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Hello everyone, my name is carole from pearl, ms. I had the lapband done on june 23, 2009. It was a little diffenrent. I had major surgery for a ventral hernis repair...was in surgery for 6 hours and icu for 5 days. During my surgery dr. Adkins put the lab band on. I saved so much money. Bcbs paid for everything except the cost of the surgeon and the lap band. I have now lost 45 pounds, this is mainly from the hernia surgery. I will have my first adjustment tomorrow 8/20. I am a little apprehensive about having the needle put into the port. Woe is me, i am a nurse and still apprehensive. How did ya'll do with the weight loss after your first adjustment? Another question. I have hugh upper arms, i know i will have lose skin hanging for a mile. Any exercise suggestions? I really look forward to visiting with all of you. Please excuse all caps and no paragraphs...it is a nursing thing...blessings, carole

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Hello everyone, my name is carole from pearl, ms. I had the lapband done on june 23, 2009. It was a little diffenrent. I had major surgery for a ventral hernis repair...was in surgery for 6 hours and icu for 5 days. During my surgery dr. Adkins put the lab band on. I saved so much money. Bcbs paid for everything except the cost of the surgeon and the lap band. I have now lost 45 pounds, this is mainly from the hernia surgery. I will have my first adjustment tomorrow 8/20. I am a little apprehensive about having the needle put into the port. Woe is me, i am a nurse and still apprehensive. How did ya'll do with the weight loss after your first adjustment? Another question. I have hugh upper arms, i know i will have lose skin hanging for a mile. Any exercise suggestions? I really look forward to visiting with all of you. Please excuse all caps and no paragraphs...it is a nursing thing...blessings, carole

Hey There, Another nurse here. I just had my first adjust ment yesterday. No problem. The doc numbed the port area and I didn't even feel a heck of a lot of pressure. He put the Fluid in and I immediately stopped feeling hunger, and I was pretty hungry as I had nothing since midnight and it was 2:30 pm. I am sooooo looking forward to loosing the rest of my wt. I had lost a lot previously from my first band and gained 65 back. So now I am rockin' again. I even felt cold last night, which is reasuring reminder of what it was like with my old band before it went bad and had to be removed. I loved my first band so much when things were right with it, but had some major problems for over a year and lost to goal stayed there about 2 wks before I had to have it removed. I tried to keep the weight off, but honey, I gained wt. on the Meditteranian diet. I was back up above 200 in no time and by my birthday I was 235, I lost down to 214 and then back up and decided I had to have another surgery and chose another band because the new ones are not as likely to slip as the old smaller models are. I also considered a gastric sleeve, but opted for the band. I am feeling so wonderful today, I want to dance, LOL!

I am very happy you are starting this way of life. When you go back to work and are like me and work a very busy floor just remember at work, Water, Protein Drinks and Soup are our friend. Don't take any chances on eating too fast and getting stuck. Stay away from the junk that all us nurses are prone to eat. My supervisors brings us loads of chocalate every shift. That will be my biggest challenge, but for today I ain't interested.

As far as exercise untill your surgeon tells you otherwise, just walk. I have been a member of a gym for a long time and have started back with my trainer. We are working on balance and leg issues for me. I can't lift wts anymore because of my carpal tunnel syndrom. She is also working with me on that. It is expensive to buy the sessions but I get better results and have more fun when I work out with a trainer.

Welcome aboard the Bandwagon!:D


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Hi everyone!

I just found this thread, someone on the intro thread mentioned it. Wow, I can't believe there are so many of us over 50 going through this! A week ago, I would have sworn to you that I would never have WLS. But on Thursday, I went for my annual GYN exam, and my holistic-minded, all natural, fight the establishment doctor told me YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING, my weight is out of control. She recommended Lap Band! So I am going to the meeting on Sept. 3rd. I have spent the past few days pouring over the info on this site and for the most part everyone seems happy with the results of this process. I have changed a lot of misconceptions already, like this is the easy way out. Far from it! Sounds pretty hard to me! Lap Band is obviously a TOOL not a quick fix. Ironically, I try to eat healthy foods, I never consume artificial sweeteners or soda. But you know, they do make organic potato chips and cheese puffs!!

So I called my insurance company, they will cover 80% after a 6 month supervised diet. I have found out that my local hospital will not do the surgery anyway until you have gone through their 6 month pre-op program regardless of your insurance, I think that is a good thing.

Happy to be here, looking forward to getting to know you all better. I live in Bethlehem, PA.


Go for it Deb:thumbup:, you will not regret it. Look forward to getting to know you and so glad you found us.


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Hello everyone, my name is carole from pearl, ms. I had the lapband done on june 23, 2009. It was a little diffenrent. I had major surgery for a ventral hernis repair...was in surgery for 6 hours and icu for 5 days. During my surgery dr. Adkins put the lab band on. I saved so much money. Bcbs paid for everything except the cost of the surgeon and the lap band. I have now lost 45 pounds, this is mainly from the hernia surgery. I will have my first adjustment tomorrow 8/20. I am a little apprehensive about having the needle put into the port. Woe is me, i am a nurse and still apprehensive. How did ya'll do with the weight loss after your first adjustment? Another question. I have hugh upper arms, i know i will have lose skin hanging for a mile. Any exercise suggestions? I really look forward to visiting with all of you. Please excuse all caps and no paragraphs...it is a nursing thing...blessings, carole

Hi Carole, I also had my lapband surgery on June 23,2009 and I have had 4 fills so far, looking for that sweet spot. The fills are nothing to worry about, mine have all been painless, just a little stick and over. You'll do great...I'm averaging about 2lbs a week even without sweetspot. becky

Edited by free2beme

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Well, I am having my gallbladder removed on Friday. I've been really having a lot of pain lately so it's time to split up with my GB and say goodbye.

Keep me in your prayers on Friday


Hugs & prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery.

I had mine out right before I turned 30 - they still cut you open back then - this will be easier than your lapband - no port site to deal with...

Hugs Janet

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This morning I was down 2 pounds which puts me half way to goal. Whoo hoo. I also have dropped 3 and 1/2 meds and 2 supplements. Hooray for me!


Avatar is my half way picture. Beginning pic is now in my album on my profile

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Susan, I had my gall bladder out exactly 2 mos after my band surgery. The same surgeon did it and he was able to use some of the same incisions, only had one new one. You'll do great and feel so much better afterwards.

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Had my gallbladder out about 5 years ago. speady recover. was back to work in 1 week.

I will admit my Tummy Tuck and thigh lift are the most difficult recovery yet..but so glad I did it.. just have to remember not to overdo it, as with any surgery.

Susan, Good luck on Friday. All will go well..

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Thank you all for your words of encouragement! Great I remember you having the GB out right after your banding. I know it's a lot easier now to have it out then when you had yours out Janet. Lynn, I've heard the Tummy Tuck is like really a hard recovery. My sister in law had one back in December and she was cut from hip to hip. It took her a long time to get goin again. Plus you had more then one procedure done, right? I am glad you are doing well and happy with the results.

Well, signing off so I can retire my GB once and for all. Goodbye Mr. GB, you have served me well for 56 years and now it time for us to go our separate ways.

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Thank you all for your words of encouragement! Great I remember you having the GB out right after your banding. I know it's a lot easier now to have it out then when you had yours out Janet. Lynn, I've heard the Tummy Tuck is like really a hard recovery. My sister in law had one back in December and she was cut from hip to hip. It took her a long time to get goin again. Plus you had more then one procedure done, right? I am glad you are doing well and happy with the results.

Well, signing off so I can retire my GB once and for all. Goodbye Mr. GB, you have served me well for 56 years and now it time for us to go our separate ways.

So long to your GB. Hope recovery is quick.. let us know how things went.

I had full TT done. totally around, as well as thighs. slow moving still, 3 weeks post-op, but going back to work Mmonday, for half days. Wil have revision on my thighs in about 6 weeks.

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Hi All! Still in Korea visiting with DD and her boys. We've had beautiful weather most days, and my visit has been great. DD and I have been working out at her gym 3 days/week, and walking quite a bit on other days. Wherever we walk we have the 2 yr old in his stroller, DD "wears" the baby in her Ergo carrier. So here's the grandma pushing the stroller and 32 extra pounds of boy in it up the hills of this Army post for a mile or more! Not even a huff or a puff! DD certainly offered to push - but I tried it, and had no problem. Today the family took a bus tour of Seoul and toured the N Seoul Tower - large tower at the top of the mountain around which Seoul is built. From the bus stop to the tower is about 1/2 mile - seems almost straight up. DD took one look up the road, turned to me and asked if I was sure I wanted to try it. Sure - I can always turn around if it's too tough. No stroller this time - DSIL had charge of that. Just propelling myself. OMW - it was steep and long, but I made it without stopping, and without a huff or a puff again. It was almost harder coming back down - so steep it was dizzying.

NO pain in my knees, either with workouts or the walking.

It feels so good. I can't even begin to tell you how my life has changed since Dec 4 of last year. To those of you considering the band - it is not easy, esp at the beginning. But please have patience with yourself, work the plan, give it everything you've got. I am only halfway there and I am a slow, steady loser - but I am already 20 years younger and so much stronger!

Will head back home on Sept 1st. I miss that hubby of mine and the kids/friends at home. But I will hate to leave this little family here. DD and I have such a great time together - I am blessed to have her for my best friend. We both love Project Runway and she is unable to get it here - we love Netflix! Been on a PR marathon since the first discs came in the mail! Once the boys are in bed we are right there with Michael Kors and Nina Garcia choosing who is IN and who is OUT!

Love to all my LB Friends - I hope you are having a good weekend!

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Loved your post, Joann. It was a trip down memory lane as I was in Seoul in the mid 70's and I still remember the tower. I am glad your physical health is so high and you are enjoying yourself so much.


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Susan, hope everything goes well for you and your recovery is quick. I bet you will feel so much better afterwards.

Joann, it's good to hear from you and that you have having such a great visit with your DD. It's really exciting and encouraging to hear how well you are feeling after all the exercise. It really gives me hope.

Lynn, So how are you feeling 3 weeks after surgery? Has the swelling gone down? Are the incisions closed? How do you sleeps with you have an incision all the way around you? I'm asking because I see this surgery in my future.

Cheri, you are looking great. Congrats on the 1/2 way mark.

I just got back from Tijuana and had my first fill. It was very interesting because I got to see my port and the band in action. I really could see the stuff going down and feel the restriction when he closed the port, then backed it off. The only thing that was weird was after he put the needle in the port I was put in a sitting position and seeing that needle in my stomach was pretty weird.

So far all is well and I'm on liquids until Tuesday. I'm really hoping this will give me enough restriction so I don't eat so much. I wasn't losing and I know I was eating too much. I also know I'm still adapting and this is going to take time. I also have HUGE head hunger issues. Today at lunch, I'm working on my Soup and my stomach is telling me to stop and I did, but my head is telling me to take another bite, another bite will taste so good. I stopped but realized I'm going to be fighting my head for a long time.

My DH went with me to Tijuana and it was an eye opener for him too. I took my sister with me for surgery. He now understands how it works and where it's located. He got to watch the procedure too.

We are done with vacationing for a while. My next weekend away will be in September and DH will be staying home. We've been gone 2 out of 3 weekends for a couple of months now. I need to stay home for a while. I have been very irregular in posting and for me, I need to post to keep focused.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Take care.


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Eva- It has to be interesting to see the fill as it is done. I have only had blinbd fills, never using fluoroscope. but never had any issues either.

Surgery recovery is going well. swelling is pretty much down. A bit in the upper abdominal area and of course my thighs. alot of that is also skin that will be taken care of in a revisionj in arou7nd 6 weeks or so.

True test will be back to work tomorrow for 4 hours. sitting for prolonged times is uncomfortable..i see several mini waks in my office...

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So great that everyone's posting on this thread again. Joanne, so glad you're having such a great vacation.

Ocotillo, thanks.

I'm getting my second fill on Tues. Hope this one does the trick. I'm really hating not having any restriction.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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