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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    castiel reacted to MrsG in Biggest loser conspiracy!   
    Omg! That was crazy! You know, I was just telling my husband Monday night after watching it that I'm done. I think Jillian is a complete witch and I love how she says that she used to be overweight. I seriously doubt it. I'm sorry but at my current weight there is NO WAY I would be able to run on a treadmill the way they expect the contestants to without blowing out a knee! The way they get on the scale and lose 7lbs and look disappointed that it wasn't more, makes me sick. You can tell they've most likely been brainwashed! Thanks for posting this article, I'm so over this show now!
  2. Like
    castiel got a reaction from NtvTxn in I have Collarbones!   
    I'm 40 pounds down, and I can see my collar bones too! It feels nice :] I keep touching them all the time. And my hands fit down my glass cups when I wash them!
  3. Like
    castiel got a reaction from anayortiz in Too emotional and moody?   
    I'm almost 6 weeks post-up and I discussed this with my surgeon today. Only this past week have I been very emotional. I cried once for no reason at all, felt so tired, one day I didn't even want to get out of bed nor care to eat or drink anything.
    I asked about hormones (especially since I have PCOS) but he says hormonal issues occur after a more massive weight loss like 70+ pounds. So I don't know. He said I'm having a hard time parting with food. But although I enjoyed food so much before surgery, I was a volume eater, it didn't matter what it was and I always ate convenient food since caring about eating was a hassle for me. I don't miss food so much. Sure I miss pizza and soda, but it's totally manageable.
    I've also looked into becoming more grumpy/depressed after being on a high protein/low carb diet like Atkins. It's possible for some, that low carb diets can cause mood swings and depression. And I think that pertains to me. My surgeon said that if it continues, it will fall on me to make sure I go see a psychiatrist or my GP to see if I need antidepressants.
    I just hope I will never need to and things will get better with time. I hope your moods improve, and maybe it would help to talk to someone if you can!
  4. Like
    castiel reacted to KristieAtkinson in The great thread killer......   
    Y'all know my daughter cried when I told someone about my surgery. Couldn't figure out why.
    Finally she said, WHY are there gremlins in your stomach??!?
    Lol. She heard me mention the Grehlin. So now I call it the gremlins.
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    castiel reacted to fyre_storm in Sugar daddy.   
    I need one. This is all.
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    castiel reacted to doreen70 in Dec. 17 Sleevers - How are you on week out?   
    Today I've been more aggravated than usual by the scale not moving. It seems that the entire month of February I've lost maybe 8 lbs. the scale goes up half a pound and few days later that goes. I really wanted to be down 50lb by my birthday next week. Instead I'm at 42. My dietician told me that most of her patients would kill for 42 lbs off at this phase. I'm petrified that this is it.
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    castiel reacted to Rockstarswife in Dec. 17 Sleevers - How are you on week out?   
    whoo hoo so excited got on the scale today and I have lost 55 lbs total!!! my pants are falling off me! a co-worker comented (in a nice way) saying wow girl "your pants are huge" it felt great
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    castiel got a reaction from Zen in Dec. 17 Sleevers - How are you on week out?   
    Hi everyone! I'm also a 17th sleever. I'm down 23 pounds (although I didn't have a pre-op liquid stage so I account the loss to that). Some days I feel normal, and other days I feel so tired I want to cry. Showering actually takes a lot of out of me and leaves me dizzy. It's been hard not eating all week. I wouldn't care if I never had chicken broth EVER AGAIN. I'm having serious head hunger, and I admit to chewing and spitting food at least 4x this week.
    Today is my family holiday gathering and my father is making all these delicious foods that I can't eat, and I have to deal with my entire extended family asking me questions, but I'm prepared to defend myself if I get negative comments! I don't regret this surgery one bit, it's just super hard around the holidays. My nana called it modern day torture haha.
    I started full liquids yesterday (Monday instead of Tuesday) because I just couldn't wait. I couldn't stand Clear Liquids any longer. But now I know in about 2 days I'll be sick of muscle milk, regular milk, sugar free pudding, and creamy broths. I also stretched my back out in my sleep last night and it pulled on my stomach stitches and holy cow did that burn and wake me up out of a deep sleep! No nausea at all after the first day home. The pain meds have only been used a few times this week after walking around way too much with muscle soreness.
    I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well!
  9. Like
    castiel reacted to courtoomp in Carbs vs fiber per day?   
    Thanks y'all. I will try the chia seeds. And just have the Protein Bars when I'm in a pinch. Try to get fiber veggies but hard bc can barely finish my protein!
  10. Like
    castiel reacted to Smokey12 in Dec. 17 Sleevers - How are you on week out?   
    Castiel, we have almost the same numbers.
    I finally broke my stall, thank goodness, it was very frustrating during that time.
  11. Like
    castiel got a reaction from HopeFaith in Does anyone still feels hungry?   
    I still feel hunger, even when I'm taking Prevacid 2x a day. If I left it go for too long, the hunger gets so strong I can feel/hear noises into the back of my throat! it's very odd.
    Sometimes I don't feel anything at all, and I'm think: Oh man, I should eat something because I forget to eat. It's a nice change.
  12. Like
    castiel reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Premier Protein Shakes at Amazon.com $7/Case!   
    I only ended up getting 56 cases.
  13. Like
    castiel got a reaction from newgrandmother in 5 months out 52lbs gone plus the 16 i lost before surgery   
    keep it up! you're doing great :]
  14. Like
    castiel reacted to jgirl75 in Six Months Out and 70 pounds gone forever!   
    Saturday will be six months since my surgery and i couldn't be happier! I've lost 70 pounds but still need to lose 30 more to meet my goal.

  15. Like
    castiel reacted to danpantz in 21 and wanting a new me   
    I'm 21 and got the surgery on monday... Best decision ive ever made. After reading through this forum, the one thing ive learned is that every persons experience is difference.
  16. Like
    castiel got a reaction from Free2BMe002 in Items that Swell in your Stomach?   
    I eat oatmeal at least once or twice a week. It was even on my soft foods/pureed stage.
    However, I find couscous makes me SUPER full with only a few bites
  17. Like
    castiel reacted to Lexy in Dec. 17 Sleevers - How are you on week out?   
    Cathy, you are doing better than you thought because it has only been 8 weeks
  18. Like
    castiel reacted to Madison in Forever 21 - Amazing Post-Op Results   
    I haven't been on these forums in so long!!! A lot of life changes/busy schedule kept me away but I have to come back to share good news with all of the amazing online friends who have been there for me throughout this entire journey.
    1.5 Year Post-Op Stats:
    Highest Weight: Around 360
    Current Weight: 190
    Biggest Size: 34 / XXXL
    Current Size: 12 / L
    The topic title is "Forever21" because I've never been able to shop at that store for pretty and cheap-y clothes my entire life though desperately wanting to - and now it's become a staple of my college wardrobe.
    I can't believe I'm under 200 lbs. I didn't think I would be so successful since I have PCOS. I haven't had any complications from the surgery, with the exception of hair loss (which seems to be recovering) and brief bouts of acid reflux (not significant enough to be a concern).
    My life? Well, I'm doing things i never dared to dream about. Shopping, traveling, dating, exploring, and enjoying. I'm still not used to the positive male attention. Sometimes I freak about that I can "fit" into places and buckle plane seatbelts and stuff. Just enjoying life and living it the way I've always longed to. I am so grateful that I did this. I beg anyone who is hesitant or has fears of doing this surgery to come to me with questions, I will answer any.
    But I must be completely honest and state that I do not, in any way, believe that the surgery is entirely or even mainly responsible for my success. It truly is just a "tool." I have put in a lot of hard work into getting the results I have. It takes a lot of serious time and dedication.
    Funny mini-success:
    -A guy I used to know asked me out, not realizing that he knew me back when I was over 300 lbs. He would not believe that it was actually me until I showed him my ID. Man, was he embarrassed!
    You don't realize how truly overweight you were until you notice that new people you meet just accept you as "one of them" and not their one super morbidly obese friend. It's weird being part of the gym crowd. It's weird dating fitness enthusiasts and realizing they wouldn't have given the old me a second look. It's weird getting comments like "oh you wouldn't understand, you're not fat." Really, really weird. Making new friends and having them never know that I was (and on the inside, still feel like) super morbidly obese. I feel like I sometimes need to "come out of the closet" and confess this to them!
    I still don't recognize myself in pictures/video, but in a good way. Sometimes I feel like the world/my reflection is trying to trick me into thinking that I'm average-sized, because I can't believe that I'm no longer so overweight.
    I've been thinking seriously and I believe these are the most important steps to take in order to make the best use of this surgery and to hopefully get similar or better results than I have:
    -Start a simple walking regimen at least two weeks before the surgery, and keep it up afterwards.
    -Weight train. I'm serious. Don't put it in your "to do later" list. Start doing it now because the strength and muscle building will seriously burn fat and make your loose skin look SO much better.
    -Take good Multivitamins.
    -Don't ever get back on the cycle of eating sugary/fatty foods because it will be very hard to stop.
    -DON'T cheat on your pre-op diet. Prove to yourself how serious you are about this.
    -Avoid smoking/alcohol.
    Some concerns/negatives:
    -The Hair loss (somewhat resolved) now that my weight has stabilized. No weight gain so far.
    -I no longer feel the same amount of restriction. I still can barely eat a fraction of what I used to, but now I can have a small salad, a meal of 4 oz Protein + side, and a tiny dessert. Basically, I can fit in the minimum amount that a healthy eater should be having. But it's no longer just 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese!
    -It is still a little uncomfortable to have fizzy drinks.
    I'm so happy with my life right now. I feel like people give me more respect and listen to what I say, which can actually be frustrating at times. People treat me immensely better, and although it feels good, I feel sad that it took all this weight loss for it to happen. I'm talking giving me free stuff, opening doors, going out of their way to do things for me. Why the hell am I getting special treatment? It still feels similar to unfair treatment I got from being obese, only now it is positive. I go out of my way now to treat everyone with equal respect and courtesy.
    Update: I'm looking into getting surgery to remove a lot of the excess skin that I have. Thank you for all of the support in the past few years - I hope to have more great updates in the future!
  19. Like
    castiel reacted to bigtigger1010 in 10 days out and I can eat everything. is this normal? please read and give input. thanks   
    But the point is... get it down or not... u could DIE from it! The staple line is very sensitive early on & eating solids can cause a leak which is very serious... Also, u cant rely on ur "full signals" yet as some of ur nerves r cut during surgery and take time to come back together... so while its good u r getting signals... u wont know if ur getting them as early as u should b yet :-( U shouldve stocked all ur needs before surgery... obviously that doesnt matter much now... just do ur best to stay away from solids/ stick with liquids til u can get to the store... PLS b careful with ur tiny tummy, its fragile! Best of luck to u!
  20. Like
    castiel got a reaction from No game in 10 days out and I can eat everything. is this normal? please read and give input. thanks   
    10 days post op, you should not be eating solid foods, unless your doctor says it's okay. I'm not a doctor but people are usually on liquids for 2-3 weeks (or longer) followed by pureed. If you have no Protein drinks left or Soups, you should try to puree all your food into a liquid substance!
  21. Like
    castiel reacted to kcinpa in Didnt expect this...   
    I went for my first postop check up today
    Preop 475lbs. DOS(1/28) 450lbs. 2/8 421lbs
  22. Like
    castiel reacted to teetani in Birth control?!   
  23. Like
    castiel reacted to stinker in Valentines Day Challenge!   
    I'm now losing 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a week, and I am just shy of two months post-surgery. I have to say I really like the rate of loss, it's subtle but steady!
  24. Like
    castiel reacted to Nurse Channie in Valentines Day Challenge!   
    Down 2 pounds this week after no lose last week. Just hit my 50# mark!!!!! I still can't believe I have lost 50#. :) it's a happy day!
  25. Like
    castiel got a reaction from drizner in To Bike or Not To Bike?   
    I started riding the bike 4 weeks post op. I just can't do stuff like sit-ups or heavy lifting (even though i started weights too)

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