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Blog Comments posted by lageniafaye

  1. What is it with our Mothers? Mine is that way also. I am 60 yrs old and my mother has tormented me all my life. I decided to get the lap band so I could lose weight and she could't tell me how fat I was. First I started by trying to love myself. ( They say if you love yourself, you can do anything.) Then I started to take care of myself, like it has taken me 60 years to realize that my mother only cared about herself. Don't get me wrong, she loves me, but she dosen't like me. So I have to like myself. They also say that females who are obese usually do not have a good relationship with their mothers.

    Do things that make you feel good. Fix your hair and wear makeup, always put lotion on your whole body to make your skin soft. Rub your feet with lotion. Paint your finger nails and toe nails. Dress up, put on perfume Go walking every day, (that always makes me feel good). Plant some pretty flowers. Anything you like to do, do it , and tell yourself that you are beautiful and you deserve it. I hope this helps. Hang in there. Good Luck Lauracat.

  2. Yes, I can see it though, in the kitchen, when you cook and slave for hours and hours preparing the perfect Christmas feast. Then everyone fills their dinner plates to the brim and eats in vertually minutes. After everyone has gorged themselves you think, Wow, is it over? Is that all there is? No, there are deserts to devour. After that, everyone is stuffed to the gill, the kitchen is a mess and you think did I eat all of that? Next year I'm not going to cook so much food. But next year comes and It's just like the year befor. This year the cycle will be broken. Ha Ha. Time will tell. Yes I understand perfectly what you mean.

    It has taken year to get to where we are today, It might take years to change the way we think about food.

  3. I too was unsure what to eat, but let me tell you one important thing,FIBER. I have learned that I need Fiber in my diet, so not only do I have to count calories and Protien, but also Fiber.

    I have started eating Fiber One for Breakfast, and I have included some nuts once a day. This is all new to all banders when they start out. Be patient because it is also a learning experenc. After years of eating the way you wanted, you have to learn a new way of eating and that does not come easy. Practice makes perfect is the saying.

    I have found that if I buy the vanilla Protien shake from Wal Mart, that I can all any kind of fruit I like with milk and laso any kind of flavoring I want. If I use frozen fruit and blend it up, it taste just like Ice cream.

    You hang in there do what they tell you to do and soon it will be easier. Good Lunck!

  4. I was on a liquie diet two weeks before my surgery and let me tell you that was tuff. I was true to it though, but I believe I went through withdrawls. After I had my surgery it was a lot better. Just hang in there and it will get better. Its all in the brain.

  5. Here is my story. before I had my surgry I worried about the fact that I would not be able to cheeseburgers and fries again. I cried to my husband one night and he asked me what was the matter. I thought before I told him, and admitted to myself also, I said I don't want to be fat anymore. It was then that I knew that I had to change the way I was eating, not just what I eat, but how I eat. I started before I had surgury using a baby spoon and eating from a saucer instead of a regular plate. Chewing my food and counting 30 times. There is one thing you don't want to do is have food stuck and throw it up. That will cause problems down the line. Just keep thinking you don't want to be fat.

  6. Did you ask your Dr. about where he put the port? That sounds painfull. My nurse said that if I eat too much or don't chew my food enough that I will feel a sharp stabbing pain right below my brest bone. That is where my stomach starts. You shoudl tell your Dr. what you have told us.

  7. Yes, I got filled and the Dr. said it wouldn't hurt, but it did. Not a lot but more than I was expecting. I didn't ask how much he put in, but I could hardly tell. He said to drink liquids the first day, soft mushy foods the next and the third day regular food. So today will be the day I can eat chicken salad. Ha. So far, so good.

  8. This is what I eat. These are some examples oatmeal, cream of wheat, an egg w/wheat toast, or a protien smoothie. I eat somthing different every day. For lunchyou could have a tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, lunch meat and cheese with a little mayo or a protien smoothie. Dinner is always hard for me, so I have some of the same. The protien smoothies are really good. I get the vanilla powered kind. I get any fruit I might want at the time and freeze it. when I am ready for my smoothie, I use fat free milk, protien powder and frozen fruit, put it in the blender along with some sweetner and blend it up. Yum. You might look up on the internet for a reicpe for no sugar chocolate smothies. Hope that helps, goodluck to you

  9. Thank you Kelly, today I feel much better. In fact each day I feel better than the day before. I am on my second week after surgery. I drink my protien shakes, water, pop sickles and every thing I am suppose to drink. But yesterday I was so depresed I ate a piece of toast with my soup broth. I held it in my mouth and chewed it to death befor swallowing. I could only eat a few bites of it. It tasted so good, never before in my life did dry toast taste so good. I know I should not have eaten it, but I did. I feel much better.

  10. I also hade my band put in 3/26/12 at 7 am I was home by 1pm. I have pain in my left shoulder, it feels like a bone is broke. My stomach is soar and they gave me this thing to blow into. (Which I hate) But any way take your gass relief strip and that should help. Aso I took a chewable vitamin and tried to cosentrate on chewing it to smitherine, befor I knew it I had swallowed it, I will have to really pay attention to my swallow reflect. Any way I feel alot better today than yesterday. Good luch.

  11. I too will have my surgery on the 28th. I can have 3 protien shakes and a small salad a day. I have found out that I am allergic to slim fast. So I switched to attkins. It is getting harder and harder to just eat a small salad. They get bigger and bigger, but that is just lettuce, tomatoe, carrots and sweet peppers. Also when I get hungrey is when I start thinking (should I have the surgery, what if I can't control myself and over eat or gain may weight back plus more). It is a day by day struggle for me. Can't wait till I have the surgery.

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