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Blog Comments posted by 4ALongerLife

  1. They have a spiced caramel apple cider right now. And yes they do have protein shakes ... strawberry banana, mango banana and something else banana. It's not advertised, but they do have it. You can look them up in mfp for the nutritional shakeout. The strawberry banana one is decent. Their tea is good too. But caffeine you are supposed to stay away from so it doesn't cause ulcers in your tummy I believe, more important I think at the initial part of your journey and as you move away from your surgery date, you will be more able to get back to coffee as you liked previously. Good luck!

  2. It takes a WHILE for your brain to catch up to your weight loss. Here's a site someone told me about - http://www.mybodygallery.com/search.html?height=5+9&weight=160&pant=any&shirt=any&zphoto=Large&rectangle=1&new=1 look up ppl that are your height and weight and it shows real pix of ppl.

    I am now referred to as "petite" (wth????) and that "skinny girl who works out like a fiend"... how different than what I've been used to for so long.

    Congrats on your successes and may they only continue! Rock those clothes!!! xx

  3. I love it mama! And love you too! (sorry I haven't been on MFP statusing today, my stinking phone isn't getting service for it in my bldg, grrr... I need MFP at work ppls!!!). Glad you are on there with me! Much love and wishes for continual success! xx

    oh and group support, I am a former social worker as you know and was never much for it, but did you know that it's one of the top three indicators of WLS success? logging is another one.... just say'n! (i learned it in group lol)

  4. I'm reading your blog now and I sent you a message on MFP. Are you still going to your therapist? Are there any support groups in your area? You are not alone in your feelings. Sweetie, this leak that I'm nursing since f'n March... well, it makes me angry. I certainly miss food and going out to meet people, or trying to (having a leak holds me back more from even trying to get out and meet people). But how to get over the anger is the thing... don't let it destroy the success that you can have if you remain positive and accept change. It's a lot to deal with! Especially whenever there are other things in life going on ... but it's learning how to cope w/o food. We, well ahem, me.. as a food addict, I struggle daily to replace the solace that I found in food. Starting a new job, man, I realized then how much I used food to deal with stress. Then to be on a freaking liquid diet too? Grrrr... I won't lie, it's hard...... BUT it's not insurmountable. I am praying for you JFab.... I am praying you find perspective over the anger.... but more than anything, I believe you can overcome the anger and be a success story, inspiring others to do the same. Best wishes, always. xx

  5. GIRL! My hubs loves me any which way as long as I'm his. I however don't like the skinny bony arse that I have now. I have to get in the tub to shave right? I just feel better to soak and let the hairs get as close as a shave as possible. Well as I do this, shifting from one cheek to the other, man I feel the difference! lol...

    More than anything my hubs wanted me healthy and happy. And that's all he cares about. But I can understand the fear. I believe your hubs will love you no matter what.

    Although that boob job is pretty darn appealing even more so now to me than before... hmmm.... (hey I like them full too! and they are mine!) lol

  6. Get on a PPI definitely hon. I was hungry like that and someone told me to do this and it worked, definitely.

    Otherwise, are you getting your water in? That's another mimic of hunger ... when you are thirsty. Make SURE you get your water in (I hate water so I do crystal lite like add ins). Minimally 64 oz a day.

    Only other question is ... is it really physical hunger or mind hunger? Mindfully eat - and that's the hard part on your WLS journey to learn.

    Best protein shake on the market (IMO) is "Oh yeah vanilla creme". Little bottles are 130 calories/18 g of protein, big bottles are 32 g protein and 220 calories so it's a meal.

  7. I'm sorry to read this Izuri. I've been there. It's so freaking frustrating! Wanna know what helped me? Well the one thing you won't want to hear... working out more. My psychologist (I go to a support group on thurs.) says that it takes 60-90 minutes of cardio exercise to lose weight. I was like WHAT? I do 30-45 a day already and was stall city. He said that's the normal amount of working out to maintain once you are at goal.

    Talk about shoot the messenger! But guess what? It worked, dammit. And increasing my water helps (I try to do 3-4/28 oz mug that I have). And do you track your food? That really helps me.

    That's all I can possibly suggest for you. I'm sorry, I probably am not much help, but that was the intent of my post!

    Get away stallsville. Let her have her loss! xxx

  8. Do me a favor? Get someone to hide your scale. Then go measure yourself. Naked, measure the neck/arms/bust/belly/thighs, every inch. Write it down for reference. Keep doing what you know are 'the rules" and working out/etc. In 2 or 3 weeks, weigh yourself ONCE. Do NOT obsess. In 4 weeks, measure yourself naked again and compare. Add up the difference in all of the inches, then look at the total inches you have lost. You will be happily surprised. Now relax. It will happen. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimmmming, swimmmmming (hello? finding nemo/dory)

  9. Go to the search bar and input "three week stall"... if you are at four, consider yourself lucky. The "three week stall" is one of the most common ones almost all sleevers experience. Hang in there and do what you are supposed to and it will subside. More stalls to come eventually, but be patient!

  10. and THAT is what the journey is about!

    Weight loss isn't a magic wand or a magic pill. It doesn't mean all of the sudden you will feel love or be "in the club" . . . that's why sometimes weight loss is so slow. There is so much that we need to catch up with and learn from.

    Don't be embarrassed anymore on what you weighed because you took steps to change it. Work on those insecurities because 140 lbs lost (I think that's your goal right)... you are gonna ROCK!

    And obviously you are already well loved. Congratulations sweetie, u r rocking this, continue on and enjoy the journey!

  11. JFAB! You are going to get there. It took time to gain it, it's going to take time to lose it. You don't want it gone too fast because skin will hang worse. So be patient ok? You are doing superbly! Just keep the nose to the proverbial grindstone and BE PATIENT. It WILL happen if you do what you are doing, with a few tweaks here and there, which you are working on. EIGHTY SIX POUNDS LOST!!!!! WOW in a short time. Better than 1/2 way there. ...... it's all about perspective! YOU GOT THIS!

  12. hey, you will lose more weight on that stage than any other. and since you just had surgery and you have now cut 85% of your stomach off, that's why you have to do liquids for 14 days :) we all have done it..... believe me, i so totally understand. but this too shall pass. hang in there!

  13. You can get back on track hon. Be strong! And hey add me on MFP! :)

    Try doing anything else whenever you get bored. Go for a walk. And make a list of healthy 'boredom' grazeables like cantaloupe, blueberries, 3 pieces of canadian bacon (97% ff jones brand is 50 calories), etc. then post it on the fridge and if you get bored, only limit those to 2-3 times a day. Just suggesting.

    Good that you are getting back on track. I hope your pain dissipates and your boredom does too! xx

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