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Hey All...no time to post tonight but just wanted to let you know we just got home from DH's appt and things are OK. Just going to follow up with re-tests. Exam showed no abnormalties like the blood work showed. So for now just going to keep an eye on it all and see how the numbers are. Thanks to all. I have been feeling so horrible lately for posting mostly the negatives in our lives right now. Well, on this thread you always know there is support no matter what and I thank you for that. Will try to get on later but lots going on tonight so maybe not. Sending the love

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Gonna just post this....the reason we are so "busy" at our house is that we have some kind of bug we both came down with on the way to doctor. We couldn't get home fast enough. I think we have Cheri's "Fart Flu" that she had a few weeks ago. Not a good things. We are making sure we are nowhere close to any open flames

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Melissa, sounds like the new job is going pretty well. I hope you are happy there even if the work is hard.


Eva - I really do like it and the hard work keeps me busy so I am not bored and not eating cause I am not bored like my last job

Gonna just post this....the reason we are so "busy" at our house is that we have some kind of bug we both came down with on the way to doctor. We couldn't get home fast enough. I think we have Cheri's "Fart Flu" that she had a few weeks ago. Not a good things. We are making sure we are nowhere close to any open flames

Apples - I am sorry you both don't feel well but your comment was funny.

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Hi all.,

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Thank you everyone for all your beutiful cards and wishes!!! Dassi has appropriated all the cards as she has never seen such beutiful cards in our house before....hmm. So she is admiring all of them and has promptly put them on top of her card collection!!

Thank you....

Um....I really would like to have gotten cards out to all of you..however....I would not be a very good person if I lied and said I will....because I wont....Im not good about sending anything out at all....not bday cards, not wedding cards, not anything....if I cant hand it to you....its really not happening....so I will have to see each and every one of yous....to give you your own personal card at that time!!! And that is a promise.

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend...with family and friends. You should gather together and thank god...for being together and able to spend such a wonderful time together....for those who cant be with loved ones at this time....make sure you call and say...I love you and how much they mean to you.

Enjoy all the festivities and dont eat so much junk!!! NO fruit CAKE!

Ive been extremely busy working on some new programs for several new children for our ABA program. Since the workshp have been bombarded with teachers calling all day with questions regarding the program as well...so not a moment to spare. So sorry....

went to surgeon today and.....I was suprised that I am 145 and did not gain weight over the last two weeks....since beng sick and no gym last week and not eating great...and getting stuck....thought for sure id gained some pounds...but nope didnt. Yea. I guess even though i wasnt great....I really wasnt all that bad as I thought...I was watching though sooo I guess that helped.

Well....I must go to sleep. Wanted to get that Christmas Wish out to everyone before people departed on to their destinations!



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Apples (((Huggs))) on DH being ok. I hope you get over the crud soon. When you feel bad think about hubby being ok and that will put a smile on your face.:)

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Cheri's fart Flu. ROTFLMAO. Poor you. I went and got some enzymes to restore some sanity to my system. Helped a lot with the smell. I now keep a can of Lysol to spray in my classroom. I probably could have powered a small city with the methane I produced. I know I cut loose in the car on the way home from school. My husband got in my car a few hours later and came back in the house sputtering about the stink. I think that the inability to throw up much or burp because of the band forces everything out the other end giving it more time to decay to perfection.

Arlene, I hear you on the love but not always like. I'm sure my DH dislikes me intensely at times. He was so mad at me for waking him up after only 5 hrs of sleep (he works nights) when I returned during mid'afternoon from my mom's with two grandchildren along with my son who was working on our bathroom that he bundled himself up and took a blanket and tried to go to sleep in the car in the garage (not with the engine running) when it was in the teens outside. Asked him how that worked out for him and he laughed and said he was too mad to sleep.So I told him it was probably better that he'd taken his mad outside. My son and i had all we could do not to bust up laughing when he went out there. Tim was incredulous when i told him why I thought he'd gone outside. But I know my DH quite well and knew he was doing his passive-aggressive thing trying to make me feel guilty. Doesn't work anymore cause I gave up guilt for Lent. LOL He only ends up punishing himself.

By the way, Janet, I just wanted to thank you for commenting on how glad you are that I joined this thread. I'm glad I joined, too, and I wanted to thank you for starting it and for keeping it going for so long. I think its an inspiration for many.


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Apples, so sorry you feel so puny, but glad the news was positive for DH. My DH has had a high level before.....don't know why. Take care!

Cheri, yeah, doesn't that passive- aggressive crap just PO you? My DH is like that......after 41 years I don't care. Sometimes he can jerk my chain and I flinch, but then I just call him "old fart" under my breath. lol

Jodi, I'm not finished mailing cards. Dassi may get scared when she sees mine......it is a picture of us...lol Wow, 145.....AWESOME!!!!

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Apples (((Huggs))) on DH being ok. I hope you get over the crud soon. When you feel bad think about hubby being ok and that will put a smile on your face.:)

Sandi...not really complaining. We have not had a virus between the two of us for such a long time. My immune system must be the best it can be cuz I think it's been 6-7 yrs since feeling anything close to having a bug. This is actually pretty mild (kind of) and just annoying. We are VERY relieved that specialist felt comfortable with just numbers recheck. With everything we have had going on lately, those high numbers just made the worries seem worse.

Hey Jodi...good to hear from you and cute that Dazzi is facenated by the cards. Hey....don't worry about not sending cards. This is a guilt-free thread. Tell me.....what do you do during the Christmas holidays?

Eva...unbelievable the number of cards you make and send out. I loved the one I got from you. Lots of work but doing things like that can be sooooo rewarding. I used to make all of our cards. Need to get back into that again....I truly enjoyed it. AZ is looking better every day. So much snow and cold already this winter. DS and DH spent all of yesterday morning up on the roof removing snow so that it would not do damage to our roof. Had to medicate Tanker as he thought it was thunder and went nuts. Poor baby. You are just going to fall in love with him as I am sure I will Glimmer. If it works for you, let's take a couple of days and drive out west...I'll drive. Nothing like inviting ourselves.

Laura....Have the best Christmas EVER. I could hardly get through your post. I know exactly what you are thinking and feeling. Went through that with "Mom"....but you know what? She was around for quite a few more holidays. Point is...live in the moment. Be you.....that's what mom and dad are relying on. Love you.

Going out for a Christmas lunch with youngest DS tomorrow and looking forward to it. Unable to be with us for Christmas so going to make the most of it. coffee with a friend early in the morning and then have about an hour drive to meet him for lunch. We spend the day with "Mom's" family on Christmas Eve. Usually get there about 11am and stay till 11pm. It's always the best day of the year. Lots of little ones and a new baby this year. They serve oyster stew for lunch (Blech) and I usually make a stew or chicken chili or something like that. My family is not into oyster stew. Anyone have a one pot wonder that I could make that would be different than what I have made in the past years? I was tempted to make my fish stew (DH says it's to die for and I really love it also). Any ideas?

As you can notice, I didn't take notes and can barely remember what was said in posts the last couple of days. But, no guilt.

Phyll...there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home. So happy DH made it to WA. Enjoy the family.

I imagine Great has left home by now. Lori...hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Enjoy this special time with your pregnant DD. I am so looking forward to the day of looking forward to a grand anything. I'll even be satisfied with a grandpuppy if that's all the boys can muster.

I gotta get some photos taken tomorrow of the Christmas house (mine) and share them with you. But, worries me that Laura could not post a photo and no one had advice on how to do it. I have posted since the update...have things changed?????

I have a question for all......and, since we have not had a "Topic of the Day" on the thread for quite some time the question is: If you could change one thing in this world of ours, what would it be? Mine would be that there would never be a child that would ever have to suffer the affects of being born into poverty, abuse or neglect.

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Cheri...funny story about DH going to the car. I am more than happy to have a DH that is the farthest thing from passive/aggressive. But it's a well known fact in our house....he could sleep hanging on a nail. Nothing can wake him. Your DH must be a person that is on edge. Mine is the most calm person I know. Probably a good thing with me being on the other side of the scale. Somehow I just knew you would have something to add to my "Fart Flu" story.

And, I must have missed Janet's post on being happy you joined the thread. Gotta tell you...me too. I have learned so much. You are a walking medical dictionary at times and I am facinated with the extent of your knowledge. Heck, I don't have to do any research...just wait for a post from Cheri. Whatever Janet said about being happy to have you on the thread...I ditto that.

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Thanks Apples. You know I love you and your posts.

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Hi all, couldn't sleep, so got back up -- need to connect with all of you!

First off, the cards have been truly wonderful -- Eva, loved your card -- so beautiful. And Janet, your card really was the perfect card for you to send - very Janet-y. Thanks to all of you for all the lovely cards, enjoying them all very much.

Arlene, hung my Texas snowman on my tree -- I think of you everytime I walk by and see it -- love it. As to your question -- my tree is always done in all my ornaments -- I have been collecting them since I got married the first time (40 years ago) and because I've moved so much I treasure them because they were given to me by many friends all around the country that I remember each time I put the tree up -- many I've lost touch with unfortunately. I also have ornaments from when all the kids were litle (first Christmas, etc. Many ornaments my Mom gave me that I treasure. So my tree is a memory tree -- and I really should get two trees cause I have enough ornaments for two -- it's very heavily ladened. I never color coordinate any of it.

Had a little Christmas party tonight with the night shift operators at work -- it was fun -- I only work with them an hour every night but enjoyed spending a little extra time - this week we are very slow -- we have a special project we are working on to keep us busy, but aren't getting many calls from customers. After work we took Merry and drove around looking at the lights -- since it was a mild winter for us a lot of people really did a nice job of decorating the outside of their homes. We hadn't done that in several years and really enjoyed it.

Supposed to get a nice Christmas snow storm -- just snow, no ice or wind -- supposed to start tomorrow night and continue through Friday -- love having a beautiful white Christmas (especially when I don't have to be anywhere).

Off tomorrow but have lots of errands to run - need to play Santa and deliver some goodies to special people -- have about 6 stops to make. Have to hit the gym first and then errands then nails and grocery store and should be done. Have a few presents to put in bags (I hate wrapping and love bags - usually buy them at the day after Christmas sales).

Looking forward to a few days off to just relax and enjoy -- making ham dinner for Saturday. Yes, Arlene, the potatoes I make are the same as your "funeral" potatoes.

Chris, glad to hear your dad is doing better -- he probably didn't mean to flash -- probably the drugs.

Laura, I know exactly how you feel -- had the same thing with my Mom -- it's tough but like your DH said you never know for sure what is going to happen. Your mom and dad will have a wonderful time and I know you'll do everything just perfectly -- hope you take time to sit and soak it all in as well.

Eva, for someone who doesn't think she's much of a hostess you sure have a lot of company for dinneres, etc. I bet you're a fantastic hostess -- I think all of us entertain more casually now than we did 20 years ago - I know I do -- I seldom serve sit down any more -- usually buffet style. I think our entire culture has gotten more casual -- in some ways it's a good thing. Although I miss the more formal days too sometime.

Apples, happy to hear you had a good report on DH. That was the best Christmas present!! So happy for you both. Bet you can't wait to hit the road for AZ. Enjoy lunch with DS tomorrow.

Lori, thinking of you -- know you're in Denver - hoping you have a wonderful holiday with your kids and grandma. How did DH like all his gifts? You made out in the present department. Enjoy your shopping after Christmas.

Had my appt. today with vein specialist. Had an ultrasound on both legs. i don't have varicose veins -- she says my arteries and veins are in great shape -- my blood pressure was 110 over 64. Wow, it just keeps getting better and better. She suggested I buy some compression stockings for my leg pain -- she gave me a website to order some that come in fashionable colors/styles and says they are reasonable. She thinks if I wear them at work my pain at night will start to ebb, so good news all around.

Joyce, glad your knees will heal with some rest -- what a relief. You might check with the aquatic director at your facikity and see if they have a Water aerobics class that is geared more for people with limitations like ours -- just getting in the Water and walking or treading water is terrific exercise and the stretching is so good and makes me feel great.

LauraK, hope you're feeling better -- enjoy the holidays with your DS and DD.

Cheri -- congrats on finishing up your project -- glad you got it all figured out. I thought of you when I watched the news about the choir in Compton too.

Tina - I had lots of worries pre banding -- even as they were putting my IV in my arm the morning of surgery I was tempted to get up and run out of the hospital cause I was so uncertain I was doing the right thing. If you've done the research and understand that the band is only a tool (not a miracle cure) and that you have to make lifestyle changes, you will look back on it as the best thing you ever did for yourself. My only regret is that I didn't do it years earlier. Do you watch the Biggest Loser on TV? If you do, remember how quickly the contestants go off their meds and how quickly they turn their health around? It's pretty comparable to those of us who have had weight loss surgery -- most of us see huge improvements in our overall health in a few short months. I got the band cause I wanted to live and not die an early death -- I want to be around to see my GD grow up. I think it's perfectly normal to be nervous and worried about our decision to be banded.

Julie, so happy you've been doing better with the pain issues - hope it continues -- that's wonderful. I know you'll have a wonderful holiday with your family.

Apples, if I could change anything in the world, I'd have to say I'd like to see an end to pain and suffering, There's a long list, but I'd have to put that near the top - so many people suffer in our world - so sad.

Meredith, Merry Christmas - hope you and Andrew are feeling better. So sorry about your neice doggy -- omg I understand and I fully relate -- so sorry this is happening now at this time of the year -- it's hard regardless, but especially now. So sorry.

Arlene, you are such a trooper -- you who did shakes for three months. It's hard, but you are a strong strong woman -- look at what you've accomplished - you're the little engine that CAN -- so just keep doing it every day. Love you -- glad to hear Dr. Davis is going to do a new show -- watching these types of shows really helps to motivate me and keep me on track.

Sandy, loved what your trainer did for you -- plus, it was TRUE you were the most improved -- wow -- just look at what you've accomplished this year -- we all need to stop and reaffirm all the positive things we've accomplished this year -- whether it be eating healthier, exercising more, etc. just tell ourselves how much we love our new healthy lives!!

Phyl, glad you and Earl made it safely home (and didn't kill each other). Zoey must be excited to discover that home still exists -- I can just see her running around the house. Enjoy your Christmas with your family.

Jodi, thanks for the lovely Christmas wishes. Sorry to hear it didn't work out well with Jeff -- but so happy you are wise enough to see the flaws and not put yourself and Dassi in a bad position. I know you'd hoped he'd changed, unfortunately it usually doesn't happen, sad but true. You'll meet someone wonderful -- and you'll be so glad you're available when that happens. Whatever happened to that summer guy you spent time with this summer at your vacation place? Ever hear from him?

Well, gotta try to get some sleep -- just wanted to say hi and Merry christmas to you all. Love you all.


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Pam, glad to see you post -- Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you too -- hope you'll be back more often.


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Good Morning Gang

Has 2 gym classes last night didn't get home til 7:45 - so just didn't have time to post.. Has a couple more gift bags to stuff ;0)

Jodi -WTG Congrat !!!!! I'm not always good about getting stuff in the mail - like Apple said - guilt free thread..

Linda - I guess you couldn't sleep ;0) - I had no problem after 2 gym classes ;0) - Ya I thought my card was pretty much me lol that's why I bought them - I like cards that are a little bit more Christmassy

Laura - Hugs enjoy each day that you have w/the family...

Apples - Hope your Xmas lunch w/DS goes well and you feel better..

Cheri - I am glad you joined and stuck around - You have so much knowledge to share and are so good at explaining it ....

Well still gotta hit my #7 thread and then get ready for work - hopefully will be off around 2 ...

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If I could eliminate one thing from the world it would be cancer. I hope and pray that I will see it in my lifetime. Such a devastating illness.

Thanks for the idea of the day. It is good to get us thinking.

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