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Blog Comments posted by Bardy

  1. Congratulations -- that is an INCREDIBLE achievement -- wow - 100 pounds is a great accomplishment! You should be very proud of yourself -- maybe you should look up those "before" pictures and then take a picture of you now so you can really see the difference side by side -- you are a champ and an inspiration to the rest of us! You can reach your goals -- just stay the course! Best of luck!


  2. Good luck - you will do great! I had to be at the hospital at 5:00 AM on Friday two weeks ago -- so I hardly slept the night before -- I had a wonderful hospital at Cedars in L.A. and everyone was very nice and made me feel very comfortable -- I was nervous of course and begging for them to give me something to relax -- once they did the next thing I knew I was waking up! Everything went really well -- I was groggy and thirsty and sipped a little water and eventually was awake enough to make it to the bathroom and then the next thing I knew I was ready to go home. My first night and next day were uncomfortable with the gas and tenderness at the incision sites, but I wouldn't say painful -- of course I have had 3 children, so compared to childbirth this was NOTHING. I was encouraged to get up and walk around as much as was comfortable to help with the gas -- and it really did. You will do fine -- it is an exciting time -- joke with the nurses and assistants -- tell them to talk all positive about you while you are out -- it will all be over and you will be on your way -- hang in there - it is a new start for a better, healthier, happier life!!


  3. I would start walking a little bit a couple times a day so you are used to it - this will build stamina for both healing and post-op recovery. The procedure itself is very simple and fast -- you are out and then next thing you know you're waking up and it's over. Minor soreness at the incision sites and tenderness so be gentle with yourself for the first few days -- as Lea said get up and walk around as much as you can several times a day to relieve the gas pains. You will do great and then you'll be on to feeling better as you see the scale going down instead of up!

  4. I totally agree with you Dolly! The support from this site is amazing and the reminders of what we need to do for the lapband tool to work for us is incredibly valuable. We all need to take responsibility for our choices and be reminded of what we need to do to lose the weight -- food choices, chewing everything to death, not drinking liquids at the same time as meals, exercise, etc. etc. as well as reminders to long-timers to keep having their band checked and filled -- all of these things keep us on track to our goal. Hang in there and keep on keeping on! Deb

  5. I totally understand what you are going through. I lost my mom 3 years ago and that sent me into a very deep depression during which I gained about 50 pounds -- I finally realized that I needed more than just encouragement from my loved ones, I needed to seek medical help and counseling to get medications and therapy to be able to feel better and climb out of the pit of depression. Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance that many of us have and need to deal with using profession help and medicines. Believe me when I say it makes a difference. I have been on medication now for 3 months and am feeling much better and motivated to take care of myself for myself first and then for my children and loved ones. Please seek professional help - you are worth it, and you will feel like caring again - take care of yourself and keep supportive people around you.

  6. Good job on the weight loss! Very encouraging indeed! I'm at day 10 as well - down total of just 18 pounds - 7 of those since surgery, so not complaining. Still doing mostly liquids and have first post-op doc appointment on Thursday - Will see if he gives me a fill or I need to wait more. Good reminder about the Wii Fit, need to remember to use it. I got discouraged using it before because the little guy kept saying "whoa" whenever I stepped on the platform -- haha. Lonnie - good luck tomorrow - it's quite quick and will be over before you know it -- you'll do fine.

  7. WOW! Are you down 18# from day of surgery?? That's one week! Really great! I am down about 7# since surgery on the 3rd and thought that was great -- good for you. I am still doing mostly liquids with one chewed to death mushy selection a day and a little hungry but managable. I hope to have a fill this Thursday but don't know if they will do it just 2 weeks post-op. Here's hoping.

  8. You are refreshingly honest and you deserve to have everything you list here for you -- not just for health! Hang in there and see it through -- try to imagine the thin you and keep it in your mind. You deserve a healthy, sexy new you and you can do it. Hang in there with the prep and keep reading all of the posts and helpful information on the lapband.com website. I would encourage you to just tell those you are closest to who love you unconditionally to tell about your band -- you don't need everyone's judgments as you go through this process. Some people expect immediate miracles and really it is healthiest to lose slow and steady and keep it off. It's great to have this site for support -- keep sharing.

  9. I am only 5 days out and I have been having tomato soup, tomato bisque, tomato basil soup, beef broth, french onion soup, yesterday I had a soft boiled egg that I chewed to death before swallowing, many protein drinks -- the Lindora type, including the hot chocolates, lots of water, some grape juice, V-8 juice, cranberry juice, and some non-fat yogurt also sucked to liquid. That seemed to help. Keep fluids going in and walk around to get rid of the gas pains. You need to have something every couple of hours. I know, I've been hungry too -- go in a week from Friday for my first check and don't know how I will continue liquids for another whole week! Yikes. Hang in there, as long as you suck and chew to liquid consistency you can have various soups -- just nothing with any real chunks. Hope that helps.

  10. I think one of the things you really need to do is keep going in for fills and to talk to your doc and nutritionist -- the folks in the office are also very helpful (at least at my docs office). You are not alone! You can do this! From what I have read from much more experienced folks than I, the adjustments and fills are critical to get to the "Sweet Spot" where you feel full after a very small portion. I like food a lot too, so I definitely relate. But I think that we will feel so much better if we take care of ourselves and lose this weight. Hang in there!

  11. I just got my band last Friday -- everything went well -- went home by noon and had the same issues with gas and soreness, but got up and walked a bit to help with that -- day after was the worst, but still not bad -- gas pains and soreness -- walking really helped with the gas and today I'm back at work -- the liquid diet is a challenge but I'm determined to make it through the first couple of weeks and on to mushy foods. You need to pick and choose who you tell - only the closest people who love you unconditionally and will be supportive because I agree I get sick of the attitude that "if we just tried we could lose the weight" yeah, right. Keep in touch here, I've only started reading and chatting as I just discovered this site yesterday! You may be in having the surgery today -- good luck, you'll do great!

  12. It really sounds like you need a fill -- you shouldn't be this hungry -- I would talk to your doctor and get some help so you don't get too frustrated! Hang in there!

    I gained weight back as well .. I had lost 30 lbs then started eating real food again and i gained almost 10 back ... its very hard to get that weight off ... i've been hovering around the 20 lbs loss mark and its driving me insane. I wish i had some advice for me but I have nothing :( I feel like going back to the liquid so i can lose some weight!

  13. Good for you! So great to be going in the right direction - down! I have many of the same feelings and just got my lapband last Friday so really just starting the journey. I can't wait to get below 200 and then 190 ... on and on to the goal! Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment! Keep going!

  14. Life is sure tough that is for sure! Does your doctor have a counselor or nutritionist you could talk to? Sometimes the docs aren't as understanding and helpful. Remember that Christmas is a time to share your love for your family -- not about how many things we give or receive -- it's a time you can teach your children some important lessons about life -- I know that probably doesn't feel good because you want to give them what they want - but love is the best gift. Also, you should talk to your doc about the depression - perhaps it's time for some medication - it can really help. I know things seem very bleak now, but remember that God loves you and knows what you're going through - stay close to your friends and family, they love you and want to see you succeed. Hang in there!

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