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OOOOPS!! Sorry... I'm old.... I got you mixed up with someone else, I guess!


That was my Easter bonnet yesterday, but it's just a hat I bought at COD a couple of years ago. Usually, it's pinned up on the wall with a red one that's just like it.

Looks quite good on you - Very Eastery !!!!

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Hey Long...again we posted at the very same time and almost the same post. How many times have we done that?

I am sure you looked just beautiful for Easter. Did you buy a new Easter outfit? I just have to tell you again that you look amazing. I bet you feel just great. Not too far from goal. Looking forward to your next "Yoohoo"!

Get ready, Apples, WOOHOO!!!! Down another pound today! total of 116 1/2 now! Thanks for the comments on my photo. I did wear a new outfit. I had gotten some new white jeans (Ann Taylor of course) and a blouse but the weather was so cold I wore a new spring sweater instead and new white sandals (though I froze my toes LOL). I feel wonderful. I have 9 lbs to go to get to my docs highest goal for me, 19 to get to a normal BMI which is what I am shooting for. Never in a million years did I think I'd have less than 20 lbs to lose to be a 'normal' weight.

Long........I did see your pics.......your looking good, girl! How was everyone's Easter? I ate way too much..........no Easter candy, but lots of bad carbs like corn. Anyway, it's back to journaling tomorrow.

Easter was good. No candy, a little of too cooked aka dried ham that didn't set well so I was able to stay in pretty good control. That and the fact my inlaws aren't the greatest cooks and I was good! LOL

Hello everyone! I hope all had a wonderful Easter. Since I am a few weeks away from surgery, I considered this to be my "last meal". Did anyone else look at food like this before their banding? Since I looked at it this way, should I question my choice? I don't think so, since I have battled this food addiction for so long. I was happy when it was over because now there aren't any "eating" holidays for awhile now, thank goodness! I go to the doctor tomorrow to get my letter to submit to my insurance company. I am excited for that, and thankful to have completed yet another task in preparation for my banding. I have my psych appointment next week as well.

I just cannot tell all of you how helpful you have been, and how thankful I am for all of your postings. It means a great deal to see that people care about and support one another so much. This would be hard to do if I had to do this without this thread and all of you. No one really understands unless they have been through all of this.

For the last few nights, I have found myself dreaming about my banding. I wake up very excited and am finding it so difficult to wait! That is how I know I am ready.

The food journaling is such a great way of keeping track of what you put into your mouth. A few years ago, I lost forty pounds on the MMR liquid Protein diet which included one real meal a day. I journaled every day for a month and lost weight. As soon as I stopped, the weight crept back on. At first, it really helped me to weigh EVERYTHING so I knew exact amounts. I found that if I didn't weigh what I was eating, I would underestimate calories.

What do all of you think about whole wheat tortillas or wraps? Do you have problems with those?

Thanks again everyone!


Welcome Meredith. I can tell you I had the last supper syndrome, plus I was on a cruise a week before my surgery so I really had last supper syndrome (and last diet coke syndrome). I think it's normal. But even when I was on my cruise I tried to concentrate on what my new way of eating was going to be. I concentrated on eating my Protein first, then veggies, and then very few carbs. It helps me so much after surgery to get in that habit before. Plus by eating that way on the cruise, even though the portions were huge, I lost 5 lbs on the cruise! Good luck to you and I hope you insurance approval is quick. You sound very ready for surgery.

Welcome home Janet. Hope you had a nice Easter weekend!

Julie, I am anxious to hear the test results.

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Hey Everyone..........I hit 1200 posts with that last post. I looked awhile ago and had around 500. You girls keep me busy. Such a motor mouth!

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Julie, do you have an NG tube? I had paralyzed small bowel(forgot the term) after 3 abdominal surgeries. I went without food for two weeks, but they put some stuff in my veins and boy did I gain weight. So just hang in there........don't worry about your weight....just get WELL!

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Long, I really do have a problem with the Diet Coke/Pepsi too! It will be hard for me to give up, but it is totally worth it! 100%! It's like going to rehab or something! I find it interesting that all of the people who drink diet pop are never thin so giving that up is a good thing! I have already lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just preparing for the task ahead. I have read what all of you have posted and begun to implement it in my life. The problem is, I know that if I don't get banded, that weight will just come right back before I know it. Thank you for your encouragement.

Janet, It is so wonderful that you started this thread. It has helped me so much already! I cannot imagine how much help it will bring me after surgery. What a great feeling it is to have others that completely understand the obesity that all of us have battled.

Phyl, Your insight and knowledge about the health care field is a wonderful asset to all of us. I begin the physicians assistant program next summer and want to work in bariatrics. I think that "being there before" will help patients immensely!


Edited by Meredith2424

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Apples - you want to talk about a big chatty person me - this is my 4,864 post :0) - I joined lbt 5/14/07 - that's an average of 211.48 post a month :0)

Long - Congrats on the 116.5 WTG girl - you are doing fantastic - and I loved your pictures :(

Meredith - Last meal syndorome - well I gained 6 lbs from 5/31 (my 1st visit with suregon) to 7/6 (pre op test day)

But like someone told me at that time or shortly afterwards - it's not like you aren't going to eat again - you are still going to eat - but you are going to feel full on 3 or 4 oz of steak instead of 16 oz :o)

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finally got my test results.......More Fluid build-up by slpeen and diaphragm. He was relieved because he was afraid he'd have to go back in and do a major surgery on the bowel... He sais he just kept thinking it had to be a bowel thing... But he says no, just a local procedure to draw the fluid out of that pocket. Will be coming to get me soon..... and then I can probably have liquids tomorrow.... I guess this is good news, only there is still no answer to what really happened to start with..... But I guess we just have to accept somethings as unknown...... As long as I get better..... I'm feeling a little less hopeless right now.... Thanks for hanging in there with me.... I'll be back when I know more....Julie

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Janet, It is so wonderful that you started this thread. It has helped me so much already! I cannot imagine how much help it will bring me after surgery. What a great feeling it is to have others that completely understand the obesity that all of us have battled.

I begin the physicians assistant program next summer and want to work in bariatrics. I think that "being there before" will help patients immensely!



I am just a fat chick talking fat chick talk - my body might be alot smaller now adays - but that fat chick is still inside and like I always say - no one understands a fat chick like another fat chick does..

I know why you eat (well not exactly you but in general) I understand the emotions behind eating - it can be something as simple as boredom or as terrible as abuse - I know what it's like to be a closet eater - been there done that..

I think its great for you to go into the bariatric field - I would love to do it too - but alas - I have 30 yrs in Prop/Casualty Insurance and don't think at this stage in my life I want to change careers - so I will just spout off my mouth hear - alot easier :0)


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Mrs. Bubba,

I pray your test come back good and you can get out of the hospital. Do they know what burst inside? Did you get to keep your band?


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Well...urgh...I PB'd right before dinner:cursing:. It was ham that was a little too dry and I took too big of a 1st bite:mad3:

and that pretty much ended my dinner. After things settled down I took some liquid Tylenol which helps me feel "not so raw". It was my own fault, I know I can't tolerate dry meat. Iit does not go down well. Anyway, I dusted myself off and went to Curves to workout. I had a good workout and I will be on liquids tomorrow to make sure I don't have an incident at work:blushing:.

Julie - I am pulling for you. I just want you to know that I really hope things get better for you and I am so sorry that you don't have an answer for what when wrong, I just hope everything thing goes right from now on. Hugs-Claudine

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I am just a fat chick talking fat chick talk - my body might be alot smaller now adays - but that fat chick is still inside and like I always say - no one understands a fat chick like another fat chick does..

I know why you eat (well not exactly you but in general) I understand the emotions behind eating - it can be something as simple as boredom or as terrible as abuse - I know what it's like to be a closet eater - been there done that..

I think its great for you to go into the bariatric field - I would love to do it too - but alas - I have 30 yrs in Prop/Casualty Insurance and don't think at this stage in my life I want to change careers - so I will just spout off my mouth hear - alot easier :0)



Haha!!! Preach on sister!!! Only fat chicks would understand. So true!

Sometimes idk why I even eat? I'm not hungry, but I eat. I know its like i wont ever eat again, but fat chicks get one another, its like a death. A death of the fat me. I eat when I'm happy, sad, or indifferent. It doesn't make sense! What really bothers me is that my sister does the same, and she is 5'4" and weighs only 118lbs! She eats what ever she wants, whenever she wants. My boyfriend does the same thing. I am lucky that he loves me for me and not for how I look. He is behind me 100% and even understands a little. He loves sweets!

I really need to do this, not just for me, but for everyone else that I will help in the future as a P.A.

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Julie...at least SOME news for you as to what is going on. Hope they figure out what the plan is for you and get you on the road to home.

I shot a package off to you today. It should occupy your mind for awhile. Take care and keep us informed!

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Hello Wonderful wise women-

I have decided to start on page 1 of all of these posts to catch up and try to get as much of your wisdom as possible and to TRY to avoid asking you to repeat things- I have only made it to page 6 and I am tired and going to bed...but I have two burning questions....what exactly is the "sweet spot" and how will I know when I find it? also what is PB?

Just had my first fill today and (4cc's) and feeling hungry still and making sure it is not head hunger...thanks again for your dedication and support!

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finally got my test results.......More Fluid build-up by slpeen and diaphragm. He was relieved because he was afraid he'd have to go back in and do a major surgery on the bowel... He sais he just kept thinking it had to be a bowel thing... But he says no, just a local procedure to draw the Fluid out of that pocket. Will be coming to get me soon..... and then I can probably have liquids tomorrow.... I guess this is good news, only there is still no answer to what really happened to start with..... But I guess we just have to accept somethings as unknown...... As long as I get better..... I'm feeling a little less hopeless right now.... Thanks for hanging in there with me.... I'll be back when I know more....Julie

Julie I'm glad to hear that at least they have figured out what's wrong and that they can fix it without major surgery and like I said before some times crap happens - hope everything went well - Continued Prayers.. Hugs Janet

Well...urgh...I PB'd right before dinner:cursing:. It was ham that was a little too dry and I took too big of a 1st bite:mad3:

and that pretty much ended my dinner. After things settled down I took some liquid Tylenol which helps me feel "not so raw". It was my own fault, I know I can't tolerate dry meat. Iit does not go down well. Anyway, I dusted myself off and went to Curves to workout. I had a good workout and I will be on liquids tomorrow to make sure I don't have an incident at work:blushing:.

Julie - I am pulling for you. I just want you to know that I really hope things get better for you and I am so sorry that you don't have an answer for what when wrong, I just hope everything thing goes right from now on. Hugs-Claudine

Yep Claudine - that one bite too many - I still do it and I am almost 2 yrs out - Great on working out !!!


Haha!!! Preach on sister!!! Only fat chicks would understand. So true!

Sometimes idk why I even eat? I'm not hungry, but I eat. I know its like i wont ever eat again, but fat chicks get one another, its like a death. A death of the fat me. I eat when I'm happy, sad, or indifferent. It doesn't make sense! What really bothers me is that my sister does the same, and she is 5'4" and weighs only 118lbs! She eats what ever she wants, whenever she wants. My boyfriend does the same thing. I am lucky that he loves me for me and not for how I look. He is behind me 100% and even understands a little. He loves sweets!

I really need to do this, not just for me, but for everyone else that I will help in the future as a P.A.

Meredith - I gotta say that for me I really eat out of boredom and cuz I love the taste - it's a control thing too - I hate being told not to eat - I hate being told what to do -- We don't always have control over what happens to us at work - our kids and also we do so much for other - food is what I had control over -it's what I did for me ...

Ya some pple have great motabolizoams - they can eat what they want - but I bet your sis doesn't eat exactly like you did - and not have a weight issue - ya she had a piece of cake -but I bet not the whole thing - We see skinny pple eat stuff that we think omw I wish I could eat that and stay thin - we they aren't eating as much as we do and they move more too. Ya some is their motabolizam - but weight is all about calories in vs calories out - they may over indugle every now and then where as we did it every day - every meal..

Well gang just cking in - I started this an hour ago - then the phone rang and I just got off the phone w/my GF who had bypass - comparring notes and talking about food & exercise and now it's 8 and I need to go cook...

I will cb after I get my veggies started..

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