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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2013 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    am i reading this right

    so i weighted myself to see how much damage this stress has done along with me being off my game. first let me say i went to the gym and saw my personal trainer and ran a mile in a half after. then i came home took a shower got on the scale and to my surprise i had lost weight im down to 210 and i can wear a size 12 jeans. i didnt do as bad as i thought i did.
  2. 3 points

    6 weeks Post Op

    Hopefully the fact that the scale moved 2 weeks in a row means that the stall is over! It didn't move much, at least not compared to the first month but it's going down. So whatever speed it chooses to move is fine with me! I have been trying very hard to listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. Right now that's about 800-900 calories a day and I'm feeling really good. I have good energy and feel healthy! And my libido is in full swing (Hubby is loving the current hormones...LOL) I am trying to bump up my intentional exercise. I have plantar facietis so when I walk too much I am in alot of pain, so I'm trying to rotate between walking and riding my bike. (Just to give you a visual, I have a super fun green cruiser bike with big flowers and and a basket!!). Monday I rode 6 miles AND took my dog on a short walk (she's a sausage dog with short legs so she doesn't walk far Gonna shoot for the same thing today. I'm trying to figure out the whole gym thing. I want to join one mainly so I can swim but haven't decided if I can justify the money. Then I could alternate between walking, swimming and biking...Hey wait, that's almost like a triathalon...right??? Whoo-hoo Go Me!!! Heaviest Weight: 281 3/6/13 Surgery: 257 (-24) 3/13/13: 251 (-6) 3/20/13: 245 (-6) 3/28/13: 238 (-7) 4/3/13: 238 (-0) FIRST MONTH -19# 4/10/13: 237 (-1) 4/17/13: 235 (-2)
  3. 3 points
    Seriously??? Did that happen to ME?? Three co-workers called me skinny yesterday. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER, EVER, EVER been called skinny in my entire life. I am still trying to process the new me. It has taken some adjustments, especially trying to shop for clothes. I don't know what size to buy anymore---I find myself gravitating naturally toward the plus sizes. I still feel like and see myself as the fat girl, and it shocks the heck out of me to see a picture of myself. This is so bizarre, but totally bizarre in a wonderful, surreal way. I decided to have the sleeve for better health, and before the surgery, being thinner was not the biggest motivation for me. I have never been thin, and I had no plans or big ideas about what I would look like after losing weight; I just wanted to be healthy. I thought I was so prepared emotionally and mentally, but I just can't comprehend this new person I see in the mirror. I am very grateful that the weight is coming off, and having met my goal of being healthy has been great. But, I don't know how to deal with all of the attention I am getting. Part of me, of course, likes to hear the compliments. But, a great part of me is kind of embarrassed, shy, and feeling a bit overwhelmed with the questions: how are you doing this, give me some pointers, show me what you are doing, etc. Until I saw a recent picture of myself and compared it to my before picture, I just didn't realize the change in my body---I look in the mirror every day, so I don't see the changes as much. I have not shared how I am losing weight with a lot of people, so the questions of how I am losing weight is a bit difficult for me to answer. My standard answer on how I am losing weight is HARD WORK! I sometimes feel deceitful when people ask me how I am losing weight, but hard work it is!! I tell them I am on a high protein, low carb diet, and that I exercise at least 4 times a week. And that is the absolute truth! Does anyone else feel bad for not sharing the whole story when people ask you how you are losing weight?
  4. 3 points

    OMG, 3 people called me skinny yesterday!

    I have no regrets for keeping my surgery to myself. It truly is nobody's business. You still have to do serious hard work. There are people that have surgery and fail - regain all the weight they lost. They don't follow any diet plan. So just because a person has surgery does not mean they have done something wrong- it does not mean they should have something to hide. Your body is your business. Don't worry about co-workers. They won't be in your life forever. Right? And you do look fabulous. ENJOY it.
  5. 2 points

    5 days!!

    I have 5 days until my surgery!!!!! Im so anxious to have it done already...it feels as though this process has been sooo long!! I have finally realized something...I am on my liquid diet btw..yesterday I was talking to my fiancé and I asked him if I could cheat just a little on the diet...and he told me something that I now hear in my head every time I want to cheat.."You have cheated your whole life, its time to buckle down cause things are changing!!" Im blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life who supports my every move. I heard him and I thought to myself...he's so right, I have ate pizza at late hours with extra cheese, extra pepperoni, I have eaten out for days eating junk and greasy food, I drank pop whenever I wanted to and never thought about the consciences...but now is my chance to move forward to grow out of that to help myself in becoming the better ME I can be for my Fiancé and most of all for my DAUGHTER!! I don't want her to have to see me as a diabetic or with high blood pressure and have to worry about me taking pills or having to be on insulin..i want her to know me as active and healthy I want to chase her around and take her for walks and not feel out of breath because I jogged a little..These next 5 days cant come any faster!! I am so ready to start my Journey with the lapband
  6. 2 points
    My surgery is officially tomorrow and I got to meet with the surgeon today. He was really nice and the only thing im worried about is if I stuck to the atkins diet well enough to shrink my liver......I had a few slips and im most stressed about that. If he gets in there and cannot get to my stomach I will be devastated! Im not gonna think about the negative though, and im gonna just enjoy the process and know that im doing the right thing for myself! I got to meet other people today getting surgery this week and that was encouraging. Wish me luck, cannot believe its tomorrow already!!!
  7. 2 points

    Working on the New Me!

    Since this is my first entry, I will introduce myself. My name is Diane and I am married to a wonderful man named David who is also my pastor. I have 4 gorgeous children. My oldest son is 26 and married. They have given me the greatest gifts, GRANDCHILDREN! My grandchildren are 3 years old and twins who are 9 months old. They are such a blessing. My oldest daughter is 19 and is about to begin her 2nd year of college. She is beautiful and smart and is preparing to be a teacher. My youngest son will be attending college in the fall and His plans are to also become a teacher. He is probably the funniest guy around and can melt my heart in an instant! My youngest daughter is 16 and gorgeous. She loves sports and is a sophomore in High School. My children are all very active in church as well as our community. I am blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined! I began my Weight Loss Surgery journey in 2010. I worked for months trying to obtain a 5 year history. Like many who are overweight, I just didn't go to the Dr. It seemed that regardless of my symptoms, it was always linked to being overweight so I found it easier not to go. I do not recommend this to anyone! I began my journey with the nutritionist. I had to have a 6 month medically supervised weight loss and did this for 4 consecutive months. At my 5 month visit, my mother had an emergency with her heart and I rescheduled my visit. I wasn't able to keep the rescheduled visit either. I made an appointment for 2 weeks later than the original visit and my nutritionist informed me that I would have to begin the process all over. I can't begin to tell you how much fun that was! In the process of beginning again, my insurance changed and my new insurance would not approve WLS. I was devastated. I couldn't believe that God would bring me this far and not make a way. I tried not to give up but didn't really follow the plans set up by my nutritionist. In 2012, I got new insurance. This one would approve my surgery. My new insurance required a series of visits at the gym along with some other procedures. I worked diligently to get all of those things done. In January of 2013, I was done.. Or thought I was done! I went for my pre-op class, had a date set for Feb. Much to my dismay, I received a call from the insurance lady at my Dr and was told that I would have to do the 6 months medically supervised diet all over again because my insurance required it all be done in the same year. My faith in God really kept me from giving up through all of these hurdles! The day I received that call that I would have to begin again, I began to pray. I prayed and prayed and prayed! I don't think I slept through the night because I kept praying. At 9 am the next morning, the insurance lady called and said that my insurance's medical director had called her and said they had decided to go ahead and approve me. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!!!! I had Gastric Sleeve surgery the morning of March 8th. I was nervous as anyone would be but had a peace about it because I knew that God had paved the way for me to receive this tool! Surgery went better than expected! I was in very minimal pain. I was up walking within a few hours of surgery. I went home at noon the next day and never had to take pain meds. I was a little sore, but nothing unbearable. I have learned so many things throughout this journey and will be blogging here to share them, in case anyone can learn from my discoveries and mistakes! I'm an open book, so I don't mind anyone asking questions!
  8. 1 point

    How the heck do you know?

    Sorry to hear about heartless people. My MIL calls people like that having diarrhea of the mouth. When you can't think of something to say, say nothing and no feelings are hurt and you don't make an ass of your self or others. As for staying the same weight, that's me. I have been the same since the beginning of February. I go to the gym and try to be good but I have my "have to haves", restaurant breads, pizza and very dark chocolate and almonds. We are both thinner than we were so that is good. Have a wonderful Happy Hump Day.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I see you have the best blender. I have 2 of them. Just follow what ever your dietitian says and you should do fine. Take sips of water, you need the liquids. Good luck.

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