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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from Flowerpower321 in Anyone not struggled with weight their whole life?   
    I don't really know why I've been thinking about this but I have been.
    I read these boards constantly and it seems that most people say they have been overweight since childhood. Has anyone not? I was not a heavy child, teen or even young adult. In my mid to late twenties, it is like my body just decided it was going to hold on to lots of extra weight no matter what I did. Like everyone here, I tried absolutely everything I could to lose weight---I was never successful. I didn't lose a bunch and regain--I never lost--just got bigger and bigger. I had tons of medical tests and was never dx with any medical reason for the gain.
    I am curious as to whether this type of history has any different outcome with the success of surgery. Or, do people who have been heavy forever have more/less/same success than people who just struggled as adults? Again, just a curiosity of mine...
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from Buttercup86 in Anyone else considering sleeve with BMI ~32   
    It is really hard for me to shut out other people's opinions so I know what you are going through. I was not anywhere near in the frame of mind to have surgery when my BMI was 32, but that doesn't mean it's wrong for you. This is such a personal journey and only you can know what is best for you. Good luck with the decision making process!
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    nervousnellie reacted to melissa130 in **IF YOU STILL HAVE YOUR GALL BLADDER PAY ATTENTION****   
    Good doctors prescribe medication - Actigall- to prevent problems with the gallbladder. No matter what way people lose weight- with surgery or without- the chances for gallstones is increased. I hope everybody is smart enough to do their own research and find a good doctor who will know how to help them.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from tbrown9 in Workout Dread   
    I always dread working out. Every single day. I don't enjoy it. I never have, though I wish I did. However, I just got done working out with my trainer and I feel sooo much better (more energy). I just wish I could internalize this feeling BEFORE I work out so I didn't have all the dread..... ugh!
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from SmilinNC in what to eat before exercise?   
    my trainer recommends oatmeal or other slow digesting carbs. I always eat oatmeal before I work out with her and it has made a difference. If I don't I tend to have severe blood sugar drops and almost pass out. If I eat Protein before I just feel more tired. I always drink a Protein Shake right after our workouts.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from SmilinNC in what to eat before exercise?   
    my trainer recommends oatmeal or other slow digesting carbs. I always eat oatmeal before I work out with her and it has made a difference. If I don't I tend to have severe blood sugar drops and almost pass out. If I eat Protein before I just feel more tired. I always drink a Protein Shake right after our workouts.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from jgirl75 in Tennessee sleevers   
    Also in Murfreesboro.
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    nervousnellie reacted to maharet111 in what to eat before working out?   
    My trainer told me something small with carbs in it about a half hour before working out. So I usually do half an apple with 1 tbsp almond butter. When I go home I drink a Protein shake that I make with Water and not milk. He told me that some of the Protein mixes are already derived from dairy so if you make the shake with milk instead of Water you aren't getting that recovery and rebuild muscle protein you need. Instead it turns into a casein protein which is the longer lasting extended release.
    All I know is I need a damn degree in biology and macro nutrition to understand this all! Everyone is so different!
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from Laura72 in never knew refried beans could taste like heaven : )   
    Just had my first pureed food tonight. I took some refried Beans, mixed in some greek yogurt and Chohula Sauce. Stirred it all together and scooped into muffin pans (purely for portion control). Topped with cheese and heated in the oven.
    Yum! I really have missed savory flavors other than cream of chicken Soup : ) Cant wait to decide what to puree tomorrow!
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from SuNMooNStaRS816 in You don't weigh enough for that....So sick of hearing this!   
    I have had this too. It actually happened to me at my pre surgery seminar. I don't want to explain anything to people so I just say "thank you...I'll take that as a compliment." It frustrates me too, and to be honest it's not wanting to get into it with people that is making me not tell anyone.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from Pammers Johnson in Diet Foods?   
    I use full fat mayo and cheeses. I would rather eat less and have the full flavor. I do also use the olive oil mayo sometimes. If I don't have some oils in my diet, it messes up my digestion. I do use them in moderation though!
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from anniemay in Why do people make this commitment, risk their lives on a surgery table and then...   
    I have to say that I understand where you are coming from. However, it is easier said than done! I was not perfect on my pre-op diet, but that doesn't mean that I don't want/hope to be successful. food is an addiction for many (most) of the people on this forum. If it was just that easy to make the change, most of us wouldn't have to have surgery.
    I am only 12 days out and have not "cheated" post op. But, I have a long way to go and don't expect not to falter ever. I think trying to be "perfect" has set me up for failure in the past b/c I put too much pressure on myself.
    I do understand what you mean about some of the more egregious choices people have made though. I am glad I haven't caved to temptations like some.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from CocoCocoon in How much weight did you lose in the first two weeks post-op?   
    had my 2 week followup today and I was down 15 pounds. The day I came home from the hospital, I was 10 lbs. heavier than they day I went in!
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    nervousnellie reacted to Ms.AntiBand in I miss my vodka!   
    I think it's gone quite well. She asked a question and everyone opined. Maybe not with the answers she wanted.. But got all the same
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    nervousnellie reacted to BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in I miss my vodka!   
    My doc has an "at least 1 year rule". Just so you know, you aren't "practically" everyone anymore. Your lifestyle HAS to be different than everyone else's or else you wasted your time, money and perfectly good stomach for nothing. You chose this time in your life, while you are still in college, to get the VSG done, are you sure you were ready for it? I have commented on a post of yours previously, I think eariler this week, and I wonder if you really know what you had done to you. Losing weight and getting healthy even with the VSG is hard and takes work. It is not a magic tool that will make the weight just go away with no effort on your part. The people on this site are here to support, help and encourage each other, not to tear people down. I'm sure you knew the kind of answers you would get when you asked about this, but you can't go getting pissy just because you don't like the answers you got. People answered you honestly. No one wants to see someone do something careless and end up with a leak or other problems. If you only want answers giving you the go ahead to do what you want to do as opposed to doing what you need to or should do, then maybe you should start your post with "If you don't agree with what I'm saying then I don't want to hear it". Just a thought.
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    nervousnellie reacted to Webchickadee in I miss my vodka!   
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    nervousnellie reacted to cinward2001 in I miss my vodka!   
    Amanda, I in no way made it sound like I thought you're an alcoholic. I even prefaced my post with explaining WHY I have such a strong bias against drinking. But no, not practically every person in college drinks. It's NOT a lifestyle and it shouldn't be.
  18. Like
    nervousnellie got a reaction from ProudGrammy in pre op diet   
    Your doctor's office will give you their approved plan. Most, it seems, do a 2 week pre-op liquid diet that includes a lot of Liquid Protein. Some doctors do not require this. Your surgeon should also arrange for you to meet with a nutritionist to explain their requirements. Wait and see what they say.
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    nervousnellie got a reaction from Fiddleman in cake batter muscle milk protein shake   
    I have some cupcake batter flavor Protein from a company called All the whey. It is wonderful. I think it was 30g protein, 100 calories and 2 carbs (off the top of my head) for a scoop. But, they have now gone out of business and I am so bummed. I'm trying to ration what I have left. They also had one that was cinnamon bun flavor that was good. I wish they would come back! I may have to try yours now!
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    nervousnellie reacted to stacechase in I just don't get it...   
    brandnewbie, I totally hear you. Personally, I am just staring my journey here (likely will have surgery on August 19, but still hasn't been submitted to the insurance yet). I feel that if you're going to go through such a life-changing procedure, you mine as well get started following the rules as soon as possible to better prepare yourself for a new lifestyle!
    That being said, I think these boards are a great place for people to come to relieve their burden if they make a mistake, or fall off the wagon, etc. because people here truly understand how difficult it can be to change food habits that you've developed your whole life. I don't want to think about the fact that I will likely have some small setbacks, but the reality is that it could very well happen. Really, I thank the people who have the courage to admit when they've messed up, because it 1) makes me feel like we're all human and in it together and 2) that I can understand what setbacks may be coming to further prepare myself for success.
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    nervousnellie reacted to Tink22-sleeve in WTH?   
    Many of us came online tonight to find many changes. especially in the chat room. Most of us are very unhappy with the new changes- we can no longer chat and read posts at the same time, the format is different and we can no longer private message. now we hear about upcoming changes to include "premium" membership? wth?
    Many of us have found invaluable support and advice from this site. we look forward to the daily interaction. however, i will not be paying for services on this site. I thought thats what all these ads are on here for.
    I, for one, am very upset about these changes that occurred without any notifications whatsoever.
    Please, reconsider these changes. why fix something that isnt broken?
    All of you who dont agree with these changes please hit "like" or post to show our solidarity. Havent we been thru enough already?!
    Sorry this turned out to be a rant, we are all upset right now.
  22. Like
    nervousnellie got a reaction from anniemay in Why do people make this commitment, risk their lives on a surgery table and then...   
    I have to say that I understand where you are coming from. However, it is easier said than done! I was not perfect on my pre-op diet, but that doesn't mean that I don't want/hope to be successful. food is an addiction for many (most) of the people on this forum. If it was just that easy to make the change, most of us wouldn't have to have surgery.
    I am only 12 days out and have not "cheated" post op. But, I have a long way to go and don't expect not to falter ever. I think trying to be "perfect" has set me up for failure in the past b/c I put too much pressure on myself.
    I do understand what you mean about some of the more egregious choices people have made though. I am glad I haven't caved to temptations like some.
  23. Like
    nervousnellie got a reaction from khard4ou in Im oficially sleeved with a slight complication.   
    Oh Goodness! Best of luck to you in your recovery!
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    nervousnellie reacted to mistysj in I came out about my surgery   
    Originally I was going to keep my surgery a secret, but I really dislike secrets and I was inspired by Angelina Jolie to share to help reduce the stigma. I posted the following to my Facebook friends and emailed it to family and friends who are not on Facebook. I don't think this is the right move for everyone but it was the right move for me.
    I really dislike secrets. That's the reason for this post. I am typically a very open person, especially when my experience might help someone else.
    You know how Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy before she got breast cancer, as a preventive measure? Well, last week I had surgery for a similar reason. I had a weight loss surgery called the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG). This is a different procedure from the lap band or the gastric bypass. The purpose of the surgery is to allow me to eat small enough portions to lose a significant amount of weight, while feeling much less hunger.
    I wasn't originally going to disclose it beyond my very closest family and friends, because there is a huge stigma about weight loss surgery. The stigma of weight loss surgery is almost as bad as being obese itself. But I think the stigma is wrong. I had the surgery to address my diabetes, which was extremely manageable before the surgery but is already in remission, only days afterward. I did it to prevent sleep apnea, arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart disease, none of which I have yet.
    I also did it because being fat in this culture is very hard, emotionally and psychologically. People are cruel to fat people. I've been told by family members that I caused my diabetes, that I would never find love or marry as long as I was fat, and that I'd look so much prettier if I lost weight.
    I probably won't talk much more about the weight loss surgery or the weight loss itself. While compliments are nice, compliments about weight loss make me feel very uncomfortable and feel extremely personal. The "losing phase" will probably last a year to 18 months, and then I will be in "maintenance" for the rest of my life, which will hopefully be long and healthy. I won't be crowing about how much weight I have lost. It's a personal issue and I have no idea why people think it is appropriate to ask.
    But I want to do my part to end the stigma about weight loss surgery because diet and exercise alone don't work for 95% of people who are obese. If it has worked for you, I'm happy for you. If you've kept the weight off for several years, you are quite an outlier. Surgery works in almost every case.
    Please don't send me your friend-of-a-friend anecdotes or other negative opinions. I am not a doctor and I will not give you medical advice. If you have a friend or loved one considering this route, please educate yourself so you can be supportive to them. If you want to know what I can and cannot eat now, that information is pretty easily available too.
    It's not an easy decision and it is certainly not the easy way out. Thank you in advance for your support.
  25. Like
    nervousnellie got a reaction from Healthier2day1227 in What you wish you knew before the sleeve   
    Here's the thread. Hope it helps!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
