins Park, just beautiful, Crystalstar, Pookie,Kee and friend
    30 no walking (a tiny bit of walking in place and Te Bo Kicks)
    31 no walking ( walking at home, a little bit)
  16. Teresita
    I have not been drinking my water as I should, don't ask my why. Sooooo I have a gallon with me today and I think I may end up drinking the whole think before I leave work today. I hope not but if it happens it happens.
    Today I will be having a wonderful meal
    slimfast for breakfast
    soup/slimfast for lunch
    chips for snack
    soup/salad dinner
  17. Teresita
    The sun is my friend. Oh boy I went back again yesterday. I'm going back today because the weather is going to start going down from today.
  18. Teresita
    Sometimes you have to talk to yourself. You have to give yourself that pep talk that you give everyone else. Sometimes you have to see what you are doing.:phanvan





    slice turkey

    tortilla chips


    jelly beans

    chicken/red beans rice

    ice cream/3 cookies/1/2 burger



    5 deli slice turkey/10 round tortilla chips

    3/4 lemon danish/choc milk 4oz :phanvan


    spinach,shredded,cabbage, green pepper, tomato, green onion, and a pickle

    I'm not sure where to go from here but I will figure it out.:cry I will start out with water.

    Oh well, time to go motivate someone.

  19. Teresita
    I gained and I don't want to say what it was. I'm hurt but it was expected. I am doing well so far today. Instead of eating I will cry. I wanted to eat something very late last night, instead I cried. The release of fluids have to be some kind of weight loss. This morning, upset about life in general, cried.
    289-291 I ate so much bread last week it was crazy. Yes I need a fill and I will get one soon. I will call now and see if the office is open. 9.13 at 1:30 good done. Stress is crazy but I decided to slow down yesterday. There is no point of running around with your head cut off just to be on time. I am having to follow my DC around just to get her to do things in a timely manner. It is working my last nerve but there is peace of mind because I know it is done. We had 25 minutes to get ready for TOPS and she gets in the bed. Noooooo get your clothes ready for school tomorrow. It took 25 minutes for her to look for and try on things. (I do not allow her to put something out unless she puts it on and we are both satisfied with how it looks, she is thick and I don't want her to be uncomfortable or upset about how she looks) I decided she needs to do a few other things she is going to have to do before bed anyhow.....empty the trash, clean the bathroom sink and get all papers that need my attention for school. I'm soooooo glad I took care of these things before we left.
  20. Teresita
    I feel better now that I put down all the food on paper. I did not walk Friday evening. I got up early to pick up a friend from the airport and of course the flight was late and all I could think about was I'm not walking.....So I went in the terminal and played on the walkway and ran down the escaltor and walked really fast. I did about 1/2 mile in the terminal. I could see myself going to the airport to walk, it was fun. I was all nice and cool in there.
    Sunday morning I was ready to go walking. Went to HP did 3 miles at 7:03 and I finished at exactly at 8:03. I can do it in about 5 minutes less then an hour but I normally take 1 whole hour but never more. It was getting hot out by time I was almost finished. I was thanking God for that early morning overcast and fog so the sun was not burning through but then it came out and began to beem for the rest of the day. LOL I went to the track when I left HP but I had to go to the bathroom so I did 1/2 mile. So I got in 3.5 miles. Only 11.5 to go. LOL
    3 bites of pasta salad 9:30
    6 strawberries
    pretzle dog, slushy 1pm
    checkers burger 1 bun 3pm
    ice cream
    Sunday I felt like I was eating allll day, when I look at the whole day it wasn't too terrible.
    blueberries, strawberries, yogurt 9am
    italian sausage 10:30am
    tootsie rols 12
    1 bread, 2 cheese, turkey 1:30
    grapes, 2 cupcakes 3:30
    1/2 burrito 5pm
    mashed potato bowl KFC 7pm
  21. Teresita
    I need the scale to be below 380 tonight. I really do. I need some motivation to keep going forward. Life is a trip.:straight
  22. Teresita
    JUNE 6 -3 388
    JUNE 13 no weigh in tonight(not happy about this) I WILL exercise instead
    JUNE 20 (-6)
    JUNE 27 (-4)
    JULY 4 (-3)
    388 6.6.05
    71 pounds gone*
    13 pounds to go for July4/July8
    459 began
    391 now
    68 pounds gone
    391 now
    375 birthday/bandiversary
    16 pounds to go for July4/July8
    I need to start looking at new goals.
    July 375
    August 365
    September 350
  23. Teresita
    I just found out that my doctors office scale goes up to 400 pounds......am I happy or am I sad......I don't know but since there is no TOPS meeting I think I will be making a little run to Waldorf to get on the scale and get my pressure checked. YEAHHHHH that is what I am going to do. This is one of those times I would could my girlfriend Linda, who passed, to ask her to ride with me and she would. Whenever I called her to say you wanna go.....she was ready. She was always on time and but of course early. I don't have anyone to share my joy with anymore. She would feel my pain and feel my happiness as if it was her own. I know we were a blessing to each other. I am glad I went to the hospital when I found out she had surgery. I don't feel bad about not going back up there before she passed 2 days later. God allowed me to see her one more time. God is good.

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