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  1. 1 point
    Tamika James

    Imposter syndrome?

    So glad to know I'm not alone. *big hugs
  2. 1 point

    Pernicious Anemia

    Yes I am surprised they told you to stop pernicious anemia does not go away and the surgery can make it worse I would ignore your surgeon and get in with your endocrinologist.
  3. 1 point

    Did anyone go home same day?

    I stayed overnight (had Anthem for surgery) took 10 days off of work if you do stay overnight, make sure to walk constantly. it was the only thing keeping me sane.
  4. 1 point

    PCOS & Underactive Thyroid

    I don't have a reply for your question because I haven't had surgery yet, but I'm curious if your doctor said why they recommended the bypass for those conditions? I also have PCOS and underactive thyroid, and have chosen the bypass, but didn't know there was a connection.
  5. 1 point
    Does he need to know? 2 years in is a little late but I completely understand not wanting to give out medical info unless absolutely necessary. IMHO it has to happen naturally now ( he asks directly or a situation where he needs to know) And even then you may have to downplay it’s importance. When I was newly dating after WLS, I told 2 out of 3 people I went on dates with (one just never progressed to the point where it came up) but I chose to tell them so they could understand why I either didn’t want food based dates or why I only ordered an appetizer vs entrée. Good luck!
  6. 1 point

    Facial difference

    I can’t recall but I will say it’s exciting to see your jawline again. And cheekbones. And your neck gets thinner & looks longer. Even my hooded eyelids greatly reduced. A little warning though. You can start to look drawn & tired especially when you near your final weight. Your body needs time to resettle itself. Then you’ll be your gorgeous self. Think it took a month or two for me. You may have some saggy skin though too which doesn’t go - waaah! Oh, and there have been a few amusing stories here about people whose phone’s facial recognition didn’t recognize them anymore. A tip might be to keep updating it every month.
  7. 1 point

    Facial difference

    I had my surgery in May ........... I looked in the mirror yesterday and noticed I HAD CHEEKBONES !!!! Holy cow - I don't remember ever seeing that !
  8. 1 point
    I'm 5 months post op and have really noticed only a small difference in energy thus far. I keep hoping I'll notice a change..soon I hope! I spoke with my dietician at my 3 month check-in and she didn't seem concerned (of course its not her slugging around), but, she did ask about my calorie intake, iron supplementation and the dreaded water consumption question (I don't get the required Lake Superior quantity by any means) but I do get the minimum 48oz or close. All she said was we'll know more at your 6 month because of the blood tests for nutrients. To be honest I was expecting more concern, she was more interested in my reaction to carbs - I get a racing heart if I eat too many.. This was discussed because she wanted me to add fruit to my diet that's when I explained the racing heart (I currently keep my carbs below 50). Anyway, I'm sure the energy comes back at different times for each individual, until mine does...I'm in stand by mode Good luck on surgery - just take one day at a time and listen to your body!.
  9. 1 point

    Facial difference

    No surgery experience yet, but I can tell you from a few years ago when I was able to drop 40lbs through working with my nutritionist (and then gained it back...which is why I'm here now) that it did really show on my face in a good way at about that point, maybe by 30lbs lost. I look back at older pictures and ones now and I'm sad at how round my face is again. If you want to see it happen rapidly in real life, check out some YouTube channels of folks who are a year or more out from surgery and did weekly or monthly vlog posts. Two that I've watched recently and really enjoyed (and who are still producing new content) are https://www.youtube.com/@nicoleislosingit and https://www.youtube.com/@kakisrnyjourney5376. The facial changes when you go from episode one to the most recent episodes are truly striking.
  10. 1 point

    Dealing With Negative Comments

    It's hard when it comes from family members, but I think its inevitable because every family and circle of friends has "that a**h***". If they're the kind of person the judge someone for the weight loss, they were already judging before the weight loss. Take pride in knowing that you live rent free in their head tormenting them As for you, just keep up the good work! People who haven't experienced it don't realize the work that is still required, nor the pain/discomfort that is experienced in the weight loss surgery process. Especially for people who's metabolism is just naturally geared toward not eating much or staying small. To them, they falsely believe that since it is so hard for them to gain weight by forcing themselves to eat more, then you must have voluntarily forced yourself to be overweight. They don't realize how foolish that concept sounds because they've never walked in your shoes. If they don't choose to make the effort to understand, they never will. It is hard brushing it off from people that are close, but as I mentioned earlier about living rent free in others' minds, don't let them dwell in your head. Evict them and go on about your day!

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