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Gruene Picture Thread

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You are right...we are all cracking up. That has got to be the "happiest" picture on Earth!

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I am not sure if we all got more beautiful by the minute as I cruised through these pics--Rick is still razzing me about my Texan boyfriends---yeah uh huh--or if my Demerol Daze has kicked in.....

I will do my best to sit here tomorrow and try to figure mine out--will call on Manda if not!

Off to hold the recliner in place for the night.

I loved seeing the pics, Rick was saying he bet no one would believe you could put that many women together, and all of them look so happy!! He was TOTALLY impressed I was relaxed and waving in the tube. I think he had a mental picture of me white knuckled and panic stricken.....you know like the first few miles!!!



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In that picture where we're laughing...I love the way Jenn has her head back and the sky is reflecting off her glasses! I don't know why...I just like it. GREAT pic and sums up the weekend nicely!

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My sister pointed out I should have had a clock around my neck. DOH! I could have grabbed one off the wall and that'd be so funny. So instead I half-ass photoshopped one in.l_0b8c66d670ac258f209be20d0e43cbab.jpg

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lmao...Laura~ that is too funny!

Haydee, as soon as you post today, I'll send you my home addy.

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here i am pammy... send me your addy please.

Terry - LOVE that pic! Candid shots are always my most favorite type of pics...

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Can all you guys make me cd's of the pics. I'll send you blank ones

i miss you guys

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Can all you guys make me cd's of the pics. I'll send you blank ones

i miss you guys

Can't you just download them then make your own CD? That way they'll all be on one....

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I can do that?????

I'll play later done running on my way to get ds

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