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Have a safe trip Apples! We miss you when you are gone. Enjoy the solitude at the lake place and relax after all you've been through this week.

Cheri, WTG on tossing the candy! I can hear your roar!

Julie, WTG to you on attempting some exercise. It doesn't matter how much you can do, just that you do what you are able. I know that was a big step for you and am so proud of you.

Had my hair appt. it was okay, I did make another one in 5 or 6 weeks to try her again. Not sure about the cut but too early to tell until I was and style it myself. It was supposed to be a trim and shaping up so we shall see.

After my hair I called around and finally found a DroidX phone so off to that costco I went and exchanged my Droid for the DRoidX, now I gotta figure it out! I went with Verizon since I wasn't too happy with TMobile, but I kept my Colorado phone number so it's a local call for my kids and grandma to call me from there.

Just had my hair appointment too, but I think it's a little too red. I really don't want red hair, but we'll see in a day or two. I have Verizon too. You can call my cell for free!! You can call any Verizon mobile for free...it's a deal. Let me know how you like the DroidX...DH is thinking of changing when our two years are up in September.

No regular exercise today, but I walked this morning quite a bit for work. Too much stopping and starting, but lots of out in the heat and sweating time, no sitting. Had hair appointment after work then date night.

Now I'm tired and it's time to sleep again.

Sorry to hear about Apples. Dang, she's on a negative cycle right now but we know she will bounce back.

Okay, off to sleep. I really hoping for some down time again this weekend. Ugg.


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Janet, I walked 5 miles last night, after my board meeting. I was talking to DD and she was looking up humidity in NV 5% then looked up Mi 76% and this was at 10:00 p.m. our time. It had already dropped some. So sweat I am was my name. lol

We have a rail trail here that I have been walking on. It is 9.5 miles long, can bike, walk, roller blade anything non-motorized. It's been really stupid of me not to use it until now.

Joyce, how was Lady Gaga. I would love to see her.

Apples, hugs sent your way.

Cheri, good job on throwing away that candy.< /p>

Laura, Nels is a lucky little boy that's for sure.

Phyl, take care of your back.

Well better get to work.


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Good Morning Peeps

Apples thoughts are with you...

Not much to report - dinner - lamb chops & butternut squash - sf vanilla ice cream cone - graham cracker and Peanut Butter 2 and glass of milk ;0)

Eva - your work walking is moving so I say that counts a little bit :blushing: - better than sitting at a desk all day..

I go Saturday for my hair cut - I color my own ..

Well another day another dollar - but at least I don't work on friday - FF

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Karen so sorry for you and your families loss. Will have you and them in prayers.

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Morning....................... goodness, Apples..... you are on a negative roll right now.... Best to roll wit the punches,but a gal can only take so much.... Hugs to you and just try to relax at the lake now when you can...

I was up til after 3:00 again.... Pain just won't let go... to many meds again so I'm still so groggy this morning... I have an MRI of my shoulder today so off to Bismarck I go..... Eva, you asked how far it was to Bismarck..... It's 36 miles from my house to the outskirts of Bismarck... I usually allow myself 45 minutes to make an appointment on time....

Jessica, glad you are back again.... Poor Jacob..... Hope he continues to improve so he can have a fun school year.... and you will be fine.... You've done so well in school s far... No reason to think that will change..... We have lots of faith in you.....

I threw away some food yesterday, too, that was bothering me.... brownies and cookies.... DH won't even miss them.... Not as long as he has his peanuts to munch on.... I've been more careful lately and my weight is coming back down slowly.... Wish I could hurry it along , but I'll take what I can get......

Oh, Karen, my mayo appointment is on September.... the 9th is correct... So I've got some bad days ahead yet...

Well better go get dressed and ready to leave.... Don't know if I'm up to any shopping today or not... We'll see how the shoulder is after the MRI.... It's aching now, but I haven't taken my meds yet.....

You all have a great day..... Happy exercising.... Julie

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Oh, Apples, prayers going your way! I hope you rest and heal fast. Love ya!

Well, Janet last night almost kicked my butt. DH wanted to leave while the sun was up.....weather was in the 90's. Then we went on the school track so he was moving a lot faster and I felt like I had to keep up. Anyway, I didn't get out of breath, but I did get a little dizzy. I was looking up and down wearing my bifocal sunglasses. Not good. I rested a few minutes and then was able to walk home. I am going late tonight. The humidity is 86 and weather is in high 90's so we are under a heat advisory. I walked at 6am this morning and my clothes were soaked. Let's just hope I lost a lb today. I am getting ready to go to my mother's and then on to nutrition class. I made my mother chicken enchilada, chicken salad, and DH made Navy Beans. She is so excited when I bring her food. She gets tired of eating at the retirement place.

Eva, you get plenty of exercise just gardening.

Julie, I hope the MRI goes well.

Laurak....wow, I wish I could walk five miles. One day!

Lori, thanks for letting us know about Apples.

Okay, I am off.... gotta go across Houston.....will check in tonight.

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Good morning, just about ready to leave for the gym. Going to try a sculpting class today actually after my successful class on Monday, though I am sore from that one still.

Jessica, I'm with Janet, but probably my age as well. Didn't like the pink hair, glad you are back to your beautiful blonde now. You did so well in school last time I am sure you will do great. Don't listen to the naysayers.

Eva, so far I am really liking the DroidX, it's just taking this old broad a bit to learn it. I can do the basics like text, phone call, email and Facebook on it, it's all teh extra stuff that I really didn't want or need but came iwth it. Also, somehow I have all my Facebook contacts in my contact list so to look up someone's number takes forever. I really don't need all those on my phone but when I try to delete them it says I need to delete them from FB and I don't want to delete the friends entirely, just don't want say someone I went to HS with 30 yrs ago and never call to be in my phone number list. When I go to Denver next I'll get my son to help me set it up better.

Karen, if you see this, am thinking of you this morning as you go back to the clinic to get your arm set or fitted or whatever. Hope the swelling has gone down.

Julie, hope they find something easy to fix on the MRI and you get some answers onyour shoulder.

LauraK, we've been more humid than normal and I'm not liking it. They keep talking about the monsoons coming up from Arizona, I never thought of AZ having monsoons thought it was desert?

Well better get my butt in gear and to the gym. UGH! Still not liking it!

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To all exercisers - Please make sure you take plenty of Water w/you when exercising - Also.. You need to hydrate BEFORE you exercise - this is important - especially for all those sweaters out there - Make sure you get your eletrictorlites (sp) Smart Water has them..

WTG Gang I am really glad to see everyone getting into the groove..

Great-Have fun at class let us know how it goes and you will start liking it - the more you do it - it's a great confidence booster - Last night at boot camp I was using the 10 lbs weight for our arm exercises - I had 2 pple (instructors) who said WTG - Great for the ego... And yes I have a little one ;0)

- Friday is my Furlough day - just cking out the schedule at 24 hr fitness - I may go to spin at 9 - we will see no promises. Heck I'm already exercising 5 times a week ..

Julie - Safe Drive... Hugs on your pain

Well gotta get to work - cbl

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Apples~ (or if anyone talks to Karen) Get a John Deere Green waterproof cast like Nelson had! You can still shower and get it wet! What bone did she break? Goodness gracious- enough is enough! We are going to wrap you in bubble wrap from now on!:unsure:

Julie~ WTG on throwing out the food. I had to do that too with some chocolate DH bought. Luckily I don't like most of the "snacks" Nelson has (goldfish, gummies, fruit rollups, entenmann's CC mini muffins, pretzels, pushups & popsicles) They could sit in front of me all day- zero desire.

Lori~WTG on the PJ defense! I like that one. : ) I read your comment to someone about steroid epidural. (missed the posting about that). As a general rule, weight gain is NOT a side effect from Steroid epidurals. It works locally and is injected into the epidural space. It has a very low risk for having the side effects of systemic steroids (pills or injection just into the muscle or trigger points). The systemic (not epidural) can cause increase in blood sugar and hunger- which will lead to overeating. One reason people who have had Steroid epidurals say they gained weigh is usually b/c of limited/no activity/exercise b/c of the initial pain. And as Julie can tell you, chronic pain and the subsequent anxiety and depression it can cause can lead a person to stop exercising and start overeating. Hope that helps. : ) My mom is having back pain- 2 months now with meds and PT not working. She is going to pain MD today and will likely get a steroid epidural. If they screw around any longer I will bring her down here and get one of DH's partners to do it. Losing my patients with her drs. (sooooo tough to communicate with them when you aren't there). Oh, and congrats on DS getting promo!!!

LauraK~ wow- 5 miles! awesome! Keep up the great work! Thanks for the compliment re: Nels. : )

Eva~ your work is so hot and strenuous. Hope the weekend will recharge you. : ) How was date night, where did you go? Post the red hair! I go on tuesday so I will look "young" for my trip. This will be the first time Nels sees me getting my hair "painted", usually I go while he is at camp/school but just didn't work out. I remember going with my mom when I was young. Of course back then it was for wash and poofing it out and curlers, then she wouldn't wash it for days. Memories.

Jessica~ Glad u are back on meds. As you know, the side effects will gradually get better. It will be fine by the time classes start and you will be glad you went back on. Did you try looking for a used stethoscope on ebay? What kind do they want you to have, Litmmann cardiology II? I still use my very first one I got in nursing school. The tube and other soft pieces can be updated for cheap. They are worth it and the sound is outstanding. I know Amazon usually has good prices too. Search online, most of the med supply places have free shipping too. It's a good investment. I think you will do great! It's a perfect profession to have as a mom. When you start working they have such flexible hours and pay is great. I LOVE being a nurse. You should do a profession that you are passionate about- I always said I would do it for free (and i did when I volunteered in the Peace Corps!) I also volunteer here in the free clinic, we are on a rotating schedule, so my name comes up every 6 weeks or so. You will never regret getting your degree. Are you doing the ADN or BSN?

Speaking of nurses, Phyllser~ How are you feeling? Is your back any better? Also, sorry to hear bout the dentist stuff. Ouch with the amt of that bill! Not sure if you have a dental school/program near you. The students have CONSTANT supervision by their DDS/DMD and the procedures can be done at a fraction of the $. My maid goes to the dental school here and got a root canal and crown for $100! Might be worth checking it out.

Arlene~ wtg on the exercise!!!

Janet~ You have me craving butternut squash, may have to go buy one. : ) Hugs on the GS stuff. So proud of you and the exercise.

I am sure I missed someone- not intentional. CRS. :tongue2: I am cleaning, laundry, changing beds, cleaning toys after that playdate, took Nels to camp. Plan is to go to the gym 1.5 hrs before I pick him up. Yeppers! : )

Hope everyone has a good day.... until later. peasout.. Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Wow....so many emotions as Ive been reading all the posts from this past weekend alone. Along with my present disposition regarding...dog, daughter and um, job, exercise etc...I was crying before I even finished first page of posts!!

Laura, I wish that every child who was adopted had you for a mother. You can please hug yourself tight with the thought that you have made the birth mom of Nels a happier person knowing that her birth son is has a better life then what she could have done for him that was the biggest gift of all there is no bigger unselfish gift then to give up your own child for whatever reason. She knew he would have a better life. she must have prayed for what she wanted for him and god answered her prayers by sending you and your husband!!

Nels will be fine! He is loved and cared for...he allready knew that he wasnt born here....and you allready had the courage to bring up the subject and discuss it with him even though you were scared to death about the after effects! This the hardest part of being a mother and there are those that falter but you....are a hero!! Again...I wish all the babies adopted that I work with mothers like you.

Karen, You are truly amazing...the strengh that you possess is on that you do.....the grace and dignitiy that you show regarding family, friends and community is just so admirable. How you can keep things together and organized and done in no time.....with no regard to your self is selfless.....having said that....its time for you to sit and relax!!! Youve had an extremely trying week juggling everything and everyone....and all I keep thinking is who is taking care of Karen meantime???

Karen please...take care of you.....you are so busy taking care of everyone...and I know you dont mind like you said...but please take it slow...and now that this is all over please....take the time to recharge if you can!!!

A nice latte?? Away.....perhaps.

Lori....thank god....now you can move past this horrible experience....and forget about this...glad he will be getting what he deserves!

Gwen, OMG....I think you are doing fabulously!! When I first had the surgery in March...I didnt even lift a thing or exercise, walk etc until 4 weeks post op. I had surgery at 218 lbs. I then started walking and going to gym at a month. oh....and im 45 lol. So..everyone is different and everyones body and experience is difference...its not a race...its what you are personally going to do and change and become......and you arent me and I am not Janet, or Karen or Laura.....so....just follow the doctors orders and....btw my blood pressure was up for a month and half till after surgery higher then even then before...then started coming down....very natural....but again this was my experience.....relax and enjoy this...the first two months BAND HELL!!!! It gets better!!!

Jessica, Pink?? fun...but you are right, Nursing school and pink....not really great but for partys its fun. I think you are gorgeous with what you are!!! Highlights and low lights and covering grey lol are nice...anything outside the box for me.....no thanks. Sometimes its nice to have a change...but the real question is why the need?

What is it that we are looking for...Im always doing something because Im unsettled inside and need to constantly have change. ADD??? So, I usually move, change furniture, redecorate etc etc.

SO.....we are all striving to change our lifestyles..and you are struggling like us all here...so change...but change your life.....dont listen to negativity...you can do what ever it is that you desire....youve come so far...look how much weight youve lost and maintained so far!!! Youve done that all by yourself....that was soooo hard (this i know lol) you can do it..and when someone tells you you cant or maybe you cant or shouldnt....think......pink!!! You took a chance to see what it would look like and didnt like it so changed it back....there is nothing in life that we cant try....we might not like it..find it so challenging that we cant do what might have been to much perhaps....but we can always change those things for something else. But you cant do that if you dont try at all!!!

I think youl do great!!!!

medication, lifestyle, food and exercise.....the only way...make it work for you Jessica.

Fire Island was great this past weekend.....

the weather was amazing....cool in the 80's the whole weekend and night needed a blanket??? Indeed.

The beach was fabulous and Water was cool and calm.

Received a letter from Dassi that made me very sad and tugged at my heart....in her letter she wrote how much she missed "Starlight" and how she has cried so much and how her body hurts her and she knows that its because of how she misses her.

Well did I cry after that!!! All night...and in the AM called camp and spoke to head counselor and psychologist.

My concern was that when Ron...my ex her father died...this is what she had said then....that her body was hurting her, her head and throat and she got sick an awful lot that first year...this is how she internalizes emotions. Shes extremely sensitive as it is but this directly related to that experience...it has taken about three years of therapy and with all the changes....moves and schools etc she....has been such a trooper and has been doing fabulously....until this....and I knew that this was going to be bad....and there was just no choice....

I could have waited till after camp to tell her but then shed never trust me again...this was clear with the psychologist as well...that telling her was important right away....myself...but this was sooo sad. I feel for this little girl who has gone through so much allready. The camp said they will watch her and talk to her and make sure she is okay....and if there is anything at all to be concerned they would call me ASAP and if they thought for a minute that she should come home or I should visit or call then we would do that....everyone agrreed that it would be best for her to stay in camp and until not they we wouldnt hesitate to bring her home.

So. im entrusting them to do what they say...and so far theyve done all that that and more....so im confident she is in good hands...and hoping to god that the next letter sne sends is on a happier note.

bottom line....I cant blame her for being so sad....Im sad and cry at the drop of a hat now when thinking about Starlight and now even more thinking about her.....ugh its soo frustrating....not knowing gods plan....and its exhausting trying to think of the whys and the what ifs of it all! Okay....venting a bit now sorry.

Exercise...so far...Monday did an hour/half yesturday didnt go to gym but went bowling instead played two games...havent bowled for years!! yes, should have gone to gym as well but there is only so much time in one...day for one or two extra curricular activities besides work....lol (cop out for sure)

Today. going to train with trainer at 6PM. Weight training....

Have just started getting to 4x week.....exercising.....hate it hate it hate it......but am doing it and when I dont.....I feel GUILTY!!!

so...must do it!! Im thinking of swimming at the town pool havent been there yet but after training just might add that into the sched...somehow...twice weekly.

Linda....the pics from the wedding are gorgeous!!

you had asked about the dates Im going on every night??

lol......well that was only one week and I actually cancelled one....I just couldnt do it!!

I have all these people who want to set me up with people now....and thats great but guess what????

Who the heck has time for dating??

Im busy working and exercising and going to Fire Island. This is my time, is there more time in a day???

yes...there is and I need to organize and clean and get settled in this apt once and for all. Its been a year and I still dont have real curtain rods up??? Makeshifts are only going to last so long! Every night is another project. The closets, the drawers, the filing boxes, the pictures, the cupboards...each a different night for about two hours or so.

I dont have time to just date anyone.

Everyone said....you have to eat dinner so....make a date every night for dinner and thats how you will date. So that week I told you all about....I did that...by the third night I was so crazed about spending an hour and half at dinners with people who really werent all that um hmm to say it nicely "werent for me". The stress of it all...the dressing and thinking about what to wear and the getting showered dressed etc.....geez this was exhausting......much preffered exercise that I hate.

The thing about this dating.,..people have been asking soo now are you ready to date....and im thinking okay sure now I am..and all of a sudden out of the woodworks have come the phone calls and shadchuns....(matchmakers) and parents and even rabbis....its downright hilarious really....but as soon as the word was out in the community...it feels like the vlutures has set in. So...I figured while Dassi is in camp ill set up a date for everynight.....well that in theory worked well maybe for someone who isnt working and in the beginning stage of banding and making lifestyle changes!!! NO NO NO.m

So...as I said I went on three dates that weeks....have decided that maybe one date a week with someone whom Ive spoken to several times on the phone before hand....would I be willling to have a date with at all. I just dont have the energy, time or sanity for this!!!

Everyone is not happy but too bad. Im not in a rush to meet someone..if I do thats great if I dont thats great too!!

As far as LV guy....yes I hear you all and you are all right!!!! Thanks for reminding me however, after one week of talking again and making plans etc etc .....I started seeing that same ole same ole and said...STOP. Not going there again. When I come in Oct. Ill meet him for dinner after the weekend or come a day sooner...but hell if im going to waste any time other then that with him....no thank you...what was I thinking.....

Janet...it was you who said what the heart wants it wants but it doesnt want this that much! lol

Someone else said....find someone here in NY....that is a much better option!! Thanks...for helping out MOMS!!!

That was just bad bad and would be badder!! lol


off to get ready for exercise.....have a great day all!!! Jodi

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I survived another class!! Yea me!!! Just had to foot my own horn. This one was very intense weights. I will be sore tomorrow but i liked it and am going to make the monday and wednesday class part of my gym routine. It will help me go sortta like an appt tomorrow is pilates not sure what it is but the instructor said after what i did today i would have no problem so will see

I am typing on my new droidx and don't have punctuation figured out yet so please excuse my booboos

Laura, thanks for the epidural info my mom is suffering back pain as well stenosis she said and bulging disk. She got a couple of those shots but they havent helped much. Not sure if much is going to help even surgery they say may not. If i had to do it all over again id be a nurse or surgery tech

Arlene, its my son who got a big promotion yesterday still with Walmart though thanks for the congrats

Jessica i certainly hope i didn't offend you when i said i didn't like pink hair im just old school but if you like it and its fun go for it

Eva love the droidx especially the big screen and just found out i get a discount on my plan via du company

Janet tha.ks for encouraging me to do the classes. I think i am on to something there and this is going go worm for me if i have to go to the gym

Jodi you have such a gift with words i loved what you wrote to others do thoughtful

Well i can see i have many mistakes so will end for now sorry a out that i need more practice i guess on this thing

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Lori, love the pj solution to the munchies. Another thing I've read is to brush your teeth and wash your face like you're ready for bed. Congrats about DS's promotion.

Jessica, I'm actually wearing hot pink today. I think its your color. Very fun. Buy some fuschia hair ornaments, headbands, etc., earrings, necklace etc. while you're in school and next summer you can go wild again.

Your MIL has a vested interest in keeping you dependant. It gives her more control. It's like she has a direct link to your insecurities and voices them for you. Cut the connection (metaphorically). You've already proved yourself so make it an affirmation. I loved Stuart Smalley's "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

Jodi, always enjoy your posts. This is a fun time in your life where you're over your divorce and your ex's death (like he died twice) and now you're ready to date. Take your time. Savor it. You may never want to settle down with just one man ever again. Sometimes I'm sorry I did. I remember feeling like, "So many men, so little time." I got married on my 19th birthday and had dated very little, so I felt like a teen again. I was in my late 40's, had lost all my weight and was in great shape. After I remarried I gained it all back. I got back into that people-pleasing codependant mode and my DH had problems that I wasn't aware of. I love him and we've made it work, but I wish I'd waited longer.

Apples, WTF! Girl, I think God is telling you to slow down. Get better and use this time to relax. Let others take care of you. Pamper yourself. I've learned to tell myself that with many things if I died either someone else would do it or they'd do without it. I am not indispensable.

Went outside to walk this morning and it was already dark out and an even darker front was moving in rapidly. Stayed close to home and did only 10 minutes before the rain hit. Will try to get out again.

I'm making it a lazy day, although I taught this morning. I'm finding that if I take half an hour walks most days and hour walks on other days I don't hurt as much. It would be great if I could break up my walking more. It doesn't have to all be done at once. It's just hard to get in.

Julie, I find that walking doesn't hurt my joints as much as cleaning and straightening out. You end up shoving things you shouldn't, lifting things you shouldn't, scrubbing, and all kinds of things that translate to pain. I think I've said before that I'm even careful swinging my arms when I walk. Too much and my neck starts to hurt. I can also tell when I've pushed my grandkids on the swings too much. Crazy, eh?



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Apples update, she didn't get the John Deere cast, she got one she can remove to go in the shower, she had to beg the dr for that and promised to only remove it to shower. She said it's 'leather and lace' instead of JD green. LOL Oh and, Laura, it's the left arm, outside bone. I'm sure you know the technical term. LOL

Oh am I going to be sore tomorrow. I just got up from sitting for about 15 min. and I am stiff already. OH OH

Cheri, good for you in figuring out what works for your body as far as walking goes. Your words to Jessica about her MIL having a vested interest in keeping her dependent reminds me of my mom. Interesting, never saw it that way before.

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WTG Lori !!!! Yep you and me class girls !!!! Congrats on DS promo - must have missed that one ;0) - my speed reading at work ;0)

Cheri How insightfull about Jessica's MIL - You should be a shrink ;0)

Jodi - LOL - I am sure glad to hear that the heart isn't over taking the brain !!!! If he was a dog once - always a dog..

They don't changes their spots..

Hugs/Prayers for Dassi - loss is so hard for children.

Dating - have at it girl -have fun - I'm sure glad I'm not Jewish (but think I was in another life) - don't want the match makers bugging me :0) - I don't have time for a man - well ya if I gave up gym - lbt - fb ;0) not willing too.

Well back to work - I'm starving - lunch butternut squash & lamb chop ;0) 15 minutes to go...

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      Understanding each client's unique needs is fundamental to our service delivery. At Frugal Testing, the focus is on creating customized testing strategies that align with specific business goals and budget requirements. This client-centric approach ensures that every testing solution is not only effective but also fully aligned with the client's objectives.
      Our team is our greatest asset. Composed of skilled professionals who are experts in the latest testing techniques and technologies, they bring dedication, expertise and a commitment to excellence in every project. This expertise ensures that our client’s software not only meets but often exceeds the highest standards of quality and performance.
      Frugal Testing is more than just a service provider; we are a partner in your success. With a blend of quality, innovation and cost-effectiveness, we are here to help you navigate the complexities of software testing, ensuring your product stands out in today's competitive market. 
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