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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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patty do you mind me asking the ages of your kids? and did you require/need the assistance of the older children with the younger ones? if prying just say so.My children are 27,24,23,22,21,19,18,17,15 &13. The 24,22 & 21 year olds I didn't deliver myself, just raised. I can remember having 5 children all under the age of 6 at one time. My 2 oldest helped out with the younger ones sometimes, but I was a stay at home mom, who worked out of the home,and never needed day care. I rarely left my oldest with them so I could go out. I used to have a reg. babysitter that I used when we wanted to go out. I believed they were my responsibility to care for them and so I did.

i ask, because i think it's unfair (duggers included in this mix) to ask children to help in the raising of other children....i'm not even concerned if they "love" it - it's not fair, a kid gets one chance at being a kid...this of course is MO.Having to take part in the every day things in a family like caring for a younger sibling or doing chores or even paying room and board when you turn 18 is a great thing for all children to be a part of. It fosters family loyalty, responsibility, and love. While raising 10 children, none of my other children 'raised' any of the others. We all helped one another with everything around here and noone felt it was unfair. When you have that many people in a home, you teach them how to fend for themselves when it comes to most things, like washing laundry. My kids were 5 years old when they learned how to use the machine and even younger when they learned how to clean up a spill. In a family of just 3 or 4 say, mom would usually do everything herself. This is ok, too.

my mom wanted MANY more kids than she had - but realized she wanted special time w/each. i tease my eldest brother who i say has his hands full with just 5 and who could afford to have another 5 and would LIKE another 5, however his wife is in her suburban as is from 630am - 8pm at night. none of them have special needs - but are each involved in one sport & one music class yr round. they like being busy w/kids - they are fine of sacrifices of a nicer home, nicer car, and vacations on my ranch vs the riveria.

i'm concerned that the with that many kids & lack of resouces (not money - but help) her children WILL suffer, not if - WILL. all her love, and i have no doubt she loves them - will be able to nuture these children properly.....and no dad in the picture creates an even greater hardship.

They may 'suffer' as you say for the first 2 years of the octuplets life because mom will need to give all her time to the infants (at least the first year), but they will begin to love their new siblings just like they love their 5 other siblings and I hope they grow to be a happy family. I agree with you that not having a dad in the picture is the worse of it all. (here you can see where if mankind would follow God's laws for marriage and family how there wouldn't be any problems)

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[/b]Personally' date=' I hope CPS camps on her doorstep to assure that those babies are watched and cared for properly, and by babies I mean all 14 of them.[/b']

I have not called her names---though several come to mind!!! Selfish is not a name it is a condition, and one she suffers from tremendously!


i (((heart))) kat!!!

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They may 'suffer' as you say for the first 2 years of the octuplets life because mom will need to give all her time to the infants (at least the first year),

isn't that though patty, a really important time in a child's life?

she's cheating them & that's just truly sad.

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Carrie, there's no reasoning with the unreasonable. And every thread she's on gets overrun by and made about her.

Oh brother! If that's true it is probably because I don't always go with the flow of the way most people think on issues.

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isn't that though patty, a really important time in a child's life?

she's cheating them & that's just truly sad.

That is true. She will have to 'cheat' them. But I don't feel it will be all that detrimental to their well being.

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Taxpayers may have to cover octuplet mom's costs

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A big share of the financial burden of raising Nadya Suleman's 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.

Could fall, hell it already has fallen upon us Californians with Octo-Mom collecting food stamps and other services for her 6 older children.

Really, it just infuriates:cursing: me to no end that Octo-Mom cannot afford the 6 she has already and now there are 8 more. Where is CPS???? Mom is not able to take care of her 6 kids at home and one has to wonder how she is going to manage 8 preemies and all their health care issues.

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Were 8 of your 10 infants all at the same time, the same age?

Let's say she does find daycare for those 8 kids all day, and the twins all day, and the others after school. That will be in the neighborhood of say 3 grand a month with family discounts if it is at all similar to rates here in NM. A single child in full time day care is $400.00 a month. She will have 10 in full time, and 4 part time. So that is well over a thousand a month discount.

She is in school all day, away from the kids. Then when she comes home, at say 5 PM---there is dinner to cook for 15. And don't forget, the infants cannot feed themselves yet. So that eats up a couple of hours. So it is now at least 7 PM, and you have 15 people needing baths to get ready for bed. Once again, the infants cannot bathe themselves yet....for that matter most of the kids in the ages she has them, need help shampooing their hair, combing out the tangles etc. And there is not enough of an age range for the older ones to help with the younger ones....so it is up to her. Time to lather on lotion and cuddle and bond with each of them? When?

So if you have an assembly line in baths, and figure 10 minutes a piece, then you have spent over 2 hours on baths. And good luck getting a 6 year old in and out in 10 minutes!

So it is now after 9

Don't forget laundry is having to be done. Dinner dishes done. Floors vaccuumed--there are afterall a LOT of kids on that floor. BUT....most of them cannot be bathing alone! So nothing but baths are getting done during that time. All the other household chores must wait until after bed time.

Now it is 9 and you are putting 14 kids to bed. Infants do not usually just get laid in their cribs and drift off. How do you rock 8 babies? Read to 6 other kids? Get countless drinks of Water?

Ok, it is somewhere around 10, and she is trying to study between crying babies, changing loads of laundry, paying bills, ordering some clothes for the kids online, because how do you take that many kids shopping? Dishwasher is finished, time to put them away, and prepare things for the next morning, because you have to get up at 5 to get showered and ready for school, then wake up 14 kids, change minimally 8 diapers, and feed them all Breakfast, and get them all dressed, faces clean, hair and teeth brushed and to school or daycare.....then get to school herself.....with none of her homework or studying done, there was not time. When school lets out, she might have a few minutes to study before having to pick up all the kids, but nope, she has to hit the grocery store! And has to go get the 4 year old for a speech class, and take the oldest to the dentist. Just as examples, there is a steady array of errands for an average family on an average day, and NOTHING about this is average.

Then it starts all over.

You have repeated her saying she will give 100% of herself to her kids......

WHEN does she give 100% to any of them? She may (and I stress the MAY) be giving 100% ---but no one, is getting 100%. Those are innocent children who deserve time with someone who loves them. To have diapers changed regularly, and cuddle time with feedings, not a propped up bottle, stories read, and just time to rock on their lap, or to listen when they tell stories, to build blocks with, or play dolls with. They all need a Mommy--and there is simply not enough Mommy to go around.

In your case, and in the Duggars case, there are/were older kids and younger kids, and husbands to help out. She made this decision -- even if it was to only have one more already knowing she was not providing for her existing children on her own. That SHOWS she is not mentally stable enough to do this with 8--------let alone 14. The things she says ---- planning to raise a family on student loans? That is not feasible! Nor in my opinion should it be legal--------there are lots of people out there that want to use that money to actually go to school, and people like this make it impossible.

If she had said she plans to prostitute herself and her children out to the tabloids to support herself.....THEN she would be looking at things honestly!

More power to her! I personally believe this is why she did it in the first place. That and state $$$$$. Disability payments on a child with a speech delay? Wonder how many hours she spent obtaining that??? I have a grandson with a speech delay---they receive no money, she spends hours with him and they TALK--he is almost 3 now and catching up...slowly but surely. WITHOUT government money----instead a parents time and love.

At least if she wrote a book or sold her story to People or whoever then SHE would be supporting them not the taxpayers--who had zero to say about her CHOOSING to have multiple kids.

This is a scenario that simply does not work. Yes she says she is going to have help from family and friends. And she currently has compassionate moms bringing breast milk to her babies----but that is not doing it on her own, as she repeatedly states she will do.

Sure some friends and family might help----for the kids, but for how long are they going to be able to disrupt their own average size families to help out someone who made a selfish decision? Then what? Pay someone to help? She cannot make enough money working to do that. She is going to HAVE to sell her story, but so be it--------let her! Let her support herself. And those like you, who feel she is deserving can send her $$$. Personally, I hope CPS camps on her doorstep to assure that those babies are watched and cared for properly, and by babies I mean all 14 of them.

I have not called her names---though several come to mind!!! Selfish is not a name it is a condition, and one she suffers from tremendously!


I <heart> Kat and this response!!!!

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My children are 27,24,23,22,21,19,18,17,15 &13. The 24,22 & 21 year olds I didn't deliver myself, just raised. I can remember having 5 children all under the age of 6 at one time. My 2 oldest helped out with the younger ones sometimes, but I was a stay at home mom, who worked out of the home,and never needed day care. I rarely left my oldest with them so I could go out. I used to have a reg. babysitter that I used when we wanted to go out. I believed they were my responsibility to care for them and so I did.

I'm guessing you had the luxury/benefit of being a stay-at-home mom because YOUR SPOUSE WAS WORKING. This woman doesn't have that. As for her family, her father went back to Iran to maybe raise money, and her mom is at her wit's end.

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Oh brother! If that's true it is probably because I don't always go with the flow of the way most people think on issues.

You don't even use deductive reasoning or common sense, based on what you have here. It's like you post and all I hear is Kumbaya in the background, but the content of what you say is as fluffy as cotton candy -- no substance. What you say she "can" do is not realistic even giving her the slightest benefit of the doubt.

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California day care centers that are licensed charge around $800 per kid for full-time care. I hear more co-workes talking about it all the time as they struggle to pay the fees.

Here is an article from 2006 with some old stats on day care costs.

High costs of child care can lead to lifestyle changes, adjustments - USATODAY.com

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i would just like to thank the creative team behind the blackberry storm, for the technology which allows me to read LBT on the treadmill & those posting here this AM for good reading...i walked a bit longer!:biggrin:


Lulu your cracking me up LOL:biggrin:

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I agree with you that not having a dad in the picture is the worse of it all. (here you can see where if mankind would follow God's laws for marriage and family how there wouldn't be any problems)

Not having a dad in the picture is the worse of all. Are you off your rocker? How about having more kids when you are not able to take care of the 6 you already have being the worse of all???

And how many times are you going to evoke God's name and His will into this sick twisted story? Pattygreen are you dipping into the wholly Water or what, because again your arguments are weak and unrealistic.

Read Kats post and do the math. She cannot provide 100% of herself to each child. And she does not have the financial means to support her children.

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They may 'suffer' as you say for the first 2 years of the octuplets life because mom will need to give all her time to the infants (at least the first year), but they will begin to love their new siblings just like they love their 5 other siblings and I hope they grow to be a happy family. I agree with you that not having a dad in the picture is the worse of it all. (here you can see where if mankind would follow God's laws for marriage and family how there wouldn't be any problems)

Do you use the 'logic' (and I use that term loosely) of God for everything? That must be the reason that hardly anything you say makes any sense (to me). Oct-mom is a trainwreck and has no right, god given or not, to procreate to a point where she and her children are a burden to society. That is what she is, a burden. From every moment they spend in ICU to every moment they reap in the pell grants in college they will be using up someones resources all because mom could not get a freaking grip on reality. Imagine the therapy bills in that household, to top it off. THose kids are all going to get the shaft because there is not enough minutes in the day to hold them, cuddle, them, and tend to ALL of their needs.

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Do you use the 'logic' (and I use that term loosely) of God for everything? That must be the reason that hardly anything you say makes any sense (to me).

If God had wanted her to have children, they wouldn't have been made in a petri dish. She went against God's will, and now she is being villianized (as she should be) by the general public.

This was HER will, not God's will.

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Did anyone see the story just now on Fox News? The mom of the octuplets is now on permanent disability because of her injuries from the mental hospital uprising. She worked there at the time and was injured. Wow? As physically stressing as pregnancy is, let alone carrying 8, how does someone so disabled they cannot work get through that? Or how does someone so disabled be considered for invitro? My sister-in-law was put through a bunch of medical tests and screening to be sure it was an appropriate option for her, Healthwise. I just don't understand how this can happen in this day and age.

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