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  1. 4 points
    I wrote a pretty long post about my surgery and experience on my blogger blog, which you can find HERE . But for the reader's digest version: Surgery went great with Dr. Aceves and his staff down at Hospital Almater down in Mexicali. The hospital beautiful and clean, the staff super friendly and the language difference wasn't an issue. My "final meal" the night before was a fantastic italian dish of chicken and tortellini with tiramisu for dessert. The day after surgery was the worst and painful with the gas pains and drain site discomfort, but by day 3, I was much better. Day 4 we flew home, and today I have done 3 loads of laundry and put them up, walked 30 minutes on my treadmill, and put up everything from traveling, and feel almost back to "normal"...ha! I didn't reach my 64 oz liquid, 70 grams of protein, but I'm getting closer every day. I did make some "protein infused sugar free jello" and with a dollup of coolwhip, it rocked. I've also had the unjury chicken broth, and diluted gatorade today...both good. I have found my Tiny Tum doesn't really care for the artificial sweetners added to water (like vitamin water zero and the syntrix necture stuff), but hopefully that will change. I even made a big spaghetti dinner for my husband with roasted yellow squash and garlic bread, and didn't even crave it...it was very odd. Like perhaps I wanted a taste, but didn't want it in my stomach if that makes sense. It was the weirdest thing... but I'm thankful! Still happy I made this decision, and I plan to wait until Friday morning to do my first post surgery weigh in. And so...Life begins with Tiny Tum
  2. 3 points

    Wearing a size 14

    Hey today is great day.... WLS has saved my life in so many ways. I have more energy self esteem and overall healthy than I have been in a long time. Yesterday I slipped into a size 14 capris and a large top!!!! I never imagined wearing a size 14 because it has been soooo long! Just wanted to share that I have lost 50 lbs and I am closely approaching my 6 months mark... I am praying to get down to a size 10 that would be totally awesome and my highschool weight(lol) I have been trying to exercise more and really stay active,. I pray for much continued success to all TD41
  3. 3 points

    Rotting Taste

    i bet if you asked or told your dr, they could offer you better advice than you'd get here
  4. 2 points

    Am I too sensitive?

    Teens are pretty selfish.. they aren't concerned with our health just how much "fun" they have. I wouldn't worry much about those comments.. they don't understand the struggle especially if she is a size 3... You might remind your family that you would like to stay around for them and that is why you are trying to do something about your health... but once you start losing I am sure they will be happy for you.. My grandchildren who are teens noticed recently my 40 lb loss.. and they are really happy for me... hang in there..
  5. 1 point

    IMG 20130612 104606

    From the album: Untitled Album

  6. 1 point

    Before And after

    From the album: APPROVED :) Candace83

    Red shirt 2/14 Surgery Day Pink Shirt 2/20 1 week post op Blue Shirt - 3 months post op
  7. 1 point

    In the beginning

    June 12, 2013 Hi... Well, here I am, having been contemplating weight loss surgery for some time...years?...but always thinking I SHOULD be able to control my weight with the various "successful" at one time or another diets I have used, schemes, wishes, vows (some complete with oaths!), pleas to God, 12 step programs, diet pills that bind fat or magically work as in the recent coffee beans "plan" of action. Two days ago I attended an info session on weight loss surgery options at Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Massachusetts. My partner, Don, came with me. The presentation, by Dr. Dimitry Nepomnayshy was excellent...direct, funny at times and sobering too. Certainly none of the 3 options discussed would be easy; none would be a 'magic bullet', for sure. He made it clear that for anyone thinking the surgery would work without exercise (arghhh) they might just as well leave the room NOW. Same thing for having any lingering illusions that the surgery would work if one didn't make the correct choices around types and quantities of food after the surgery. The analogy of a 3 legged stool was powerful. I am thinking about my own history...diets without exercise...and/or little ongoing exercise and how the 3 legs or wheels work. A 3 wheeled bike...tricycle has stability and prevents a toddler from falling off the bike (and lots of us older people start riding BIG trikes for the same reason...) When I last rode my bike (a two wheeler!) last year I was a bit wobbly over rough areas and when traffic approached...if I were to stop the bike would tip over if I didn't balance by putting at least one foot on the ground. Yet when I dieted and didn't exercise eventually I fell off... it was hard to get up...hard to want to get up once I started eating. It was not as though I didn't know better...it was not that I had forgotten what worked for me...I would just simply want to stay in the food for awhile...since I had fallen I might as well stay where I was for "awhile". I will start tomorrow...or after the weekend...or after the wedding...or after the holidays...or after the summer...and then...before I reach 150 lb. again, which became 160, 175, 190, 200, 225...and now I can say "at least I am not 279 and 3/4 lb. again!!" Good grief. I need stability and the 3 legged stool or tricycle for stability is making sense. Can I commit and follow directions? I do think I can. I have dieted or followed my different food plans successfully a number of times through the years. More often though...most of the time...I would start the day well...and be in the food before the day was over...sometimes within minutes of my vow that "today is the day" and "this time will be different". In my 12 step program I once lost 140 lb. and got down to 139...which felt fabulous and I looked great. Moreover, I had such energy and loved how I looked in my size 6 petite dresses...not size 2X or some 3Xes. Once I bought a size 5X sweatshirt so it would be big and roomy, I thought. Well it is not healthy to be wearing a size 5X and rationalizing I had looked smaller because it didn't cling anywhere. It would have fit over my dishwasher and I thought it looked good on me because it felt good on me. I gave it away on my way down the scales...but later wished I had it back...when I was on my way up. All my life I have been either on the way down...or on my speeding train ride back up! Being the same weight the first day of Spring and fall would be just a coincidence, should it ever have actually occurred. The clothes in my closets go from size 4 (believe it or not) to size 3X. Out of date, out of style...no matter...I have saved so many things. Clothes that I thought were "fat" clothes on my way up...look tiny now, sixty some odd pounds heavier. Even half my shoes don't fit...and I have a lot of shoes. My feet gained weight and shoes can hurt! I have an appointment with my pcp this Friday to get his referral and support. Yesterday I called Lahey Clinic and have given them my information and have an appointment with a surgeon on June 27th. I am nervous but excited. I can visualize this extra weight off my body again. It is not going to be easy. It is not without risk...but it is risky whether I go back to my 12 step program or weight watchers ...and my history tells me that for some reason I will not be successful at losing enough to to try maintenance again. I am overweight enough to quality for insurance to cover my surgery. Statistics indicate that I have the best chance of recovering my body and vitality with a combination of correct diet in smaller portions, exercise and surgical help. I am 70 now. I don't think I can play around with obesity any longer before I start having serious health issues. Enough for today.
  8. 1 point
    Good luck. I am from Boston and had to have at least 3 visits with the dietitian before the insurance would allow the band. They were 1 month apart. Because of the hospital being taken over by a bigger one it took me 10 months for the surgery to happen and that was with getting pushed through the system. Every hospital is different with their requirements.
  9. 1 point
    ASKSARAH - Sleeve

    It works

    From the album: ITWORKS

  10. 1 point

    Post-Op VSG 19: Surgery!

    Before and after my VSG surgery. I can't believe it's DONE!!! http://youtu.be/UEKb6UsFhvg

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
