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Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

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9 hours ago, Anita221 said:

Going for a consult in August 26 for lap band to sleeve revision. I’m very nervous about the pain.

Other than the tugging/burning/slight pain at the ONE incision site, I never would have known I even had surgery. The only time I really had issue with the one incision is when it came to bed time. I couldn't sleep lying down for like 3 weeks until that feeling went away. I was just afraid to tear/pull anything inside that was stapled, not my stomach, even though the surgeon assured me I wouldn't. But yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about that. It really wasn't bad at all.

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9 hours ago, Anita221 said:

Going for a consult in August 26 for lap band to sleeve revision. I’m very nervous about the pain.

I don’t know about the Lao band removal part but many of us who get the sleeve have very minimal pain. I had nothing other than my stomach felt like I did about 1000 crunches.

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So I've been noticing that I have NOT been getting in many vegetables in since surgery, if at all. You know how they push for us to eat Protein first. Well I do that but end up just filling up on the protein and thus getting in no veggies. Wondering if I should worry about that or not? I was thinking of just cutting back on the protein just so that I do get in some veggies but then I worry I won't get enough protein in for the day like I was doing before when I was having stalls. Sigh......what to do, what to do? Or should I just not worry about it for now? I speak to the nutritionist again next month and will mention it to her to see what she suggests as well.

As a side, I have now lost 44.7 lbs since surgery and 63.2 total since March but have yet to get any new clothes. Like I feel a lot of my stuff hanging on me differently but I don't really know if I could fit in anything smaller. I used to be in a size 28 for most pants. Like one pair was a 30. But I also have a pair of capris that are 26's. Whenever I would fit them again I'd know I lost weight. Well I have been fitting them for a while and they are finally getting loose too. But not sure I would fit a 24 just yet. Which seems weird to me. You'd think by now I should be fitting into a smaller size.

How much weight did you all lose before getting new clothes? Like I feel like I SHOULD be in a smaller size based on the amount of weight I lost but not really sure it's gonna happen. I don't want to buy stuff prematurely.

Also, how long before people started noticing your weight loss? Like how much weight did you lose before you had people say anything, if at all? I have NOT HAD ONE person say anything about looking thinner/different/etc. LOLOL Which is weird cause my husband who sees me everyday (and they say it's harder for those who see you often to notice it first) says that he can most definitely see and feel the loss on me. Weird considering no one else has said a word. And I just got done seeing a ton of family who haven't seen me in years and when they last did I was 60+ pounds heavier!! LOL

Edited by SummerTimeGirl

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10 minutes ago, SummerTimeGirl said:

So I've been noticing that I have NOT been getting in many vegetables in since surgery, if at all. You know how they push for us to eat Protein first. Well I do that but end up just filling up on the Protein and thus getting in no veggies. Wondering if I should worry about that or not? I was thinking of just cutting back on the protein just so that I do get in some veggies but then I worry I won't get enough protein in for the day like I was doing before when I was having stalls. Sigh......what to do, what to do? Or should I just not worry about it for now? I speak to the nutritionist again next month and will mention it to her to see what she suggests as well.

As a side, I have now lost 44.7 lbs since surgery and 63.2 total since March but have yet to get any new clothes. Like I feel a lot of my stuff hanging on me differently but I don't really know if I could fit in anything smaller. I used to be in a size 28 for most pants. Like one pair was a 30. But I also have a pair of capris that are 26's. Whenever I would fit them again I'd know I lost weight. Well I have been fitting them for a while and they are finally getting loose too. But not sure I would fit a 24 just yet. Which seems weird to me. You'd think by now I should be fitting into a smaller size.

How much weight did you all lose before getting new clothes? Like I feel like I SHOULD be in a smaller size based on the amount of weight I lost but not really sure it's gonna happen. I don't want to buy stuff prematurely.

Also, how long before people started noticing your weight loss? Like how much weight did you lose before you had people say anything, if at all? I have NOT HAD ONE person say anything about looking thinner/different/etc. LOLOL Which is weird cause my husband who sees me everyday (and they say it's harder for those who see you often to notice it first) says that he can most definitely see and feel the loss on me. Weird considering no one else has said a word. And I just got done seeing a ton of family who haven't seen me in years and when they last did I was 60+ pounds heavier!! LOL

60 pounds is definitely noticeable. Perhaps it’s harder to see with the baggy clothes. Maybe they are more baggy than you realize.

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1 minute ago, ShoppGirl said:

60 pounds is definitely noticeable. Perhaps it’s harder to see with the baggy clothes. Maybe they are more baggy than you realize.

You'd think. My husband seems to think that it's just that I carried my weight so well that perhaps that's why they aren't noticing yet. Gotta love him. I laughed and was like, yeah ok. But then he reminds me of how many doctors and nurses have said the same and/or been surprised to see my actual weight once I get on the scale vs. what I looked like to them beforehand. Who knows.

I worry about not fitting into smaller clothes. I personally don't like tight/form fitting clothes. Especially not at this weight. So it worries me to try for something smaller. My biggest problem areas were always my mid section. Although I have lost lots of inches in that area (and others) but probably not enough to fit a smaller jean size which is why I keep wearing my loose cotton capris. LOL

Maybe I'll break down and try something smaller on at the store just for reference purposes.

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40 minutes ago, SummerTimeGirl said:

You'd think. My husband seems to think that it's just that I carried my weight so well that perhaps that's why they aren't noticing yet. Gotta love him. I laughed and was like, yeah ok. But then he reminds me of how many doctors and nurses have said the same and/or been surprised to see my actual weight once I get on the scale vs. what I looked like to them beforehand. Who knows.

I worry about not fitting into smaller clothes. I personally don't like tight/form fitting clothes. Especially not at this weight. So it worries me to try for something smaller. My biggest problem areas were always my mid section. Although I have lost lots of inches in that area (and others) but probably not enough to fit a smaller jean size which is why I keep wearing my loose cotton capris. LOL

Maybe I'll break down and try something smaller on at the store just for reference purposes.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Girl said:

I would go to your favorite store and just try on a smaller size...you may be really surprised! And no one, but my husband and son have commented on my weight loss...which is fine by me...my loss has been slow and steady. 🙂

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Just wanted to fill people in on what my experience has been like thus far since surgery. If you want to know something I forgot to mention, please don't hesitate to ask.
So I had my surgery May 19th around 10:30 am. I was in recovery and waking up by 11:45 am. All that went smoothly.
The first day I was so dang tired that I drifted off and on while sitting in the chair in-between walking around and drinking. I felt bad for my husband who stay with me all day. He was totally content and happy to be there but I knew he too was tired so about 7pm I made him go home (visiting hours ended at 8 anyway). LOL
When I first got to my room I was like, OMG I have HORRIBLE burning like heartburn and even complained about it. They gave me some sort of Gas chew and it didn't do jack. It wasn't until I got up and walking around that I figured out it was NOT heartburn but related to that gas inside and the walking helped that feeling subside.
They gave me nothing but Water or Gatorade Zero while there and I was totally fine and content with that. They mentioned medicine if I was nauseous but I never was. I felt totally fine and normal but for the one incision site that's to the right and up from my belly button. Doc said that's the typical complaint spot and where he pulls the extra stomach through so that's to be expected. But it hurt like hell when first standing from sitting and also wiping after peeing. Uggghhh. I slept in a chair sitting up that night when I could sleep which really only amounted to 3 hours total.
I was given Tylenol for pain and an Oxycodone once on that first night. They sent me home with the Oxycodone too for pain and so far I have only taken it once at night to help with that pain while sleeping.
The next morning they took more blood work and everything came back good and they allowed me to go home by early noon. Mostly because my pain was managed by meds and because I was easily able to get enough Water down and I was not sick.
Also, I did not pack much but I did pack my cell phone, charger, kindle, Biotene, Chapstick, brush, toothpaste and toothbrush, extra underwear and that was it. I did not use ANYTHING but for my brush and, right after surgery, put on my own undies and a pad since I got my period the day before surgery. I did not even use my cell phone (maybe once to post here) cause I was just so dang tired (plus trying to get my liquids in and walking) and hubby did all the updating to others for me. I mostly watched TV as it was on for background noise more than anything.
Every day is getting better but this dang incision spot is a ******!!! Can't wait for it to stop hurting cause I'm really tired of sleeping sitting up. I tried every way possible to lay down and it's just not possible! The dang area feels like it's burning and tearing apart when I do. Otherwise I'm following orders and walking around. I do not feel I still have a lot of gas issues but I most definitely feel like I am swollen about my stomach area for sure.
I was actually surprised at how weird my stomach looked after surgery. Normally my stomach is smooth/one size all over and flat/round-ish (except for my little fat pouch right under my left breast that's been there forever). But upon looking at my stomach after surgery, I feel like some spots are like poofed out and others dented in, if that makes sense. Especially the bad incision spot. Strange. Not sure how else to explain it. Today is day 4 and it looks like I'm starting to bruise around most, if not all, incisions. Just slightly.
So my after diet consists of 2 weeks FULL liquids, followed by 1 week PUREE, and 2 weeks SOFT FOODS, then finally normal foods. Strange enough, I have had NO problem getting in 64 oz of liquid at all. I've had no chest pain, full feeling or sickness. A few times I had what feels like if you drink too much how it creates a sorta air bubble that hurts for a split second but then it passes. Otherwise, no issues. In fact, a few times after trying to drink/gulp like I normally would, I had to stop and remind myself that I no longer could do that. So weird cause I feel, aside from the incision pain, I would never know I even had surgery. So right now since all I've been able to ingest is liquids, I'm not sure if this is gonna be a blessing or an issue. On one hand I'm glad I can seem to "eat" and drink normal and also have had no aversions to taste. But on the other hand, I worry that will not help me in the long run to lose weight. This remains to be seen but I am scared I won't lose for this reason.
So far I've had Protein Shakes, water, Gatorade Zero, the broths from creamed Soups, sugar free popsicles and that's it.
I was told I wouldn't be able to swallow anything bigger than a tictac. That was a lie. I have been able to swallow all my pills, even the big ol Metformin, with no issue.
Had my first BM on my second day home. Had several a day since. No problems there either.
Not that I expected anything yet but, I have gotten on the scale and it's the same as it was the day of surgery.

I think that's it. Can't think of anything else right now but if you have any questions please ask.

wow!! thank you for being so detailed. My date is Sep 20, and im so scared of this pain you talked about. Im having Gastric Bypass. Also another thing that really concerns me, is; how much time did you take off work? Im going to submit FMLA paperwork but im guessing 4 weeks? I read all your pages and your recovery has been long, many surprises along the way, so im wondering if 4 weeks isnt enough? I work at home , but very long hours like 11hrs a day sedentary. Please keep updating, what Vitamins are you taking?

Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

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2 minutes ago, cheryl o said:

wow!! thank you for being so detailed. My date is Sep 20, and im so scared of this pain you talked about. Im having Gastric Bypass. Also another thing that really concerns me, is; how much time did you take off work? Im going to submit FMLA paperwork but im guessing 4 weeks? I read all your pages and your recovery has been long, many surprises along the way, so im wondering if 4 weeks isnt enough? I work at home , but very long hours like 11hrs a day sedentary. Please keep updating, what Vitamins are you taking?

Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

Well I had the sleeve so bypass recovery may be different than mine. But overall, I don't think my recovery was long at all. Just the not being able to sleep part was a pain in the butt. LOL But I read how others who had the sleeve were sleeping just fine right after surgery so it truly does vary. And the pain wasn't excruciating or anything. More of an annoyance mostly.

As for work, I'm a homemaker/housewife so I didn't need to worry about that. I can say my husband had off like the first 4 days to help me out with the grandkids who I take care of during the day (they also live with us with my son and DIL) and I really didn't need the help. Especially since I tried to be up and walking around as much as possible. About the only thing I needed to worry about was the kids jumping on/near me and not lifting things I shouldn't. Otherwise it was pretty easy.

As for Vitamins, I still take two Flintstones Complete chewables (as recommended by my doc) but I think when they run out I will switch to something recommended on here (ProCare) that is truly just one a day. Just waiting on my doc office to get back to me with whether or not it's a good one to take and if it meets all the requirements I need. If it's ok, it also will meet my Iron and B12 needs so that I will no longer need to take those as extras. I'm trying to get rid of taking as many things as I can/least amount of pills. LOL

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On 7/26/2021 at 9:18 AM, SummerTimeGirl said:

As a side, I have now lost 44.7 lbs since surgery and 63.2 total since March

Wow, that's fantastic! Congratulations on such a terrific accomplishment!

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This was so comforting to read, I can't even tell you... because I know my brain will overanalyze everything! But if they tell me I can't touch a barbell until 3 months I think I'm gonna have a meltdown right in the surgeon's office... that's my therapy!

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On 5/24/2021 at 2:46 PM, SummerTimeGirl said:

Strange enough, can't say that I've been too hungry or starving or anything, considering I've only had liquids for like 3 weeks straight now....lol, but at times I do feel hungry. And during those times I find myself craving lots of strange things. Some of it is stuff I don't even eat like steak and liverwurst. Most of my cravings have been about meats and salads. Can't wait to have both!!!

After my sleeve surgery, I craved red meat. My primary care doctor said it was my body's way of telling me that I needed more Iron in my diet.

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On 8/1/2021 at 6:44 AM, mae7365 said:

After my sleeve surgery, I craved red meat. My primary care doctor said it was my body's way of telling me that I needed more Iron in my diet.

Yes, I've heard that too but I already take extra Iron since I'm anemic. Maybe I just needed a lil extra more? Who knows.

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On 7/30/2021 at 7:02 PM, vikingbeast said:

This was so comforting to read, I can't even tell you... because I know my brain will overanalyze everything! But if they tell me I can't touch a barbell until 3 months I think I'm gonna have a meltdown right in the surgeon's office... that's my therapy!

I hear you! The 18th is my next appointment with the dietician and my surgeon and they should give the ok by then! If not I think I'm just gonna go ahead anyway especially since I feel totally fine and healed up. My insides gotta be by now too. It's been 3 months (at least by then). I've already been feeling like I should have been working on toning long ago. My husband says he can really see it in my (under) arms and backs of my legs that I really lost a lot of weight. The grandkids tell me too. So yeah, I NEED to get to toning/gaining muscle to hopefully HELP that from getting too out of control with sagging and whatnot.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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